
Vol 5 Chapter 308: Small correction "Ask for a monthly pass"

After her mother Zhang Mei stayed at home for more than a month, the Ministry finally refused to call Zhang Mei in person, urging her to return to work as soon as possible.

"Don't go, I'm sad, I'm going to retire from the disease--" Mom's will is very firm.

The minister persuaded with a headache, "Comrade Zhang Mei, now is a critical juncture in the education reform. There are so many things in the ministry that can't be understood clearly. It is really not the right time for you to pick a son at this time! My face It doesn’t matter if it’s scanned, but the losses suffered by so many teachers and students in basic education across the country can’t be calculated!”

Zhang Mei hummed, "I don’t think I’m so important. There are more capable people in the ministry. I don’t have much more, and I’m not much less. My body really can’t hold it anymore. Okay, I don’t know what happened at the time, and it’s a work-related injury that makes everyone bother."

The Minister sighed and said, "Hey, I know, you are a little bit chilled because of the fire. However, the Ministry does not have much right to speak about this kind of matter. This matter should be resolved in accordance with the procedures or locally. Yes, what can we do? The most is the next document, to let everyone pay attention to similar situations, and we can’t let this kind of tragedy happen again. Some things are not based on our personal will. You have done it for so many years. Isn’t it because of administrative work that I don’t understand this?"

"It's because it's too clear, so I don't want to understand it now." Zhang Mei muttered.

Seeing that Zhang Mei was indifferent, the minister only persuaded him in another way, "Comrade Zhang Mei, even if you don’t think about your own progress, have you ever thought that your act of picking up your opponents like this is a bad example of Comrade Fan Heng’s image? Is there any negative impact? He just joined the Central Committee, and you gave him such a trick. Isn't this demolishing him? What would you think if it was let others and those who don't know the truth see it?"

Zhang Mei hesitated when she heard her husband Fan Heng say something, but then said, "If you know the Fan Heng family and I, you probably won't be someone who doesn't know the truth."

Leading cadres who have entered the level of the Central Committee like Fan Heng are strictly confidential about family conditions. It is difficult for ordinary people to know exactly what his family members do, except for strangers like Fan Wuyao who have long given their reputations. Except for the fetus, everyone else tried their best to play down the influence of their family.

Therefore, when Zhang Mei said this, he meant that a person who knew his identity would definitely not be the kind of low-level person. Since he is a person who has already stood at a certain political height, it is impossible to be ignorant of the truth.

But Zhang Mei also knows. It's just to vent your dissatisfaction. In the end, I have to return to work. After all, she is not an ordinary person who can completely let go of her responsibilities. A sense of service has been formed for a long time. It has long been decided that she is the kind of person who considers work very important.

This time picks up. I also chose a time period that is not too important. Work inside the company. A deputy has been arranged long ago. There won't be any major troubles.

At this time, Fan Wuyi was still busy.

The first is about the planning of the large-scale game "Sword". Tong Xiaoyun's art design team and Qiu Bojun's software engineer team work together. Finally came up with the beta version of "Sword" based on ws95 system.

Fan Wubing has carefully adapted some characters and plots in it. I believe it will not cause major trouble. In addition, the launch of this game by myself was much earlier. It is for the latest ws95 system. There will never be a crash.

Fan Wubing gave it a try. I think the design of the game interface is perfect. But there are still some flaws. After all, he had a better understanding of this kind of things than most people in his contemporaries.

The domestic first phase of optical cable laying is nearing completion, and the backbone networks of major cities have been opened. Fan Wuyi can already sit inside and fully enjoy the high-speed Internet.

Now in the United States, the Internet economy has reached a critical moment when it emerges from its cocoon. Mark Desen has just invented the mosaic web browser. Yang Zhiyuan, a 28-year-old Chinese student at Stanford University, invented the earliest website search software while writing his doctoral dissertation. He gave up his PhD that was about to be completed and established Yahoo in a trailer to commercialize an online search engine. Since there were very few companies that could provide free information retrieval services at that time, Yahoo was widely recognized by the market and soon became the world's largest portal site.

