
Vol 5 Chapter 316: Do your part

Cai Se Chapter 316 Do Yourself

It is still a bit emboldened to walk in the forefront without disease.

As a guest of honor personally invited by King Sihanu on this trip. Naturally there is this qualification. If you are walking behind. Cambodians can’t distinguish the primary and secondary relationship. So embarrassing? This is the so-called doing my part.

The second is the important position that one owns in the world economic circle. Also determined his own identity is extremely honorable. It is well-founded to be on an equal footing with the members of these small countries. After all, the industry he owns. It is said to be a rich and enemy country. It is even much more than the economic income of these small countries in many years.

Secondly, my father is now a member of the Central Committee. Even if I want to be humble. Also take into account that the father's face will not be affected. All kinds of reasons are mixed together. This resulted in the various expressions of Fan Wu's disease now.

The counselor from the embassy and a colonel from the Cambodian armed forces greeted him. Disease-free and kind is good.

Since the restoration of the royal family in nineteen ninety-three. The three armed forces of Cambodia formed the Cambodian Armed Forces. With Sihanouk as the supreme commander. Then it was renamed Khmer Wang Jiajun. The country is divided into five military regions and one special military region. There are twelve main infantry divisions. The total strength is about 130,000.

But actually. Take the current country of Cambodia. An army of hundreds of thousands of people. It's a bit strenuous.

According to the current development trend of international military power. This kind of low-quality and weak combat force is dominated by the 6th Army. It belongs to the list that should be scoured. After Cambodia began peaceful reconstruction. A phased disarmament plan has been formulated. The plan is to reduce the total number of armed forces to about 60,000. At the same time appropriately increase the ratio of the air force and the navy.

The colonel of the Khmer Royal Army is called Sovapi. A very strange name. Fan Wubing didn't know the specific meaning, but this person also looked red and black. Looks very happy.

Colonel Somi Wapi said a lot of polite words to Wu. Fan Wubing didn't understand a sentence, but he listened to the translator with a smile for a while. Then talked to Fan Wubing. The other party is saying hello to him. He also said that His Majesty was in the palace to pick up the dust for Mr. Fan Wubing.

then. Fan Wubing was accompanied by the staff of the embassy. Under the guidance of Colonel Somiwapi’s team, took a red-flag car to the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh for a banquet.

Fan Wu is very surprised to be able to ride in a red flag car in Phnom Penh. The staff of the embassy explained to him that this car is very famous. When Sihanouk took refuge in China. Given by the Chinese government. He was then transported to Cambodia as a souvenir of his life in China for more than 20 years.

"Ordinary people can't get in this car. That is, Mr. Fan, you have enough face." The staff of the embassy said to Fan Wuyao.

Along the way. Fan Wubing looked out through the car window. I saw a lot of pedestrians on the street. But it seems that living conditions are not very good. It's kind of like China in the 1970s. Or worse.

Cambodia is now implementing a free economic policy. All industries are open to the outside world. Encourage foreign investment. Last year, the Cambodian National Assembly passed the Investment Law specifically to solve the problem of foreign investment. At present, there are four types of foreign investment in Cambodia: sole proprietorship, joint venture, cooperation and leasing. Production enterprises may be wholly foreign-owned. However, trading enterprises are not allowed to be wholly foreign-owned.

The Cambodian government has also issued a series of regulations. A mechanism for regular consultation and dialogue has been established with investors. At present, foreign investment comes from China, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, and Japan.

The wage income level in Cambodia is very low. The disparity between the rich and the poor is serious, but prices are still stable, but there is a shortage of medicine in rural areas. The medical facilities are poor.

Along the way, Fan Wuyi saw many civilians traveling on motorcycles. This is the main means of transportation for ordinary people. Most of them are used cars from Japan and Taiwan. It looks a bit tattered.

Because of the tropics. Cambodians have thin clothes. Their national casual clothes are men wearing straight collar and button-up shirts. Wear a jacket when the weather is hot. Only wear sarong or mountain park. The sarong is stitched on both sides of a cloth with a few feet of beautiful patterns printed on both sides. Tie around the waist. It looks like a skirt. Shan Pu is a long strip of Cambodian farmers' clothing. No stitching. Wrap down from the waist to the calf. Pass through the ** again. Tighten it at the waist behind the back. The remaining part sticks out like a fish tail. Women's casual jackets are mostly silk round neck short-sleeved shirts. The lower body also wears a sarong or mountain park. They usually wear a long cloth scarf with beautiful patterns around their waists.

"Can the renminbi be used in Cambodia?" Fan Wuyi looked at the bustling crowd outside. Asked casually.

"Yes. The renminbi is also considered a hard currency. Besides the US dollar, the renminbi is popular. However, the Japanese yen market is also very large here." The embassy staff replied.

