
Vol 5 Chapter 315: New Year invitation from the king

On the eighth day of the month, Fan Wubing received a notice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking him to discuss matters.

Fan Wubing felt a little strange. When did he get involved with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Although members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came together when I went to France last time, it was mainly for business negotiations, and my usual foreign affairs had nothing to do with me.

Minister Li of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs personally received Fan Wuyin and specially asked him to drink a kind of juice he brought back from abroad. It looked like milk but had a taste of coconut. It was very strange, but it was still refreshing.

"Minister Li is calling, I don't know what to order?" Fan Wuyao asked Minister Li after drinking the juice for a while.

Minister Li had two chances to meet with Fan Wubiao before, but he never talked about it alone. This time he rashly asked for a reason, so he smiled and said to Fan Wubiao, "President Fan , Have you been to Cambodia?"

Fan Wubing immediately shook his head and said, "It's messy, what do you go there? I run out for business needs, and now I rarely go out by myself."

Cambodia has always been very uneasy. Although Sihanouk was successfully restored in September the year before and became king again, Cambodia’s monarchy has been confirmed once again, but the domestic situation is still a bit unstable. The power struggle never stopped for a moment.

In such a political environment, Fan Wubing had no idea of ​​going to Cambodia at all. Although there is the world-famous Angkor Wat, there are many ancient and mysterious cultures, but under the current situation, if you go to Cambodia, Not a wise choice.

Minister Li didn't expect that Fan Wubing would not have a good impression of Cambodia at all, so he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then said, "But King Sihanouk personally gave you the invitation letter."

"Invite me? Didn't you make a mistake?" Fan Wubing was also at a loss. He didn't know why the King, who had lived in China for a long time, would remember to invite himself. It was a bit inexplicable.

From the time when Sihanouk was deposed by a coup in 1970 and lived in Beijing, to the throne in 1993, Sihanouk stayed in China for 23 years. In the political arena, he is basically like a permanent ambassador to China, and the treatment given to him in China is also relatively high.

This time he was able to return to Cambodia and ascend the throne, which has a lot to do with domestic support.

"Didn't you save his grand niece, Princess Norodom Sangria." Minister Li reminded Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing nodded, and finally remembered the incident.

It was because Lin Xiaotong blocked a shot for Fan Heng and was seriously injured. Fan Wuyi sent her to the 3011 Hospital and gave her a blood transfusion. As a result, Sihanouk’s grand-nephew Princess Norodom Hassaniya also suffered. In a car accident, it was difficult to match her blood type, so Fan Wuyao gave her a blood transfusion.

This incident made Princess Norodom Sangria never forget. After returning to China, she always wanted to invite Fan Wuyi to Cambodia, but the situation in Cambodia has been unstable, so she did not find a suitable opportunity. This time, the situation in Cambodia. It has gradually settled down, so I asked King Sihanouk to invite him on his behalf to invite Fan Wuyi to visit Cambodia.

"It turns out it's such a thing--" Fan Wubing finally figured out the reason for this. He pondered for a moment. He felt that it would be better to consult the government for this kind of matter, so he asked. "What's the opinion of Minister Li?"

Minister Li smiled and said, "What can I have? But since they are kindly invited, it is always bad for us to ignore it? Besides, the relationship between China and Cambodia is also very good now, even if you go there. I don’t have my own reception. It’s pretty good to see the scenery of Cambodia. It can also deepen the traditional friendship between China and Cambodia!"

Ha, this is using me as a diplomatic bargaining chip!

Fan Wubing thought for a while, and felt that it would be nice to visit Angkor Wat. Besides, there seemed to be some interesting things in Cambodia. At least the palace had never been to the palace himself. This time, he could open his eyes.

"If I go, how can I meet him?" Fan Wuyao remembered this incident again, so he asked Minister Li.

This is a big deal. Otherwise, when the old man went there to show his pomp, he would spit on him, and it would affect the traditional friendship between the two peoples.

"Oh, just sack your hands. When Sihanouk was in the country, he stubbed his hands. There was no messy etiquette." Minister Li is an old diplomat, and he immediately knew what Fan Wuyi was thinking. He dispelled the worries in his heart.

After all, Fan Wuyi's visit to Cambodia is also a very important thing. It is also very important for them to be able to visit a small country like Cambodia, for a big figure like him who plays a pivotal role in the business world and the world economic circle.