Negroponte, a professor of new media studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wrote "Digital Survival" last year.

In this book that made him famous all over the world, he proposed that the basic elements of the construction of the entire society will change. He believes that with the maturity of Internet technology, the material world suddenly turns to virtuality. Through electronic flow, knowledge, information, and commodity systems and sales will become available.

Exactly the same way of living as before.

This book became a national bestseller as soon as it was published, and it marked that people's understanding of the Internet has reached an unprecedented height.

According to statistics from the US Business Weekly, by the beginning of this year, the Internet had connected more than 40,000 networks and 3.8 million computers around the world, and 154 countries and regions exchanged e-mails through the Internet.

The scene described by the futurist Alvintovler in "The Third Wave" three years ago seems to be becoming a reality at this time. This is an infinitely open world of information, and the dizzying rich information that opens the Internet is flooding. . For users who have connected to the Internet, the world has never been so open and so close.

When Negroponte used the Internet era to define the future world, the distance between China and the world was finally close to the point of breathing and hearing. Last year, the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences set up the first Webb server in China and launched China's first set of web pages to introduce China's high-tech development.

The General Administration of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications = signed an agreement with the US Department of Commerce on the Internet between China and the United States. The agreement stipulates that the General Administration of Telecommunications will open two 64K dedicated lines through the US nnt company. The construction of China's public computer Internet began, and China's earliest netizens appeared. In this way, the first batch of pioneers who devoted themselves to the Internet industry appeared in China in 1995.

For Fan Wubing, a decision he made for the micro company led Gates to integrate the IE browser into the WS95 operating system, appearing ahead of schedule in this Internet age.

In history, Guy did not pay attention to the importance of web browsers at first, so he made a small company, Netscape, a little-known company, to become a company capable of competing with Microsoft in the browser industry, and then Gates had no choice but to do so. Had to bundle the IE browser into the ws95 system, but he was prosecuted against him by relevant parties, and he lost billions of dollars as a result.

Fan Wubing’s kind reminder made Gates notice this and avoided this situation. Due to the ease of use of the WS95 operating system, this year’s sales revenue is estimated to exceed 16 billion U.S. dollars, and the company’s stock price It is about to double again and become one of the companies with the highest return on investment in the world.

Old sister Fan Ting called Fan Wuyi, "No disease, when will you come to Beijing?"

Fan Wubing replied a little frantically, "I want to go back to Shanghai to take the exam, I can't fix the time!"

Seeing that the final exam is about to expire, I have nothing to prepare. This time the exam is a little different from the past. Although I can still cheat by advanced means, I need to write a paper on economics carefully. In the past few days, Fan Wubing has been busy working on this matter.

It will take a year and a half before I can get out of the cage of the university, leap from the ocean and let the birds fly. Of course, the premise is that I can successfully get the graduation certificate.

Although I didn't care about this thing very much, my mother took it more seriously, and Fan Wubing had to obey her mother's arrangement to give her peace of mind.

"Our company's 100,000th computer is about to go offline. We are going to hold a more grand ceremony. You big boss can't help but participate, right?" Fan Ting said to his brother Fan Wuyao.

"It's 100,000 units?!" Fan Wuyi was surprised.

Time really flies. I didn't expect that the computers produced by my company have exceeded 100,000 units, which means that the profit has exceeded 300 million, which is really not progressing!

Although the profit of 300 million yuan is nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~, this is the first beautiful battle since FANSS entered the industry. The significance is naturally very important. If you don’t deliberately lower the price, you want to work hard in the country. If you go to popularize computer technology, this profit can fluctuate a lot.

After all, the price of computers sold by FANS is about 40% cheaper than those sold by foreign counterparts. Under the domestic economic situation, this is very competitive.

"Are you coming or not?" Fan Ting waited for a moment, but did not see his brother Fan Wuyi giving a definite answer, so she asked.

Fan Wubing thought for a while and said, "If I go to the scene, there will be no shocking effect. That's good. Then I will appear on the scene in a brand new way, and I will definitely not delay you. How's it going?"

Fan Ting agreed with her brother's words, but in her heart was thinking, what kind of weird did he have this time?

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