
Vol 5 Chapter 312: It's not unconditional "Ask for monthly pass support"

I got into the headquarters of my company with a grief and grief. Some people's, some people can't hide.

Originally, he was based in the Shanghai headquarters to promote the listing of the "Sword" game, but he didn't expect to encounter such sufferings. It was really unexpected.

He donated so many computers, but it was purposeful, just to promote the Internet business in major cities. Naturally, it is impossible for these computer resources to be concentrated in a few major cities, so he has his own ideas in distribution. , It is impossible to directly hand over the control of these computers to the Ministry of Education.

In that case, ~ it is possible that these computers have been left in the local universities in Beijing.

That is not in line with Fan's overall interests, and naturally he cannot agree to it. Therefore, Fan is considering whether he should work out a distribution figure according to the proportion of the number of colleges in each province. Inclinedly, in 30 provinces, colleges and universities in each province can get 600 computers, and the remaining 2,000 will be given to the Ministry of Education. Let them play freely, so as to satisfy some of them. The sense of superiority in colleges and universities?

That’s all for Fan Wubing. After contacting the Ministry of Education, there was no objection from the Ministry. After all, Fan Wubing left himself room for two thousand operations, so he could send some related households. Think about it.

And Fan Wuyi's donation of so much electricity was also a condition attached.

"What's the matter?" The minister still hesitated, wondering what kind of conditions Fan Wuyao would propose. After all, this is a donation of more than 240 million yuan. If the conditions are higher, it will be difficult for him. Decided.

However, Fan Wutian wouldn’t ask for anything wrong. In fact, he didn’t have anything to ask for, and he didn’t expect to get some material rewards from here. Laying our fiber optic cable, of course, we will give away the use fee for the first year. If you think it is good, you can continue to use it for a fee. If you think it’s not good, then forget it."

This requirement is naturally very adequate. It is nothing more than digging a trench in the campus and burying optical cables. The indoor installation part will naturally be handled by the employees of the company without any need to worry, so the minister agreed. , And guaranteed Fan’s disease, that the universities that don’t install fiber optic cables will distribute computers to them.

After Fan Wubing got this certificate. Immediately called FANSS. Talked about their specific requirements. Let them cooperate with the specific construction unit that is the construction staff of the Pan construction site. Complete the laying of optical cables in various provinces and cities. Then give them access to the Internet.

As for donating time by computer. Fan Wubing thought about it. Wait until after the new year. It is more appropriate before May Day.

At this time, the company's production capacity should have a relatively large increase. It can handle a large order of 20,000 computers. It also avoided the early busy period after the start of the new semester. Will not affect the students' academic problems.

Although this involves a problem with Internet access. But there is no fun place to play on the Internet now. Basically, everyone uses the Internet to check information or send and receive e-mails or instant messaging. There is nothing to worry about.

Such things as chat rooms in the same city. Fan Wubing still encouraged the company to develop. Because there are mature American versions. At this time, you only need to transplant it and make it into a Chinese version. It's not very troublesome. But Fan is not ill to be sure. The chat room is attractive to everyone. It should still be very strong.

Before the spread of online games. The same city chat room can be regarded as a pastime show on HuoDi.

Panshi Heavy Industry also gave Fan Wubing a big surprise. They combined the oxygen bar technology with the humidifier, and they created the oxygen bar humidifier, which began to be sold nationwide during the Spring Festival, with good results.

So far, many people still remember the humidifier that Fan's father and son had built in the Pingyuan factory. At this time, Panshi Heavy Industry has produced an upgraded version of the oxygen bar humidifier. It is naturally easy to get the market’s approval. Although this thing is a small appliance, However, it has a very obvious effect on improving the air climate in the arid areas of the north, especially the indoor climate in the dry winter.

Fan Wubing pointed out the sales direction for them. First of all, for users with computers at home, to promote the benefits of oxygen bar humidifiers, not only can increase indoor humidity, but also increase negative oxygen ions, which can weaken the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. , Increase the negative oxygen ion intake of users who stay indoors for a long time, which is greatly beneficial to health.

On the outer packaging, the conspicuous words of the protector of computer users are printed very exaggeratedly, which is very selling point.

As usual, this year's Spring Festival Gala program group still sent out an invitation letter to Fan Wuyao.

New Silk Road Entertainment still holds a large share of the performers of the Spring Festival Gala. Through this share, not only can the company’s artists appear on stage, but also

For resounding power, part of the quota can also be transferred to some other performing arts companies for compensation or other performing arts resources.

