
Vol 5 Chapter 340: Thinking about where to go


Chapter 340 Thinking of Where to Go

Five-time. Quite lively

Except Fan Wubing cooperated with Jiang Lue. In one fell swoop, it solved various cult organizations in China that might cause great hidden dangers after the year. The business circle is even more lively.

April 15th. A veteran named Qiao Ying opened a red sorghum fast food restaurant with an area of ​​less than one square meter in Erqi Square, the most prosperous square in Zhengzhou, Henan. Declared to fully challenge the global fast food supremacy McDonald's. The date he chose was the founding day of McDonald's 40 years ago.

What Qiao Ying used to challenge McDonald's burger was Henan's traditional famous lamb noodles. His advertising slogan is Where is McDonald's. There is no red sorghum. And boast. By the time of two thousand years. To open 20,000 chain stores all over the world. Seventy percent are in the country. Thirty percent are abroad.

This kind of

The high-profile action immediately caused enthusiastic reports from hundreds of media at home and abroad. All three major U.S. cable TV networks interviewed him.

It's similar to Joe winning against McLady. In the south. Shanghai New Asia Group launched Ronghua Chicken to compete with KFC. Its slogan is where KFC goes. I will drive wherever I go.

In those years in the sea and Beijing city. Everywhere near the streets with KFC. There must be traces of Ronghua Chicken. Its business was once very popular. The Huangpu store in Shanghai is said to have a profit of 3 million yuan a year. This kind of competition didn't end until two thousand. The last branch of Ronghua Chicken in Beijing's Andingmen was closed. KFC announced that it had 400 chain stores in China.

certainly. Look at Fan Bing. This is just another high-profile business gimmick after another. There is no strong capital chain. There is no strict and standardized management system. There is no humanized management method and no attitude towards customer responsibility. Lamb noodles are also good. Domestic fried chicken is also good. It is impossible to pass McDonald's or KFC, which has many years of exhibition experience.

McDonald's is a fast-food restaurant that was founded by the McDonald brothers in the United States in the 1950s and mainly sells hamburgers. Restaurants in more than 100 countries on six continents have become the most valuable brand in the global catering industry. In many countries, McDonald's represents an American way of life.

The core products of McDonald's and KFC are nothing more than hamburger cola fries. The customer's love rate for it gradually decreases with age. Many people on business trips, fashionable people and friends gathering etc. I didn't go to McDonald's because I liked the food. But it feels hygienic and convenient.

Hygiene and convenience make many customers go for it. McDonald's is actually not buying products but selling environment and experience. From the most attractive marketing for children's birthday to today, no fast food company in China can match McDonald's.

In the country. fried chicken. Le French fries are junk products. There is no sense of value. But because of the blind worship of foreign companies and products by the Chinese people when they entered China, and the price far higher than the price of dough sticks. The image of high-end venues has been established in the minds of the people.

In many works from the 1990s. Many white-collar workers at the time were proud to go to McDonald's gatherings. Although it was a joke in Fan Wu's eyes. But now. In the era of no network interaction. Consumption is basically affected by advertising and the environment. McDonald’s fashion and hygiene are generally recognized by the society

This situation also continued until two thousand years later until after the Olympics, there are still many small cities in China that are proud of opening McDonald's and KFC. And customers are also eager to enjoy it.

The cause of this phenomenon is no longer the cause of goods and pure services.

After Fan Wuyi returned to Beijing to deal with boss Zhu. I received a notice from the old sister Fan Ting from the s side. There are some troublesome matters in the company. He needs to solve it together.

After Fan Wuyi returned to the company. Ask the reason. Only then did I know the management team within the company. There is already a big understanding.

Since s began to produce its own brand of computers. The various foreign brands that they originally represented have begun to look for new agents to explore the Chinese market.

Almost all some well-known computer companies in Dangguancun have given up the most difficult independent brand management. Take a chance. Turn to be an agent of multinational brands. For example, Great Wall Company is doing IBm. What Founder did is. Compaq made by Stone. And Shi Yuzhu, who was previously very strong in the industry, has announced his move to health care products. These have a lot of influence on the decision-making of the senior management of the s club.

| Guangnan is the man who originally sold the computer Hanka. He has always been regarded as a symbol of the company's technology. In addition to giving him sufficient research funds and loose policies, Fan Bing. Also gave him a high salary. However. Around last year. Due to the upgrade of the software system. The sales of Hanka products in the market have been declining. The contribution rate to the company has been negligible.

