
Vol 5 Chapter 321: There is a way without going through the gate "Wish to guarantee the monthl

Obviously, he didn't expect that Fan Wubing would be so irresponsible, so he would just clean up the matter.

To be honest, they did a survey of Fan Wubing before. After all, Princess Norodom Hassaniya is also a rare beauty, and her status and status are there. If you want to recruit a consort, it is impossible not to do it. A detailed and in-depth investigation.

The king’s face in mainland China is very familiar, so it is easy to find out Fan Wuyi’s details. After learning that Fan Wuyi is not only a young hero, he has a lot of money in his pocket, and he has a prominent family there. It moved.

It's hard to find a princess these days, and it's even more difficult to find a right princess for the princess.

A son-in-law like Fan Wubing is hard to find with a lantern. Needless to say, the investment of billions and billions of dollars made the royal family especially jealous. Although it is said that the royal family has little assets and has no worries about food and clothing, it looks a bit shabby when compared with others.

Therefore, the talents of the royal family are so concerned about this matter. After seeing Fan Wubing agree to stay in the palace and accept the treasure knife, they immediately began to arrange the wedding in the palace, but they wanted to keep Fan Wubing staying. Phnom Penh is a servant.

But no one thought that this seemed a bit unkind, because he hadn’t sat down for consultations before, nor had he clearly mentioned to Fan Wuyi about Princess Norodom Sangria’s love for him, let alone with him. The embassy or Beijing has exchanged information about this matter. It is indeed a bit inappropriate for Fan Wuyi to accept this marriage just to show Cambodia’s domestic customs.

But the queen thought again, we are a serious princess at any rate. Without any extra requirements, we want to marry you. Putting it on someone else, I’ve long been happy, but Fan. It is a bit angry that he is not sick but he is pushing three and blocking four.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow." The queen said to Fan Wuyao somewhat unhappily.

Fan Wubing originally wanted to explain that it was impossible to agree to this matter in the future, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was a bit impolite to say so, so he nodded and left under the guidance of the palace chief Sandydra. palace.

Chief Sandidra said to Fan Wuyi. "Mr. Fan. You should carefully consider the opinions of the royal family. You can't turn a good thing into a bad thing! The royal family has expressed enough sincerity to you!"

"This has nothing to do with sincerity." Fan Wubing shook his head and replied.

Suppose Fan Wubing didn't make any marriage arrangements. Are there any girls who make friends with each other. Then it might be possible to develop a relationship with Princess Norodom Hassaniya. Make a foreign love. But now he not only has a fiancee. And there are several lovers. How is it possible to promise them to stay in Cambodia? It is impossible to agree to a prince!

Fan Wubing returned to his basement. I thought this place is not suitable for long stay. So I talked to my own bodyguards. Everyone packed up and left immediately.

The result hasn't waited for them to clean up. I heard a noisy sound outside. Then Wu Jing came back. Said to Fan Wuyao. "Mr. Fan. I think they seem to be determined to keep you here as a concierge."

Fan Wubing ignored him. Looked out. I found that many guards came outside the house. They are all dressed in traditional royal palace guard clothes. The bayonet was bright. On his head is a red turban. Some looked like officers with sabers. These people are walking around outside. Instructed the soldiers to enclose the house where Fan Wuyi and others lived.

"Damn, what is this for?" Fan Wuyao immediately became angry when he saw it.

It's fine if I got here to cheat the marriage, and now I want to get married hard, this kind of thing is really unreasonable!

"Let's go, these guards can't stop me!" Fan Wuyi said fiercely.

The twenty bodyguards of his immediately replied, everyone is retired seals, or retired special forces from the mainland, with great skill, such as the armies of small countries in Southeast Asia, they are basically ignored, let alone The symbolic significance of these third-rate guards in the palace is greater than the actual meaning. In terms of their skills, beating eight of them is a serious underestimation of themselves.

Wu Jing was a little panicked and stopped, "Mr. Fan, you can't be tough! This is a big deal. It is better for us to resolve it through diplomatic negotiations. Once we start our hands, we don't know where the reason is. By the way. When you left Beijing before, Minister Li of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeatedly urged you to go to your hometown and do whatever you like, and don’t cause any diplomatic disputes!"

Fan Wubing gave Wu Jing a very dissatisfied look, and said unceremoniously, "You are all to blame for this! Why don't you even understand other people's customs? If it weren't for a misunderstanding about this matter, I now Wouldn't it be forced to marry, right? In this situation, the knife is on the neck, it is a shame!"

