
Vol 5 Chapter 301: The Return of Wuzhi Xiaoji "Ask a Monthly Pass"

Mei lived in a high-end hotel owned by Fan's Investment Group. She is very Aunt Ding. It has been several years since the two met last time.

At that time, Zhang Mei was still working in the Panshi Education Bureau, and Fan Heng was just the mayor of a newly compiled prefecture-level city.

But I didn’t expect the world to change. At this time, Fan Heng was already a member of the Central Committee. This change made Aunt Ding feel a little hard to describe. Although her husband, Tong Yushan, has become a district head, he is just a department-level cadre. It's a lot worse.

The only thing that is gratifying is that the relationship between himself and Zhang Mei’s family is still the same, and Fan Wubing has already treated his family as his own. No matter how the situation develops in the future, the relationship between the two will naturally only deepen. Will fade.

In addition to arranging his mother’s itinerary, Fan Wubing himself must also arrange some of the company’s affairs. Various investment budgets have to be reviewed by him. The matter at the Anhui Green Tea Base has been negotiated. Construction is about to start, and Wuzhi Xiaoji will return to China recently. The overall migration of the automobile production line is imminent.

From a technical point of view, there is no obstacle to the domestication of car production, but from the perspective of political influence, it needs to be more cautious. Wuzhi Xiaoji has been doing this recently. Now he returns to China, which means the whole work. It has been successfully completed.

In fact, Fan Wuyi's investment in the auto industry is also a big challenge or threat to some other domestic joint venture auto companies.

The attitude of foreign automobile departments on the issue of investment in China is discriminatory. They will not introduce the best technologies to China, and even some third-rate technologies that have already been introduced will cover the Chinese side. Covertly refused to disclose the slightest.

It is not so much that China is introducing technology as it is introducing production lines, and the fool-like flow of production lines, apart from training workers to press some buttons and familiarize themselves with some operating procedures, does not bring any actual technology to the Chinese. progress.

Generally speaking, foreigners need to be the Chinese market, not China's prosperity. To paraphrase an old Chinese saying that is to teach apprentices and starve to death, this kind of thing needs to be prevented first.

So after Ruo Nian. Except for some far-sighted auto companies with independent intellectual property rights. Joint venture auto companies in other places have not made progress in related technologies. Only continue to spend high prices to introduce new production lines from Renjiadi.

There are many domestic rumours that Fanshizi Group is preparing to enter the automobile industry. Many people have guessed where Fan Wubing will put this large-scale automobile industry?

"Does that still need to be considered? It is naturally placed on the rock." When the subordinates asked about this matter. Fan Wubing replied without hesitation.

Panshi is not only the foundation of Fan's birthplace. It is also a nest of his many enterprises. In the country, I am afraid that except for Fan Ting to dominate the FANSS club. No company is more concentrated than here.

Today is a rock. Concentrated a variety of companies such as heavy industry, light industry, non-staple food, clothing, air transportation, precision technology research institutes, and comprehensive markets. Basically, it has monopolized the economic foundation of Rockland. Now we are going to engage in the automobile industry. Naturally, it is better to put it on a rock. This may form a scale effect.

Mainly to Fan Investment Group. In addition, Chinese and foreign companies have followed suit. Panshi became a central city plan for the rise of central China. Sooner or later it will come true. Fan Wubing thought that this time would not take long. Also within ten years.

If he saw this magnificent blueprint gradually come true before he was thirty years old, Fan Wubing felt that he still had a sense of accomplishment, as if he had succeeded in playing business strategies.

In Anhui, I also heard about Fan Wuyao’s investment in the automobile industry. They also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to keep this big project in Anhui, but Fan Wuyao made it clear that the current actual conditions in Anhui, It did not meet the needs of setting up a car manufacturing company on its own, so the request of Anhui could only be rejected.

In fact, Anhui still does not have a relatively large automobile production enterprise. Later, the famous Anhui Wuhu Di Chery Automobile Company was not established at this time, but there are already some small hand-crafted automobile production plants in the province.

The local government of Wuhu City has long wanted to do automobile projects. During the economic overheating period from the previous year to last year, a village-run factory in Wuhu hit hundreds of cars a year, which was an output value of more than one billion. This phenomenon attracted the attention of local government leaders suffering from economic backwardness, which gave rise to the idea of ​​making cars.

