
Vol 5 Chapter 338: Chaos Fight 1 Group "Ask for a monthly pass"

Who is without disease? ! This bodyguard came from Shanghai, so naturally the investment group is so awesome!

Although Fan Wubing himself used to be relatively low-key, it does not mean that no one has studied him. After all, it is impossible for the big boss of such a large multinational group not to be remembered.

Shanghai is a place where dragons and snakes are mixed. The so-called dragon and snake mixture means that some people are dragons for a while and snakes for a while, depending on whether they have gained power at the time. When it’s a dragon, it’s the white road and talking human words. When it’s a snake, it’s the underworld and talking nonsense.

The bodyguards at Shanghai Beach also work hard and fast. They serve as bodyguards for the rich when they have business. The trading of capital.

A friend of this bodyguard once offended the Fan Investment Group, but was sent to the bureau and sentenced to fifteen years. Therefore, he is very clear about the power of the Fan Investment Group and has also studied this group’s expertise. Who is the boss? I have seen Fan Wuyao perform special tricks on TV.

Therefore, he was a little panicked. Fan Wubing pretended to be an interpreter and came to meet these masters. Obviously, he was not well-intentioned. His current wealth fell on Zhang Tianshi, and he even memorized a few pieces. If something happened to Zhang Tianshi's case, there would be no one to cover himself!

no! You have to quickly tell your boss Zhang Tianshi about this matter!

He knows very well in his heart that his boss Zhang Tianshi is also a person with hands and eyes, and has a backstage. As long as he is not caught, no one can easily get him off. As long as Zhang Tianshi is there, there is no need to worry about someone in his own affairs. Investigate, but if the big tree Zhang Tianshi falls down, his own husky will no longer love his uncle or grandma.

He didn't care about releasing the water, so he put on his pants and ran back hurriedly.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Lue, who was crouching in the base, discovered a very annoying thing. The image on the screen disappeared for a while.

"Damn! Who can tell me. What the **** is going on?!" Jiang Lue was angrily patted the table. The shock caused the tea cups on the table to topple over. Tea is spilled everywhere.

"Probably the line is faulty--" his staff replied with some trepidation.

Jiang slightly checked the time. It was only five minutes before he and Fan Wubing agreed. There is a line failure here. God knows what's going on there. It seems that things shouldn't be too late. You have to start it earlier. So he ordered. "Notify the action department. Start the arrest in advance!"

He had no choice but to do so. In order to block the news channels here. They also got the cell phone signal jammer. Near the Jinlan Hall. The cell phone signal is unreachable. So now there is a problem with the monitoring circuit. Even if the channel of communication between inside and outside places is broken.

He didn't want to catch these qigong crooks. Let Fan Wuyi have some loss. Then there is no way to explain it.

These people can't catch it for a day. It's just a bit troublesome. But if something happens to Fan Wu's disease. Not to mention that high-level officials must be held accountable. It was Fan Heng, the newly elected member of the Central Committee of Fan Wubing. Can't explain.

Therefore, Jiang Lue felt that the most reasonable decision now is to start the action ahead of time.

Fan Wuyi in the Jinlan Hall didn't know that so many things had happened in just a few minutes.

He was accompanying Chen Jingwen to toast the masters. Fan Wuyi had thought of adding some ingredients to the drink, but he was worried about being self-defeating, so he honestly toasted everyone here. These masters have two After brushing the ground, Fan Wubing also noticed that a few of them seemed to have real skills, their temples were raised high, and they were masters of the inner family.

According to the plan, there will be a loud music playing later, mainly to cover up the flying noise of gunship helicopters that may reach the house. At this point, Fan Wuyi must keep the entire wine feast in accordance with the schedule. If something happens at my own request, it may break the original plan.

The bodyguards brought by these masters amounted to more than a hundred people, and many of them carried guns. If they were to be aware of it, it would be a big mess.

Fan Wubing casually looked up at the wall clock on the opposite side, and found that there were still two minutes before the action. When the time was up, he would have his subordinates play background music for cover.

Suddenly, a person rushed in, and when he arrived at Zhang Tianshi, he said something, and he saw Zhang Tianshi stood up and looked at Fan Wuyi intently.

"Damn it, have you exposed it?!" Fan Wubing was also taken aback, not knowing where his feet were exposed, otherwise Zhang Tianshi would not be staring at him with such an expression.

