
Vol 5 Chapter 345: Engage in a surprise attack

Cai Se Chapter 345 Engaged in a Raid

Of course, it is a change in admissions for the college entrance examination. But the changes in Zhang Mei's side also made the college entrance examination enrollment headquarters go wild. There are some policy adjustments in all aspects of middle and high school education.

In recent years. The phenomenon of college entrance examination immigration is more serious.

College entrance examination immigration is also a special phenomenon in China's higher education. Due to China's vast territory, there are many candidates. And there is a big gap in education level between districts. All provinces and cities implement the policy of evaluating and delimiting the admission scores of the college entrance examination separately.

Some candidates are under the operation of their parents. Make use of the differences in the scores of each college entrance examination and the admission rate. By transferring schools or relocating accounts, etc., take the exam to a district with a relatively low score for the college entrance examination and a higher admission rate.

Generally speaking. There are three types of immigration for college entrance examination immigrants. One is the municipalities directly under the Central Government, such as Beijing and Shanghai, which have a high economic level but a low admission score for the college entrance examination. The second is the eastern provinces such as Hainan and Anhui where the economic level is low and the admission score for the college entrance examination is also low. The third is the western region where the economy and education level are high and the college entrance examination scores are lower. Including northwest and southwest provinces.

The root cause of the college entrance examination immigration problem is mainly the difference in college entrance examination scores and different admission rates in the current college entrance examination admission system. And there is a huge gap in admission scores. It has become a huge driving force for college entrance examination immigration

In order to protect districts with a weak foundation in basic education, they can better receive education. Narrow the education gap with other districts. The state takes care of candidates from the backward districts in the examination system. Adopted different policies for different domains and different systems. The immigration of foreign candidates is equivalent to squeezing the quota of candidates. Also deprived some people of opportunities. The occupation of one place changes the fate of another person. It undoubtedly deprived those backward districts of their right to receive high-quality education.

Behind the college entrance examination immigration is a seizure of interests. Growing up in social inconsistency. Become a breeding ground for **. It is not that the staff of government agencies who handle relevant certificates are not ignorant of relevant national regulations. But committing it knowingly. The motivation is to obtain economic benefits.

The damage to the rights and interests of the immigrant candidates is not obvious that the fate of the immigrant candidates is also of concern. in most cases. The college entrance examination immigrants are all arranged by the parents of the candidates. Some families go to the back door without hesitation to find relationships. Spend a lot of money to buy an account opening certificate. Help the children immigrate. And children often accept passively. Even if the immigration is successful. Children who are lucky enough to be admitted to colleges will also lack self-confidence because of falsehoods. Life is overshadowed.

"Recently, we are considering adjusting the student registration system to solve this problem from the source." Zhang Mei said to Fan Wuyao with confidence.

The management of middle school and student status in this period. It is actually relatively loose. That's why there is a very common phenomenon of immigration for college entrance examinations. Just contact the school during the operation. The student status card can be modified at will. As for household registration, it is even simpler. Just find the relationship and spend money. There is no problem that cannot be solved. In fact. Just keep a little low-key after enrollment. There will be no problems. After all, schools and the like also need to be managed. It’s not a problem to get all the links in place and easily enroll.

Generally speaking. The college entrance examination scores in the Central District are relatively high. However, the resources of colleges and universities in the province are few. However, the college entrance examination scores of municipalities and western provinces are low. The admission score is low. The score gap between the rich resources of colleges and universities can exceed more than one percent.

The gap of one point in the college entrance examination may be dozens of people behind. This large gap in scores naturally creates a great temptation for candidates who participate in high schools, as long as they are parents of candidates who have access and ability. Will consider taking this path.

"This kind of thing. You'd better not participate." Wuyi suggested to his mother Zhang Mei. "When you do it here. It is to cut off the financial and livelihood of many people. From top to bottom, I don't know how many people will hate you. This kind of thankless thing is not good. As for the phenomenon of college entrance examination immigration. The existence of. It’s no longer a matter of one or two days. It can’t be changed by perfecting the student status management system. No matter how strict your system is. As long as the operator is a person, it’s impossible to fundamentally eliminate this kind of thing.”

"I don't like to hear what you say--" Zhang Meili shook his head. "If you have difficulties and dangers, you will not work? There is no such saying. For the establishment of New China. How many people know that they will die and have to follow suit. What is the picture? Of course, you must understand how to avoid evil. But you can't face it. It's not right to shy away from social evils."

