
Vol 5 Chapter 328: People abandon me to take and people take me and abandon "Seeking monthly t

The two requirements are simple to say. One is the needs of the poor and the needs of the rich. "Fan Wubing said to everyone, "So as long as we understand these two different needs, we don't have to worry that we will go the wrong way and get the business direction wrong." "

"Can you be more specific?" Davis asked.

Fan Wuyao nodded and said, "In this world, there are only two kinds of people, the poor and the rich, so their needs represent the core value of our business activities. This is placed in any business activity. Principles that apply.

If it is only for our production of genetically modified crops this time, we can also look at the needs of these two groups separately. "

Everyone listened carefully to Fan Wu's words. Although his division method is a bit rough, it sounds very reasonable. Everyone wants to hear Mr. Fan’s true thoughts and his plans to develop a large number of land transfers. And what is the purpose of supporting the planting industry?

"People are afraid of death--" Fan Wubing said to everyone, "Poor people are afraid of starving to death, so genetically modified food is a good news from heaven for them. With this technology, the harvest of crops will be guaranteed. Pest control, drought and flood control, etc., can be effectively solved. With the guarantee of production, the price of agricultural products will drop, and the food problem of the poor can be solved."

"But for the rich, when they have no worries about food and clothing, they are more concerned about the quality of life and how to avoid all negative factors from affecting their physical conditions. Therefore, they are worried that genetically modified foods will be harmful to their health." Fan Wubing smiled and said, "As long as it has not been proven to be completely harmless, it is potentially harmful. How can such a thing be eaten with confidence?"

Any new application of science and technology has its two sides. The development and utilization of nuclear energy has not only provided huge nuclear energy for mankind, but also created nuclear weapons that are hugely destructive to mankind. The application of pesticides has played a huge role in the prevention and control of crop pests, which has greatly increased crop production, but at the same time. Cause great harm to humans, animals and the environment. The Industrial Revolution brought huge wealth to human society, but also brought catastrophic environmental pollution and destruction of ecological balance to mankind.

Genetically modified foods also have a bad side. Scientists have also discovered in research that some genetically modified biological products may contain toxic substances and allergens, which will have an adverse effect on human health, and can even cause cancer or some genetic diseases in serious cases.

Although there has been no convincing research report showing that these improved varieties are toxic, some researchers believe that artificial extraction and addition of genes may achieve certain effects that people want to achieve, but also increase and accumulate. The original trace toxins in food. The accumulation of this toxin is a very long process, but it may indeed be in progress, so at present no one can ensure that these improved varieties are not poisonous.

British scientists report that. The genetically modified potato will cause damage to the liver, stomach and immune system of experimental mice. The second is the problem of allergic reactions. People who are allergic to a food sometimes become allergic to a food that they were not allergic to before. The reason is that this food contains proteins that cause allergies.

For example, scientists have added a certain gene from corn to the genes of walnuts, wheat and shellfish. So. People who were allergic to corn in the past may be allergic to walnuts, wheat and shellfish.

"Therefore. Although I decided to develop the planting industry, I didn't just dive into the circle of genetically modified crops. Follow behind the other people's buttocks." Fan Wuyao said to everyone. "Although the living standards in the mainland have improved greatly now. But it is not enough. The demand for satisfying appetite is still very urgent. But in a few years, this problem will be greatly improved. At this time, people will Pay attention to the issue of food safety. What kind of food is safe? It is not genetically modified. It is not agricultural crops that have been applied with pesticides and fertilizers. It is the kind of green food that grows naturally in unpolluted land. Crops are not grown twice a year. It can be effective in the year. So I plan to spend more than five years on building a number of large farms in Northwestern Xinjiang and Northeast China. Specializing in the cultivation and development of green food."

Davis listened to Fan Wuyi's words. After thinking for a while, it suddenly became clear. "Oh. I see! Mr. Fan meant to describe it in a Chinese word. It is people who take me and abandon them. People abandon me and take them!"

Fan Wubing nodded and smiled. "Well. That's almost what it means. But it needs to be forward-looking. It's not as simple as people abandon me."

Everyone analyzed Fan's meaning without any illness. I feel that the risk is still high. Unless everyone recognizes this green food. Otherwise. Just from the cost point of view. Green food is not comparable.

