
Vol 5 Chapter 311: The share battle

Cai Se Chapter 311 The Share Controversy

Move your mouth without disease. Twenty thousand computers came out. Still a little bit interesting

then. He announced another important news. "During the Spring Festival. Anyone who orders a computer will be able to enjoy special offers from our club. The Teana computer is currently priced at 12,800 yuan on the market. It only costs 9,980 yuan to get there. "

All of a sudden. The audience broke up again. this price. Many ordinary computers in China are not available. What's more, the new brain with such a high configuration? So everyone was a little eager to try. I want to wait until after the dinner is over. Just confirm with the club staff to place your order.

Even thinking about it. It is also good to stock up a batch of computers for resale.

However, there is more to Fan Wubing's words. He continued. "Because of the preferential price. So there is a difference in supply. These computers will not be delivered to the subscribers until two months at the earliest."

Everyone figured it out in their hearts. I think it's appropriate to wait for two months. After all, the current generation of computers is far less frequent than later. One such computer. At least for two years, I won't make myself feel uncomfortable.

After Fan Ting listened to Fan Bing's remarks. I understood a little bit in my heart.

Actually club computer production. Basically, it can be described as profiteering. Although its own price is much lower than foreign products. But because Fan Wubing put forward the guiding ideology of making low-cost computers. The top and bottom of the company's research department are working around this central idea.

For computer design issues. No disease puts forward the argument that practicality and ease of use dominate everything. And pointed out sharply. Use as few expensive materials as possible in the computer. Try to use low-cost materials as much as possible. Those parts that do not have to use a certain expensive material to work properly.

Under Fan Wuyi's intervention. The company's machine is lighter. The steel plate behind the keyboard has become plastic. The copper alloy fan became a plastic fan. The pure copper radiator has also become a cheap alloy, and many parts have been made domestically. The cost is greatly reduced.

In terms of ease of use, Fan Wuyao grasped people's habits and designed many gadgets suitable for Chinese people. It makes everyone feel close to the electricity produced.

In this case, the computer sales are far ahead. But the cost is also greatly reduced. Even if the price of this new computer is reduced to nine thousand yuan. There are also 50% profits to be made. Therefore, Fan Wubing was worried that the donation of 20,000 computers would have any adverse effect on the company's operations.

As for what Fan Wubing said, it will be available after two months. At that time, the price of the company's goods would be much lower. After all, the price of mass-purchasing things like cpL is still relatively low. It’s so low that it’s hard to imagine that the money saved after two months will be a bit more than the price reduction.

"A sheer profiteer." Ting shook her head. Xindao's brother Fan Wuyi is really a born businessman. How smart is the calculation? This kind of person needs to make money and gain fame. It is really hard to describe.

But others can't see the doorway. Everyone praised their outstanding contributions to the domestic computer industry. Even Boss Zhu couldn't help but say a few words from them. Encourage them to continue their efforts. Prop up the backbone of the national electronics industry.

In the end, Fan Wubing was embarrassed and waved goodbye to everyone on the screen. Closed the video communication system in front of him.

Boss Zhu came to the office the next day, the first sentence said. "Are there all the places for the national March 8th red flag bearers today?"

The secretary immediately took out a list to let the boss go through. Boss Zhu glanced slightly. Then I took the pen and crossed out one of the names on it. Then filled in Fan Ting's name. Then there was some displeased way. "In the future such things. Always consider private enterprises. When it comes to the profits and taxes paid to the country, the profits created by more than a dozen large state-owned enterprises will be over."

The secretary took it down immediately. Boss Dao Zhu is a bit weird today. Probably because of donating 20,000 computers yesterday?

Zhang Mei finally returned to work before the Spring Festival. For this reason, the minister went to her office to express condolences. New Year's unit welfare. Deliberately added fresh fruit from the south for her.

Because of the love of picking up children in the front. Zhang Mei herself felt a little embarrassed. Therefore, I didn't feel embarrassed to directly accept some fresh fruit specially transported by ministerial officials.

