
Vol 5 Chapter 329: Controversy over cultural orthodoxy "Ask for monthly pass"

Why do you Chinese never know how to respect others? Just like to impose on others with aspiration? "Li Yunheng said to Fan Wuyao very dissatisfied.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "This is really impossible to talk about. When did you Koreans know how to respect others?"

"When did we disrespect others?" Li Yunheng asked rather unconvinced.

"Assessing both Confucius and Laozi as Koreans, this is always there, right?" Fan Wubing immediately asked this question.

Since the economic development of South Korea, its national self-esteem has been greatly enhanced. In recent years, it has tried its best to promote the excellent culture of the Korean nation. At the same time, they deliberately or unintentionally avoided and downplayed the influence of Chinese culture on Korean culture. Some scholars have devoted themselves to studying the counter-influence of Korean culture on Chinese culture, and they have received praise and funding from all aspects of Korean society.

It is said that some scholars have proved that Confucius is a Korean. Although they have different opinions, they have waited for historical review as a family. At present, there are bold conjectures that Lao Tzu is also a Korean, but there is no strong academic proof yet.

When some Koreans discussed these issues with the Chinese, they asked the Chinese how they would react to this, and the Chinese said there would be no violent reaction, and they must have laughed.

In fact, Confucius is a Korean, Japanese or even American, which is not a bad thing for China, but may be a very good thing. The cultural ideal of the Chinese is that the whole world is unified, and they don’t care about the purity of blood and ancestry. If it can be proved that Yao, Shun and Yu are also the ancestors of Koreans or Japanese, Qin Shihuang’s chromosomes are exactly the same as the chromosomes of the American president’s family. Communication and world peace will be of considerable significance.

But on the other hand, regarding the mutual influence between different cultures, we should still be realistic. Chinese history has been influenced by many other cultures, and Chinese culture itself is the result of the convergence and integration of multiple cultures. On the one hand, the Chinese actively accept this, and on the other hand, there is no denying it.

Fan Wubing said to Li Yunheng, “The difference between a big country and a small country lies not only in economic development, but also in cultural identity. Although we Chinese are poorer now, we can definitely return to the position of an economic power in less than ten years. Go up, but as far as South Korea is concerned, even if you work hard for a hundred years, you can only settle down on a corner of the Han River. Why is this?"

"Although I strongly disagree with your statement. But I also want to hear your explanation." Li Yunheng said to Fan Wuyao with some dissatisfaction. The towering chest became fluctuating because of a little anger.

Fan Wubing looked at Li Yunheng. I think this little girl has true temperament. It's just that there is a problem with the local education. There are some cognitive deviations. So he said to Li Yunheng. "We are eating grapes from the Western Regions. Drinking coffee from Latin America. Wearing foreign devil suits. Walking in the alleys of Yuandadu. We don't think there is any inferiority. People have good things. We have learned. That is the land we all share. . Must forcefully divide you and me. These things are sometimes indistinguishable."

Li Yunheng immediately expressed different opinions. "This matter must be clearly distinguished. Otherwise, how do we know that our Korean nation is the best nation in the world?"

Fan Wubing suddenly felt a little nauseous. Said to her as if he wanted to vomit. "Discussing this kind of thing with you. It's really good to play the piano. The best people in the world are not made by themselves. It must be recognized by everyone! For example, many people in South Korea now oppose the use of Chinese characters. You must use Korean phonetic characters everywhere. . I have no opinion on this. Because from the big point. This is conducive to the development of Korean cultural spirit. But the problem is that about 70% of the basic vocabulary in Korean comes from Chinese. The history of using Chinese characters as a written language is quite considerable. Long. Korean phonetic characters were invented only more than five hundred years ago. Until the 1970s, Chinese character reading materials were still everywhere in Korean society. In this way. Forcibly abolishing Chinese characters. It will cause many words to be incomprehensible. I am in Seoul. At that time. I saw a lot of Korean newspapers and periodicals. Especially academic papers. After some vocabulary, Chinese characters are marked in parentheses. This means that there are no Chinese characters. These words are difficult to understand. Such as artistic conception, Buddhism, decisive battle, discussion, etc. I think. Chinese characters are the same as other languages. They are not monopolized by the Chinese. Why do they have to be wiped out? Many Korean scholars have pointed out the terrible consequences of eliminating Chinese characters, such as historical fractures and hardened thinking. I don’t need to say much here."

Li Yunheng listened to Fan Wuyi's words. Retorted immediately. "China and South Korea are very close. Intercultural influence is inevitable. It cannot be assumed that Korean culture was passed down from China. We also have our own cultural traditions. We have our own national characteristics."

Fan Wubing shook his head and said. "It's like changing Seoul to Seoul. When Chinese people hear Seoul, they can feel that it is a magnificent, prosperous, and culturally spiritual capital. But if it's called Seoul, it's different from most Korean place names. It must be translated according to the Korean pronunciation. I am afraid that some people will say. The most accurate pronunciation of Seoul is Sewoer. Although the pronunciation is accurate. But the meaning is a secret place of pornography. It is even worse. Maybe some people will say It's rotten. Because when the garbage in Seoul is not cleaned up in time, the streets are full of rotten kimchi. So I think. It's better not to change the name."

After Li Yunheng listened to Fan Wubing's words, his nose was almost tilted with anger. He shook his head and walked away angrily. On the way, because of his emotions, he knocked off one of the heels of his high-heeled shoes. She walked into her own car with her feet on her feet, and directly ordered people to drive away.