In this case. |Nan is determined to create new for the company

point. The direction he chose is chip-level open technology.

At the time internationally. Chip technology is changing with each passing day. Companies such as Intel control the direction of technology. But if the company can make a breakthrough in this area. Will establish a position in the global computer industry in one fell swoop.

|In the last few minutes of Guangnan. Traveling around in Shanghai, Hong Kong and so on. Recruit talents. Established the company's microelectronics center.

His idea is called China Chip Engineering. The enthusiastic support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Electronics Industry due to its unlimited thinking space. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Sub-Ministry of Industry even promised to organize powerful computer companies together. Develop a national investment plan.

However, his plan was opposed by most of the company's top management.

From the perspective of the company's top executives who have quite a good understanding of the international chip giants. The chip project is risky. The company has technical background and industrial basic capital strength and management capabilities. None of them can change the pattern of the world brain industry. | Guangnan wants to develop technology is right. But he didn't know what the market was like.

therefore. At a high-level working meeting in the company. Both became a quarrel between the two factions. Both parties are very confident in their judgment. Can't convince the other party at all.

For a long time. China's computer and home appliance industries have been vacillating on the priority of trade manufacturing and technology exhibitions. The s club is the same as all companies in Guancun. They all started from trade. Gradually form industrial manufacturing capabilities. And then seek advancement in technology. Companies such as Haier, Changhong and Kelon in the home appliance industry all started by introducing production lines. Then it succeeded in marketing.

therefore. "Trade, Industry and Technology" and "Industry Technology" have become the two major growth models of domestic enterprises. There is no exception. Technology is the weakest and lagging link in core capabilities. When these companies gradually grow. When competing with multinational companies in the Chinese market. The status quo of backward technology is very clear.

Now. Where to go. Feeling very close. This kind of quarrel in the s club has a strong meaning in Fan Wu's eyes. It shows when Chinese entrepreneurs are facing the bottleneck of international competition and technology exhibition. What kind of thinking and choices have you made?

Where to go. This is certainly a major matter for oneself to make a decision. But it is also necessary for the company's senior staff to be able to understand and agree with their decisions convincingly. Fan Bing hesitated for a while.

Fan called all the senior executives of the company. The first working meeting of this year was held at the headquarters where all senior executives participated.

When everyone came to the meeting room. It's all bright in front of you. The big boss Fan Bing, who hasn't appeared in this kind of meeting for a long time. See you suddenly. Everyone was a little shocked in their hearts. Can't help but exchange ideas in a low voice. They are all speculating that something major may happen to the company.

Then I saw the company's chief engineer Ni Guangnan also appeared. Many of the company's vice presidents appeared in the conference room.

"It seems that something serious is about to happen—"

Many people in the company know. At present, there is a stalemate among high-level executives around the question of whether the chip industry is going to engage in it. Mr. Ni’s suggestions have never passed the company’s high-level decision-making meeting. The posture this time. It seems to be accurate-the final decision is made on this issue.

A vice president presided over the meeting. really. After the summary of the company's work in the most recent phase. He put forward Mr. Ni's agenda on strengthening chip research and technology to build China's core.

Regarding the question raised by Mr. Ni~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the company's senior management could not have been more clear. At this time, it was just to take a look at Fan Wubing's opinions and decisions on this. Therefore, everyone will look at the core figure of s. Fan Wuyi, the big boss who founded the Fan Investment Group.

Fan Wubing looked at everyone. A little troubled scratched his head. Then he said. "Building chips. This is a big price. In business. Although s has already prepared a scale of tens of billions of annual profits. But it is still a bit difficult to invest in this bottomless pit."

The crowd nodded. In fact, the most critical. It's not just a matter of investment. Instead, a lot of money has been invested. It is very likely that it is not a successful result. This is what worries everyone the most.

It is not so much to invest unlimited funds into an area where no hope of output can be seen. It is better to invest these funds in industries that are easier to obtain returns. There are too many industries that can be developed in China. There is absolutely no need for the s club to bear such a heavy burden.

after all. The issue of the nationalization of the chip industry. Not a company can afford it.

***********Today's second update*************

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