
Vol 5 Chapter 343: Colleges are merged


Chapter 343 Colleges and Universities are merged

But I also have a request to mention. "Fan Wubing thought for a while. I felt that the matter should be brought up first. Otherwise, something will happen in the future. It won't be good to get rid of the skin and argue.

"First villain. Later gentleman. That's it." Boss Zhu nodded his approval.

Fan Wubing thought for a while. "I want to know. For the government, how long do you plan to give me free use of these places?"

"Three years. No more." Boss Zhu replied with three fingers. "And there is one more point to be made clear. If you use these places|commercial activities, you must pay taxes in accordance with the law."

Fan Wubing laughed. "Needless to say, I also know. Our company pays taxes well. When did we owe one tax? I mean. Three years later. If we want to continue to use these fields, what price will we have to pay? You know. If it’s a commercial operation, the cost will not be recovered in three years. I have to operate for a period of time to be able to protect my capital."

Boss Zhu thought for a while. "That's good. Sign a contract. At that time, it will be settled according to the average rental price of the commercial field. You have the first use right. As long as you come up with the money. You can continue to use the field. This promise Quite satisfied?"

Fan Wubing nodded. Immediately frowned and said. "Yeah. That's okay. Actually, it's still a bit troublesome. Unfortunately, there is no one-time solution."

"Then you just bought these squares and opened them. Anyway, you can't afford the money?" Jiang next to him talked a little eagerly.

"Buy it?" Fan Wubing thought about it for a while. Shook his head. "Forget it. Even if it costs several billions. Or more. I don't have that plan to spend too much money recently. My mother told me to be more restrained. I won't have the money to marry a wife when I save it. "

Boss Zhu and Jiang Lue listened to the disease-free and immediately felt that this kid was really unbeatable. If he needs to worry about marrying a wife. |Is anyone planning to get married? It's just full of gibberish.

So Boss Zhu started| said. "You marry a wife. You don't buy a wife. Why do you want so much money? There is also a problem with Zhang Meitong's idea. I will go to the Ministry of Education tomorrow.||This feudal idea of ​​how they usually work is not acceptable. "

Jiang Lue was also helping out. "Yeah. There is a problem with ideological consciousness. How can I educate others like this? If Comrade Zhang Mei is to let everyone establish this kind of consciousness in the basic education stage, then wait until the children grow up. Pay it back?. Fan Yeah. I don’t say you. The dignity of the parents is to be upheld. But what they say is wrong. You also have to fight for reasons. You can’t lose the big festival."

Fan Wubing curled his lips and said. "Standing to talk doesn't hurt your back. If your mother beats you when you speak lightly. Do you dare to fight back?"

Pause for a while. Fan Wu just said. "That’s good. Let’s do it for three years. After three years, I will decide whether to buy it and the price will be as long as the market is ready. Everyone is reasonable. It won’t be anyone who asks it cheaply. If I If the business is doing well, you can also consider increasing the price you buy. It will not make the government feel at a loss."

After hearing this, Boss Zhu said very happily. "Xiao Fan always looks at the big picture. This is very good."

The next day. Fan Wushu went to the Ministry of Education to find his mother Zhang Mei. It's promising to come here this time.

During this time. Zhang Mei's work is still very busy.

In May. The Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Decision on Addition of Science and Technology. Mobilize the entire party and society to implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. Increasing the progress of science and technology in the whole society. Full implementation of science and technology is the primary productive force. This is also the summary of the historical experience of the Central Committee and the State Council. A major deployment based on the situation of the world exhibition and the real situation in China. It also marks that China has officially put forward the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education.

Implement this strategy. It is to fully implement the idea that science and technology are the primary productive forces. Put science and technology education in an important position of economic and social development. Enhance the country's scientific and technological strength and the ability to transform into actual productivity. Improve the scientific, technological and cultural quality of the whole nation. Shift economic construction to the track of relying on scientific and technological progress and improving the quality of labor. To achieve the goal of prosperity, democracy and civilization.

Because of the decision to rejuvenate the country through science and education. The Ministry of Education is the department most closely related to this strategy. Naturally, it is an unshirkable responsibility. This Zhang Mei serves as the director of the Department of Basic Education. A lot of materials are prepared every day. Combine the requirements to guide all parties. It is difficult to have free time at ordinary times.