In this way, New Silk Road Entertainment has, under the guidance of Fan Wuyi, exchanged a dozen or so unfamous artists for the Spring Festival Gala, some of them are famous artists who are about to become big names. The cost of joining the company's banner is very low.

Fan Wubing originally didn't plan to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but Shen Ying called him and said that it was because of CCTV's bidding king. She was invited to participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala and asked if Fan Wubing came together?

Fan Wubing first asked Xia Donghai cautiously about the character arrangements for this year's Spring Festival Gala, and when he learned that several of his company's heroines were not going to be there, he agreed to Shen Ying.

After all, he and Shen Ying are sitting on the stage watching the show, and the station is performing hard by actresses who are somewhat ambiguous with him. This scene is still very embarrassing. Fan Wuyi is not prepared to take such a risk. Wan What should I do if they fight? This is unpredictable.

In order to avoid the wind, when Fan Wuyi accompanied Shen Ying to the Spring Festival Gala, he still concealed it. He wore a hat and thick-rimmed glasses to change his image. Shen Ying wore a Firefox brought from Russia. Pi's little waistcoat, leaned against Fan Wuyi to watch the show.

In the auspicious red light dance, the Spring Festival Gala kicked off. As usual, it was the opening of a group singing and dancing project with a large group of people. After that, it was the old story of comedians visiting the New Year. Fan Wuyao watched for a while and felt that there was nothing new at all.

The only difference is that I saw many actors who died before he was reborn once again appearing on the stage, which made Fan Wubing feel a little unreal, and he didn’t know whether he was in a dream or someone else was on the stage. In the dream, he couldn't help holding Shen Ying's arm and pulling it into his arms.

"What's the matter? I haven't seen you so excited--" Shen Ying thought it was Fan Wubing who had developed an irresistible passion for herself, and asked in a low blush.

This is what he wants to do in the scene of a large audience with a billion audiences?

Fan Wubing replied, "My own life is a bit unreal. Should I be content to have such an excellent fiancee as you?"

Shen Ying gently pinched Fan Wuxian's inner thigh, and replied with a little dissatisfaction, "Of course you have to be content, do you still want three wives and four concubines? That's pretty beautiful!"

Although he didn't use much strength, the inner thigh was the most sensitive area. If you touch it gently, or make people impulsive, Fan Wubing still feels a bit painful and can't help it. Barring his teeth, he said with a grin, "Three wives and four concubines? This kind of absurd idea, I never thought about it, I'm a decent person!"

"That's pretty much the same--" Shen Ying nodded, and then she found that the girls on the stage were all dressed in cooler clothes, so she said to Fan Wubiao, "Well?"

"Just so-so-" Fan Wuyao made a noncommittal prevarication, and then whispered, "If you dance like this, it will be 10,000 times better than them!"

Shen Ying shook her head and said, "This kind of dance is rehearsed, I can't dance."

"Then what dance would you do?" Fan Wubing asked.

"I won't tell you." Shen Ying said.

Wuyi shrugged her shoulders, but thought in her heart, if Shen Ying danced in front of her, could she hold on for a few seconds without responding? This is really worth looking forward to.

In the middle, I saw Andy Lau come out to sing "Forget Love", Liu Tianwang's appeal is very ~, he caused bursts of screams as soon as he appeared on the stage.

When Shen Ying saw Andy Lau, she couldn't help but yelled twice with everyone, very excited.

Fan Wubing was a bit of a taste, so he said sourly~www.wuxiaspot.com~An old man, is it worth the excitement? Not as good! "

"Can you compare with others? They are handsome guys, heavenly kings, and idols." Seeing Fan Wuyi's dissatisfaction, Shen Ying deliberately angered him.

"Is he handsome with me?" Fan Wuyao immediately doubted. "His fans are all you ignorant girls. My fans are all big business men. I really don't know what's going on in your little girls' minds. Thought?"

"If you can come on stage and sing a song, I will admit that you are also very handsome." Shen Ying smiled and said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing looked at the long-lost stage, then at the smiling Shen Ying, shook his head and said, "I finally got down from here, and I won't go up to death. Being a star is much worse than being a boss. , Easy to be unspoken rules!"

"Bah—" Shen Ying responded.

*************The third update arrives today, please ask for monthly ticket support. ***********(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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