
Vol 5 Chapter 330: State She-mouse

The 330th chapter of the country's social mouse

The spring began in 1995. The whole country is rectifying domestic illegality. This is also after Fan Wubing mentioned it to Boss Zhu. Regular rectification carried out by the government from time to time.

When Fan Wuyao mentioned the harmfulness of this organization. Boss Zhu has not realized that this situation is already very serious. Wait until he sends someone down to fully understand. Now things are far more serious than imagined.

The two most widely spread across the country. One is the Qingcheng School of Zhang Tianshi Zhong Gong. One is Master Zhang's circle skills. There is basically no big difference between the two. It's just that the former is in the name of teaching orthodoxy. The latter is called omnipotence as one of Buddhism and Taoism.

Because of medical reform. The cost of seeing a doctor for ordinary people has suddenly increased. So in line with the idea of ​​improving physical fitness. Practice some qigong that can cure and protect yourself from illness. It's very important. In a few years. These methods are used to deceive people and earn money under the guise of science and technology for the purpose of making money. Suddenly fell into the climate.

In 1988. Zhang Tianshi wants to set up a life science research institute in Beijing. But nothing was approved. So he moved to Sichuan. I don't know where to get a set of very formal application materials. The Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Commission applied for the establishment of a life science research institution. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission believes that this is in line with the regulations on the management of private enterprises. Just give the approval.

However. For a training base focused on teaching exercises. How can it be in the name of a high-tech enterprise. And won such a very confusing name by the International Academy of Life Sciences. The reason for this is unknown.

On the base site. It reflects Zhang Tianshi's vast magical powers. The International Academy of Life Sciences is located. Originally belonged to a large organization. After this inspection by Zhang Tianshi. Very satisfied with the physical environment. So I bought this piece. Became his private property.

Even more shocking is two years later. Zhang Tianshi also uses relationships. From the hands of the town government, he lowered the half of the mountain next to the camp to surround him with a wall. Inappropriate people enter.

Sold. Everyone on the team only gets a bonus of about 100 per year. Less pathetic. But nevertheless. Because of the establishment of the base. A large number of Chinese Kungfu practitioners flooded from all directions, which obviously boosted the current economy. Many trainees moved into nearby farmers' homes due to Ji's full staff. Let the ordinary people directly benefit. Some families live in more than 20 students at the same time-the monthly accommodation fee is 100 yuan. It has become a very important source of income for these people.

And Zhang Tianshi is also very good at being a human being. Anyone who wants to learn to cure diseases. He is always free of charge and leaves a good impression in the hearts of the people. Zhang Tianshi did not stay in the mountains for long. When the hospital was first built. I lived for more than half a year. Every morning and evening I have to go out for a walk with the dog. People are also easy-going. He always greeted everyone when he came back last year. Just changed a person. Unsmiling. With a dozen bodyguards in front and behind at any time, it is often a luxury convoy coming out of the base. Go all the way. Take the Qingcheng Mountain Foundation as the main ones and be born from it. Millions of network-like training institutions formed. Extension extension. The accumulated trainees have passed hundreds of thousands.

In eight years. Zhang Shi has established six market areas-30 provincial-level marketing agencies in five provinces. More than 300 municipal-level marketing agencies, 2,800 county-level marketing agencies. More than 100,000 township institutions. The outlets cover every corner of the country. He integrated all institutions to establish the Kylin Group this year. There are more than 100,000 employees working for it.

Every Zhong Gong disciple. Let Tianshi Zhang touch the top of his head. Just charge four hundred yuan. Later he touched it lazily. Just let the apprentice touch it. He also encouraged the disciples of Zhonggong to donate their family property as the foundation. It is stipulated that those who donate 5,000 yuan can take photos with them. Donate 10,000 yuan to accompany him to dinner. If you donate more. It is also possible to treat other powers. Through a variety of names and methods. Zhang Tianshi amassed huge wealth. Become the richest of all magical masters at that time.

As for Master Li, who has made great achievements. Although the start is not as early as Zhang Tianshi. But the limelight is not inferior. It is far too exaggerated. He is probably the only one in the sky. What kind of false gods like gods and buddhas.

Various investigations show that. The training organization of Zhang Shizhi and his ilk has become a big deal. And it is quite influential among some senior party and government cadres. since this year. These miraculous masters who are madly making money with qigong training organizations have become bigger and bigger. Not easy to handle anymore.