Actually. Now Fan’s drink is very convenient. With Fan's Aviation. The southern specialty fruits have never been cut off throughout the year.

Some specialties are also available at any time. This side effect makes Quan very comfortable. They all said that Fan Wu'er did a good job.

The minister forcibly put things down. Then he said with a smile. "That's right. Director. The company of your girl. It has recently launched a new type of electricity. Can you get some back? The ministry allocates funds to improve working conditions. If you speak, it should be a lot cheaper, right?"

Zhang Mei replied immediately after listening. "If I want to speak. I guess they will give it away."

But immediately people rushed in. Said to Zhang Mei. "Director Zhang. Help get some computer shares."

The minister took a look. It was Xia Hang, the director of the Department of Higher Education. I don't know when I ran in. He said with some curiosity. "Why are you here? I'm not discussing with Director Zhang. Shall she get some cheap computers for the department?"

Xia Hang, the head of higher education, said in surprise. "Why don't you know that you donated 20,000 computers to colleges and universities all at once. The news has been quarreled."

"Something?" I was shocked when I heard it.

No wonder he has such an expression. Who listened to the donation of 20,000 computers. Will be shocked.

Although the country's economy is just getting better. There are still very few people who donate more than 200 million at a time. It is a political speculator in Hong Kong. Just donate money little by little like squeezing toothpaste. Adding up to a few hundred million is pretty good. In return, he has to make a name for himself through such donations.

Xia Hang said to the two of them. "Last night under the tenth computer, at the celebration. Mr. Fan Wubing said personally. Boss Zhu was also present at the time. He also expressed his praise for this. As a result, early today. All colleges and universities began to give it to me. Call. Ask about this. I also said at the time. I quickly contacted the people. They said that there was indeed such a thing. But this was decided by Fan temporarily. They are considering how to achieve this goal. It will not affect the normal sales situation. I believe that within a few days, we can come up with a specific donation plan."

"This kid is doing errands. It's really a bit of a shame. Just do this big thing if you want to. Plan it well—" Mei listened to Xia Hang's explanation. Said a bit complaining.

Xia Hang said with a smile. "That's not because your family always has a solid*. Don't let others say that you donated 20,000 computers. It is difficult to give two computers."

Two computers cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. As far as ordinary people are concerned. I really can't afford it.

"Then what do you think about that computer share?" Zhang Mei remembered what Xia Hang had just said. Asked a little puzzled.

Originally Xia Hang managed the Department of Higher Education. The relationship with universities is very familiar. Therefore, after Fan Wuyi decided to donate 20,000 computers to colleges and universities across the country. Many universities have heard of this. So everyone was moved by the wind. I hope to get some more shares for myself through the relationship. So I can expand my college’s overall competence in computer science.

nature. The Department of Higher Education is the department you want to contact to make donations. It is impossible to contact the Department of Higher Education. So if it makes sense, the Department of Higher Education. It is very possible to share some more benefits from the 20,000 computers.

Some college leaders. But I hate to move all 20,000 computers back to my school.

Zhang Mei listened to Xia Hang's explanation. I thought this son would really cause trouble for himself. There are so many colleges and universities in both. He is doing such a play now. Don’t you make yourself upset here?

If I knew this before ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it's better to continue to pick things up.

The same situation of fighting for shares. Also appeared in various occasions. For example, people from Peking University found Fan Ting directly. This outstanding talent who graduated from Peking University will win more shares for his alma mater. For example, Nankai found Fan Kang. The purpose is the same.

Even Beom Hyung in Panshi. Also visited by Wangtianxue leaders. It is hoped that Secretary Fan and Member Fan can intervene in the matter. Education in your hometown should always be supported vigorously, right?

More direct. It is Fudan University in Shanghai. The principal personally offered two pounds of snacks. Bought some fruit. Ran to Fan Wuyi's dormitory. Looking at him blankly. Fan Wubing was really embarrassed.

I knew it was so troublesome. It should be announced after the New Year. Do it now. The rhythm of my own life has been messed up.

Fan Wuyi's heart. It's a little bit overwhelming. I blame myself for being too uncomfortable in doing things.

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