
Vol 5 Chapter 302: The Problem of Insufficient Domestic Demand

In 1980, Jilin Jiangbei Machinery Factory started the motorcycle project with military vehicle engines. Because their military products were in good condition at that time, it was not allowed to hold two golden dolls at the same time, so their superiors asked them to transfer the motorcycle project to Jialing production.

At the end of the previous year, in accordance with the unified deployment of the General Army, Jiangbei Machinery Plant switched to Alto. To say that Bing Zong’s plan is naturally very beautiful, Chongqing Chang’an, Jilin Jiangbei, Xiangtan South, Xi’an Qinchuan and other four Alto assembled a unified model, covered parts supplied by Chang’an, and parts and components are unified in the system. Large batches can be formed quickly, and overall the problem of the military-to-civilian conversion of the general system will be solved.

However, the market does not follow people's plan. Inbreeding of parts and components makes it difficult to guarantee eugenics. However, Changan has three more competitors for no reason, so it is naturally unhappy. However, because the supply radius is too large, the cost of a single unit cannot be reduced, and Jiangbei loses 10,000 yuan every time a car is built.

Xi'an Alto later switched to Fleur, and after a small fire, it was transferred to BYD, the battery king, to produce electric cars. The North and South Alto are all dying. By 1999, the General Division of the Army established two major groups in the North and the South, and Alto in Jiangbei also completely stopped production. The cumulative output in seven years was only 5,000 vehicles.

Although Jiangbei Machinery Factory has not made any money after building a car for two years, it has been heavily in debt and is on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to pay wages, it has sold the best stamping equipment at a low price.

Later, Changan Tuo was able to sell it, Jiangnan Alto was dying, Jiangbei Alto became a wizard, Xi'an Qinchuan Alto changed to BYD Flyer, and finally the Alto with the Suzuki car logo was alive and well.

From this example, Fan Wubing can see that the poor development of the domestic state-owned automobile industry is not a purely technical problem, but mainly because of the inflexibility of policies that restrict their development. For the joint venture, However, they are restricted by the joint venture parties and cannot obtain relevant technologies. As for private auto companies, although their policies are flexible, they also have the willingness to develop the national auto industry. Unfortunately, their capital chain cannot guarantee long-term investment in technology research and development. Is a big problem.

In addition, private car companies are actually still affected by the psychological discrimination caused by traditional thinking. If the so-called name is not correct, the words will not go well, and the development will be unsatisfactory.

If the state provides more support to the private auto industry, the auto industry in the mainland may have developed a long time ago.

Because = Now Fan Wuyi is confident that he wants to build a high-end car and an entry-level car at the same time. Anyway, he is optimistic about himself, from the top to the province to the local level. After all, there is a rock. Where are the living examples of.

However, some reporters have different opinions on the decision of Fan's Investment Group Army Automobile Industry. It is believed that domestic demand in the Mainland is not enough to support so many auto industries. Automobile industries have been established in various places. In fact, it is taking a wasteful and vicious competition path.

For this question. Fan replied without illness. "Our land has insufficient domestic demand. The main reason is that there is no strong middle class to stimulate domestic demand. Where did our wealth go? Look at the gap between Latin America and the United States. You will understand how our current situation of insufficient domestic demand is formed. Latin America is poor. This is because it has not formed a good wealth regeneration system. Therefore, it lacks a sustainable development capability for wealth accumulation."

After seeing everyone listening, they were all confused. Fan Wubing continued. "I will give you two examples. Suppose a gold mine is found in a place. A man came to invest and build a mine. A hundred workers were hired to pan for gold. The annual profit is 10 million. The owner of the mine. Fifty percent of the land is paid as workers’ wages. Each worker earns 50,000 a year. They use 10,000 to rent a house. The remaining 40,000 can be married. Have children. Get married and start a business. The mine owner still has five in his hand. Millions. It can be invested. Because the workers have money in their hands. They want to settle down. Therefore, there is a demand for houses. So the mine owner uses the money in his hands to build houses. Rent to workers. Or sell to workers. Workers need to eat and drink. So. . Open a restaurant. Earn money back from the workers’ hands. Open restaurants and hire workers from other places. So the workers’ wives have employment opportunities. They also have income. The consumption demand of a family is even greater. This way. A few years ago. After that, a hundred families appeared in this place. The children wanted to read. There was a need for education. So someone came to run the school. The workers wanted to date. They wanted to consume. To do other things. So there was a movie theater. There was a shop. In this way. Fifty years later. When this place is about to be dug out. This place has become a prosperous city with about 100,000 people."