Standing, Zhang Tianshi pointed at Fan Wubing and asked, "You are Fan's

President Fan of Mission Land? ! "

At this time, although Zhang Tianshi still had a sense of Fan Wuyi’s identity, he trusted him as a bodyguard, because this person not only came from Shanghai, but also had several big cases on his back and did not have his own asylum. It is difficult to survive, so it is necessary for him to do his best to maintain his safety.

Fan Wuyi didn’t expect that his identity would be known by others. When he was about to confuse a few words, he heard the sound of an armed helicopter outside. The noise of the domestically-made armed helicopter was really too loud and the distance was too long. The sound of the propeller was heard far away.

When I was disturbed, the hall became quiet. In this environment, the helicopter sound became clearer. The masters in the room felt that something was wrong, while the bodyguards over there began to commotion. I got up, wanting to rush outside to see what happened?

When Fan Wubing saw this, he knew that something went wrong, otherwise Jiang Lue would not start it in advance, but at this time, his bodyguards in the house are only more than 30 people, and the other party’s bodyguards are there. There are hundreds of them, and they have to deal with more than a dozen masters here.

Although he can hit himself, he is not an iron man. Even if he hits with a fist, these people are enough for him to hit him for a while.

"Do it--" Fan Wuyi couldn't wait for the armed special police outside to come in and act together at this time.

As soon as his words fell, the well-trained bodyguards immediately drew their weapons from various places, and started to smash them against the masters' bodyguards here, but the opponent is not a weak person to be slaughtered. , Everyone immediately started fighting, and someone had already pulled out a pistol.

Fan Wuyi reacted quickly. He reached out and grabbed a handful of Western-style forks in his hand. Regardless of his head, he threw it to the opposite person after he had enough strength.

Suddenly, many people were recruited, with forks stuck in their heads and faces, and they fell on the ground, crying and howling.

The masters suddenly went into a mess, wanting to rush out, but although they usually seem to have some magical powers, at this time, they are really facing a life and death duel, which is not enough.

However, there are a few bosses who are short of their names, and they have some real skills on them. After defeating a few bodyguards who rushed to stop them, they were about to slip away.

Fan Wubing immediately flew up and rushed up, punching one by one, and bumped into the two guys who were in front of him face to face.

These two people weren't the generals, and under the combined attack, they actually matched Fan Wubing's match. Fan Wubing was taken aback, but the shock of the two people was even greater. They had practiced inner martial arts for decades. Although they have now compiled a set of simple but easy to deviate kungfu to cheat money. But his own kung fu is real.

The two people were actually blocked by Fan Wubing, which surprised them. You know, they wanted to rush out, and Fan Wubing rushed over to stop him. In other words, if the two of them were fair Faced with Fan Wuyao under the circumstances, he definitely couldn't beat him.

The two looked at each other, and both found the fear in each other's eyes, so they separated in two directions and fled out with a sharp heart.

Fan Wuyao hesitated for a moment, but didn't stop the two people. At this time, the room was already in a mess.

The bodyguards of the masters have begun a gunfight with the bodyguards of his men. Although the seals are good at marksmanship, the bodyguards of the masters are not general. Both sides are injured. It is just that the other side's people fell. More, because the seals wear carbon fiber bulletproof vests made with the latest technology in the United States, which can block bullets much more. If they don't hit important parts, they won't have much hindrance.

At this time, the sound of a submachine gun sounded outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The gunship saw two guys in Taoist gowns rushing out, and immediately knew that these two men were cultists, so they used force unceremoniously. Suppression, although the bullets hit them, but the power is enough, the two people immediately fell to the ground in fright, raising their hands to express surrender.

A rope ladder was hung from the gunship. A dozen armed special police officers jumped down, then used submachine guns against the two martial arts cult elements, and handcuffed them with handcuffs.

The bullets inside the room flew horizontally. Fan Wuyao found a place to squat down to avoid the stray bullets flying over, and then shouted to everyone in the room, "There are 600 armed special police and armed helicopters outside. You should surrender. , Hand in the gun and don't kill! If you stubbornly resist in the negative corner, there is only one dead end!"

However, not many people in the room listened to him, after all, everyone had already killed the red eye.

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