
Vol 5 Chapter 303: Break the low-level technology monopoly "Ask a monthly pass"

Less than two days have passed since the press conference held in Shanghai by the disease-free, and the conference has been all over the country. His remarks are probably the strongest gunpowder smell in recent years when a domestic entrepreneur publicly expressed his views, which caused Received a very strong response.

As a result, Boss Zhu personally called and asked about the specific situation. After all, some words written in the newspaper were taken out of context and could not fully reflect his mood and intentions at the time.

But for the high-level people, he was surprised to see these words of Fan Wuyao suddenly.

"Your mining theory seems quite interesting, and your remarks about capital accumulation seem to be a bit out of date at this moment, but in general, they are still sharp-eyed.

"Boss Zhu said to Fan Wubiao, "If you have any special thoughts recently, we might as well speak out and listen to it. It is also inspiring for our work. "

"Oh, why are you mentioning this?: Xinsi. I heard a jingle in the previous paragraph, and it feels a bit interesting, read it to you." Fan Wubing was a bit distracted, but Boss Zhu specially hit it. When he called to ask, he was too embarrassed to turn it down, so he said, "The village deceives the township, the township deceives the county, and it deceives until the State Council. The State Council reads the documents layer by layer. After reading the documents, he enters the hotel. There is no document at all. cash."

Hearing this jingle, Mr. Zhu said in a dumbfounded manner, "Why does it sound like a jingle? Isn't this adding to my heart?"

In fact, Mr. Zhu also knows that this jingle is relatively real. Officialdom always pays attention to concealing the superior and deceiving the next, so it is deceived one by one. The acceptance of sanitary cities is the same, that is, the village should deal with the township, the township deal with the county, the county deal with the city, the city deal with the province, and the province should naturally deal with the central government.

It's not that there must be cheating or something, but in terms of the investment in the work, the salary during the inspection must be different from the usual. It is just that the frequency of the sprinkler trucks will be many times more frequent, let alone Talk about other paintings and repairs, how many new equipment is added.

Fan Wu's illness didn't want to think about adding up to the boss anymore. After all, it was not easy to do for the politicians of a big country, so he mentioned his own automobile industry.

Boss Zhu listened to Fan Wuyi's description of the basic road. I thought about it seriously. Then he said. "You're doing something like this. I'm afraid there is no way out of those joint venture factories."

Now it is a domestic automobile factory. Mainly, where FAW, Shanghai Volkswagen and Shanghai Volkswagen are the most powerful. There are also some small factories. But the strength is not good. So Boss Zhu was a little worried about Fan Wuyi doing this. Smashed everyone's jobs.

In fact, boss Zhu is very concerned about the localization of car technology. From the approval of a large joint venture with Germany in 1981 to the successful assembly of the first Santana sedan at the Shanghai Automobile Manufacturing Plant in 1983. People didn't know it at the time. Assembling Santana is like transplanting a tree. relatively easy. The production of Santana is like the soil that grows into this tree. That is to say, all the high-quality parts and components that make up the car will be transplanted to China.

Until the end of the eighties. Santana was successfully localized. It means that the soil of China's automobile industry has begun to form. It laid the foundation of the industry for the subsequent breakthrough and success of Chinese cars.

then. Shanghai Volkswagen worked for more than two years. Localization is less than 3%. These are the radio, tires, signs and antennas. Faced with doubts from all quarters. A Chinese general manager of Shanghai Volkswagen jumped to his death. Shanghai Volkswagen is well received by the central government and the whole country. Down to the local and industry areas are highly concerned.

At that time, the country's foreign exchange was very scarce. Santana started assembling with CKD parts. At that time, to assemble a Santana, it was necessary to use 10,000 U.S. dollars of foreign exchange to import parts and components. If the Santana assembly index is used up, it cannot be made domestically. Shanghai Volkswagen will face closure. Realize localization as soon as possible. Saving a lot of foreign exchange is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Both realistic and very severe.

However, at that time, Chinese auto parts companies were mostly supporting trucks, and had never done car matching. Santana was the latest car technology in Germany in the early 1970s, and the domestic technology gap was many years behind. When the German reporter came to Shanghai for an interview, he went back and reported that this would be a failed record. Faced with the technical requirements of Sanche, it is a frustrating fact that the supporting capacity of auto parts nationwide is close to zero. Many parts companies supporting Sanche need to introduce technology or engage in joint ventures to adapt.

Due to the difficulty of localization of parts and components of Sanchez, the major manufacturers of FAW and Second Automobile Group are retreating. The castings and forgings of the engine block and crankshaft were rough, and I thought some major factories could do it, but after two or three years, they still couldn't get it out. Relevant parties believe that localization standards can be deviated, and there can be transitional standards based on national conditions. Taking adherence to German standards as speaking for foreigners is to help foreigners and Chinese people.

