
Vol 5 Chapter 327: GM technology

Promoter function has been opened, what are you waiting for, act quickly and earn points! ! ! Cai Se Chapter 327 Transgenic Technology

Doubts for executives. Fan explained it without illness. "For me at the moment. The most profitable industries have basically been involved. We can't expect to have a bigger breakthrough in market share. After all, the market capacity is limited. And the domestic consumption level is also limited. In the case that the existing industry cannot continue to expand in depth. We need to determine some new development directions."

"It's not a new development direction, right?" Among these executives. Wuzhi Xiaoji is the one who believes the most in Fan's decision. But once there is a problem. He is also one of the most actively asking questions.

"Of course, planting can't be regarded as a new exhibition direction. But scientifically planting is a new exhibition direction." Fan Wubing replied with a smile.

"Oh. I understand Mr. Fan's meaning. You want to build a genetically modified food production base in China University 6, right?" Davis is worthy of the first executive of the headquarters. This possibility came to mind all of a sudden.

Genetic modification is through biotechnology. To isolate a gene from an organism. Then it is implanted in another organism. Thus creating a new artificial organism. example. Scientists believe that a certain gene in Arctic fish has an antifreeze effect. So I pulled it out. Then plant it in the tomato. Making new varieties of hardy tomatoes is a genetically modified organism. Foods containing genetically modified biological ingredients are called genetically modified foods.

Because genetically modified organisms have foreign genes. It is a new species for the natural ecosystem. Release to the environment. Will change the competitive relationship between species. Destroy the original natural ecological balance. Lead to species extinction and loss of biodiversity. Genetically modified organisms reproduce themselves in nature. And crossed with its close relatives. As a result, foreign genes spread in an uncontrollable manner in nature. Cause irreversible genetic pollution.

Scientists do not fully predict the introduction of genetically modified organisms. What kind of mutation may cause harm to the environment and people. Although the experiment is very mature. But its possible impact on humans may not become apparent until a few generations in the future.

Transgenic technology will transfer foreign genes. Implant people's daily food. Such as soybeans, corn or even rice. The effect of long-term consumption of genetically modified food on human health is still unknown. There are still discussions on the safety of genetically modified foods internationally. Some genetically modified foods have been served on the dinner table without the consumer's knowledge. Seriously hurt consumers' right to know and choose right of genetically modified food.

Fan Wubing looked at David. Said with a smile. ". Why do you say that?"

Davis glanced and lifted his chin to the bewildered crowd. Then explained, "The rapid growth of the global population. And the continuous reduction of the cultivated area. The food problem has become a very difficult problem faced by many countries in the world. To meet people's food supply. To improve the quality of food supply, we must rely on science and technology. The world’s first genetically modified crop was born in one to three years. It was a tobacco containing antibiotic antibodies. But it was not until last year that the first market-based genetically modified food appeared in the country. It is a tomato that can delay maturity."

The United States is the country that uses genetically modified technology the most. In the early eighties. The United States first conducted research on genetically modified foods. Until now. The United States has been able to produce dozens of conversion crops. Such as potatoes, zucchini, corn, papaya, soybeans and so on. And formed a considerable industrial scale. The sown area of ​​genetically modified crops has accounted for half of the soybean sown area and 40% of the corn sown area. Argentina has also adopted genetic modification technology after the United States.

Davis saw that Fan Wu raised no objection. The more I felt that my vision coincided with Mr. Fan. So I said with some interest. "China's per capita cultivated area is small. It is impossible to fully rely on expanding the cultivated area to meet people's food needs, so we can only take the road of high-tech development. Biotechnology is undoubtedly one of the most important means. It is also an important way to improve food quality. If we don’t develop the genetically modified technology ourselves, this potential market will be seized by some foreign genetically modified foods. Since they are all made to make money, why don’t we do it ourselves first?"

In the past, the variety of plants was changed mainly through breeding. This traditional breeding method takes a long time. The hybridized varieties are not easy to control. Poor eyesight. The offspring may be highly productive but not resistant to disease. It may also be disease-resistant but not highly productive. It may be high yield but poor quality. Therefore, selection and breeding must be carried out one at a time. But genetically modified technology is different. To select any target gene to be transferred. You can get a corresponding new variety. No longer need to spend so long screening.

and. The traditional breeding can be rice versus rice. Corn versus corn. Perform hybridization. Can not rice to corn. It can't hybridize with bacteria. Transgenic technology can not only combine the genes of different plants. And it can also incorporate animal genes. Even human genes are combined into plants.

