
Vol 5 Chapter 310: New Year gift "seeking monthly ticket support"

The 23rd of the month is also a small year in the lunar calendar. Seeing that there is only one week away from New Year's Eve, the FANS club is still a busy scene, which seems a bit incompatible with the relaxed atmosphere of the New Year.

Fan Ting and her secretary Wang Xujun sat in the Mercedes Benz and rushed all the way to the headquarters.

This time, FANS’s 100,000 computers are off the assembly line, and all aspects are very important. After all, FANS’s computer sales have completely surpassed foreign brands such as IBM, Compaq, and Dell, and have firmly established themselves as the number one computer sales in China. In the past, people from all walks of life in the country came to participate in their celebrations.

It is said that Boss Zhu will also come to watch the ceremony, which can be regarded as expressing his propensity to support the national electronics industry.

Fan Ting and the others were all excited when they heard the news. The face was big enough, but Fan Ting knew that Boss Zhu was mostly willing to come here to take care of Fan Wu's face.

The company’s headquarters has a 2,000-square-meter multifunctional conference hall that has been built. In order to welcome this celebration, the hall was re-decorated and looked very bright. At this time, the invited representatives of celebrities from all walks of life have already been invited. We arrived at the venue, and a total of more than 500 invited representatives entered the venue under the reception of hundreds of FANS staff.

When Boss Zhu appeared, there was a lot of commotion and calm down.

Boss Zhu bowed his hand to Zhou, then took a seat, and someone immediately came over to bring tea and snacks on the water. When it was 8 o'clock in the evening, with the sound of background music like the sound of nature, a platform rose from below the ground. In addition to Fan Ting’s two executive vice presidents, there were four long-legged beauties in big red brocade and bamboo cheongsam.

Among the crowd, there was an object covered with a red hijab.

1995 was also a year of great development in the industry. Many companies replaced new computers with higher performance and faster speed, and many colleges and universities were also replacing the past 286 and 386 computers with higher-end Pentium series computers.

Of course. The price of Pentium series computers is still higher at this time. In most colleges and universities. Of course, the student computer room is mainly based on 386 and 486 computers. Pentium series computers are occasionally used in some high-end laboratories.

Fan Ting, a deputy general representative, gave a speech to thank him. And I would like to thank Boss Zhu for his arrival. When he asked Boss Zhu to press a remote control switch. When the red hijab on that computer was lifted. A new computer with an LCD screen clocked at 266M appeared in front of everyone.

When the vice president gave a detailed introduction to the performance of this computer. And after comparing with the performance of foreign brands of the same level of computer. Everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

As a high-end computer with the most advanced technology. This one is named Tianlaidi~Computer. The price of a computer of the same level abroad will exceed 20,000 yuan. But the price announced by FANSS is only 12,000 yuan.

The guests are basically rich people. After listening to the staff's introduction. Some thoughts have been moved. I want to buy this computer back. Enjoy the most advanced computer technology in advance.

At this time, the vice president announced. "Now I invite Ms. Fan Ting, president of the FANS club, to announce one thing."

Amidst the crowd’s eagerness, Fan Ting wore a mink fur coat and a pure black hat. Accompanied by Wang Xujun, Fan Ting came to the spotlight and took the microphone and said, “Thank you to all the leaders and friends for your dedication to our FANS club. Support, on this special day today, FANS’s 100,000 computers have gone offline, and FANS’s computer sales have also reached the top of domestic computer sales. In order to commemorate this special day, our company decided to replace this computer. The computer was presented to a guest present.


After listening to Fan Wu's words, everyone was a little commotion. After this computer was equipped with extremely high configuration and was of commemorative significance, no matter who got it, he would feel very happy. Just as the new year is approaching, it is considered a commotion. Lucky head.

Wang Xujun announced to everyone, "Everyone has filled out a personal data card before entering the venue. We will gather these personal data cards and invite the guests to come up and draw a lucky prize."

At this time, the staff brought the transparent glass box with the personal data card. Inside were all folded cards mixed together. Fan Ting personally came over and asked Boss Zhu to come forward and draw the lottery for everyone.

Boss Zhu smiled and didn't say much. He reached out and touched the box, stirred it, and then drew out a card.