Fan Wubing said to him not to be outdone. "Let me say. This kind of score; the distance itself is problematic. China has a vast territory. The teaching gap is also relatively large. This is unquestionable. But it is not to spread the scores of the college entrance examination. Let the areas with weak education foundation compare with education. In my opinion, with the deepening of China’s reform and opening up

The exhibition follows the progress of China|Society. In the case of increasing personnel turnover. Such an approach that relies on closed policies to narrow the gap. It's really a very stupid way. Moreover, this cannot reduce the gap in the quality of education. You know that after graduating from university in Shandong, the district of education. Will definitely work in Shandong? Can you guarantee that college students in Qinghai will not work in Henan after graduation? This may be useful for the candidates personally. But for all parties. It is really meaningless. "

In fact, it is just as Fan Wubing said. College students in impoverished areas often regard the opportunity to go to university as an opportunity to jump out of poverty. This is actually the same system as the imperial examination in ancient times. No one asked for ten years in the cold window. Become famous in one fell swoop. Just get admitted to the university. You can talk to the poor old hometown of the past for nothing. As for those who are willing to return to their hometowns to make contributions, it is not uncommon. But definitely not much. This is also true.

Especially when the planned economy is gradually cancelled. After the market economy began to enter the dominant position. The mobility of talents is even greater. The government can only formulate some preferential policies to guide this. But he cannot impose his will on others. Directly define the direction of talent flow.

The mother and son quarreled for a while. No one is convinced by the other side.

"That's right. Why are you here to find me? Didn't you specifically come to follow your anger?" Zhang Mei asked.

"I'm not telling you. Is it possible that the boss will come over to inspect?" Fan Wuyao replied, rolling his eyes.

Zhang Mei asked. "Just talk about it on the phone. As for running over here?"

Fan Wubing smiled. "|If I put a special pass in the car. I want to try to get in and out of the Ministry of Education. It doesn't work? The result is pretty good. The guard won't stop when I see it. Give me a salute."

"You are just doing nothing--" Zhang You said angrily and with a smile.

Special pass issued by the General Office of the State Council. Of course the parties entering and leaving these do not need to be checked. If it is not a particularly important party. You don't even need to snoring. Just drive straight in.

Of course, if Fan Wushu came over, it wouldn't make him really all right. He has one more thing to do when he comes over. Just take a look at whether the last supported computers have been arranged at this time. Are they all starting to play a role?

After all, I donated so many computers at a time. It is to count on these resources to be fully utilized. So that the college students in the colleges and universities can access more advanced computer resources as soon as possible. Quickly grow into the first batch of online users in China.

After Zhang Mei heard Fan Wuyao tell the truth. He led him directly to Director Chen of the Department of Higher Education.

Director Chen listened to Fan Wuyi's intentions. Immediately said very cooperatively. "That’s fine. We might as well go to a few colleges and universities. Let’s take a look at the usage of this batch of computers. It’s much better than looking at the digital report here. You know. Sometimes the numbers are always used below. Fooling people. We don't know the actual situation below. It's better to go and see in person."

Zhang Mei and Fan Wuyao nodded naturally and agreed. For Fan Wuyi. The most important thing is to really understand what practical work the school does with his computer. As for the tables and figures to be checked, it has no practical significance at all.

So Director Chen did not say hello from the school. She directly got into Fan Wu's car with Zhang Mei. |Go to the nearest university ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Director Chen glanced at the special pass in Fan's car. Can not help but laughed. "There is this sign. We used to say hello when we entered the door. This time, we can carry out a surprise attack unconsciously."

In the past, they went to the school to check. Always give notice in advance. The school is also ready. So the result of the check is always happy. The opinions put forward are not painful or itchy. It can be said that an inspection can be qualitative before. As for the inspection group statement, it is undoubtedly prepared in advance.

But this time things are a little different. Although the participants included officials from the Ministry of Education such as Chen and Zhang Mei. But the purpose is only to examine the practical use of the computer contributed by Fan Wubing. There is no clear requirement for this. It can be said that it is just an investigation. There is no need to notify the school.

Because it is a semi-private investigation. Therefore, not reporting to the school is the past. Even if the school rushed to hear the news. You can also pay by just looking at it. After all, there was no visit to say hello. It really doesn't need to be full of ups and downs in the city.

really. The car arrived at the school gate. Did not encounter any obstacles. Just drove in.

Delivered on the first day

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