
Vol 5 Chapter 341: Intellectual Property Development

Cai Se Chapter 341 Intellectual Property Development

, After thinking and thinking. It is always not advisable to deal too arbitrarily with businessmen who say a thousand miles of business is just for money. People came all the way. It is also to prosper the economy. Promote the circulation of materials. It is a constructive contribution to the current economy. How could it be too harsh. After thinking of this, he lost the confidence to enter the northwest. I then ordered: "Draw up an official document. Just say that the matter is big. The officials should not act presumptuously. Be cautious. Unless the two sides are fighting against each other. Otherwise, just let it go. If the matter is difficult to solve, you can connect to a soothing ambassador. Here comes the yamen. The official can help them. The subordinates recorded while repliing respectfully. Furthermore-"I went on to say: "The official of the party cannot be clearly inclined in the conflicts of business firms. First, we must maintain objectivity and impartiality. The position. If it is a malfeasance with official collusion, it must be severely punished. It is already difficult to use existing laws and regulations to restrict the behavior of business people. Now the most important thing is to find out a set of things that can be taken in accordance with the special circumstances of the Northwest. The articles of association accepted by both the Fang and the commercial houses come. This is the right thing. It seems that I have already sat down. I can discuss with the members of these commercial houses. After thinking about this, I made a special explanation. I ordered Yan'an Prefecture and officials at all levels of the German army. Let’s go on. Every business company that is doing business in the city can send two representatives. Three days later, I will appease the Yamen to discuss various matters in the northwest. Just when I was preparing for the symposium with peace of mind, another bad news came. The news. My lord. There has been a conflict between the Jinzhou Commercial Bank and a firm of Jingshi and has killed people." When my subordinates told me about the news. There are only two hours left before the meeting.

Isn't this to add chaos? "After hearing the news, I was very angry. I threw the teapot in my hand on it. It fell to a smash. After I settled, I decided to go to the scene to take a look. After all, this was already born in front of my eyes. It's something. It's a bit unreasonable to ignore it. So I took a few of my men to the scene of the accident. The point of the incident is not far from the comfort gate. Only two streets away is outside an inn. Because It was for the sake of fighting for the order. When it came to the point of the incident, the forbidden army in the city had already attracted all the troublemakers. It was divided into two parts. The two criminals in Fucheng were making transcripts for them on the spot and saw me angry. He rushed over. Very cautiously got up to greet him. From the 7th or 8th-grade confessor to the current chief official Fengjiang official. My official is getting better and better. My temperament is also a bit good. I live in the same place and move to raise the spirit. Body. The subordinates saw my anger. They were still in awe. The atmosphere did not dare to take another mouthful. A criminal master came forward tremblingly. He gave me a detailed description of what happened. It turned out that the matter was also It’s very simple. The merchants in the state and the capital are most valued by the briquettes we cast. Although the structure is simple. It is not difficult to imitate. However, the iron is made in small workshops. The scale is small and the quantity and quality are not comparable to us. . Although our furnace uses leftover scraps from steelmaking. The quality is difficult among the peers. Rich people in Jinju and Beijing have long disliked that furnaces made of bricks and stones are too simple, especially like this small and compact furnace. The view of the stove in the winter. Surround the room to roast a fire or warm a pot of wine to taste slowly. It's really more comfortable, so our products are popular with everyone as soon as they are launched.br/

bsp; This time it was because people from Jinzhou Commercial Bank had all the orders from the early months of the month. When the Jingshi merchants arrived, there were no more goods to order. I think that I will have the opportunity to get the order next month. Everyone is a little bit angry. The Jinju businessmen have a taste of ostentation. There was a conflict when a word was not made. Two apprentices died in the end. A dozen people were injured. This is the big thing about sesame and mung beans. Is it worth your fighting to hurt people? "After listening to it, I was furious. It's just a few stoves. It made such a big movement. If my fist products are introduced to the market one by one, I may also think that something will happen. It seems that both parties in the fight are somewhat unfinished. Even though they have been isolated for a while. After getting together again, they feel a little wanting to move. I can see it. My heart is very sad. The current businessman. This quality is ah. . It’s really horrible. I ordered the person in charge of both parties to be brought forward for questioning. (七#星# Master Yang——Yang Da—— "The person in charge of the Jingshi Commercial Bank is very thin. After seeing me far away It was caused by an uncontrollable shout. I looked at the man carefully. I didn't know him. So I asked in a deep voice, "It's noisy? That man squeezed out a smiling face. Pointing to his nose and said:" Master Yang. Why don’t you remember me? We are neighbors. The villain is in the alley to the south of Tianbo Mansion. The third house from the left is the humble house—"then add another sentence." At the beginning, Yang When the adults got married, did the villain go to ask for a wedding drink-is there such a thing? Why don't I have the impression-"I am puzzled. Some are not sure about asking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Adult affairs Busy. Where can I remember the poor neighbor who is such a poor man — "That person seems to be a little bit clumsy when he speaks. It looks like a person who meets an acquaintance in a foreign country but gets blinded. It is very unsatisfactory. I was choked immediately. I looked at the person up and down. It turned out to be very poor. The five fingers are all covered with yellow gold rings. The cat's eye gemstones inlaid on them are shining with a faint light. I am wearing them. His clothes are also extremely luxurious. There are countless gold inlaid jade beads and agate on the belt. It turned out to be a very poor neighbor. The man saw my eyes seem to be dissatisfied. He did not speak. Just stared at him. He looked down at his clothes. Suddenly felt a bit exaggerated. Tucked his hands into his sleeves. A little embarrassed sneered and said, "I came out and mixed. There are always two good clothes. How about seeing people? Don’t be ashamed of the elders in your hometown—the villain is usually very modest. Um—very thrifty—"Say a pair of small eyes keep turning around. Observe my expression. A profiteer. A total profiteer—" I immediately gave this "neighbor" a definition in my heart. The neighbor of the Jinzhou Commercial Bank saw my opponent befriend me. I was very worried. After all, collusion between government and business is everywhere. In case someone gets involved. This matter is more difficult to handle. However, one person on both sides died. But if there is a tendency to accept responsibility, the final verdict is still very different from Master Yang--"Jinzhou people don't dare to say anything.

It's just a courtesy. Stand respectfully. I have already understood clearly. He said bluntly: "Both sides fight each other. One person is killed. Each is ordered to pay a comfort fee. Compassionate the deceased. And a fine of one thousand taels will be imposed.

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