Fan Wubing looked at Li

When I went back, he laughed and said, "I still have a way, and I will get rid of the trouble in a few words."

One of the bodyguards following Fan Wubing pouted and said, "Boss, you are good at hurting others!"

"People will humiliate themselves, and then they will humiliate them. This is what they asked for, and it has nothing to do with me." Fan Wuyao replied with a smile.

North Korea and South Korea have been greatly influenced by Chinese culture since ancient times, especially its mainstream culture, all without the imprint of Chinese civilization. They use Chinese, read Confucius and Mencius books, and use Chinese medicine. They copied China's bureaucracy, built academies, implemented imperial examinations to select officials, and some even went directly to China to participate in imperial examinations as officials. They used Chinese styles to build cities and palaces, and their royal court directly adopted Chinese court instruments and music. They introduced Buddhism and Taoism from China. They use the Chinese calendar to celebrate Chinese festivals.

Everything in China has penetrated into every corner of the lives of Koreans and Koreans.

However, after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, China's national power declined to the bottom, China's centripetal force towards North Korea and South Korea weakened, coupled with the narrow racial independence and populism sentiment between North and South Korea after World War II, North Korea and South Korea began to de-sinicize, one of the measures It is to completely abandon Chinese and completely adopt the current Korean.

However, Chinese characters have been deeply carved into Korean history and culture, and they are always lingering. The couplets and plaques of their academies and temples all use Chinese characters, and the historical records also use Chinese characters. That is, the official Chinese characters of Zhengyipin are engraved on the stone slabs at the feet of the ministers outside the court. In the museum, all the characters are more than 100 years old. The characters on the cultural relics are also Chinese characters. It is easy to remove the Chinese characters from newspapers and books, but removing the Chinese characters from these cultural relics is equivalent to obliterating Korean history.

During Fan Wubing's stay in Seoul, he occasionally saw young people worshiping their ancestors during the Spring Festival. The ancestors worshipped the ancestors in printed Chinese characters. So Fan Wubing asked the young man if he understood what it meant? The young man shook his head and said that he didn't know.

So Fan Wubing asked why he used Chinese if he didn't understand it. The young man laughed but did not answer.

Later, Fan Wuyao smiled and told the entourage that this young man was a filial younger generation. If they used Korean to worship their ancestors, how could they know the ancestors who used Chinese characters? At that time, everyone laughed and said that it was indeed the case.

In other respects, the influence of Chinese culture in Korea can be seen everywhere. For example, they eat with chopsticks, eat rice cakes during the Spring Festival, eat steamed noodles, and drink traditional Chinese medicine tonic wine during the Dragon Boat Festival. Some vocabularies in Korean are directly taken from Chinese characters, and names and place names are taken from Chinese characters. Even their national flags are taken from Chinese Yin-Yang Bagua, but they didn’t learn everything and only used the Four Guagrams.

Chinese culture, philosophy, values ​​and ways of thinking have penetrated into the bones of Koreans. De-sinicization is almost impossible. If it were to be removed forcibly, then South Korea would no longer be a country.

In order to de-sinicize, Koreans always try to find some Korean characteristics in some small things. For example, Korean chopsticks are not square, but flat, and they are mostly made of stainless steel. They are different from Chinese embroidered chopsticks. They just don’t know what they used to eat before the invention of stainless steel.

Also, the Koreans say that they use a spoon for soup, while the Chinese use a bowl to drink it directly. In fact, the Koreans probably don’t know, what are the porcelain soup spoons used by the Chinese for hundreds or even thousands of years? Korean pagodas are stone pagodas, which are different from brick pagodas in China or wooden pagodas in Japan. But they don’t know how big China is, and measures are taken according to local conditions. There are stone towers, brick towers, wooden towers, earth towers, glazed towers and even iron and copper towers.

Korean culture does have its own uniqueness, but it seems difficult to be convinced by picking these trivial things to show its cultural uniqueness. On the big side, everything in Korea has always been disconnected from Chinese culture.

South Korea’s economic success in recent decades has made South Korea work hard to find its place in Northeast Asia and the world. With the growing strength of China, coupled with historical and geographical reasons, South Korea cannot escape the influence of China and Chinese culture. This is a reality that Koreans with extreme nationalism cannot accept but have to accept. This is also the embarrassment of Koreans today.

De-sinicization is unsuccessful, so Koreans have to accept the reality of Chinese culture, which is very cruel to ultra-nationalists. So the Koreans simply pushed the matter to the extreme, saying that Chinese culture belongs to them. This is why the Dragon Boat Festival, Confucius, Chinese medicine and Chinese inventions are all included in South Korea, and even the entire north of the Yangtze River in China are included in their territory~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, Fan Wuyao thinks that this kind of weak country Thinking is really undesirable. It is not terrible to compete with Chinese for culture, which shows their sense of identity with Chinese culture. However, if nationalism and island mentality continue to expand and try to turn the book's territory into reality, it will be very dangerous. .

Or, the Japanese thought the same way back then. From admiring Chinese culture to thirsting for Chinese resources, they finally came in with someone.

Fan Wubing felt that the responsibility of beating the Koreans and making them a little more honest now fell on his shoulders. As long as the little dragon, one of the four Asian little dragons, was starved into loach, then how would they be? , Can't jump up anymore.

Of course, the best way to restrict their development is to take the lead in monopolizing the domestic market they may enter. On this point, Fan Wuyao is relatively confident now.

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