
Vol 5 Chapter 335: Shazhou Gathering "Ask for Monthly Pass"

Great and profound! This is definitely not to describe the feeling of watching Jin Ping Mei!

Li Yunheng and his two assistants, MM, watched as the waiters in the restaurant delivered dishes to the table like running water, and then reported their names and gave a brief introduction. They all looked stupid.

They really didn't expect that Fan Wubing would just report the name of the dish, and the waiter would really come out 108 dishes.

OMG! China's food culture is so powerful!

Li Yunheng's mind is a little confused. Didn't it mean that Chinese culture, Chinese medicine, or Chinese inventions all originated from Korea? Why can I only eat cookie-cutter bibimbap and kimchi in Korea? It seems that rice cakes and other things really can’t make it to the most elegant hall, right?

The eyes of the three little MMs were straight and their necks stiffened. They watched the waiter numbly continue to bring dishes one by one, and then happily introduced the origin, ingredients and meaning of the dishes, leaving nothing in their minds.

Jiang Lue smiled and looked at the three small Korean MMs in the petrochemical industry, and said to Fan Wuyin, "It's enough. You scared the children. I guess they are in Korea and have never eaten so many different kinds of food in their entire life. ."

Fan Wubing laughed and said, "I just don't see some people forget their ancestors. I think they were our domain back then, but now they want to come back? Where is it so easy?! I am a skinny camel, and I am better than a horse. Great! What's more, we are now in the upswing period of our career!"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Lue waved his hand and said, "Know that you are patriotic, but teach the three little girls to use such a big fight, so you can accept it when you see it!"

Fan Wubing nodded, waved his hand to dismiss the waiters, and then looked at the three little girls who were in a daze looking at Satisfaction’s plates and soup plates, and said earnestly, "Everyone, you can regain your senses." ."

Li Yunheng was reminded by Fan Wuyi. Shook his head. Rubbed his eyes with his hands. Said with a wry smile. "Oh my God! What the **** is going on? The guys in the mainland. They usually tell us that the Chinese don't have enough to eat, don't wear warm clothes, and have no money to spend. But you actually ordered 108 per meal. Dish? What a luxury!"

Fan Wuyi listened. What kind of argument does the heart say? There is no food culture in my country. Live by kimchi bibimbap alone. As a result, they attack others. To say that people eat well is not good food. But the luxury of life? ! I have never seen such a shameless person!

Island state mentality. The mentality of a typical island nation!

So Fan Wubing replied. "Generally, I only have four dishes and one soup. I only make such a set meal when the guests come. After all, everyone’s living conditions have improved. But we must be conservative. I can’t eat and walk around. This is also our principle. There are a lot of employees in our company. These dishes are taken home. It's not enough for the employees to share it with each other."

all in all. Three small MM incidents shocked the Chinese food culture. When Fan Wuyi told them. Said this is only part of the traditional diet. There are many times when the time relationship cannot be displayed. Li Yunheng said to an assistant blankly. "Go get a camera and take all these photos. After you go back, take it and ask those guys who told me that the Chinese are backward. Are you misleading us?!"

Don't mention how awkward Li Yunheng's heart is. I managed to sort out a lot of information. I want to prove to Fan Wuyi how noble his Korean identity is. In the end, Fan Wubing made a large table of food and was shocked to perfection. This resentment can almost rush to the sky. Naturally, I have to go back and find some people to vent.

All in all, the three little MMs didn't have any thoughts about eating. They used the camera to take pictures of the dishes on the table one by one, and wrote detailed notes on the notebook.

Fan Wubing had a round belly with Jiang Lue. Jiang Lue also drank a lot of alcohol in the end. He drunkly patted Fan Wubing and said, "How long hasn't I eaten so much? You have fun together!"

"Then you come here often. I take care of food and accommodation, but I can't afford the extra expenses. I don't want to wear a big hat that corrupts leading cadres.

Fan Wubing replied with a smile.

He meant something. Now there are too many people who want to collude with officials and businessmen. There are also many people who are trying to get corrupt cadres in order to obtain benefits in certain aspects. Therefore, the Ministry of Security's tasks in this regard It is very important, and constantly needs to report to the senior management some things that are too unspeakable, as well as some people who do things unscrupulously.

Under this situation, Fan Wubing felt that he had better draw a clear line with them, and if it was time to cause trouble for him, he would be wronged. But he did business innocently and never colluded with the government. what!

But think about it carefully, this is something wrong, in fact, although the exchanges between myself and the high-level do not involve money and beauty, but the role of this kind of personal relationship in the business is really hard to say. Clearly, but there is a prerequisite. I have never thought of using this personal relationship to seize state-owned assets. This is what Fan Wuyi can guarantee with his chest.

