
Vol 5 Chapter 305: Large-scale receiving operation "Request for Monthly Pass"

I did this mainly to help you share your worries, but I didn't want to report it. "Fan Wu said sternly to Boss Zhu.

Boss Zhu smiled and nodded without saying anything, but at the end he asked, "~|, when we talk in the future, can we see the video at the same time?"

"Yes!" Fan Wubing asked in surprise, "Our company's internal management has this function, and the military also has a similar system, but if you do this, it will be a bit of a challenge to your confidentiality work, right? Some things It’s not suitable to appear in the video."

Boss Zhu replied, "I understand this. I mean the one-line contact."

"Then there is no problem." Fan Wubing replied clearly.

Fan Wu was ill and didn't want to understand the usefulness of Boss Zhu asking this question. He owns three communication satellites. It is really easy to handle such trivial matters. It is nothing more than opening a dedicated satellite communication line, but this kind of resource. It can be sold for money, and if you give it to others, you still feel a little distressed.

For most users, the most concerned factors of the video conferencing system are mainly audio and video quality, system price, system security and scalability.

Although there are some methods to realize video conferencing, large enterprises and institutions often have higher requirements for video effects. It is more appropriate to choose satellite network communication, because satellite networks have performance advantages that cannot be compared with terrestrial networks in medium and long-distance video conferencing. Covering remote areas such as sea and mountains, with high transmission rate, good security, and flexible and convenient venue construction and relocation, it is a good choice for multinational companies. The satellite broadband video conference system can support multi-channel conference videos, documents and data. Integrated transmission broadcast.

However, for most users, the most important disadvantage of using satellite network communication is the high price. In addition to the channel fee for renting satellites, the construction cost of each satellite ground station is about 200,000 yuan. As for the channel The cost is more than 200,000 yuan in a year. Another problem is that satellite communication has a long delay, which is not suitable for video conferencing systems with high real-time requirements.

However, if your own light has been laid in place and the network access service is opened, it is very convenient to engage in video conferencing.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but feel a little proud of his vision. At this time, the laying of optical cables has reached its final stage. The paving work in the major cities has now been completed. Some prefecture-level cities are almost ready. Mainly in the later stage of debugging and finishing. And the installation of ground equipment on each node. It is estimated that by the middle of next year. It can be tested in most large and medium cities across the country.

Fan Wushu feels a little nervous thinking that he will be able to enter the Internet age soon. A little bit of excitement in my heart.

Boss Zhu is very happy to do things. In a few days, Fan Wubing got in touch with him. Fan Wubing had to return to Panshi again.

"Isn't this tossing?" Fan Wuyao got off the plane. Just complained to Xiaoji. "Seeing I am about to take the exam. As a result, I have to come back to deal with these things specially—"

"President Fan. This kind of thing. Dealing with high-level military officials. Except you. No one can do it." Wu Xiaoji said to Fan Wuyao with a smile.

Fan Wubing smiled reservedly. It feels a bit complacent in my heart. Two flight attendants from Fan's airfield followed him. Let him walk.

"This is better. I'm not a seven-year-old eighty. As for making you so worried?" Fan Wuyao waved his hand a little bit dumbfounded.

"The leader confessed--" the two flight attendants replied a little nervously.

After hearing this, Fan Wubing really wanted to ask, if the leader confessed to you and asked you to accompany me to bed, do you have to resolutely implement it? But after thinking about it, forget it. If you say that, it's really a bit unqualified.

After Fan Wuyao rushed to his company’s automobile factory under construction in Panshi, he found that the military’s senior officials had been waiting for a long time. They are all given the rank of general, which is regarded as a matter of great importance.

Because of this, Fan Heng also rushed over here deliberately. He is now a member of the Central Committee, and two members of the Central Military Commission are also members of the Central Committee. Three of them are leaders of the same level. This reception is justified.

The two generals have met with Fan Wubing several times, and there is no gap between them. Since Fan Wubing has worked closely with the military many times, both sides have had good benefits. They came this time and returned to Fan Wu. The illness brought me some gadgets made by the soldiers themselves in their spare time, which is very interesting.

"This is too polite, I'm really embarrassed, I feel ashamed." Fan Wubing looked at the simulation scenes of war scenes made of bullet casings, and he still liked them very much in his heart.


