
Vol 5 Chapter 342: Use only

Fortune Color Chapter 342

Disease-free is not for the chip technology itself. He can only choose a correct direction. Then the employees and executives under their hands are working towards this goal.

Now he has given Mr. Ni an annual capital use quota of 100 million yuan. And authorized him to recruit talents worldwide. Establish a team in chip design. Appointment of personnel with an annual salary of less than 500,000 yuan. Can decide for yourself

This condition is quite generous. It is important to know that the profits of many large companies are only several hundred million a year. Investment in scientific and technological research. Those over 3% are few. Fan Wuyi gave him the conditions. Enough to make colleagues envy it.

However, Fan Wuyao handled the company's affairs. I didn't fail to follow Jiang Lue for a trip to Boss Zhu.

Cult things. The tails are handled very cleanly. Boss Zhu and other senior officials expressed their appreciation very much. Also very interested in Fan Wubing's planning. I also specifically learned about the details with Jiang Lue. He expressed concern to varying degrees about Fan Wuyi's risks.

Although the evil has been eliminated. However, the various illegal organizations and individual industries left behind. It's all troublesome. There are many people involved. The personnel are also very complex. One is not careful. It is easy to cause social unrest.

Therefore, after the high-level meeting and research. It is agreed that the matter must be properly resolved. We must use our brains to accept these institutions and personnel. Attempt to transform it into a variety of commercial organizations with specific marketing products that comply with relevant laws and regulations. Or it can be transformed into a formal scientific training institution.

But this process is also very vast, because at this time there are training sites run by various larger and various illegal qigong organizations across the country. There are probably tens of thousands. Even if it is a reasonable merger and reorganization. After removing some non-climate dens, there will be no fewer than five institutions with office sites and staff.

These organizations have been a group of dragons. But the influence of evil people is still there. Where are these personnel going? Will it have a negative impact on society because of being dismissed casually and losing the means of earning a living? Whether you will take risks and do more extreme things is unknown.

And there is also a problem that the proper government or some other enterprises will take over these industries. I'm afraid-Xu right and wrong will be born in the end. The demands of various interests will produce many unnecessarily undesirable consequences.

Basically, they all have a deep understanding of human nature. Therefore, they are very aware of the temptation that so many industries can generate for many people.

When Fan Wuyi paid homage to Boss Zhu. Boss Zhu proposed a brand new solution. The Fan Investment Group, which was commissioned by the central government to take over these industries in an all-round way. Commercialize it.

"Aren't you serious?" Fan Wubing heard the news. There is something complicated in my heart. I couldn't help but asked Boss Zhu.

"Of course it's serious." Boss Zhu smiled and said to Fan Wuyao that the few of us have studied it and it is safest to do so. We also trust your person. You are determined not to embezzle state-owned assets for petty gains. "

Jiang Lue sat aside. Drinking tea with a smile. I think Boss Zhu has fully unearthed the use value of Fan Wuyi. Not only must he use his hands to deal with the old and difficult problem of cults and illegal Qigong organizations. Continue to let him squander the remaining heat. The remaining problems of non-** organizations will also be resolved.

Fan Wubing scratched his head annoyed. Suddenly, it was a little decided.

Boss Zhu raised this question. There are nothing more than two issues. One was to take the large training venues occupied by illegal qigong organizations at the time as their own. It directly becomes an asset of the central government. The other is to give those who have lost their way back a chance to offer a job.

As for what these fields are doing now. How to arrange these people. They don't care much. But Zhu bosses also have a bottom line. It just doesn't matter how Fan Wuyi struggles. Most of these people should be able to be satisfied with certain living conditions. Will not run out to make trouble.

This is easy to say. But it is more difficult to do.

Fan Wubing checked the relevant personnel information provided to him by Wei and others. There is a problem. These practitioners of illegal qigong. Basically, they are mainly old men and old ladies. Except for some particularly obsessed practitioners among these people. Others only need to persuade the organization to explain that the organization has been banned in accordance with the law. Naturally, it will not continue. After all, this period. Although these organizations are already very powerful. But the obsession of the masses is not as high as later.

