
Vol 5 Chapter 322: The father-in-law made me a small "Waiting for a monthly pass"

Isn't it a little too irresponsible to leave like this? "Wu Jing said a little bit. He is a staff member of the embassy. At this time, if Fan Wuyi leaves Cambodia, he will definitely bring passivity to the work of the embassy. Wu Jing is a little worried that if Fan Wuyi leaves, the ambassador will definitely do it. Sprinkle all the anger on him.

"What if you don't leave like this? Do you still beat the gongs and drums to say that we want to escape from marriage and leave Cambodia? What is that nerve?" Fan Wuyao retorted Wu Jing, and then took the people and did not return to the embassy. Just drove directly to the airport.

At the palace, it was not discovered that Fan Wubing and others were no longer there. The guards guarding the gate were very dedicated and did not allow anyone to enter or leave. However, when it was time for dinner, the food delivery person found that something was wrong. There is no one inside.

So they panicked, and when they looked carefully, they found that there was a big hole in the wall behind. The guard immediately went to the head of Sanddella to report and explained the situation. Sanddella was shocked and rushed to the scene. After taking a look, it was estimated that Fan Wubing and the others had already left, so they had to rush back and report the truth to the king.

As soon as the royal family heard that Fan Wubing not only refused to marry, but also ran away from the guards of the guards, he immediately felt very shameless. The king said angrily that he must conduct urgent consultations with Beijing to ask for an explanation.

"Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to make public at this time, otherwise it will only be the royal family who will lose face." The queen persuaded.

The king calmed down his excitement and considered it carefully. He also felt that what the queen said made sense, because a private matter would use the channels of state affairs between the two countries, and it would definitely be a joke if it spread out. The princess's proposal was rejected. It is not a glorious thing to say. If people who don't know the truth listen to it, they think that the princesses of their own country are difficult households who can't get married.

"What does the queen mean?" The king thought for a while and roared, asking the queen for advice.

The queen replied, "Now the authority of the royal family is gradually being weakened. If this kind of thing is publicized, the tripartite forces will definitely use this to make a big fuss and dwarf the image of the royal family in the hearts of the people, which is very detrimental to us. I think Let’s contact Beijing through private channels. After all, the princess really has a soft spot for Fan Wuyi and hopes to make this happen."

The king nodded and agreed, "Well, just say that I am in poor health. I recently went to Beijing to see a doctor."

The two are talking about the place. Supervisor Sandydra suddenly begged to see you. Said in a panic. "Your Majesty. It's okay! Her Royal Highness heard that Mr. Fan Wubing left. She was crying so hard. The servants just didn't watch it. Her Royal Highness ran away!"

After Fan Wuyi arrived at the airport. Just found a problem. There are only small and medium passenger planes here. The plane to Beijing will not be available until tomorrow. But the passenger plane to South Korea is about to take off.

At this time, Fan Wu was sick and didn't have time to think about that much. He said to everyone. "Leave here for now. Don't pay attention to other things."

A small country like Cambodia. It is a typical agricultural country. Currently, there are mainly investment companies here. They are mainly Japanese and Korean companies. Therefore, there is a direct flight between Seoul and Seoul. But the flight is often unsatisfactory. This time Fan Wuyi also happened to them. Just in time for this flight.

China and South Korea established diplomatic relations in 1992. So this trip went to Seoul. You don't have to worry about anything. Contact the embassy directly. Report peace. Then you can play around by the way. Fan Wubing didn't plan to return to the country directly. Presumably the Cambodian side must give a small report to Beijing. Go home directly by yourself. That's just the sheep's mouth.

If things don't come to fruition over there. Fan Wu was ill considering staying outside for a while. Anyway, the U.S. is also very lively recently. The Internet economy boom is coming. If the mainland can't hide from trouble. Then, go to the United States for a while. By the way, buy a group of companies for fun.

After Fan Wubing made up his mind, he felt at ease, chatting with the bodyguards along the way, teasing the flight attendants of Korean Air, and then telling Wu Jing, who was traveling with him, a few jokes about the stick. It was a very pleasant time. This is naturally related to the mood and the service quality of the flight attendants. Korean Air's flight attendant service is not bad, at least the short skirts and long legs in stockings are very attractive.

As for the kimchi provided on the plane, Fan Wubing felt a little speechless. Although their kimchi is indeed good, there is nothing to be done in such anxious desire to sell this product with little technical content in front of the people of the world. Level up.

Although kimchi tastes refreshing, the nitrite contained in it is harmful and can cause cancer!