Japan is the largest aid country to Cambodia.

Start. Every year, 100 million U.S. dollars in aid is provided to Cambodia. Accounted for 20% of foreign countries. Mainly involved in roads, bridges, hydropower infrastructure and agricultural and rural exhibitions, medical and health education personnel training, environmental protection heritage protection and judicial fields.

Except Japan. The relationship with the country is also close. Cambodia was under French colonial rule for 90 years. The two countries have a deep communication relationship. France's assistance to Cambodia involves culture, education, law, teaching police and gendarmes, training agricultural students, etc.

On the contrary, it was in the most recent period of time. The relationship between China and Cambodia has cooled down.

As the saying goes. Cross the river and demolish the bridge. China's influence is too great. For a small country close to China like Cambodia. Still have some consideration for China's strength. For fear that one's own national affairs cannot be autonomous. Therefore, relations with France, Japan and even the United States have become the main diplomatic method in the near future.

"What is the amount of aid to Cambodia every year in our country?" Fan asked again.

"Anyway, it's not too much." The writer remarked.

Fan Wubing nodded. I thought this is probably better than nothing. After all, the current domestic economic situation cannot be said to be good. More money is needed. Of course, it is impossible to provide a lot of funds to help the outside world. Wait for more than ten years. The national power is strong. These small countries can once again enjoy the cordial customs of the Heavenly Kingdom.

soon. The convoy arrived at the Royal Palace of Cambodia.

It is different from the outside scenery. It's not an exaggeration to use the four words of majestic and magnificent on the palace side.

The palace is also called the Grand Palace of the Four Arms Bay. It is named because it is located at the confluence of the Gong River and the Basa River under the Tonle Sap River. It was built in the late nineteenth century. The palace is rectangular. More than 400 meters long. The width is also four hundred meters. There is a city wall outside. The building of the palace has traditional Khmer architectural style and religious color. The palace has minarets. Represents prosperity. The body of the temple is painted in yellow and white. Yellow represents Buddhism. White represents Brahmanism. The palace was originally a wooden structure. It was later converted into a cement structure. But keep the original style.

The Golden Palace is the place where the king coronates, meets with state guests, performs religious ceremonies and accepts documents submitted by foreign envoys. Members of the Senate Congress and the government also held an oath ceremony here.

Bojani Pavilion is also called the Banquet Hall. It is the main venue for performing palace dance. The king also held a dinner here and met with the masses.

Kaimaring Palace is the back bedroom of King Sinuk and Moninee. It is also used to receive foreign yuan on official visits to Cambodia.

The silver hall is located on the side of the palace. It is named because the surface is covered with five thousand silver bricks. The golden statue of King Sisowath is enshrined in the temple. Up to ninety kilograms. More than 9,500 diamonds are embedded on it. The maximum weight is 25 carats. There is also a large jade jade Buddha statue from the 17th century.

Moonlight Tower is located above the gate tower of the palace. Because there are no walls around. Moonlight poured into the hall at night. Used for the king's enthronement to hold major celebrations and state banquets.

The convoy went outside the palace. Immediately, the Wang Jiawei came up to greet him. There are special etiquette officials to guide. He took Fan Wubing into the palace.

Most of the palaces of the palace have been opened to the outside world. Used to make money. Only a few palaces remained for the royal family to live in. The etiquette officials told Fan Wuyao and others. The king received guests from China at the Golden Palace.

However, Fan Wubing watched the palace guards sent by Fang. I feel that it needs to be improved.

Walked for a while. Go to the Golden Temple. Someone passed on it on behalf of others. Fan Wubing and others entered the palace. I saw a family who had a morning banquet waiting for their arrival.

Seeing so many royal families present ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not only Fan Wuyi. It was the embassy staff who accompanied him and the escorts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were taken aback. What day does the heart say this is? Why are so many Cambodian royal families present? It's enough to choose the king.

The king and the back of the king sat on the seat. With a big smile, he looked at Fan Wubing and the others who walked in.

Fan Wubing glanced at the Qingxindao in the hall. This was quite a formal occasion. I'm not good at losing courtesy. So put your hands together. Raised to the center of his eyebrows. Greetings to the king and queen on the throne.

The king is very kind. It seems like Maitreya Buddha reincarnated. There is a smile on his face at all times. After seeing Fan Wubing salute. Busily returned a gift. Then Fan Wubing and others were invited to take a seat.

Fan Wubing took a look. It is the gold and gems inlaid on that chair. The value is just over hundreds of thousands, right?

The life of the royal family. Sure enough, it is very extravagant. No wonder they all believe in Buddhism. I just hope that the people will accept it.

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