
Vol 5 Chapter 309: Digital Survival "Seeking Monthly Pass Support"

Guo Fan Wubing is still a little miscalculated.

Although he agreed to appear in the FANS's 100,000th computer offline event early in the morning, he received more invitations like this afterwards.

For example, the 5,000-kilometer commemoration of the Panshi Heavy Industry Optical Cable Project, the inauguration ceremony of the 10,000-ton warehouse of the Panshi Meat Processing Plant, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new project of Fan's mobile phone, the launch ceremony of Fan's Interconnect Shanghai Station, and so on.

Even He Yun and Lin Xiaotong also called from Beijing, complaining that Fan Wuyi has not visited their satellite communication service company for a long time. Now they have provided satellite services for more than a dozen domestic TV stations, and their profits are increasing day by day. This year's satellite The direct profit generated by the service is probably more than 500 million yuan, which is very impressive.

"The doppelganger lacks skill!" Fan Wubing said to his father Fan Heng with some sighs.

Fan Heng shrugged and said, "Your stall is too big. With so many companies, which one can you take care of?"

Fan Wuyao shook his head and said, "In fact, the operation of these companies basically doesn't require me to worry about it. It's just these ceremonial things. Everyone hopes that my big boss will give them a face in the past."

"Your face is big enough--" Fan Heng said with a smile.

Fan Wusi right thought, in the end, he returned to Shanghai on time. One was to take the final exam at the end of the year. The other was to rectify the business of the head office and assess the senior leaders to determine the intensity of this year’s rewards and punishments. Another reason was this. Once he didn't plan to go to various companies in person to give them a face.

He will use the latest technology to achieve his immersive effects, and use digital video communication technology to replace his personal guidance.

The people at the headquarters finally looked forward to Fan Wu's Shanghai. I kept talking about the company's future development direction. So I can cheer everyone up.

The local economic situation this year. Overall it looks pretty good.

New Year's Day. The World Trade Organization was formally established. Responsible for managing the world economy and trade order. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, on the banks of Lake Leman. New Year's Day will begin next year. It will officially replace the Provisional Agency of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The WTO is an international organization with legal personality. It has higher authority in mediating disputes among members. Its predecessor was the General Agreement on Land Tariffs and Trade concluded in 1947. Compared with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The WTO covers trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade only applies to trade in commodities.

With the continuous development of the international society, economic and trade areas. Trade wars in the field of international economics and trade are also frequent. In terms of resolving international economic and trade disputes. The World Trade Organization has played an important role since its establishment.

The dispute settlement body of the World Trade Organization is the General Council. This institution is responsible for handling disputes arising from any agreements or agreements included in the final Ulaha document. According to the commitments of the member states of the World Trade Organization. In the event of a trade dispute. The parties involved should not take unilateral actions to confront. Instead, seek relief through the dispute settlement mechanism and abide by its rules and the rulings made.

For domestic purposes. Currently the most promising project. Naturally, it is the real estate industry.

In July last year, the State Council made the "Decision on Deepening the Reform of the Urban Housing System", clarifying the basic content of the reform of the urban housing system, including changing the distribution of housing benefits in kind to the distribution of monetary wages based on work, and establishing Housing provident fund system, etc. The promulgation of the "Decision" opened the door to the commercialization of urban housing and marked the establishment of a comprehensive domestic housing market reform. Its greatest significance is to steadily promote the sale of public housing, and gradually complete China through the sale of original public housing to urban employees. The process of housing privatization.

Under this policy decision, domestic real estate began its second development after the collapse of the Hainan real estate market. Many real estate development companies have been established in various regions, and attempts to privatize housing have begun.

The implementation of the reform of the medical system has indeed made people feel the difficulty of seeing a doctor and hospitalization, and everything costs money.

After thinking of these points, Fan Wubing felt a little bit in his heart, and said to the company’s senior executives, “There are many things that are being reformed at present, such as housing reform, medical reform, enterprise reform, and education reform. Isn't life easy?"

Everyone looked at Fan Wuyao in a daze, wondering what he was going to say?