The one who won the award was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was already 70 years old. It was a little surprised that the old man received the award. Finally, he smiled and said to everyone, "Deng Gong said that computers should start from the baby. I will add one more sentence today, and the computer will also start from the old man."

Everyone suddenly laughed, thinking that the old man was very cute.

He went on to say,

It's seventy-three years old, and I don't know anything about this computer. Everyone is eighty-four, and Hades does not invite himself to go. I thought, if I survived this year, I would have a good life for eleven years. In these eleven years, can I still learn how to use a computer? "

Everyone immediately applauded, paying tribute to the old man's optimism, and seeing the attractiveness of computers to everyone, even the old man is unavoidable. This industry has a lot to do.

Later, Wang Xujun announced that he would ask Fan Wuyao, the boss of Fans Investment Group, the head office of the FANSS club, to announce an important decision to everyone.

After everyone heard the news, they all calmed down. Even Boss Zhu felt a little surprised. He hadn't heard any special arrangements from Fan Wuyao before.

But after observing it left and right, he didn't see Fan Wubing's figure, and the platform that could rise and fall did not descend. Presumably, Fan Wubing was going to enter the singing session through other channels.

In the surprise of everyone, a curtain covering an area of ​​about 30 square meters was lowered on one side of the hall, and then it lit up, and an image of Fan Bing appeared on the curtain.

Probably because the rate of occurrence of Fan Wuyi is a bit high recently, many people recognized the young man on the screen at a glance. It was Fan Wuyi, chairman of the well-known Fan Investment Group, so everyone calmed down and watched. What amazing thing does Fan Wubing have?

Fan Wubing appeared at the meeting place through a two-way communication video system, so he saw the situation in the meeting place at once, and he was surprised. Fan Ting didn’t tell him exactly how many people he invited. At this time, he scanned the venue and found that there were hundreds of people in the venue. Of course, he was very surprised. It's such a shame to have a big man like Boss Zhu sit in town!

Seeing Wuyi's stunned expression with his mouth open and his eyes open on the screen, everyone seemed to laugh a little.

Fan Bing saw the expressions of the people, laughed happily, and then said hello to everyone, "~ The company is engaged in activities, and it is a great honor for your relatives and friends to come and join us!"

Boss Zhu talked to the staff over the microphone and said, "Don't say anything, what is the important thing, please announce it quickly, I will go home for dinner later."

"Huh? My sister didn't arrange a dinner for you? She's too stingy, right?" Fan Wu asked pretendingly in surprise, and then continued, "But that doesn't matter. I'll take this meal tonight. "

After a few jokes, Fan Wuyi said in a serious manner, “FANS has always been inclined to basic education and donated tens of thousands of computers to primary and secondary schools. However, this year, in order to meet the needs of the development of the domestic computer industry, we will welcome In the coming Internet age, our company has decided to donate 20,000 computers of the latest model to 100 domestic colleges and universities as a support for domestic higher education!"

When he said this, not only the guests present were greatly shocked, but Fan Ting and others also felt a little unbelievable. The value of 20,000 computers is about 250 million. There is no such big donation. Discuss it beforehand, it was a bit too sudden.

"This can be regarded as our FANSS club's New Year gift to the people of the whole country." Fan Wuyao said.

Fan Wubing’s idea also has practical needs. Although China is preparing to start merging with colleges and universities, which means that the tuition fees of newly enrolled students will be greatly increased, for higher education that has invested a lot of money, these incomes are still Somewhat inadequate.

Therefore, the configuration in the computer room of various universities is relatively low. Although the international mainstream computers are now Pentium series~www.wuxiaspot.com~, most of the computers used by college students are still 386 or level, which is very different.

In order to connect the networks of various universities to the network as soon as possible, and realize his goal of fiber optic cable access in major cities and universities across the country, Fan Wuyao can only pave the way for his ideals through donations, the most direct and effective action.

High-speed Internet, high-speed computers, and high-quality users can form the first batch of domestic Internet loyal users. When the Internet develops rapidly in China, these initial users will be domestic Internet technology. Development to make their own contributions.

Fan Wubing's move can be said to be far-sighted, but few people can see such far-reaching development prospects. The donation of several hundred million and several hundred million is really painful! At least Fan Ting's feeling is not very good. Although FANNS earns more than one billion yuan a year, it is a bit uncomfortable to donate so much money all at once.

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