
Vol 5 Chapter 333: Irresistible

Cai Se Chapter 333 The irresistible temptation

In 1995. Even if you can see a Big Ben in your head. Assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars can almost rank among the richest people in the country. For a door-to-door teaching method. Donate ten million worth of merit in one go. This does sound, and it's jaw-dropping. It's also unbelievable.

Zhang Tianshi believes that he is well-informed when he goes to Nanchuang. But I have never met such a generous big man. Since merit money can be donated tens of millions to tens of millions. So how much should this person's assets have? .

For this top rich. Zhang Tianshi is generally not invited to go. Because he knows a truth. A big person must have a big background. Who knows which great **** is standing behind them? If in order to covet two merits. Provoked with characters that he can't afford. That would be really troublesome.

And he didn't believe it either. There will really be this level of superstitious superstitious people. As the saying goes, evil spirits emerge from poor mountains and evil waters. Such cult-like wealth-gathering institutions are prone to appear in districts that are generally underdeveloped. Put it in the big city. It is quite difficult to develop this kind of organization. He is also wearing the coat of a scientific research institute. Confused most people. Only then has it gained a firm foothold in a big city like Xi'an. if not. It's really not easy.

But his disciple took out one thing and gave it to Master Zhang. Then said. "Master. I think they are very sincere."

Zhang Tianshi took Naxi and took a look. It was also stunned for a long time. What the other party sent was wrapped in a red sandalwood box. An invitation card made of pure gold. We weighed the weight of the invitation. At least it's more than two or two. This extravagant style is really surprising.

And it makes this person feel like he is sincere in Taoism. It is the text on the golden invitation card. They are all written in cinnabar. Looking at the arrangement of chapters above, it is obvious that there is some background. The inscription is also a Taoist symbol. The meticulous look.

Under the golden invitation are two charms, one green and one white. The pattern engraved on it is quite complicated. I took a look at it was probably a jade charm that prayed for a blessing. All are carved into the orthodox amulet of the Heavenly Master Tao. If it weren't for Zhang Tianshi, he had indeed studied this for a while. I really can't recognize the origin of this.

Zhang Tianshi touched two jade charms with his hands. The gentle touch is obviously the best jade. Moreover, starting with one sapphire jade charm and the other white jade charm was slightly warm. It turned out to be like the legendary jade and warm jade. It's rare.

"This person is so brilliant. It looks like a real person." Zhang Tianshi thought to himself.

However, the more the other party comes, the more willing he will be to pick up the business.

Usually deceive the common people. There is no problem. Bring up a powerful person. These people are tied together and he can't help it. But if you are partial to those rich family members. It needs to be weighed. After all, people are not that easy to deceive. Even if it was cheated. But after all, one day of exposure will still cause trouble for myself.

So Zhang Tianshi looked at this thing. Although a little disappointed. But I decided to return this invitation card. This is a hot mountain*. Just when he was about to make a decision. It was found that there was a piece of paper under the two jade symbols, which was a bit special in quality. It was folded in half.

When he unfolded the paper, he hesitated.

This paper is not ordinary paper but a one million yuan transfer check. I also wrote a few words below to the effect that this check counts as Xie Yiguo who worships the mountain gate. It should be a visit.

Zhang Tianshi saw this. I feel that this matter shouldn't be simply pushed away. At least you need to take a closer look at the situation before deciding where to go. Should we agree to the request of the respondent for door-to-door transmission?

"Has the person sending the invitation gone?" Zhang Tianshi asked his disciple.

The disciple heard this sentence from Master Zhang Tian. Immediately, Master was a little tempted. He immediately replied respectfully. "Some of the teacher's answers. Naturally, it is impossible for him to leave. At this time, he is drinking tea in the Qingcheng Hall outside."

The disciple is so enthusiastic. Naturally, there is a reason. Because within their group. There is an unsuccessful rule. It is if the first generation of Zong’s disciples have brought in business. After the final implementation. There will be a 10% share. This is also Zhang Tianshi in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the disciples. Incentive measures come out.

In order to get the million yuan share of the tens of millions of sky-high rewards in this single business. This disciple is certainly very enthusiastic. Even Fang is not reliable. It is also good to encourage Master to go there. Anyway, the master is the realm of heaven and man. The eye of law is like a torch. Supernatural powers are vast. Reached out and pinched his finger. Knowing the past. Know the future later. The world is in the palm of your hand. How can you be deceived by some ordinary people?

Zhang Tianshi naturally knew why the disciples were so enthusiastic. However, he himself was a little tempted by this mysterious and generous figure. After all, this time the business is accounted for tens of millions.