However, Fan Wubing also told everyone that the domestic market is temporarily unable to do so, but the foreign market can be relied on. Once the domestic market

After seeing it, it's too late to start again.

Even now, the cost of green food can be minimized through the mechanized operation of large farms. The price is still unmatched by ordinary agricultural production. It is nothing more than earning less, but not losing money.

"In short, everything is done around the market. Before there is no market recognition, what we have to do is to grow and cultivate the market, and build our strong brand reputation." Fan Wuyao finally said to everyone.

Everyone studied the construction of the production base again, and felt that it is still more difficult to do it now, especially how to get such a large production base is the most important thing. I believe no matter who wants to get such a large production base. Land is difficult to achieve.

Fan Wuyi’s confidence is more sufficient, and he said to everyone confidently, “I will take care of this. Now I need you to make a budget. First, purchase large-scale agricultural machinery and equipment, as well as the advanced management experience of the school’s foreign large farms. After all, it is possible to start working at any time.


After hearing Fan Wuyi's request, everyone immediately began to prepare for various tasks.

Before leaving, Shen Manhua called Fan Wuyi.

"Well, what did you think of? Or is there something private?" Fan Wubing asked.

"My home used to be in the Northeast. I want to go back to take care of this." Shen Manhua said to Fan Wuyao.

"Oh—" Fan Wubing thought for a while, and suddenly thought that Shen Manhua grew up in the Northeast before becoming a liar. She also knew a little bit about things there. She went back to take charge of this work, and it was very appropriate.

And there is another point, that is, women have less utilitarian aspects in doing things. An idealized career like this is more suitable for them to do. So Fan Wuyi agreed, "Okay. Wait for everyone to come up with the specific plan. After that, I will talk to you about my layout. Of course, in the details, you can play freely."

"Thank you, Mr. Fan." Shen Manhua was very happy after receiving Fan Wuyi's approval.

Although she has left her hometown since she was a child, the Chinese people have a strong sense of locality. After being a liar for several years, Shen Manhua also hopes that she can return to her hometown dignifiedly. At this time, Fan Wubing set up a production base in the northeast, which happened to give her such an opportunity.

After Fan Wubing left the headquarters, he wanted to go back to school to take a look, but as soon as he left the house, he encountered Li Yunheng blocking the door again.

This time, Fan Wubing greeted him a little helplessly, and said to Li Yunheng, "Ms. Li, in a place as big as Shanghai, there are many places to eat, play, and go shopping. You don’t feel that way about the door of our company. Interested? If you are really interested in the door of our company, then I will take it down immediately and airlift it to Seoul without saying a word?"

After listening to Fan Wubing's words, Li Yunheng said with a smile, "Mr. Fan is joking, why would I be interested in the gate? I want to ask Mr. Fan to accompany me to take a look at your school."

"What's so good about the school? You don't have many schools in Seoul, too." Fan Wuyao immediately refused.

Li Yunheng said to Fan Wuyao very solemnly, "It's not Seoul, it's Seoul."

"Seoul? What's the difference? We always call it Seoul, so it will not affect our habits just because you change the name casually?" Fan Wubing replied immediately with a little disdain.

Seoul has a history of nearly 600 years as the capital of South Korea. According to legend, King Onjo, the ancestor of Baekje, went south to build the city of Weirye as the capital of the city, which was later renamed Seoul. After Goguryeo occupied this area, the north-south area of ​​the Han River was called Bukhansanju, and the area near Seoul was called South Pyongyang. After Silla unified Korea, this place was incorporated into Hansanju~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lee Sung-gye of the Joseon Dynasty later built construction projects here and called it Seoul House. Later, when it was taken over by Japan, it was renamed Jingchengfu. After the surrender of Japan, the Korean peninsula was recovered and the name was changed to Seoul, the native Korean word.

It's just that the Chinese have never paid attention to this issue and have always called this place Seoul. The Koreans are very dissatisfied with this and have repeatedly reminded the Chinese to respect their capital and call it Seoul.

In fact, they did this mainly because they suffered from the persecution of Japanese colonial rule. Therefore, they now have a strong and narrow national sentiment, not only to go to Japan, but also to Chinese, to build Korea into a Korean South Korea and Seoul. Become the Seoul of Koreans.

Judging from Li Yunheng's performance, Fan Wubing can understand how serious the de-sinicization thinking of Koreans today is.

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