In 1987, boss Zhu listened to a report on Santana’s localization in Shanghai. He said that Santana’s localization should be 100% qualified.

Row. He proposed to establish a community for the localization of Shanghai Santana cars, to reconcile the enthusiasm of cooperation with parts factories, and to establish a community of shared future with interests as the link.

Later, looking back at the Santana Localization Community, many parts and components companies have developed by relying on the resources of the Shanghai Volkswagen platform and have become leaders in the industry and little giants of parts and components.

By 1990, Santana’s key components, such as the body, engine, and gearbox, as well as the front and rear axle assemblies, were successively localized. At the same time, Shanghai Volkswagen produced 60,000 vehicles and 100,000 engines a year. The production capacity has been formed, and a supporting system composed of more than 180 parts and components companies across the country that meets the German Volkswagen quality assurance system standards has been established. In August of the same year, Shanghai Volkswagen bid farewell to CKDD, ended the production of cars with imported parts, and finally realized localization.

Based on the above, Fan Wubing admires what Boss Zhu has done very much. If he hadn't stood up to speak up at that time, or relaxed the requirements, then there would be no domestic auto industry that is gradually developing now.

"Don't worry, the domestic auto market cannot be saturated so easily." Fan Wuyao assured Boss Zhu, "I do this, it will be good for them, at least those foreigners have to show some truth. We can compete with me based on the actual materials, otherwise, relying on their technology that should be eliminated will not be able to cheat money in China."

When Fan Wu said this, Boss Zhu smiled and nodded and replied, "This is a good idea. It's okay. If someone complains to me later, I'll just send them away."

There are two original intentions for China to open up the market for joint ventures. One is to rapidly develop the automobile industry, expand China's automobile production capacity to meet market demand, and the other is to exchange technology for the market, learn advanced automobile technology, and catch up with the world.

However, the overseas giants who have been around for hundreds of years are far more savvy than the Chinese. They know what cars to build with the lowest cost and the highest profit, and they also know how to protect their technological monopoly. The Santana formed in Germany in the early 1970s, and the Jetta, Fukang and Peugeot 505, which were delisted in Europe in the late 1980s, remained an awkward monopoly on China's roads until the mid to late 1990s.

Shanghai Volkswagen later introduced the new car Sanna 2000. Technically speaking, this car basically lengthened the old Santana and modified the outer shell. However, this product is still the latest domestic car before 1999. .

What's even more embarrassing is that Shanghai Volkswagen did not have the skills and strength to independently undertake this small change. It sent a team of dozens of people to Brazil and Germany, and all that could participate was to increase the length of the car by one hundred millimeters. At this time, people suddenly discovered that the desire to trade the market for technology was a wishful thinking.

The reason why Fan Wuyao wanted to build a car was mostly because he couldn’t understand that these Yokos bullied the Chinese with these tatters. He was able to introduce competition in the auto market from him, improve the quality of the car, and lower the price, so he could not afford his investment. Of these funds.

But in the final analysis, the money that I invested in is not, at least much less than the money to repair the airport and highway, and it is still very cost-effective.

After learning from the news that Fan Wuyao was about to enter the auto manufacturing industry, Fan Wuyao's young fiancee Shen Ying immediately called and asked about the specific situation.

“In fact, it’s nothing. I just bought a Japanese automotive technology research institute and digested some of their technologies. Now there is no obstacle to building a car on my own. After a while, I will take the first one off the assembly line. How about the car driving you over?" Fan Wubing smiled while holding the microphone, and said to Shen Ying.

"That's great, but do you have tiger leather seats?" Shen Ying asked with a smile.

Fan Wubing smiled embarrassedly and replied, “My tiger leather seat was made by Wuzhi’s small machine in Japan. If I do this in China, I’m afraid it will violate the criminal law, but sika deer skin is fine. Yes, there are artificially raised ones~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then forget it. You have to take care of skinning such a beautiful sika deer—"Shen Ying immediately expressed her dissatisfaction.

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders, thinking that the tiger would be fine and the sika deer would be cruel. What kind of logic is this? It stands to reason that the number of tigers is much less than that of sika deer. I really don't know what they think in the hearts of these girls?

However, Fan Wuyi had thought that the first batch of molded vehicles produced by his company would be digested by himself, and there would be no less than a thousand. The senior executives and key employees of the various companies are consumed.

Therefore, for this model, the standard needs to be set a little higher. For something too simple, I am embarrassed to take it out to prevaricate others.

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