
Vol 5 Chapter 300: Hard, hard! "Ask for monthly ticket support"

The scariest thing in the world is habit.

Once you get used to it, it means that it is difficult for you to get out of this state anymore.

Good habits can make your opponent feel scared, and bad habits can make you feel scared. No matter from which point of view, habits are the scariest things in the world.

Zhang Mei is a bit dissatisfied with her son's extravagant attitude. After all, she has been the director of the Department of Basic Education for a period of time and knows what the education situation in China is like. If these unscrupulous enterprises like Fan Investment Group If half of the wasted funds can be used to help education and help children who are out of school, I am afraid that not many children in the country will drop out of school because of family poverty.

Therefore, Zhang Mei asked this question naturally, and bluntly said that Fan's company is not a company with a sense of social responsibility.

Of course, Fan Wubing was able to agree that his mother would associate the word Wuliang with his company, so he broke his fingers and gave her how many good things he did one by one, including supporting national software. Industry, support the national home appliance industry, support state-owned resources not to be plundered by foreigners, support domestic enterprises in independent development, support the development of domestic beverage industry, so that they will not be flooded by the two cola and the Seven Armies.

"You see, in addition to making a great contribution to taxation, we have also engaged in so many public welfare undertakings. If you say that we are unscrupulous enterprises, then there is no noble enterprise in the world. Fan Wuyao said to his mother Zhang Mei very confidently.

Fan Wuyao has his own views on the sense of responsibility of enterprises.

Because when it comes to corporate social responsibility, our understanding has long gone beyond the responsibility under the legal constraints, and more concerned about the value judgment and wisdom of the individual entrepreneurs. At this time, the sense of responsibility can be defined as some of the key beliefs and moral emotions that constrain corporate behavior in the context of the environment and related stakeholders.

Talking about the sense of social responsibility under this premise can be roughly viewed from three aspects. The first is legal responsibility, which means that the law restricts the legal person of the enterprise, including environmental protection, taxation, and control of the legal business scope that must be undertaken in the operation and production of the enterprise. Responsibilities, as well as payment of wages, labor protection, contractual responsibilities, etc.

The second is moral responsibility. Refers to the initiative to comply with social ethics. And the value principle formed by the personal realm affects its behavior.

Moral responsibility is not always strictly accurate. here. Public opinion and conscience often serve as standards.

The third is strategic responsibility. It refers to the sense of responsibility driven by the interests of shareholders. This is one of the sources of conflict with social responsibility. It may also be a force that complements social responsibility.

In fact, what people usually call corporate social responsibility mainly refers to the part related to the personal literacy of entrepreneurs. People are concerned about the entrepreneur's personal moral standards and corporate philosophy.

Enterprises are the main players in the market. It is the cell of the social economy. Speaking of other sense of responsibility, we cannot misplace social responsibility and corporate responsibility. In the past, social responsibility was emphasized. Too much social responsibility is required of state-owned enterprises. A state-owned enterprise is more like a unit that manages everything.

And why did many state-owned enterprises collapsed? One of the important reasons. It is that the sense of social responsibility and corporate responsibility are misplaced. Fan Wubing always thinks. The enterprise is the enterprise first. It is the main body of the market. The responsibility of the market as the main body has been fulfilled. It is social responsibility. This responsibility cannot be demanded too much from the enterprise. That responsibility. And treat entrepreneurs as politicians.

If you ask for more social responsibility towards the enterprise, the result will naturally be that after the state-owned enterprise is destroyed, the private enterprise will be destroyed. This is terrible.

First of all, we must make it clear that an enterprise is an enterprise. It manages the enterprise well, provides high-quality products and high-quality services, pays taxes as usual, handles the relationship between employees, and provides employment positions. Additional responsibilities.

In Western society, the sense of social responsibility of an enterprise is more manifested in an enterprise's investment in charity. And this kind of charity is not just to donate money wherever the disaster occurs, but to accumulate from daily bits and pieces. Take the United States as an example. In the annual ranking of charitable donations, big companies such as Microsoft, BM, Wal-Mart, Intel, Dell, and GM are among the best. Moreover, these companies have also improved their reputation among the public through these acts of kindness.