Wu Jing was sitting on the plane. Although he chatted and laughed with Fan Wuyao, his heart was a little overwhelming. This time, things were really big, and he didn't know what he would receive after returning to China.

Therefore, I would rather follow Fan Wuyi's side to Seoul, and come to listen to the trouble.

At least, when I ask questions in China, I can still answer with confidence, in order to persist in completing my task and try my best to assist Fan in the visit. I have to accompany him to South Korea as a last resort.

When the plane landed at the airport in Seoul, many people already came to greet it.

People from the Chinese Embassy in South Korea showed up in time and took Fan Wuyao and others to the embassy.

In 1991, North Korea and South Korea joined the United Nations at the same time. This also meant that the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea was inevitable, but the North Korean side still opposed the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.

However, China’s foreign policy is independent. It is naturally impossible to consider North Korea’s opinions for the benefit of its own country. Therefore, private contacts between China and South Korea have already begun.

At that time, there were not only Taiwanese powers in South Korea, but also pro-Taiwan powers in the middle and high-level leaders of South Korea. If negotiations leak, these powers will definitely interfere and sabotage. At that time, the Taiwan Embassy in Seoul was extremely sensitive and spied on South Korea’s movements everywhere. Therefore, the Blue House Presidential Palace ordered that negotiations with the Chinese side be kept strictly confidential.

The first two negotiations were arranged in Beijing. Every time the South Korean negotiators arrived in Beijing secretly, they plunged into the most remote building No. 14 in the Diaoyutai State Guest House. After entering the station, the door would not go out and the door would not move, like a closed door. . In the third negotiation in Seoul, the Chinese people got into the car as if they were kidnapped when they got off the plane. Negotiations began in May 1992, and the negotiations were basically completed in July. The outside world did not even know that the confidentiality work was done well.

Until mid-August 1992, the Korean-Taiwan ministerial-level economic and trade meeting originally scheduled to be held in Seoul was postponed several times by the South Korean side, which made the Taiwan authorities vigilant. The date for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea is approaching, and rumors from various parties have increased. The Taiwan authorities finally noticed that the major incident was not good.

Because of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, it is said that Jin Taiyang's face was blue with anger at the time. He also accused China of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea at that time as a fake and defending the country. He even threatened to establish a liaison office in Taipei in return.

Generally speaking, the exchanges between countries are like fighting with children. Today is good and tomorrow is bad. If it is really friendly all the time, then it is a bit strange. It is estimated that it is either Lala or Ji.

The people at the embassy obviously underestimated the sudden arrival of Fan Wubing and others, but Beijing sent instructions and didn’t say much, just saying that they should make arrangements for the food and accommodation of Fan Wubing and others. Let them play here for a while.

Compared with the embassy's confusion, Fan Wuyi got more inside information.

Fan Heng called him early in the morning, gave him a lesson, and then asked what the princess looked like? Is it too ugly? So scared that Fan Wuyao escaped from the palace?

Fan Wubing replied, "Not only is it not ugly, but on the contrary, it is also very beautiful. I am worried that I can't hold on to it. If I cook mature rice with raw rice, I can't come back and confess. What if I really become. Prince, when I see you in the future, how should I behave? It is said that Liu Bang used to be the emperor, but his old son Liu Taigong would bow down to him."

"Boy, you think beautifully!" Fan Heng laughed.

The domestic high-level officials are a bit ambiguous about what Fan Wuyi has caused. After all, they have to get more detailed information. They also know that this matter is the other party’s shaved head. Fan Wuyi has already had a fiancée. They know how it is possible to stay in Fanbang as a consort?

Even if others covet the glory and wealth of other people's Fanbang, Fan Wuyi is not uncommon.

Then Fan Wubing received a call from Boss Zhu. Fan Wubing asked with some curiosity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With our personal feelings, you would never sell me, right? "

Boss Zhu smiled and said, "I'm just making a call. It's the old chief who wants to talk to you."

Fan Wubing suddenly felt a little sweaty, and asked what these things were all about in his heart? Did you move all the old chiefs out?

However, in the face of the old chief’s problem, he was not easy to push back and forth, so he told the old chief about the matter here as it was, and finally said, “This is obviously because they deliberately deceived it. I can’t bear it the most. NS."

The old chief listened for a while, and waited until Fan Wubing finished speaking, "I also feel a little embarrassed about this. Everyone is going to be a kid for you. Are you not willing?"

"The princess will make me a kid?!" Fan Wubing suddenly fainted, thinking that there is no problem with my ears, right? !

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