
Vol 5 Chapter 306: 0 miles to send pastries "please ask for monthly ticket support"

In an instant, the calendar of 1994 was turned over, and as far as Yijiufan was without illness, it was a year worth looking forward to.

For nothing else, it is because the epoch-making ws95 operating system is about to be released.

The history is still due to the appearance of Fan Wubian. A slight deviation has occurred. As an important shareholder of Microsoft Corporation, Fan Wubian holds a large number of Microsoft stocks, and at the same time, he also put forward some constructive opinions for the development of Microsoft Corporation. With his help, ws95 appeared in the first half of a year.

On the New Year's Day of 1995, ll Gates of Microsoft personally hosted the new product launch conference of the N95 operating system.

The ws95 operating system makes the interface friendly all at once, and beginners can easily master the basic operations of the computer. For many people, the startup interface of Blue Sky and White Cloud has become a symbol of computers in a certain sense.

Although the ws series of operating systems later developed from nn95 to ws98, ws2000, wsXP, sta, etc., ws95 still has its own important position, both for Microsoft and for ordinary computer users.

Microsoft has invested a lot of energy in the development of ws95. In the development process, the technical staff consumed a total of 2,283,600 cups of coffee and 4,850 pounds of popcorn.

For: Soft and the entire IT industry, this is a memorable day. On New Year's Day in 1995, Microsoft officially launched their new operating system ws95 with a grand celebration. The main venue is located at Microsoft nd. In the 12-acre sports field in the park, more than 200 employees have made careful preparations for 20 days. The press conference was hosted by llGatess personally. At the same time, the press conference signal was also broadcast simultaneously in 43 branch venues around the world.

The ws95 conference venue attracted more than 500 reporters, and more importantly, attracted 2,000 heavyweights in the IT industry. In addition, more than 70,000 related people watched the live broadcast via satellite.

Those who attended the press conference received a special edition ws95. Microsoft’s WS9 conference has aroused great repercussions. Magazines in more than 20 countries have listed it as cover news. 13,000 newspapers and periodicals have related reports. At the same time, there are more than 800 broadcast news and 2,000 Pieces of TV news are related to this.

Microsoft has created a special website for ws95 release. The website provided a lot of information for computer enthusiasts at that time. Including product demo version, free IE browser and a lot of technical information.

At this time, the number of Internet users is still very small. There are not many websites. But at that time, few websites and online service providers such as L, etc. also hung up WS95 advertisements. In order to promote ws95, Microsoft has spent close to 200 million US dollars in TV advertising expenses. At the same time, he also paid 12 million US dollars for the song "STARtMeUpp" by The Rolling Stones.

NS. The launch of ws95 also made Fan Wubing very happy. One is that you can say goodbye to the original simple interface. The other is that the market value of his own Microsoft stock has doubled.

Although Fan Wubing was not invited to the United States to participate in Microsoft's new product launch conference. But the etiquette cannot be abandoned. He gave Gates a cornucopia of gold. There are ninety-nine gold coins in it. Just come from the value of prime land. It also exceeded one hundred thousand dollars. Not to mention the auspicious meaning of Chinese blessing contained in it.

After Gates received this cornucopia. I specifically asked someone to ask about the meaning of it. After understanding, I am very happy. He specially gave back 9,999 shares of Microsoft's shares to Fan Wuyi in return.

At that time, Microsoft's stock price was already high. The market value of these stocks is also above millions of dollars. It can be said that it is not heavy.

Of course, for the two of them, these can only be regarded as small money, which is just to add a little interest to the boring career of making money.

Because it’s easier to accept the demobilized soldiers than he thought, Fan Wubing has time to continue to care about the business issues of his own companies. Generally speaking, the development of everyone’s land is thriving. Only the rare earth industry that makes strategic reserves by itself.

Over the course of a year, Fan Wuyi had to pay about one billion yuan in making the rare earth industry. If you change one person, you really can’t afford it, but the benefits of doing so are also very obvious. The price of rare earths in the international market, especially It is the prices of several strategic rare earth elements that have risen linearly, which has made Fan’s disease-free Zhun Taishan Shen Peiming a huge profit.

