
Vol 5 Chapter 337: Show his feet


Chapter 343 is showing its feet

The heavenly master is a prudent person. Thoughts are quite dense. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a modern enterprise group to form a qigong organization. After he came to the Golden Hall. Just carefully looking at all the personnel here.

It can be seen from the decoration and design of the villa. The host here is a big person who will enjoy it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to invest so much money in this area. Just judging from the furnishings in the yard. Zhang Tianshi saw a lot of valuable antiques. For example, the large water tank of the Song Dynasty. The imperial bronze ware of the Qing Dynasty. Even the 30 squares in the courtyard he found was actually covered with the kind of gold bricks used in the Golden Palace of the Forbidden City.

The so-called gold bricks. Naturally, bricks and tiles made of gold are not real.

Although Fan is sick and rich. But if you want to pave the bricks with gold. Even if it was the money he spent. But I have to worry every day that someone will pry his bricks.

The so-called gold bricks. It is just a quality brick and tile used in the Forbidden City.

Visit the Forbidden City in Beijing. Take notice of the large bricks laid inside and outside the three halls of Taihe Zhonghe and Baohe. Although they have a history of four to five hundred years. But still black and shiny. Light can learn from people. It's like a black jade. This kind of square brick called the golden brick. Produced in the Soviet Union

Yuyao Village, Yuanhe Town, Xiangcheng District, outside Qimen in the north of the city.

Bricks are not made of metals or metals. It is a large square brick fired with a special mud material through a special process. The clay is iron-bearing clay where Yuyao Village is located. Eight processes including mud selection and mud smelting to produce dry kiln drying water out of the kiln.

The dry billet cannot be blown in the wind or in the sun. Instead, it was placed in a specially built green shed to dry naturally in the shade for eight months. When burning the kiln, first use a simmering fire such as wheat straw chaff for a month. Only smoke but no fire can be seen in the fire hole. That is before the fire. Then burn it with slices of wood for one month. Pine branches burn for forty days. The temperature is not lower than 900 degrees Celsius and not higher than 1,000 degrees Celsius. That is after the fire.

The gold bricks burned in this way are particularly delicate and hard. There is a vigorous sound of gold and stone, so it is called a gold brick.

This knock is sound. It is made of gold without holes. It was bestowed as an imperial kiln by Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty.

With the end of the Qing Dynasty. The royal gold bricks also disappeared.

Although Zhang Tianshi is a son, he is a capable liar. It can be deceived that there are his companies and employees all over the country to deceive tens of thousands of people to practice his qigong. Naturally, he has been to the Palace Museum. I have also seen this imperial gold brick. So I noticed this detail all at once.

You can use imperial gold bricks in your yard. It is enough to show that the master's wealth is the enemy's country.

At this time, Zhang Tianshi believed that the master here was paying this kind of sky-high teacher fee. This is not an exaggeration

Although Master Li made less money than Master Zhang. He is a politically ambitious person. He was chatting with everyone over there. Did not forget to look at Zhang Tianshi more. After all, this one is not only a fellow. It is also his biggest competitor in the country. Or say. Also count his predecessors.

As the so-called companion is the relationship between the enemy Master Li and Master Zhang, even if they tout each other. It is also a competitive relationship.

In order to raise your own position. You need to tout each other. And in order to obtain the greatest benefits and resources. Before the need to tear each other down, the two men's men had also had some nasty lives. Later, they were stopped by two people. These two were smart people who knew that in the initial exhibition. Vicious competition is unnecessary and unnecessary. The market is huge. It's all done by one person. There is no need to dismantle each other and cause reputation damage. That would be detrimental to the exhibition.

But today. Facing the temptation of 100 million US dollars in apprenticeship fees. Master Li was not careful. This ticket business. But I can stand up to my own struggle years*. Say no. I'm going to tear my skin with Zhang Tianshi|I'm on it.

So Master Li saw what the heavenly master was paying attention to here. I couldn't help but paced over. Said with a smile. "Brother Zhang Dao. What's the mystery come out again? I am comprehending the way of heaven at any time. It's really precious."

Zhang Tianshi saw Master Li coming. I don't know what he is pregnant with. He replied indifferently. "It turns out to be Brother Li Dao. Let's take a look at what's the name of the bricks here?"

Master Li is a little strange. I also feel that this brick is a bit familiar. But forgot where I saw it. So he asked. "It's just a few bricks. The worthy brother Zhang Dao is so troublesome?"

"This is the golden brick on the top of the Golden Palace. You can get it at will." Zhang Tianshi somewhat despised Master Li's inexperience. I really don't know how he got mixed up?

The trace of Master Li. It is the road from the countryside to the city. Therefore, the theory is basically all about bluffing. Changed Buddhism and Confucianism to a mess. Then he crowned himself with a pedantic hat. Became the third Buddha.

