
Vol 5 Chapter 313: An upcoming national entertainment event

Cai Lite Chapter 313 The Approaching National Entertainment Event

Arrived Andy Lau. Fan Wuyi couldn't help feeling a little in his heart.

Everyone knows Liu Tianwang's dedication in the industry. Andy Lau made the most films in the three to four years before 1992. Those years. He makes more than a dozen movies every year. It seems to be in his life. There is no other content except the movie.

In 1991. On average, one film he participated in is released every month. And the room is very hot. The total box office revenue of the twelve films reached 200 million Hong Kong dollars. Ranked first among Hong Kong actors.

in Korea. He starred in "Heaven If Love" was released for nine months. South Korean audiences called him the most popular foreign actor. Such an achievement. Whoever it is will be ecstatic. But. Andy Lau was not happy.

After weighing it again and again. He fights with the American bsp; years of hard work. Andy Lau tasted a lot of sweetness. There are flowers and applause. But I gradually tasted the bitterness of being a celebrity. For example, gossip, scandals, slander and profit encroachment. And the most terrifying. It is the entanglement from the underworld.

The term underworld. Young people in China have relatively little contact. Because the big 6 officials have dealt a heavy blow to the underworld. Participants in ordinary criminal cases that have been severely punished many times have been severely punished. Need to talk about the black club. They have no soil on which to exist.

But in Hong Kong. This kind of underworld organization is not uncommon. They use various means. Forcibly penetrate into all areas.

For a period of time. Hong Kong’s arena hero movies are good. The Hong Kong underworld also wants to pretend to be a hero of the rivers and lakes. For a time. The showbiz has become the hardest hit area infiltrated by the underworld. The underworld uses filming and box office to launder money. It has long been nothing new.

Andy Lau, the star who played the hero of the arena, was naturally severely affected. at that time. Andy Lau once set a record of 16 films in a year, and even three films he starred in were competing for the box office at the same time. Known as the iron man in Hong Kong's performing arts industry.

However, it is so productive. However, Andy Lau clearly affected the quality of the film. He also thought about saying no to shoddy scripts. But he can't say. even. He doesn't even have the right to refuse to act.

Don't look at it as a hero on the screen. But under the curtain. His heroic spirit doesn't work.

Once Andy Lau tried to reject a film from a certain company. Who knows it's on the studio. Under everyone's eyes. The evil forces actually took out guns and threatened them. Some people will say why not call the police. But what is the use of the police? They protect you for a while. Don't guarantee you forever. After that, the feud will only be deeper.

Although in Hong Kong movies. They have the Independent Commission Against Corruption. There are Flying Tigers. There are overlord flowers. There is also the invincible Royal Hong Kong Police. But in reality. These are all sprayed out and have no practical meaning at all. Hong Kong’s triad power. The police can't and don't want to.

then. In the case of unwillingness. Andy Lau didn't stop making films that he didn't like.

then. Things like forced filming have been alive and well in the Hong Kong art world because Andy Lau has a good sales guarantee outside, and he has not signed a contract with a large company capable of competing with various forces. So the trouble is even greater. Only start a new furnace by himself. Avoid dealing with those people. Can give oneself a relatively free space.

then. Andy Lau first joined m company in the United States. Use powerful large companies as an umbrella for yourself. In 1991. He has teamed up with several friends in the circle. Self-employed boss. The Sky Screen Film Company was formed.

Formation of Sky Screen Company. Avoiding the entanglement of the underworld is naturally one of the important reasons. There is another important reason. You can make some movies made by yourself.

at Hong Kong. Andy Lau is paid one of the highest male stars. If just to make money. You can make more money by making more movies. There is no need to bother about this. Invest now to set up a company. It may be a loss or a profit. The risk is great. This kind of business seems too uneconomical.

But Andy Lau's investment in filming is not just for making money. He thinks that if he is filming just to make money. Where will it be like now. Only make so little money?

Invest in filming. It's for something new. What I really want to shoot. This kind of creative freedom cannot be bought by money.

After the establishment of Tianmu Company. The film shot is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes on September 1st".

According to the later box office statistics. The total box office revenue of this film in Hong Kong reached 20 million Hong Kong dollars. this number. Although there is still a long way to go before Andy Lau announced the capital protection. But in any case, it should be regarded as a blockbuster movie.

But the input of this film. But it is over 24 million Hong Kong dollars...

Seven more films were made afterwards. It's all lost.

In the early 1990s, Hong Kong was at its most glorious time. Many stars include Jackie Chan. Jet Li. Zhou Xingchi and others have opened film companies. But later all went bankrupt due to poor management. Only Liu De's Sky Screen Company has been working. He never gave up even when he paid tens of millions for the film. It can be seen that he really loves movies.

Fan Wubing was idle and bored. Tell Shen Ying true or false gossip. Shen Ying was taken aback. She had never thought that the entertainment industry was so dark.

"It is said that Hua Tsai has lost 40 million yuan this year and is now holding on. Listen to his song. What is it called? Forgetfulness water. Give me a cup of Forgetfulness water. Change me to not cry all night. Let me say that he is in his heart. It's not annoying. That's a fake." Wuyi said to Shen Ying.

Shen Ying let out a cry. Looked at Hua Tsai who stepped down. Shook his head and said. "Hong Kong is really not a good party. I don't think many of them have come to the big six to show. Not only is there a lot of people and money. At least there is no underworld harassment."

Fan Wubing nodded and replied. "Yes. From now on, the entry of Hong Kong and Taiwan artists into the domestic market is already an irreversible process. From this point of view. My new Silk Road Entertainment Company is a bit new. The current artist team is still a bit weak."

