
Vol 5 Chapter 334: Plan to stop

The 334th chapter of the fortune

Zhang Tianshi is the same here. Several other celestial masters who were on the cusp of the storm also received invitations from Fan Wu's subordinates. Although the person who placed the invitation may be different. But things are the same. The golden invitation card is accompanied by a blue and white double jade charm and a stepping stone of one million yuan. This trick is simply unfavorable.

Anyone who comes down to the invitation. It's all to the affirmative answer. There are more than a dozen evil sect masters who are making waves in the country. Both said that they would attend the meeting on time. Will be the same in the world for a while.

Fan Wubing showed Jiang Lue one by one the replies he received. Then smiled and said to him. "My job is here. I have bought a luxury house in Shazhou through secret channels. A relatively closed suburban courtyard. There are a lot of antique furniture. The bodyguards inside are all my men. But they don’t know what will happen next."

After Jiang Lue listened to Fan Wuyi's arrangement. Can not help but admire said. "This is a trap. I didn't expect Mr. Fan to do this trick. But standing on our court. It definitely won't work. But the secret work we do is once in the public door. All kinds of things are indispensable. It’s far less convenient than doing things privately."

Although Jiang Lue is the Minister of Anbu. But in the same department. There are also a lot of constraints. After all, the manpower belonging to the various forces could not completely listen to him. Once he assigns tasks in the ministry. It is impossible to be completely confidential. The news spreads through various channels. It is highly likely to be known to those who have bitten their hands. In the end it came back to no avail.

In fact. This is not his own doubts. It's that something like this has indeed been born in the past. Therefore, Jiang Lue did not have much confidence in his security department. Please help Fan Wubing. It's really not an option anymore.

Fortunately, Fan Wu can be completely trusted. The cooperative relationship between the two has been maintained for a long time. Have a common interest appeal without worrying about any omissions in the middle

"Actually. You have to invest tens of millions in this activity at a time. There is no need to worry about any trouble." Fan Wuyao said directly to Jiang Lue.

This time things. Fan Wubing had passed more than 20 million just by throwing money on the invitation. Not to mention the cost of arranging manpower and managing the up and down of the villa. Adding up is really an astronomical figure for Jiang Lue to do. It must be impossible for him to use so much money to set up bait.

But these masters. Basically, they are all good people. If you don't see enough benefits. How is it possible to walk down the road you have drawn? This is how Fan Wubing worked out such a strategy to draw the snake out of the hole after getting their idea.

At that time, these people will go to the Jinlan Hall in Shazhou. That is to implement the strategy of closing the door. Catch them all in one go.

As for the evidence of the crime. The Ministry of Security is not lacking at all. Jiang Lue didn't worry about this at all. Even if there is no guilt. Make it up temporarily. It's not a strenuous thing either. Even if some forces want to question the authenticity of these evidences, don't they dare to jump out publicly to brag for these cultists, right?

"You also have to be careful that these people plan to send some fighters over to check the reality." Jiang Lue reminded Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing nodded and replied. "Something will inevitably happen. I have made careful arrangements. I will definitely not make them feel suspicious."

"But. Wouldn't you happen to be a returnee?" Jiang Lue frowned and asked.

Regarding the identity of the overseas Chinese that Fan Wubing found out and the affairs of these foreigners who were sent to do errands. Jiang Lue always felt a little unreliable in his heart and worried about showing off his feet. Therefore, I don't want to remind Fan Wuyi. Let him take care of it.

Fan Wubing smiled and replied. "Actually. I specially arranged the identity of a returnee."

About this matter. Fan Wubing seriously considered it. Seduce these people. It is not enough to not make a big profit. But there are only a few top rich people in China. The face is familiar. On the contrary, a lot of suspicion arises at the sight of new faces. I'm afraid it will go wrong.

As for arranging the identity of a returnee. Fan Wubingjue is the stroke of magic. Since it is a returning guest from overseas. So how rich the net worth is can't be overstated. After all, after liberation. Most of the wealthy people in China have gone overseas. Decades of exhibitions have come down. There are not a few with a net worth of tens of billions. Spending hundreds of millions of renminbi is a pleasure. It is not impossible.

Jiang Lue listened to Fan Wuyi's explanation. It feels somewhat reasonable. So he said to him. "All in all-the virtual stock market. I will arrange a unit in advance. As soon as the time comes, I will fly over to carry out the capture activities. You can arrange it with your own people at that time. Don't make a mistake, just go to the oolong."