The teacher hesitated for a while. Just said to the disciple. "Recently, there is a sign of restlessness in meditating for the teacher. I think it is difficult to solve it. It seems that it should be on this person. It is just that I already know the other party's intention. But it's my own. This is a calculation technique. It's not working. In that case, there are only people who will go to send the letter for a while. Then make a decision."

"The Master said is extremely true." The disciple admired him next to him.

Zhang Tianshi returned to his living room. Changed the suit. Put on the traditional gossip purple fairy clothes. Pedal on the cloud. Then he sprinkled some incense on his body. Finally, he was accompanied by four disciples. Slowly came to the Qingcheng Hall.

Charvin sat on the futon in the hall. Learn the look of the fairy on the big picture hanging on the opposite wall. Sitting cross-legged. He was closing his eyes and rested there while holding a teacup.

He is one of Fan Wuyi's foreign bodyguards. This is by order. After applying makeup, Yi came to the Kylin Building. Make a special trip to give invitations to Master Zhang. But his identity at this time. All have been replaced. Used a fake identity given by the Ministry of Security.

Zhang Tianshi first appeared. There was a jingle sound. This is a pomp made by his disciples. Imitate the Yuanshi Tianzun of the year. There are disciples Daluo Jinxian Guangchengzi and Chi Jingzi knocking the bells and jade to Zhuang Xing. His disciples also made Zhong and Yuqu. This one seems to be very effective. The ordinary people saw this pomp. In addition, Zhang Tianshi himself is indeed dignified. Sure enough, there is a fairy atmosphere.

Charvin has encountered such a scene. Couldn't help being a little more cautious. Seen in the eyes of Zhang Tianshi. I feel that the people in front of me are worthy of scrutiny.

Obviously this is a foreigner. Zhang Tianshixin. Could it be that his owner is also a foreigner? But how can there be so many Taoist instruments in a foreign country? And do you know the traditional way of writing invitations? The symbol engraved on it. It can't be made casually.

"Qingcheng Sect advocates that real people arrive--" the disciples hummed.

Charvin stood up. Bowed slightly to Master Zhang. Then he stood still.

Zhang Tianshi gave a slight nod. Xindao, an outsider, knows etiquette very well. It seems to have been carefully trained. So he sat on his purple wooden cloud bed. Then asked. "Where does the distinguished guest come from?"

Charvin was taken aback. Then said. "Can not understand."

"Uh-" Zhang Tianshi was almost caught by saliva. Xin said that this foreigner is really honest. He took a sigh of relief before asking again. "What does your master mean?"

Charvin pulled his leg back with his hands. Sit on the futon with some effort. Then said to Zhang Tianshi. "Zhang Zhenren. My host is an overseas Chinese. I have lived in the United States for a long time. But I have a great admiration for Chinese culture in my heart. Now I have the opportunity to return to China. I must choose a master to practice internal skills. Let's not hide the truth from Zhang Zhen. This time my host chose More than a dozen influential heads of various sects in China issued invitations. In the end, they were worshipped by my master as the head of the master. A 100 million US dollars introductory ceremony will be given."

"Wow--" The disciples present felt a little frightened.

A remuneration of 100 million U.S. dollars. How much revenue does the entire Kylin Group have in one year? That is, hundreds of millions of RMB. The price they offer is 100 million U.S. dollars. This means that I will go out this time. It is equivalent to the income of the entire group for five or six years.

Of course. The mention of all this is. Your ability is better than others. The master of this rich man is good.

After Zhang Tianshi listened to Charvin's words. It's also a bit uncontrollable. So I asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so that's it. I don't know how many people your host invited to go there? "

Charvin replied respectfully. "Zhang Zhen is well-known in the world. He is the first to visit in Xia. In addition, Xia is planning to visit several other masters. For example, Master Li. Qianren Qian. Tianshi Song. Master Hu."

These people he said. They are all scammers with a relatively strong domestic limelight. Zhang Tianshi is naturally very clear. Also know their details. Some people just make up their minds. At least he himself has systematically learned Taoist inner strength cultivation. So Zhang Tianshi's confidence is quite sufficient.

"I can meet the world for a while. A predestined method. Just when is the time set by your master?" Zhang Tianshi asked with some restraint.

Charvin replied immediately. "The first day of the month. Shazhou Jinlan Hall."

"Hmm. Then say. It's still half a month." After Zhang Tianshi took a round. I felt that it was agreed. The allure of one hundred million dollars. It is too big. So he said to Charvin. Please reply to the owner. The real person must come to visit. Celebrate the event together. "

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