"It's enough to eat and live, no matter how much, I can't afford it." Jiang


Everyone is smart, and naturally knows what can be done, what can't be done, and what can't even be mentioned. This is the advantage of smart people being with smart people, so there is no need to spend so much tongue!

After eating this meal, Fan Wubing really spent a lot of money, but it was not too much. When he went back, Fan Wubing called a dozen of the company’s employees to come and help, and one of them carried several bags. Basically, they are untouched dishes.

"Why is Mr. Fan being so elegant today that he ordered the Man Han full table to entertain the employees?" These people were talking excitedly, bringing the things back to the company, just in time for dinner. Everyone moved after hearing the wind. Came here.

When Fan Wubing saw this scene, he felt that he had been a little neglected to guide the employees of the company recently. It seemed that he had to strengthen the multi-angle interaction between the senior management and ordinary employees.

The company’s culture is very important. The relationship between the boss and the employees should be more harmonious. Otherwise, in many things, if the employees play the role of yang and yin for you, that will cause big problems, although the Fan Investment Group has not yet appeared. Such things, but Fan Wubing feels that prevention is the first priority in all things, and it is not a bad thing to think more about it.

Li Yunheng got into the school in a devastated way. It is said that he must collect all kinds of information carefully, and then go back to South Korea to find someone to theory. It is estimated that he must find someone who taught her that everything in China comes from South Korea. Trouble.

Fan Wubing waited patiently with Jiang Lue in Shanghai for a few more days, then both boarded the armed helicopters temporarily recruited from the military and flew directly to Shazhou. Here, Fan Wubing laid down Tianluodi.com has been arranged.

The armed helicopter stopped at the outskirts of Shazhou, and then a convoy came to greet Fan Wuyi. Of course, his target was not the Jinlan Hall, but a stronghold of the Ministry of Security in Shazhou.

After Jiang Lue's subordinates welcomed their boss and Fan Wuyi to the place, they said to them, "At present, everything is normal in Shazhou, and it is subject to the arrangement of the chief."

Jiang Lue nodded and said, "There hasn't been anything lately. I'm here to accompany President Fan to have a fun. Everyone should stay vigilant and just give President Fan a good stop before going out. Well, for the level, just follow the ministerial level. Treated well."

When they heard this, they were all a little surprised. They looked at Fan Wuyao and said to their hearts that this is the incredible young genius that the boss has been talking about? Sure enough, he was very young, more like a student than the world's top rich.

However, they did not dare to neglect their actions, and immediately arranged manpower to investigate various tourist attractions in Shazhou, and then reported the situation and arranged after listening.

After learning about the recent developments near Shazhou, the responsible person of the Ministry of Security in Shazhou reported to Jiang Luehui, "Minister Jiang, the surface of Shazhou is a bit wrong recently. It seems that many people of unknown origin have come here. In various hotels in Shazhou, I think if Mr. Fan and you are traveling, it’s better to be more cautious."

People of unknown origin? Jiang Lue naturally knew what these people were doing when he heard it, so he smiled indifferently, "Watch them, if it is not malicious to us, then forget it, don't easily alarm the place."

The subordinates immediately agreed, and then they began to deploy staff to strengthen the monitoring of those people.

This place in Shazhou is a small branch of the Ministry of Security. There are not many people. Therefore, they can only monitor a few important people in the city. The others have to be ignored. Regarding this, the Shazhou side is responsible. People also reported to Jiang Lue, but Jiang Lue's attitude on this matter was a bit ambiguous, and it seemed that he didn't pay much attention to it, so the person in charge of Shazhou had to maintain the status quo. As long as they didn't change anything, they just let it go.

Anyway, their communication equipment is already under complete control and monitoring.

After such a day, the person in charge of Shazhou came back to report with a relaxed look, saying that these people were originally organized by Qigong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and came to attend a colleague gathering. It is estimated that there will be no major problems.

Jiang Lue instructed that everything should be focused on defending General Fan's safety, and these trivial matters should be taken care of.

On the third day, Fan Wubing was accompanied by Jiang Lue, and thousands of Shazhou’s famous landscapes, Yuanyang Lake and Bailing Pagoda, were played. The members of the Shazhou security department basically came out, or Openly or secretly followed the trip.

This is also what Jiang Lue meant. It is basically to bring out his own hands, so as not to have participants or sympathizers of these organizations among them, so as not to leak the wind and scare away the target.

Another day passed, it was the first day of the new year. On this day, cult leaders from all over Shazhou gathered to prepare to visit the Jinlan Guild Hall to worship the mountain.

*************** The third time is delivered today. I ask for your monthly ticket support. Recently everyone has been fighting very fiercely. The monthly ticket is going up one by one. ! *************************((To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support Genuine reading!)

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