"Nowadays, many second-line actors in China are not very high? Why don't you recruit some?" Shen Ying asked curiously.

Fan Wubing replied with a smile. "You don't understand the situation here. That's why you said that."

Of performing arts resources. Most of them are monopolized by the military. Especially the first-class actors. It was even more so that it was never lost by the singing and dancing troupe and art troupe such as the General Staff and the General Political Department of the General Political Department and the Air Political and Maritime Political Troupe. Especially in the military group

In motion. All you have to do is to look at those celebrities and big names.

Thus. Want to compete with the military for these artist resources. It is not realistic. But we must dig out promising seedlings in our daily life. But it's something you can meet but you can't ask for it.

Fan Wushu found these actors before. These people who have become the pillars of the company have all appeared inadvertently. Therefore, Fan Wu also felt a little emotional and wondered if he should be ready to officially launch the talent show.

Only to create civilian star appearance. It is possible to let your entertainment company stand on the commanding heights of entertainment.

The previous national draft work has progressed well. Various competition areas have also selected a lot of value to cultivate good seedlings. However, in order to improve the quality and viewing of the program, the company requires the company to conduct all-round training for the selected players in each competition area. And signed a series of contracts.

Probably after the new year. This work can be officially launched.

Fan Wuyi's opinion is. When the weather starts to warm. You can start the official competition. Watching the players wear less clothes. Everyone's enthusiasm for the show will become higher and higher.

The instigators of the talent show were the British "Big Idol" and the American "American Idol". This kind of show builds a platform for overnight fame. Boys and girls with idolatry complex or star dreams. I saw my own opportunities for success in this highly participatory entertainment. At the same time, this kind of program will be refreshing. Close to life, close to yourself. Constant suspense and a lot of interaction can attract people's attention.

It's not hard to imagine. In the current period of people's feelings floating. A talent show is bound to cause great repercussions and sensation across the country. Countless idolatry teenagers are passionately concerned and vying to imitate the crazy worship and enthusiastically vote to push these ordinary people's draft players to the pinnacle of life.

What people see on the show is the undisguised brilliance of individual vivid faces. Under the show. People shouted together with the transformation and growth of this ugly duckling. It brought China into a state of entertainment for all at once.

Although the talent show has a good original intention and a very good market. But if there are too many excessive draft activities. It will destroy the ecological balance of TV programs. Arouse the audience's aesthetic fatigue and psychological disgust. It also directly leads to a greatly shortened life cycle.

also. If the organizer of the draft program in order to attract the ratings. Do not hesitate to use vulgar and inferior hype methods. For example, the negative negatives of hype players and so on. It will make the draft go astray and misunderstood. The focus is not on the training of program quality players. Instead, it shifted more attention to things outside of the game. Deliberately create topics to attract attention. Kitsch and even low-level taste. That would lead to the end of the road.

The same is a civilian talent show. Both British and American TV shows are the most popular TV shows in the country. The winners of the year are all star luck. Become a pop singer and star. 'S songs are frequently on the charts. Others have won many awards such as the Grammy Awards.

Why this kind of talent show can last forever abroad. What about lasting influence?

First is the uniqueness of the show. Although the United States has a lot of people on show. But all have different elements. Never repeat as a reality show for talent. It has a strong monopoly. There is no second program of the same type to compete with it. And if it rushes up. Just seeing the draft hot. They competed to imitate. Seek common ground without seeking differences. Take the old path of imitation. Then this road can survive in the period or field of insufficient market competition. But after the competition has heated up, it will be difficult to get through.

The second is the professionalism of the program. Although the participants are amateur singers or enthusiasts. But their content is singing. It is a contest of strength in singing. The influence of other factors is relatively small. And if the draft festival is held in China. Singing is often just one aspect. Some utilitarian organizers are often accustomed to using various hype and rendering to extend the program content horizontally and vertically. The players' family situation, growth environment, personal emotions, etc. Whether true or false. They are all exposed. The taste of the show changed. Lost the purity that should have been.

Talent shows. It allows the audience to witness the process of a group of newcomers from the ugly duckling to the artist. Integrate the audience into one. Grow together. Therefore, I want to make a draft for a long time. Only take the initiative to launch a long-term plan. simply put. It is really a question of choosing a destination or a starting point.

"Your talent show. Is it a beauty pageant?" After Fan Wubing's description of his plan. Shen Ying is a bit gloomy.

Shen Ying's heart. If you want to say that you won't be a little troubled because of Fan Wuyi's excellent performance. It is simply impossible ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to have such an excellent fiance in the face of myself. Shen Ying showed some self-reservation. It is not ruled out that there will be some slight sense of crisis.

Although she felt that she was actually pretty good. Not only is the length of the person perfect. Also has a smart heart far from ordinary people. But feelings are such things. It is difficult to use the word reasonable to regulate. Therefore, Shen Ying still eats the vinegar of Fan Wushu. For his entertainment company. Especially the beauties in the entertainment company feel a little sad.

Fan Wubing gave Shen Ying a strange look. Then he smiled slightly. Said after a long laugh. "I thought a woman like you would not be jealous. But I didn't expect this kind of thing to have much to do with IQ. This kind of activity is a show of talent. It may also be supported by the audience. A middle-aged aunt. This is totally different from a beauty pageant."

"Aunt?" Shen Ying stared at Fan Wuyi with wide eyes. Said for a long time. "Okay. If in this event. I can't see a middle-aged aunt wins the prize. You don't have to think I will pay it back."

"Oh. You can't do this. That's too much." Fan Wubing listened. Suddenly said a little bit of tears and laughter.

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