After Fan Wubing agreed, Minister Li immediately arranged for him to accompany him to travel. At the same time, Fan Wubing also called his 20 bodyguards to visit Cambodia together.

On the twelfth of the first lunar month, a visiting team of more than 70 people took a special plane to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.

On the plane, a staff member sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to accompany Fan Wuyi laughed and told Fan Wuyi some diplomatic jokes and spent boring time.

"During the Cultural Revolution, after the resumption of classes and the revolution, my classmates and I walked into the gate of the school, but there was not much time for class, because I always went to the factory to study or go to the countryside to study agriculture. Once I went to a suburban factory to study and work every morning. A few partners got on the suburban bus and rushed to the outskirts of the factory.” The staff member said to Fan Wuyao, “We have some famous doctors in our city, and some VIP-level foreigners will also come to seek medical treatment. But at that time foreigners. As a result, we must be martial law and cheering on the road, which makes us always late. Every time we are late, the teacher must blame it. Whenever the truth is correct, the teacher will be held accountable."

Fan Wubing sat there, drinking coffee while smiling while listening to his story.

"For a while, Prince Sihanouk always came to us for treatment. The Municipal Revolutionary Committee was too troublesome, so he fixed his place of residence and driving route, and the suburban buses they had to take every day were no longer blocked. "The staff member continued, "However, we are now halfway in a fun place by car. We often get off halfway and play for a while before getting on the car to the factory. Therefore, we are often late. In response to the teacher's enquiry, several of us The partner caught ~ decide who should deal with the teacher. A classmate was so lucky and won the bid twice in a row, so he told the teacher that he had encountered Prince Sihanouk’s caravan on the way. A few days later, again After playing for a long time in the car, another classmate won a lottery. So everyone reminded him that he can't talk about Prince Sihanouk any more today. Let’s talk about Prince Binnu today, and talk about Haier today. Emperor Silas, talk about President Kaunda today—"

Fan Wuyin nodded. The people mentioned by this staff member belonged to some countries that had good relations with China at the time. For example, Prince Binnu was the prime minister of Cambodia, and Haile Silas was the emperor of Ethiopia. President Kaunda is the President of Zambia.

These people are all international friends of that era. The older generations are especially like Fan Heng and they are familiar with these people. As for the younger generation, few people know about it.

"When I got off the car, I saw an angry teacher standing at the gate of the factory from a distance. The partners bite the bullet and walked over. When they got closer, the teacher asked angrily, what is the reason for being late today?! Our unlucky classmate tremblingly Say um, it's Si—" the staff continued, "Before he finished speaking, the teacher said angrily, is it Sihanouk again?! It was said on the news broadcast this morning that Sihanouk Go to North Korea!"

Fan Wubing laughed. This person can be regarded as hitting the muzzle of the gun. It can be seen that it takes skill to lie.

The plane quickly reached Cambodian airspace.

At this time, Cambodia’s airspace was not completely open to foreigners. After all, the situation here is still a bit turbulent, but for Chinese guests, Phnom Penh’s airspace is open, so Fan Wuyi's special plane soon stopped to Phnom Penh. Airport.

Cambodia’s main airlines include Reap Airlines and Angkor Air. There are two international airports, Phnom Penh International Airport and Siem Reap Airport. Sihanoukville, Battambang, and Stung Treng are domestic airports with regular flights. Taking off and landing small and medium-sized planes, Fan Wuyi landed at Phnom Penh International Airport.

On the ground, there have long been people lined up to welcome each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, their lineup for this visit is also considered strong. There are more than 30 people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and more than a dozen riders. Business figures are here to investigate what business can be done with Cambodia.

The welcoming team on the ground is roughly composed of three parts. One part is naturally the staff of the embassy, ​​the other part is the Cambodian people. Fan Wuyi guessed that it was temporarily arrested, and the other part is the Cambodian military guard. More than a hundred people looked like they were fully armed, standing there with a clear-cut stand to welcome their arrival.

Fan Wubing looked at this lineup, but he felt a little ecstatic in his heart, thinking that he had already received diplomatic treatment at the level of a small country!

In the eyes of all the people, Fan Wuyin wore sunglasses and took the lead out of the cabin, walked down the gangway, and shook hands cordially with the embassy staff.

The officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who followed saw Fan Wuyao's style, and they were a little surprised, thinking that this man really regarded himself as the brain of this trip!

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