For example. Scientists have taken a fancy to a polar bear gene. It is believed to have the effect of resisting freezing. So take it separately. Plant it in the tomato. Cultivate hardy tomatoes.

Through transgenic technology, new crop varieties with high-yield, high-quality, virus-resistant, insect-resistant, cold, drought-resistant, salt-alkali, and herbicide-resistant characteristics can be cultivated. To reduce dependence on pesticides, fertilizers and water. Reduce agricultural costs. Increase the output per unit area. Improve the quality of food. Alleviate the contradiction of world food shortages.

"Moreover. Transgenic technology also has great economic value. After the potato is planted with the cecropin gene, the resistance to blight and soft rot is greatly improved. In the past, these two diseases would bring about a 30% reduction in production each year. A kind of resistance The potato of the Lado potato beetle can reduce the use of 370,000 kilograms of pesticides in the United States every year." Davis talked eloquently. "After genetically modified soybeans were planted in Argentina. Soybean resistance to disease and weeds has greatly increased. The use of pesticides and herbicides has decreased. Production costs have dropped by 20%. DuPont and Monsanto will soon launch a variety of edible oils that are beneficial to the heart. Soybeans. The two companies will also introduce new fortified soybean varieties that are more delicious and easier to digest. Aimee is working with other companies. Tomatoes with high levels of anti-cancer substances are being studied. Corn and soybeans that can be used to produce hemoglobin."

"Can eating soybeans cure diseases? This is new." Other people talked a lot.

Wuzhi Xiaoji was also a bit suspicious. "Can the genes of things be transferred to plants?"

Davis himself holds genetically modified technology. He said to everyone full of longing. "Japanese scientists have used genetic technology to develop new rice varieties that can reduce serum cholesterol levels and prevent arteriosclerosis. European scientists have newly developed genetically modified rice that is rich in vitamin A and iron in rice grains. This achievement may help reduce the global level. In the range, especially the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia and vitamin A deficiency in developing countries where rice is the staple food. For this kind of rice, I suggest that the company immediately introduce the planting.

Genetically modified food can get rid of the influence of seasonal climate. Let people eat fresh melons and vegetables all seasons. Even if it is not in the food sector. Transgenic technology is also very promising. British scientists transplanted a gene that can disrupt chlorophyll mutations into grass. Can make it evergreen all seasons. In addition to having a greening function. Also benefit from animal husbandry. Because the nutrition of green grass is higher than that of hay. And improve the quality of meat. "

all in all. Everyone’s greetings are quite high. For this kind of omnipotent transgenic technology. Everyone still held great enthusiasm. Suppose Mr. Fan really decides to open up the production of genetically modified crops in the domestic market. So it's worth a try. Although there may be a gap between domestic genetic modification technology and foreign countries. But now everyone is just showing up. At this time, just invest enough financial support. It is completely possible to achieve a quick breakthrough.

Wu Hua, who had been silent while sitting by the side, glanced at Fan Wubing, who was smiling without saying a word. There is a feeling in my heart. Yu Bin said. "Although genetically modified technology is very promising. But how our company should deal with the new developments brought about by this technology. It still depends on how Mr. Fan decides. But from my personal opinion, the best prospects are not necessarily. It's the most profitable thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Davis listened to Wu Manhua. He asked for a bit. Then he looked at Fan Wuyi and said, "Oh. As long as it is possessive. It will definitely make money. I have no doubt about this. "

Fan Wubing swayed. "Yeah. Brainstorming. But I mean. It's more complicated than genetically modified technology. Although genetically modified food is now a trend that has been developing for decades. But whether there are any side effects. The side effects. It is still known. Therefore. We also have two strategies. One is to vigorously promote the cultivation of genetically modified crops. To explore the economic value of them. The other is to continue to produce traditional green food. Maintain the original purity of the crops. Although these two practices seem to be very time-consuming Contradictory. But it meets the two needs of the current society."

"What about two kinds of needs?" Someone asked curiously.

For Fan Wuyi's thoughts. As his core subordinates, they know the value of it best. So follow Fan Wuyi to do things. In addition to good remuneration and high salary. It means that you can learn some new ways of thinking at any time. And this scattered way of thinking makes it easy for everyone to improve their level of experience in business affairs. This is also an important reason why everyone is desperate to follow Fan Wuyao.

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