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Well, I know that your income is very good. You don't need to care about the living problems of these people at the bottom. But, don't forget that this era is changing and there are no fixed affairs. Today, it is others who are suffering and tempered, but tomorrow it is likely to be our turn."

Everyone nodded one after another, thinking that these words were of warning and educational significance.

"There has never been equality.

Yes, not now, and it is difficult to say whether there will be in the future. We only have the people. When all the well-educated young people spend their entire lives to buy a place to stay, when a child of a family goes to school and all the savings in the family are emptied, when you invest money in the stock market, it is equivalent to When donations are justified by those state-owned enterprise owners, when a farmer’s hard year’s income is not as good as the expenses of a large sum of money for a meal, do you expect everyone’s savings to be converted into huge market demand? Do you expect the consumer goods market to continue to be hot? Do you expect people with some spare money to make more useful investments instead of real estate speculation as hot money? Do you expect that social wealth that is not much can flow faster and more rationally? "After asking everyone a series of questions, Fan Wubing said negatively, "The people are very poor, because their money is not much, but they are put in the pockets of very few people. They are not. Wealthy, but they hold one in the bank, one in the house, and one in the stock market. The money seems to be a lot, but it is dead money if it can't be moved. Therefore, the money in the hands of a few rich people can only buy LV, Cartier, Swarovski, because they have nothing to buy except for this. Some people also jumped out to whitewash Taiping, talking about luxury China. Which major country’s economy is driven by a few luxury goods? Besides, what does luxury goods have to do with you? What are you so excited about? If you have several top luxury brands in China, it's okay to follow suit. That is just to make France and Italy make more money. This is where we are. "

"Mr. Fan, this seems a bit off topic, right?" Davis heard Fan Wuyi speak, and felt a little inconsistent with the mainstream media's voice, so he suggested, "Should these communications be private?"

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "That's wrong, this is not a non-mainstream, but a real mainstream problem. Under the current circumstances, only when we become stronger can you protect yourself and the people you want to protect. You can let your voice be heard by more people."

Everyone nodded their heads after hearing this. The words of Mr. Fan's heart are true. Only when he becomes stronger can he not worry about becoming the oppressed party. Although serving the people is good, serving the renminbi is now the mainstream view.

"But there is also one thing worth noting." Fan Wubing told everyone the mining story again, and then said, "We have to pay attention to one point. Our company is based on domestic development, and we need this piece under our feet. The soil becomes fertile, so that we can ensure the steady growth of our income.

How can I keep the soil under my feet fertile? This requires us to follow the American way of corporate development, treat ourselves ~ employees well, so that they can become consumers of our company's products! Only in this way can a virtuous circle of enterprise development be formed. "

Seeing that everyone listened carefully, Fan Wubing went on to say, “It can be said that we are now entering an era of digital survival. In this, everything is represented by numbers, but behind the numbers, we should The focus is on humanity, rather than letting a string of cold numbers to influence our feelings. The sense of corporate social responsibility is a gangway that drives our company to a more brilliant future. How to treat yourself well, how to treat your own employees, This is the only way to determine whether your life has survived. The relationship between us and our employees should not be just a string of numbers between profit and return. We should establish family-like relationships with them!"

"It turns out that Mr. Fan is the one who survives digitally! I thought it was Negroponte's book—" Someone was whispering nearby ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Negroponte learned from the future. From the perspective of predicting the arrival of the Internet and the huge impact of digital technology on the entire human life, the digital survival of Fan Wuyao is to emphasize the importance of human nature and interpersonal communication in modern society from the negative side.

It can be said that what Fan Wubing told them was the principle of being a person and doing things, which was completely different from the digital survival of the great development of information technology that Negroponte talked about.

Fan Wubing said to the people, "Therefore, I will not just report, but go to various companies to walk around in person. This is because cold numbers cannot replace the rich feelings of human beings. They are issued at the end of each month. The number printed on the salary card does not make the relationship between us and our employees more harmonious! What we have to do is to make ourselves rich, so that the employees of our company can also become rich. In this case , We have achieved our first grand goal."

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