Although there are interest groups behind Shen Peiming, his own profits are also very generous. In a year, the gains in this project alone exceed 500 million yuan. If you exclude these hidden rich people in China, this result is Definitely can be ranked in the top five of the rich list.

Therefore, Shen Peiming was in a good mood, and sent someone to send their own dried plums and bacon to Fan Heng and his son in Panshi.

"You old husband-in-law have a heart, this thing is much better than other things." Fan Heng took a serious taste of the dried plums and vegetables delivered by his in-laws, then tore a piece of bacon and tasted it, nodding in praise. Yes, the taste is very good. What do we need to give back? There are many things in the north that the southerners are not used to eating.


Fan Wuyao replied, "That's nothing to bear. They have lived in the north for a long time, and we are used to eating, so they are naturally used to eating. Besides, if you, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, would personally make some food for delivery. Give it to them, I believe your in-laws are still very willing to show off to others."

"What you said is a bit too self-confident—" Fan Heng shook his head very much, but thought that there is some truth to this. What I am best at is naturally to make some pastries, but It doesn't take much effort.

So Comrade Fan Heng, a member of the Central Committee of Xinzha, together with his wife Zhang Mei, spent one noon in the kitchen personally making some northern-style pastries, and then handed them to Chairman Fan Wuyi. Personally arranged, the passenger plane of Fan Airlines was sent to Shen Peiming.

When Shen Peiming received the pastry delivered by the quasi-family at home, he was a bit surprised. From the time the pastry was made to the delivery, it took less than half a day. For the two families that are thousands of miles away, It's really high speed and high efficiency.

It happened that there were a few important guests in Pei Ming's home, and I was very curious to see someone giving him cakes.

"Oh, my house made the delivery. It was so difficult for them to be sent from the rock all the way. It's really hard for them to have a heart." Shen Peiming was very proud, but his face was shocked, and he said to everyone indifferently. .

"Sent from Panshi? Isn't it more than 2,000 miles? In a few days, the pastries might have long been hairy." A customer asked with a look of surprise, but in his heart he despised Shen Peiming's in-laws. , Probably also a person who has never seen the world, what is wrong to send, where are there still cakes sent thousands of miles away?

Although the other guests didn’t say anything, their thoughts in their hearts were similar to this guest. Everyone was surprised when Shen Peiming had a family-in-law. You have to know that he is a daughter like Shen Ying, who has just passed away. Only eighteen years old, how can you have a family?

Many people are worried about the family properties of the Shen family. Therefore, many people have made Shen Ying's ideas. Basically, they think that their family background is similar. There are people in the family who have sons of the same age. They got married, but Shen Peiming always laughed at it, refused to say more, but didn't know what the idea was?

Listening to what he said today, could it be said that Shen Ying has secretly appointed a fiance?

Just looking at the New Year's gifts from the other party, it is really not so good, and the situation at home is not much better.

"The brother-in-law is in Panshi?" Someone asked curiously, "But Wangtian's Rock? I heard that there has been a very good development in recent years."

Shen Peiming smiled and nodded, "It is there, the development in the past two years is not bad, or in a few years, it can become a big city."

"But with all due respect, I'm afraid that it's that kind of person in a small place, not worthy of Lingyuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a guy who is stupid.

But everyone agrees in their hearts, yeah, yeah, it's right to marry my son!

At this time, Shen Peiming's mood is a little bit unhappy, what kind of things are you saying? Don't you dare to provoke me here? If it weren’t for the fact that only one daughter could inherit my large sums of property, the current relationship between me and you wouldn’t make you rush over to visit me in the cold?

But then again, even if you think it’s a green onion, but tied together, it’s no better than a toe like Fan’s disease-free? Not to mention that Fan Heng's old father, Fan Heng, who has no disease, has joined the Central Committee again. Seeing that the future is bright, how can you compare with others?

At this time, Shen Ying's laughter came from outside, and then she saw her running in and asked with a smile, "Dad, what did Uncle Fan bring here? Let me see!"

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