Fan Wubing laughed. "It's easy to handle. I

All of them are foreigners. If you see a Chinese, you will catch it. That's right. "

Jiang Lue smiled bitterly when he heard the words. "You guy. Alas."

The two discussed the matter. Fan asked Jiang Luedao without illness. "That's right. Recently, a good restaurant opened in Pudong. It's hard to come by. I can't help but have the friendship of the Lord, right?"

"That's okay. Anyway, I'm an idler. It's just to cooperate with you. It's inevitable when eating and drinking." Jiang Lue replied with a smile.

The two went out of the headquarters building of Fan's Fan Investment Group. Talking and laughing all the way to the parking lot. The result has not been to the car. An uninvited guest blocked their way.

"I said. Why are you still lingering?" Fan Wuyao looked at Li Yun who stood in front of him. Some helpless way.

Last time I discussed the narrow worldview of Koreans with Lee. Fan Wubing successfully ran her off. As a result, I didn't expect such a few days to pass. She actually ran over again. There is nothing to say.

"I have returned to China in the past few days. I have collected some materials. These materials can prove that Confucius is indeed a Korean." Li Yun took a purse from an assistant mm behind him with a serious face. Opened the lid. A thick pile of information was exposed. There is Korean. There is also Chinese. It looks about an inch thick.

"Confucius is Korean. Why don't I know?" Jiang interjected confusedly.

Fan Wubing felt a little like vomiting blood. How did he save such a brain-dead girl. Persevering in chasing from Seoul to Shanghai, it doesn't matter if you entangle yourself. Being chased by a woman wasn't the first time I was born on myself. However, she was so stubborn that she believed in the arguments of the Korean bricks and beasts. Think Confucius is Korean. This is tolerable or unbearable.

So Fan Wubing thought about it. Just walk over. He grabbed Li Yun's little hand. Then lead her away.

The two assistants mm who followed Li Yun immediately yelled in a fuss. I couldn't understand exactly what Fan was calling out. It was after Li Yun was stopped by Fan Wuyi. He blushed and said something to the two assistants mm. They became quiet. Then muffled to follow them forward.

Fan Wubing drew Li Yun to his car. Then say. "I'm going to eat. How about following the past together? I want to teach you a little bit. Let you know what the ancient Chinese culture is."

"Is the long-standing culture reflected in the meal?" Li Yun asked in a daze.

"Of course not. But Weizhiyi. Through the Chinese dining table. You can learn a lot." Fan Wuyao replied unceremoniously.

Jiang Lue followed them with a smile. I probably made up my mind to be a spectator. After all, it is difficult to see such a rude scene of Fan Wubing. After I go back, I will show it to others as a joke.

Fan Wubing put Jiang Lue in the seat of the co-pilot. Then gave the back row to Li Yun and her two assistants mm. Anyway, the three of them are very slim. Will definitely not be too crowded and panic. The interior space of a Mercedes-Benz car. It's quite spacious.

Everyone drove to Fang Fang, a newly opened restaurant called Tian Restaurant. Stop the car. Then go straight to the room already booked. As soon as I walked in. Fan Wuyi confronted the waiter who followed. "It seems that you are currently engaged in a full-fledged banquet? Give us a complete set first."

The waiter's eyes straightened after listening. Some stammered. "Sir. That's one hundred and eight dishes?. Five of us are afraid—"

"I'm afraid I can't finish it, right?" Fan Wubing smiled. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "It's okay. We can pack it. If you are worried that we don't have money to pay, please send this to the counter first."

Fan Wuyi stretched out his hand and took out two wads of large dollars. Threw it into the hands of the waiter.

The waiter didn't say anything anymore. Turned his head and ran towards the kitchen. Shouted while running. "Go and talk to the manager. The guests in the six rooms ordered a full set of Man Han seats."

Jiang Lue looked at Fan Wuyao in surprise and said. "I said Mr. Fan. Are you really going to be at the Manchu Banquet? I don't think it can be placed in this room?"

Fan Wuyao replied graciously. "I am trying to make up lessons for Korean friends who have come from afar. They are not allowed to see the essence of Chinese food culture. They refuse to admit that their lives are still in ignorance and backwardness. People rely on food as their heaven. Naturally, we have to start with eating first. Slowly let them understand what is broad and profound."

Li Yun and two assistants mm listened to Fan Wuyi. Just stay. Does the heart say that there are really 108 dishes in a set of meals?

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