But actually. Zhang's Department of Basic Education is not the closest to this aspect. Because technology transforms productivity or something. It is mainly done in universities and research institutes. The connection with basic education is not very close

We have to do. That is to propagate and control public opinion. Let the elementary and middle school students

|| Establish awareness in this regard.

Rao is so. It's also very tiring.

Fan Wuyi's car had a special pass issued to him by the General Office of the National People's Court. Therefore, it is not difficult to enter the door of the Ministry of Education. It can be said to be unimpeded. The guard at the door gave him a standard salute. To show respect.

The Ministry of Education is also considered to be an important part of the ministries and commissions. Therefore, in the past, the prime minister had concurrently served as the minister of the Ministry of Education. Several deputy prime ministers have been promoted from the position of Minister of Education. all in all. There is no level of uncertainty in this position.

But in recent years. Whether it is high-level or ordinary people. They all have great opinions on domestic education certificates. There is no other reason. It is because the current employment situation is more difficult. Many people find it after they come out of school. Those things learned in school. It is simply not enough to gain a foothold in society.

Except for some of the majors in the exhibition. For example, students such as communications, finance and computers. It is easier to find a job that you are satisfied with. The employment situation of many professions is not good. And some unfamiliar majors are even more useless. After graduating, many college students went to work completely unrelated to their majors.

therefore. Lao Zai investigated the development situation in China since the reform and opening up. I also said it before. The biggest mistake in the more than ten years of reform has been education.

Although the education he said refers to the category of great education. However, the problems existing in the education industry exhibition in | The high-level people do not pay attention to this issue.

At the National General School Admissions Conference held in February this year. A decision was made. This year, more than one hundred colleges and universities will implement enrollment reforms. Reform the general professional tuition standard of ordinary colleges and universities, the maximum per student per study is no more than 1,200 yuan.

The so-called unified reform of ordinary colleges and universities. It is through the reform of college admission fees and graduate employment system. It is a systematic higher education reform based on the charging system of the enrollment system of ordinary colleges and universities and the employment system of graduates. This reform actually started with enrollment. Involving tuition in ordinary colleges and universities

Comprehensive reforms in various aspects such as registration management and lifelong employment.

Formerly ordinary higher

The school-running model of unified enrollment and uniform allocation of state investment and free admission was formed under the planned economy system. This model is not compatible with the current socialist market economic system. Must enter|reform.

Previously implemented a dual-track approach. It is necessary to draw two admission scores for different types of plans. The self-financed trainee score of the regulatory plan is lower than that of the national mission plan. Cause educational unfairness. Implement a dual-track system. Many difficulties and problems have been added in the management of students and school teaching and in mobilizing the enthusiasm of students.

The long-term existence of the dual-track system. Violated the law of education. Not conducive to higher education reform. Nor can it meet the requirements of the socialist market economy system. In order to make higher education actively adapt to the needs of the socialist market economy. Maintain the principle of fairness in education. Change the training mechanism of colleges and universities. Encourage students to study hard. Determined to become a talent. Promote teaching in ordinary colleges and universities

Management reform. Improve the quality of teaching. The Ministry of Education decided to actively promote the reform of the integration of higher education institutions.

Fan Wubing walked into Zhang Mei's office all the way. Just now a group of people are sitting in my mother's office discussing the issue of the reform of university admissions. Personal arguments are fierce. Even Fan Wuyao didn't even notice it when he walked in.

Fan Wubing found a Fang and sat down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quietly listening to their contention. Generally speaking, it is from this charge amount.

For this change in the amount of fees. Fan Bing himself is physical. Because when he was admitted to university. Enrollment is within the national plan. That is, the so-called public-funded students. Because his score was a bit lacking at the time. Then left the education. The tuition fee for ordinary public-sponsored student 1 is 500 yuan, but there are educational advantages halved. Fan Wuyi’s four-year tuition fee is exactly 1,000 yuan. Plus the monthly living allowance. It can be said that in addition to the necessary expenses such as dressing and eating during college. No money

But Fan Wuyi is one of his alumni. Just catch up with the charges after the rail. The tuition for a year is probably more than two thousand yuan. The year has passed 10,000. One year difference. It will cost so much money. Obviously people are very dissatisfied.

These people in the office are discussing. It is nothing more than to address this issue.

"This will make many families sleepy

Can't afford to go to school. Can't read books. "Someone said very emotionally.

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