On the square sand table setting, the tanks with all-metal shells spliced ​​together, and armored vehicles are scattered all over the place, and the soldiers shining with metallic luster are very vivid.

"There are so many capable people in the army!" Fan Heng couldn't help boasting after seeing it.

Fan Heng was still a little surprised at the fact that his son Fan Wuyi accepted tens of thousands of demobilized soldiers into the newly built automobile factory. He was also a little skeptical. He doubted whether his behavior was really beneficial to automobile manufacturing. ?

A member of the Military Commission said, "There are many capable people and many idlers in the army. Now it needs to be streamlined again."

Fan Wubing nodded, knowing that there was a reason for the other party's words, and the main target of the streamlining was the army.

During the war years, including most of the post-Korean period, due to specific historical reasons, the number of ground rules and personnel of the army remained high, at most millions of people. This not only means that the role of the army is very important, but also It also means that this will take up most of the military budget. For China at that time, especially when the threat of land and land was very serious, the existence of this phenomenon had its rationality and necessity.

However, with the development and change of the times, especially after entering the 1980s, the threat of large-scale invasions from land has been reduced, while the threats from sea and air are increasing.

The Gulf War and several subsequent local wars also showed that in modern wars, the traditional position of the army has begun to shake, and the role of the navy and air force is rising. In many cases, it has replaced the traditional army as the protagonist and decisive force on the battlefield. Therefore, starting from the one-million-dollar disarmament in the 1980s, especially in 1985, under the guidance of the policy of combining elite troops and focusing on quality, the army, especially its bloated part, has become the focus of successive reductions.

According to statistics, within three years, the Army will cut by about one-fifth and begin to shift from a quantity-scale type to a quality-efficiency type, and from a manpower-intensive type to a technology-intensive type. At the same time, it is important to strengthen the construction of the navy, air force, and second artillery unit to make the proportion and structure of the three services more reasonable, and the overall combat capability is greatly improved.

Fan Wuyao was in this bone eye, and solved the employment problem of tens of thousands of people for the military in one fell swoop. Naturally, he won the unanimous opinion of the military, especially the group of members of the Military Commission. It has reached the point where it can't be added.

"Our group of demobilized soldiers who have been sent over has already undergone simple vocational skills training. After entering the factory, at least they will not be confused and completely blinded." Another member of the Military Commission said to Fan Wuyao.

"Really? That would be better--" Fan Wubing was a little surprised about this. After all, a group of soldiers who had never accepted the concept, and a group of soldiers who had simply been in contact with the factory environment and had some basic skills. , That's a world of difference.

In fact, in recent years, due to the poor employment situation, the military is also considering a way out for demobilized soldiers. In many places, there are vocational skills training courses for military personnel, so that they can choose something they are interested in. To learn from the project, it can be considered as a skill for them, and they will have the ability to make ends meet when they enter the society in the future.

Although at present, many military personnel are still arranged by the state after they are demobilized and transferred to work, there are already some visionary and courageous military personnel who are beginning to plan their own future, and want to work hard to create a new world through their own struggle.

Fan Wuyao’s branches and enterprises in various places have already digested nearly 10,000 demobilized soldiers, most of whom are engaged in security work. This time, he has accepted tens of thousands of demobilized soldiers, which is a big deal. Therefore, the military felt that Fan Wubing should not suffer too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so it deliberately selected a group of demobilized soldiers who had undergone vocational skills training.

Fan Heng felt a little happy for these people to enter Panshi. Today, Panshi is thriving in all industries. The most lacking thing is population. The population increased by tens of thousands at a time. Later, as they settled down and settled down, the indirect increase in population would be There are tens of thousands of people who are all contributing to the development and growth of Panshi!

If it is possible, Fan Heng really hopes that Fan Wuyi will start such a few large enterprises, so that Panshi's population will rise awkwardly. Only with a population size of one, Panshi can truly become a big city.

The two leaders of the Military Commission will stay in Panshi for about a week, and they will not return to the capital until they have settled down.

Fan Wubing and Fan Heng and his son naturally welcomed this. With two generals sitting here, there will be no obstacles to accepting work.

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