But he also noticed. The teachers at the training point. It's a group of more difficult characters.

These characters are more complicated. The composition level is very different

Basically, they all have one thing in common. It also means that they are very interested in this. It means that they all have a great thirst for money. Many people are laid-off workers or cadres with a certain amount of knowledge. Among these people. Many people have seen the true face of their organization. I also know that this kind of qigong is actually a lie. But they still enjoy various training jobs. There is no other reason. It is purely because the treatment given to them by the organization is very high.

basically. A lecturer at the grassroots level. One month's income can be more than 3,000 yuan. This is roughly equivalent to seven or eight times the income of ordinary workers in ordinary cities. The temptation is naturally great. And the lecturers of more advanced training machines. There is a good chance that the monthly income will exceed 10,000.

If you add in the profit sharing from selling books and selling audio and video products. The income of these people is considerable. Compared with the university professors of the same period, it is much better. No wonder there are so many people working hard for them.

Fan Wubing carefully studied the situation. I feel that these are all available. It is not so much that they are people with ulterior motives who are good at deceiving people. It is better to say that they are intellectuals who have gone astray due to their livelihoods.

In a sense. The exhibition mode of these organizations is similar to that of transmission. It is nothing more than that they organically combine the concept of MLM with the spiritual opium of religion.

Jiang Lue saw Fan Wuyi meditating there. Changed and said with a smile. "Fan. Think about it. There are more than 500 large-scale training venues in downtown areas across the country. There are also some smaller-scale venues. If these resources are quantified by money. One year The rent is going to pass hundreds of millions of people. Now let you take care of it. It can be said that it is free to use. It should be enough to support these people. Or there are still a lot of leftovers. With your ability. The commercial value of this is revealed. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Fan Wubing wrinkled, turning his head back. "It's not that difficult. It's just that I don't think about it now. Spreading such a big stall at once. It will take up a lot of my time and energy. The ratio of input and output is seriously unbalanced and it is not cost-effective."

Boss Zhu knew that Fan Wuyi's income was too amazing. I totally look down on the small businesses that earn hundreds of millions of dollars in these years. Besides, Fan Wubing was also worried that he would get in a lot of trouble and would not be able to get away. In order to dispel his worries. Old Zhu said to him. "Don't have any negative thoughts. As long as you do the work. Even if someone is stubborn. Something is happening. You can't blame it. The government always has to contribute."

"If that's the case. I'm still willing to assist the government in solving some problems." Fan Wubing heard Boss Zhu's statement. Immediately clinched the road. "Although this job is a bit complicated. But out of the enthusiasm of a young entrepreneur full of patriotism. I took this hot mountain."

"You can make this decision. We are not pleased." Boss Zhu said after a smile. "Comrade Fan Heng will come to a meeting in a few days. You invite him to have a meal on my behalf. We have a detailed understanding of some of the work of Panshi and we plan to promote it. Before we formally start this work, we can do some private work. Contact. See where to focus on publicity?"

Fan Wu's heart said. If you do not agree to their request. I'm afraid it's hard to get this kind of opportunity to eat together. This is probably the typical method of hitting a stick to give a sweet date.

but. Fan Wubing thought about it for himself. These large training venues ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be used at the current level. Whether as a dedicated training place for your company. It is very convenient whether it is directly converted into a home appliance market.

Nowadays, there is a rush between domestic home appliance brands and foreign brands. Both parties' investment is considerable. Which one wins and which loses will have a great impact on the country's commercial layout and home appliance industry layout in the next ten years. But no matter who wants to lead the domestic market. It is impossible to avoid one thing. That is, everyone needs the support of a proper sales network.

There are more than 500 large-scale training venues in various large and small cities across the country. Most of them are downtown. Used to transform into a home appliance hypermarket. That's the best.

Once the transformation is successful-shopping guides and staff are required to be hired in every store. These jobs are reserved for lecturers who can take the seditious and provocative training classes. It is the most appropriate.

Just combine performance with rewards. Fan Wubing has reason to believe that he can retain these alternative talents. Make a huge contribution to enter the home appliance sales terminal market.

this. Also called and used.

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