Their original plan was to cooperate with FAW, but FAW apparently did not take Wuhu, a relatively backward economy, into its eyes. In the end, they decided to do it themselves. Looking back at history, the biggest driving force for the Wuhu Automobile Project to evolve into a self-developed enterprise came from ignorance. At that time, they simply thought about the difficulties of making cars. But the ignorant are fearless. After they have made their reputation, they are no longer ignorant, but fearless.

But it has entered the enterprise, and continues to develop.

Fan Wubing still cherishes great respect for Chery, which has produced such a relatively successful minicar and has lowered the price of domestic minicars and even compact cars. Naturally, he will not come to Anhui at this time. Stealing the limelight even affected their appearance.

On December 28th, Wu Xiaoji took a Fan Airlines passenger plane and returned to Shanghai from Tokyo. Fan Wuyi took charge of the giants at the airport to greet the loyalty who made outstanding contributions to his auto industry. Subordinate.

At this time, the temperature in Shanghai was still relatively low. It had just fallen a snowfall, and the temperature at this time was about six degrees Celsius. However, when Wu Xiaoji took a few important assistants off the plane, he still felt extremely hot. The friendship, Mr. Fan actually welcomed him personally, this honor is very rare.

"Boss--" Wu Xiaoji walked over very excitedly, holding Fan Bing's hand, with some emotion, and was speechless for a while.

Fan Wuyi understands his feelings very well. After the past two years, he has been fighting alone in Japan. Although he has his own strong funds as a backing, many things need to be done by himself. It can be said that it is a hard work. This time he returned to China. There was a lot of emotion, and some hardships that I didn't feel earlier, I turned to my heart and vividly remembered it.

Fan Wubing and others received Wuzhi’s small machine from the headquarters and showed him the tremendous changes in the headquarters over the past two years. Then they received them from the dust. After that, they arranged for Wu Zhi to follow along at the press conference that had already been arranged. Meet everyone.

However, at the press conference, Fan Wuyi himself was the most eye-catching.

In a targeted manner: After asking some questions about the automobile industry of Fan's Investment Group, many reporters surrounded Fan Wuyi and asked some of their most concerned questions.

However, Fan Wubing refused to respond to these people’s questions at all. Finally, a reporter asked a relatively high-level question, “President Fan, now the domestic approval of the automobile industry is very strict. As a private enterprise, do you think the development of automobiles? Are there big obstacles in the industry?"

“There are naturally reasons why the country restricts the auto industry, mainly to prevent overheating of the economy, and the forecast of future auto market demand is too conservative, and the forecast of the national economy in the next five to ten years is too conservative. The forecast of national purchasing power is too conservative." Fan Wuyi dare to say that he used three conservatives to criticize the government's policies.

The reporters were shocked by the remarks of Wubing, and never thought that Fan Wubing would be so bold.

However, from the analysis of Fan Wuyi’s words, it is obvious that he is very optimistic about the domestic economic development in the next few years, so every family has asked questions. Some people asked about the positioning of Fan Investment Group’s automotive projects. level?

Fan Wubing has been thinking about this problem for a long time. At the beginning, he wanted to use advanced technology to produce high-end cars, and after he made his reputation in the market, he would produce entry-level family cars.

However, judging from the current situation, highways are being built everywhere in the country, and the construction of national highways and secondary roads is also in full swing. It can be said that the domestic car operation environment is gradually improving, so with the gradual birth of the domestic middle class , A family car that is reasonably priced and easy to accept should be on the agenda.

For ordinary people who earn some money from small businesses but cannot afford high-end cars, entry-level mini cars should also be considered.

Just like the Alto model has survived in China for a long time, there is naturally a reason for it.

Before ordinary families buy a car, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they will consider after-sales service. Cheap and convenient car repair are the main reasons. Alto is a family car that started relatively early and has a certain amount of ownership. The maintenance system was formed earlier. Although there are fewer formal ones, there are really many places for maintenance. Whether it is going to a special repair station or a small repair point on the side of the road, repairs can be carried out everywhere, and the repair costs and the prices of accessories are very cheap.

In terms of car price and fuel consumption, Alto is also relatively economical, following the Japanese style of diligence and thrift.

Fan Wuyao wants to consider the production of entry-level family cars. He has to take into account China’s national conditions, the consumption strength of Chinese people, and the adaptability requirements of China’s domestic environment for cars. At present, although Wu Xiaoji has brought him back Good engine and vehicle assembly technology, but in terms of decision-making, you still need to finalize it yourself.

"We will produce high-end cars and entry-level family cars at the same time." Fan Wuyao said in front of reporters.

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