How an enterprise can make good use of public influence events, guide public opinion, and establish a brand image will play an important role in the blowout development and growth of an enterprise. Under the premise of not violating laws and regulations, industry norms, professional ethics, and a conscience of being a person, rationally use and grasp sudden incidents, take advantage of the social shock and public attention caused by sudden incidents, and choose the most appropriate time to Sudden incidents make superior responses, placing enterprises or individuals under the spotlight of the entire incident, and guiding public opinion and the public to follow their own designed steps one by one.

The preset effect transforms one's own behavior from an action into a kind of propaganda power, a kind of shocking power, and then into benefits. This is the best choice for a business.

Fan Wubing talked about these things naturally. After listening to these things, his mother Zhang Mei couldn’t find any rebuttals. After all, Fan Wubing was far better than her in this respect, so his mother Zhang Mei finally had to say something again. With an impatient look, he waved his hand and said, "Oh, I can't tell you clearly!"

"It's okay, I'll explain it to you slowly." Fan Wubing replied with a smile.

Zhang Mei suddenly stared, "Monkey boy, are you trying to make me angry?"

The two of them are happy in Shanghai, but they are a little anxious in Beijing.

The Ministry of Education is now full of rumors, and the Minister is discussing countermeasures with several important subordinates.

Everyone originally thought that the Karama fire incident was still under control. Who knew that the current media was so disobedient. Actually, this incident broke out in many places, and they also dug into the ins and outs of the incident. Relevant responsible persons have put forward a request for investigation of criminal responsibility.

Naturally, the Ministry of Education could not sit still, because this incident was brought out by the education inspection. Although there is no direct responsibility issue within the Ministry, the people don’t care about this. Since the offender is an official in the education sector, how could the Ministry get rid of it? Have to get involved?

"Why didn't Zhang Mei come?" The Minister immediately noted this question and asked.

"It's a pick-" a minister said to him to help him.

"Pick-ups? Why?" The Minister felt abrupt, but he also knew Zhang Mei's character. He always attached great importance to work. He had never been late and left early. How could he be well-chucked?

"It's because of the incident this time, I'm angry. Those who know her, hate and hate—" the assistant minister replied.

The Minister was speechless, and said after a while, "Forget it, forget it, let's put it aside first, let's first study how to get through this difficult time, it seems that covering the lid is not enough."

The Ministry of Education still attaches great importance to its own reputation. This time, the Ministry wanted to excuse its subordinates. After all, it was spread because the escape of the education system affected the students’ escape, and the entire education system would be affected. If you have discredited, how will you be a teacher in the future? Isn't that a big joke?

Especially during the fire this time, there were many teachers who sacrificed for the students. Therefore, the Ministry felt that it should focus on promoting the righteousness and not let negative emotions dominate the mainstream.

Although this statement seems to be sounding and tenable, for the common people, it is equivalent to an excuse for the responsible persons, and no one will be convinced by taking these people's responsibilities lightly.

"However, Director Zhang suddenly protested. It's always a bit bad to spread this story." The assistant minister suggested, "After all, her husband Fan Heng is a newly promoted member of the Central Committee—"

The minister was a little depressed when he heard that, everyone shook his face, so he said unhappily, "What's wrong with the Central Committee? I'm still a member of the Central Committee! I'm always picking up people, don't others can do this job." Yet?!"

But speaking of it, he still feels a little difficult to deal with the matter of Zhang Mei’s picking up a son. Although he does not need to worry about Fan Heng, a member of the Central Committee who was in a helicopter, he can’t ignore the fact that they are standing behind the couple. Backstage Fan is not ill.

Although this young man is so young, his relationship with the upper echelon is too close. It's like this time. If he crooked his mouth, it would not be the ministry that can dominate the incident, the minister thought. Then I thought, I think it's better not to stimulate Fan Wuyi.

Since Zhang Mei is going to pick up her son~www.wuxiaspot.com~, let her pick up her son. First, let the deputy post take care of the work in the department. When Zhang Mei's mood stabilizes, he will invite her back to preside over the work. Is it enough to give her face?

The minister felt a little frustrated in his heart when he thought of the fact that he was in the ministry. As the saying goes, it is difficult to be an official in the capital. The forces in the capital are too complicated. On the contrary, most of his brain cells have died of intrigue. Now, if it can be used in all educational undertakings——

Just kidding, how is this possible!

The Minister shook his head, and immediately dispelled his unrealistic idea. Now he still has a lot to do. First of all, he has to eliminate the adverse effects of Zhang Mei's picking on the Ministry.

Alas, it's hard, it's even more difficult to be a minister, especially if it's a domestic education minister, it's even more difficult.

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