
Vol 5 Chapter 320: Refuse to marry

Cai Er Chapter 320 Refusal to Marriage

No illness arrived at the queen’s residence, Monique, who is still in style

Sihanouk ascended the throne since the beginning of the year. Had a wife recognized by the royal family. The first one is Gan Huo, a royal classical dancer from a civilian background. The second is Princess Si Susan Moni. The third place is Sisowa Moniqueshen. She is the half-sister of Ponsanmoni. The fourth place is Maniwan, the old flower of Vientiane. The fifth is the cousin Princess Nononoria. The first one is Monique Iji, a beautiful French-Cambodian girl.

But. None of these wives has an official status. This is the will of Shaman, the influential mother and queen of the royal family.

Sihanouk’s astrological prediction. He definitely goes to the spouse.

Accordingly. His mother-in-law Sharman has always opposed him to officially marry any woman. But Sihanouk knew in his heart. This is just a superficial reason. Once the queen was established. The dominant position of the mother and queen elder brother Sharman in the royal family will be affected. This is the crux.

1955. Sinook in order to govern himself. Directly dominate the domestic political situation. Be ingenious. A scene of the king's son and father's face was performed. Dramatically gave way to his father Norodom Suramarit. Sihanouk took advantage of the royal family to be busy with his father's enthronement. Ge Shaman has no time for him. In two days. Shan Shi has officially held their weddings with their cousins, Princess Noria and Monique Yiyan.

Geshaman has nothing. Only recognize the fait accompli. But still opposed to the canonization of them as wives.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cambodia. Prince Sihanouk visited China for the second time. He expressed the hope that the Chinese government would allow Princess Monique to accompany the visit as Mrs. Sihanouk. Because the Chinese side has not agreed in advance. Princess Monique is still in Phnom Penh on standby. If approved by the Chinese government. She will fly directly to Beijing to meet up.

Sihanouk has a soft spot for Monique. Canonized her as Mrs. Sihanouk. But Queen Geshaman did not let go. Sihanouk wanted to take the opportunity of visiting China. The way of transferring from outside to inside. Establish Monique's status. China quickly replied and agreed that Hanuk was overjoyed. Very grateful. Since then. Monique has always maintained the identity of Mrs. Sihanouk.

Monique is not a born princess. Pro-François Igie is a French of Italian descent who has lived in Cambodia for many years. It is a good friend of Sinook's father Suramarit. Therefore Sihanouk has known Monique since he was a child.

Monique has both the elegant beauty of Eastern women and the fluttering beauty of Western women. Is a rare beauty in Cambodia. after married. She changed her name to Mok Sihanouk. Won the title of princess. Monique is not only naturally beautiful and beautiful. And well-educated and humble. Behave calmly. Very educated. Smart and high quality|. Unique charm. Decades of ups and downs. Stormy seas. Monique has always been Sihanouk's only wife who has been with him for life.

Prince Sihanouk visited abroad for the second time. Princess Monique is indispensable by her side. The position and role of Madam Sihanouk are becoming more and more important. Sihanouk said. In diplomacy. Monique is his secret weapon and priceless treasure. The leaders of some countries bluntly invited Sihanouk to visit. I want to take the opportunity to see the grace of Princess Nick.

In 1960. King Suralit died. Fighting fiercely inside the royal family over the issue of succession to the throne. Anti-Sihanouk forces are ready to move. Sihanoukville is smart and flexible. Simply cancel the succession system to the throne. Cambodia became a kingdom without a king. Sihanouk assumed the new post of national yuan. Princess Monique became the first lady of Cambodia.

The Lon Nol policy in 1970 became a major turning point in Monique's life. This has not only changed the life of the first lady of Cambodia. Replaced by two decades of hardship and bumpy exile. more importantly. So that she quickly matured politically. She was involuntarily involved in Cambodia's complex and changeable political whirlpool to evolve from Sihanouk's etiquette shadow to a good servant in governance for Cambodia's independence, freedom and peace. From the United Nations to the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Until where is Sihanouk in the dense forests of Cambodia. She is everywhere.

At this time, when Fan Wubing saw the queen in the harem. Now she is simple and generous. The black and dense show has gradually become silvery. Yes but not dyed. However, the grace and noble demeanor was not diminished by the wisps.

1993. The newly elected Cambodian Parliament decided to restore the monarchy. Prince Sihanouk is recognized as the king. An ascension ceremony was held in the Royal Palace of Phnom Penh. Crowned Sihanouk again. Since then. Monique finally ended the identity of Madam Sihanouk who had been in service for nearly forty years. Renamed as Queen Monineath. Because Monique is a law|name. Monineath is similar to the Cambodian name. It means the wisest among the wise.

"Your Majesty Queen." Ill greeted the Queen. Then I was speechless.