Wu Jing said with a sad face, "President Fan, I have to take the main responsibility for this matter.

. but

If you insist on doing it, it will intensify the contradictions, restraint, we must"

"Where can I be restrained! No matter how restrained, even the child will be born!" Fan Wuyi pushed Wu Jing aside, and then took the lead out of the palace's residence, and everyone followed him.

The twenty-odd bodyguards seem to be much more aggressive than the palace guards, and the size can basically reach the height of one and a half people of the palace guards.

The palace guards were a little dumbfounded when they saw Fan Wubing and others break out. They received the order to strengthen the security work here and monitor the actions of Fan Wubing and others by the way. They should not be allowed to do so at will. Chaos, but he didn't expect that Fan Wuyao led the menacingly to kill.

Although Fan Wuyao and the bodyguards have no weapons in their hands, but from their bodies, the guard felt a murderous aura rising to the sky, and many timid people immediately got a bit of calf muscles. Everyone Although it was said that he was ordered to contain Fan without a disease, he did not receive an order to conflict with him!

What should I do now? The officers of the palace guard suddenly felt a little at a loss. Seeing Fan Wubing and the others, it was like walking over here at the gate. They hurriedly stopped them and said a lot of things to Fan Wubing. , But I don't understand at all.

Wu Jing followed Fan Wubing, and after hearing what the other party had said, he explained to him, "They said that the range of activities for distinguished guests is only within this courtyard, and they cannot go out of this gate. Now the outside is very chaotic, and there is no His Majesty the King. The guests are not allowed to leave. This is also responsible for the safety of the guests."

Fan Wubing looked at the few guard officers who were on the verge of an enemy, wondering whether they would have to fall to the ground one after another if he took a casual move? But on second thought, it would hurt people's self-esteem too much to do so. If they file a complaint with Beijing, it will not do them any good.

So Fan Wuyin asked, "Just ask them, are they all right if they don't step out of this gate?"

Wu Jing talked to the guards for a while, and then they nodded.

"What did they say?" Fan Wubing asked Wu Jing.

Wu Jing replied, "They said they were ordered to guard the door. As long as they don't pass through here, it has nothing to do with them."

But there is only this door in this yard, surrounded by tall walls, and the walls are smooth and unattainable, but it is impossible to turn it out.

Fan Wubing smiled when he heard the words, "I hope they believe in what they say."

Wu Jing didn't understand what Fan Wubing meant. When he looked at him, he found that Fan Wubing was walking towards the wall behind him. Wu Jing thought to himself, Isn't Mr. Fan a little bit overwhelmed and want to hit the wall? Isn't it? The beautiful princess was sent to the bed, is it a disadvantage? If you change yourself, you might ask for a bridal chamber right away.

But Wu Jing quickly yelled in surprise, because he saw Fan Wuyao start to accelerate, and ran quickly and directly hit the wall.

Wu Jing closed his eyes a little bit unbearably. Mr. Fan really couldn't think of it. It would be a high paraplegia if he didn't die like this, as for? If something happens to him, there is no way in Beijing to explain it!

But soon someone patted him on the shoulder. Wu Jing opened his eyes and saw a bodyguard gestured to him, "n, baby,!"

"Where is President Fan?" Wu Jing asked blankly, but didn't see where Fan Wuyao was.

I saw a large human-shaped hole appeared on the wall that was hit by Fan Wubing just now. The wall of the palace’s inner courtyard built of cement and masonry with a history of nearly a hundred years was actually knocked out by Fan Wubing’s body. Come the big hole!

"God~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is Fan always a human?!" Wu Jing said in surprise, covering his mouth.

"It's good to get used to it," a Chinese bodyguard said to him.

Wu Jing followed the crowd through the big hole. He felt a little restless, and was touched on his head. He immediately bulged up a walnut-sized bag. His heart hurt. He couldn't help cursing this damn. Two sentences around the wall.

The opposite side of the wall is also inside the palace, but it is the part of the public tour. When everyone came through the big hole, they saw that the opposite side was beating gongs and drums to hold some experience activities, but it concealed their movement here. , And the guards who blocked the door did their duty. They kept the door firmly and prevented anyone from entering or leaving.

"Contact the airport immediately and leave immediately." Fan Wubing patted the dust on his body and said to his entourage.

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