Everyone listened with gusto. Fan Wubingjian succeeded in attracting everyone's attention. Then proceeded to preach. "Another situation. Suppose a gold mine is also discovered. There are also people who come to invest in mining. The same one hundred workers are hired. The same makes a profit of one thousand per year.

It is the mine owner who pays 10% of the land as wages. Every effort is made. The money is only enough for them to barely fill their stomachs. There is no money to rent a house. There is no money to beg a wife. Can only live in a shack. The mine owner made nine million a year. But look at the poor people everywhere. There is no need to reinvest anything locally.

then. He transferred the money abroad. Because it is not safe at all locally. He built several luxurious villas. Hire a few workers as bodyguards. The workers have no future. Except working hard to make ends meet. There is no other demand at all. The only way to lie to a wife in a playful way. Give birth to a beautiful daughter. Maybe you can also marry the mine owner and be your wife. After fifty years have passed. This place is apart from luxury villas. There is still no other land industry. Wait until the mining is over. The mine owner left with a huge sum of money. Workers are either in exile. Either the male land is a thief. The female land is a prostitute. "

The reporters are people with more flexible brains. As soon as they heard the two situations mentioned by Fan Wubing, they immediately had some associations. After contacting the phenomenon of joint ventures in certain places in the country, they had some associations. After gaining some insights, I couldn't help but admire Fan Wuyao's forward thinking.

Although these two examples are very simple, the truths contained in them are profound and the guiding significance for reality is also very strong. They are concise and concise, and they show two different development paths in the development of various countries.

Seeing that everyone was thinking a little bit, Fan Wubing continued, “These two very simple examples are actually the different development trajectories of the United States and the United States. Perhaps today Americans should thank Washington, because he created the most modern for the United States. The most scientific political system, thanks to Henry Ford, who created the middle class in the United States in one hand. Latin American countries are not so lucky. Their great dictators have created a predatory economic system, and they are crazy with a powerful posture. It divides the wealth of society, and makes the entire economy collapse and can no longer develop."

Immediately someone raised an objection to the statement that there is no disease, "President Fan, please pay attention to your words. The most modern and scientific political system may not be owned by the United States. Our political system has more advantages!"

Fan Wubing smiled, and replied apologetically, "Well, I made a mistake. I'm just looking at the problem from the perspective of economic development. The Americans' standard of living and the country's overall strength are obviously better than ours now. Stronger. But judging from the development momentum of our country, it is just around the corner to surpass them."

Now those who are: nodded, letting go of Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing shook his head. His heart is the difference of the times. After ten years, he can talk about issues freely. If he wants to talk now, many people will criticize him.

He paused for a moment, and then said, “Here we need to mention Henry again. Among all the business figures at home and abroad, Henry’s influence on the society and economy is unsurpassed. It is he who used his Model T car. He created the initial middle class in one hand and introduced American society into modern society for the first time. In this regard, Europe was decades behind the United States. Henry said that he wanted his workers to be able to afford my T Model cars, so he paid high wages to workers, and also created an assembly line production method, which greatly reduced the price of cars. As a result, Ford became the largest car company, so workers with money can buy cars and houses. , Can do other consumption, so the middle class was born. So after completing the western expansion, there is no room for maneuver in the territory of the United States and found another gold mine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rapid growth of the middle class has led to a huge Demand supports the huge domestic market and continues to drive rapid economic growth. This is the domestic demand of Americans."

"The United States has always been a country that relies on domestic demand for economic growth, while China has a population of more than one billion people, but it has to rely on foreign trade to drive economic growth, but we are not a small country, and we can make money only by relying on an export-oriented economy. It has to be full. With more than one billion people, who can feed China? No one can do it except us." Fan Wuyao said, "China is completing its own primitive accumulation of capital in a gradual way. This Regardless of the trading of power and money, the loopholes in the system, and the gains for nothing, no country’s primitive accumulation of capital is clean. But the key is, after the accumulation is completed, what should we do, continue to allow the rich and the poor to develop? Or? Create our own modern society so that most Chinese people can enjoy the achievements brought about by reform and opening up?"

When Fan Wubing finished speaking, the whole press conference was silent, except for the sound of some stenographers writing on the paper.

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