But Master Li of the Palace Museum did. Hearing that a younger brother came over. Said to him. "See you Uncle Zhang. Why don't you kowtow to please?"

The apprentice is a bit inexplicable. I don't know what's wrong with my master. Zhang Tianshi is not self

Contend for? The master usually said that they were a cult.

But the teacher's order is hard to violate. Moreover, Master Li claimed that he had supreme power. So the apprentice knelt on the bricks there and gave it to Master Zhang Tian. This one heads down. I heard a banging sound. Very pleasing.

"Did I have achieved success in my practice recently?" The apprentice was a little surprised. When did the heart say that his head was so hard? Can actually touch the bricks with such a banging sound. How can this be done without decades of skill? I used to practice with the master. But just to see that there is money to be made by following him. It seems. These skills taught by my master. It really works.

He is thinking wildly here. Master Li heard the voice. This is, of course, the bricks laid in the Forbidden City.

The owner here is really an enemy country. In addition to the bricks planted. Haven't heard of where it is. I saw it here. It's amazing.

"Brother Zhang Dao. This time. My brother wants you to fight with all your strength. The master of the Jinlan Guild Hall. But a person who has a lot of destiny with the deity." The master said to Zhang Tianshi with a smile.

"Then it depends on your ability. I won't let you." Zhang Tianshi replied with some disdain.

The two of them looked at each other with a ghost. But they all made up their minds. This person himself must be accepted as a disciple. Otherwise, the other party's arrived. His own martial art has fallen short.

at this time. The owner of the Jinlan Hall flashed on the scene. This Chinese who can speak Chinese. It is a real Chinese American. It's called Chen Jingwen. The English name is Vincent. Although not a seal origin. But it also came out of the US Special Forces. Later, he was trained by Fan Wuyi. Kung Fu is also very powerful. This time, he was ordered to dress up as the owner of Jinlan Hall. It's very emboldened. After all, his time comparison with Fan Wuyi. Well-informed. Adapted to the big scene long ago.

The difference. I always accompany myself. And this time it is dominant.

Chen Jingwen in the bodyguard

Surrounded by. Came to the hall. The hall is divided into two pieces here. A dozen futons were laid out in one piece. It’s the one who invited Chen Jingwen and the others to sit down and discuss the truth. On the other side is the cafe. It is the party who asked the bodyguards to take a temporary rest.

Chen Jingwen was accompanied by a translator. Came here.

Translation is not someone else. But it was Fan Wuyi himself undoubtedly. It's just that he is wearing a baseball cap at this time. Sunglasses hang over the bridge of the nose. Most of the face was suppressed. It's not an acquaintance who can't help but who he is.

Such a big action. It is impossible for Fan Wubing not to participate. Especially these bodyguards are well-trained. But no one who can call the shots was present. Action efficiency will also be halved. That's why he chose this extremely inconspicuous | color to play. Both can preside over the overall situation. Can try to avoid being remembered.

"My host welcomes all the masters to admire the light. Now I invite you to sit down and serve tea." After Chen Jingwen murmured a few words. Fan Wuyi said to everyone.

Masters drink tea in different ways. Probably a little bit side-by-side and so on. I saw some people put that tea bowl into one. It's empty inside. Some are covered by big sleeves. When you let go, it is an empty bowl. Others drank the tea honestly. But when I put it down again. The tea bowl is full again.

The bodyguards have never seen such a scene. All were a little surprised. I don't know how they did it. But Fan Wubing smiled secretly in his heart. This is completely a blindfold of the arena performing arts. To put it bluntly, it is not worth mentioning.

Then, the wine feast is set up here first. A combination of Chinese and Western meals. All are the craftsmanship of super chefs.

Tossing here. The bodyguards over there chatted with each other. But most people are Americans who don't speak Chinese. So I can’t talk to the local bodyguards of the masters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One of Zhang Tianshi’s bodyguards was invited from Shanghai. After seeing Chen Jingwen's translation. I always feel a bit familiar. But I can't remember where I have seen it. Can't help being a little suspicious. After drinking a few bowls of tea. I feel that my child has urgency. Yu went out to the toilet.

But after getting outside. He turned dizzy. Can't find where the bathroom is.

So he looked at no one. I found a bush under the shade of a tree. Pull out the guy to release the water.

Just peeed a little bit. I felt my body numb. It seems like an electric shock. He quickly jumped away. There are cables in the bushes. He pulled out and took a look. I saw a line of small print on it. Special cables for the Ministry of National Security.

"The Ministry of Security?" The bodyguard was immediately taken aback. How to use the dedicated cable of the Ministry of Security for private houses?

Then he suddenly remembered the translator of the year he had just seen. That seems to be Fan Wuyi, the boss of Fan Investment Group. Oops. There must be a problem with this party.

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