After Boss Zhu understood these conditions. It was a little hesitant. These zero total total qigong. Collecting money illegally in the name of training trainees. And many organizations have violated the criminal law. It is imperative to deal with them. But the headache for him is that these organizations are too large. Move the whole thing together. He can't be moved without a lot of courage. Especially now there are many old cadres who are also superstitious about this thing. It's not easy to clean up.

Boss Zhu called Jiang from the Ministry of Security. Analyze these situations with him.


After these reports from Boss Zhu. Just said to him. "Well. Our people have actually investigated the situation of these illegal qigong organizations. It is indeed for the purpose of collecting money. And many public prosecutors and judicial departments also participated in it. If you want to move them, the police force is unreliable. "

"Do you have any good ideas?" Boss Zhu asked.

Jiang Lue is the son of the security department. Naturally, there are a lot of special hands, so Boss Zhu directly asked for his opinion.

But Jiang Lue also has some difficulties. It is easy to deal with these cases simply. Unfortunately, there are too many people behind these interest groups and too complicated. Just a few veteran cadres who are keen on cultivation. I don't offend one of them. Not to mention that there are many such old cadres.

So after hearing the question from Boss Zhu. Jiang Lue hesitated a little. How should the answer be in a moment?

"Why? Very difficult?" Boss Zhu also knew that there was a lot of involvement in it. But I didn't expect that even Jiang Lue was a little bit helpless and couldn't help but feel more worried about it.

"Mouse bogey-" Jiang Lue replied somewhat helplessly.

In the past, Qi Jinggong asked Yanzi. What is afraid of governing the country? Yan Zi replied. What I am afraid of is the rat in the shrine.

Jing Gong asked what he meant? Yanzi replied. The outer wall of the shrine is made up of woods one by one. And smear them with mud. The mouse then got into the temple and lived here.

Deal with these mice. If you smoke with smoke, you are afraid of destroying the wood. Water irrigation is afraid of ruining the mud. Everyone can't do anything about it. The reason. The reason why this kind of rat cannot be killed. It is because of the shrine.

The legal organization brain like Zhang Tianshi is a modern social mouse. Good and evil are blinded by the government. In the society, he would show off his power to a hundred people without punishing them. They will behave nonsense. Harm the country. But we must punish them. They are protected by some protective umbrellas. It is really difficult to punish them.

Boss Zhu pondered. Deal with such an organization. It is impossible to force it. Let everyone know their true colors first. Know their sinister intentions and hypocrisy. Then let everyone know how much money they cheated from themselves. After such sufficient power of mobilizing public opinion to criticize it. Only then can they be wiped out with the momentum of sweeping Li Ting.

But how to expose him is difficult to say. After all, there has been trouble now. These people are likely to turn into the next activities. Plus the various things they have cultivated now. It is really difficult to eradicate. On the contrary, it is easy to leave behind troubles. Therefore, it is not easy to expose the criticism first.

The most difficult. It is these people who belong to different groups of forces. Usually, I can't urinate in a pot at all. It is very difficult to catch them separately without letting them flee.

Things are still going on. But what should I do?

Boss Zhu thought for a while. Suddenly he patted his forehead and said to Jiang Lue. "Ha. You still need to tie the bell to untie the bell. You can discuss this with Fan Wuyao. I think he has this problem. Then he won't just talk about it. He has endless ideas."

"Is this appropriate?" Jiang Lue asked suspiciously.

"Appropriate and inappropriate. As far as the current situation is concerned, I can only rely on him." Boss Zhu Yue has a good idea. This kind of thing only needs to be arranged within the government. It is inevitable that the wind will be leaked. Instead, let Fan Wubing, a trustworthy person outside the government, act on his behalf.

At least ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let Fan Wuyi's road be paved first. Then mobilize the armed police to conduct arrest operations. This will reduce the possibility of leakage to a minimum. But Fan Wubing was willing to cooperate in this way. It's hard to say.

"You don't have to worry about him not cooperating. His career is getting bigger and bigger. You are also very disgusted with these crooked guys. After all, these are social instability factors. The sooner you get rid of it. It's good for everyone." Boss Zhu saw Jiang still have some worries. Just said to him.

Fan Wuyao has long-term plans for all domestic enterprises at this time. And his father Fan Heng is also entering the most management collective at this time. Maintain a stable domestic environment. It is also obligatory for him. That's why the boss makes such a firm judgment. Fan Wubing could only cooperate with him obediently.

Jiang Lue listened to the words of boss Zhu. I wondered in my heart. I think Boss Zhu's trick is more effective. So he smiled and said to him. "That's good. I'll contact him now. See what tricks Fan has?"

"Don't worry. He has different tricks. But there are too many bad ones." Boss Zhu tapped his finger on the table and said.

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