The queen nodded to Fan Wuyao very gently. Many years of Chinese career. It is impossible for her not to speak Chinese. Only in some special occasions. Not suitable for speaking Chinese.

"Mr. Fan. Why refuse the royal family's kindness?" the queen asked.

Fan Wubing glanced at the queen. Then he answered very directly. "This is a misunderstanding caused by different national conditions and ethnic differences. How could I know. Staying in the palace and receiving the treasured sword are the choices for the princess.

What about a custom? Say something not very respectful. I don’t understand the style of your country at all. That's why this time the misunderstanding. Assuming Fan's purpose of coming this time. It is estimated that it is impossible to come. "

The queen frowned in confusion. Then said to Fan Wuyao. "No matter how the previous misunderstanding was formed. But the matter is now. This marriage is unlikely to be cancelled. After all, the royal family has reached a consensus on the matter yesterday. I think Mr. Fan is Princess Norodom Hassaniya. It’s a good match. It should be noted that in the meeting yesterday. Several great virtues and monks were present. After seeing Mr. Fan’s astrology, they agreed that Mr. Fan is a person with a deep blessing. It is a match made in heaven with the princess. So the royal family is already there. This is announced to the whole country."

Fan Wubing became anxious when he heard it. "Isn't this a lalang match."

Although Dang|Prince Ma Dang sounds good. But it's just a honorable name. As for the quality of life after all. It still depends on the strength of one's own hands. Just like the current situation in Cambodia. If not|The family is rich. Life will never be as satisfactory as it is now.

After all, the three giants in China have divided political power. The king is just an empty shelf. It is entirely based on the prestige in the hearts of the people for so many years to maintain the overall situation. if not. The kingdom has long become a republic.

If there is no red cotton, reverse the application. If there were no subsequent years of melee. Cambodia is also unlikely to restore its monarchy. Sihanouk cannot succeed in restoration.

Fan Wubing is rich and powerful. What can't be done? There is no need to marry such a small country to get the so-called false name to add color to your face. If you really need to mix a noble title. That little one is also married to a larger monarchy country like Britain or Spain. Anyhow, get a duke or something. It also has weight to speak out.

The only thing that gives him some headaches now is. The relationship between Cambodia and the country is very unusual. If you have sinned here. Although they cannot treat themselves how or how. But the country has to settle old accounts with itself. At least any big hats that affect the China-Cambodia Relations Exhibition will be buckled on one's head.

Although I don't need to care about these. But the father Fan Heng has just become a member of the Central Committee. **I haven't gotten hot yet. He can hope that his father Fan Hyung will be affected by this. That would be a bit of a disaster.

This time. The queen saw the hesitation in Fan Wu's heart. So he said. "Everyone knows that King Edward VIII of England married an American woman who has been divorced twice, Mrs. Simpson, and gave up the throne. But seldom knows that His Majesty West-Klein was born after this sensational event. He also almost stepped forward to Edward VIII. In the footsteps of the world."

"Oh?" Fan Wubing was taken aback. I don't know what the queen is going to say.

"At the age of twenty. He fell in love with a princess in the Cambodian royal family not long after he was crowned. So he asked his parents to marry her. Because the princess's family had a feast with the king, his parents tried their best to stop him. It was also strongly opposed by France, the colonist that controlled Cambodia at the time. Sadly, he told his parents that he was going to imitate King Dehua VIII in exchange for giving up the throne in exchange for love. But his father was not moved except for panic." The queen said to Fan. Said without illness. "The young king does not give up. His mother strongly persuaded him. Wanger. All your activities will be included in the history of the kingdom. Historians may write you during your reign. It will only be fun and not caring. The stunner of state affairs.

If one day. You abandon your seat because you cannot fight for the independence of the kingdom from France. The people of our country and the people of the world will express their admiration for the achievements ~www.wuxiaspot.com~but. If you abandon the throne for a woman. For your father. It is an unbearable shame. To the people who love you. It is also a serious sin. Young|The king gave in. There is no copy of Edward VIII's love in the history of the world. But there is one more country that stands out from colonial rule. "

Fan Wubing listened to the queen's words. I immediately understood what she meant. It is hoped that Fan Wuyi will put the overall situation first. Promise this pro. So as not to have an irreparable impact on China-Cambodia relations.

"Your Majesty the Queen. I am neither Edward VIII nor the King when I was young. I am just an ordinary businessman. Or have some unexpected wealth." Fan Wubing thought about it for a while. He said to the queen. "I just want to live an ordinary life. I also long for pure love. I don't want to associate my destiny with any national destiny. Therefore. I think Her Majesty the Queen should be able to understand the decision I made."

Fan Wubing said this to the queen. I feel relieved in my heart. Since it is impossible to agree to this matter. It's better to explain to them straightforwardly. I'm also worrying about it again.

As for the resolution of this matter in the end. Let them bother their brains.

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