
Vol 5 Chapter 346: The scene is a bit awkward

Cai Se Chapter 346 The scene is a bit embarrassing

After entering the school. The three of them were a little bit blind.

No one who was familiar with the situation led to find the computer room donated by Fan Investment Group. It's still a bit difficult. Although it was easy to find the office building. But if you go in and ask. Iron will show up.

Fan Wuyi said. "Let's stay in the car. I'll go find a student and ask."

After the flame is turned off. Fan Wuyi got out of the car. At this time, although it has just entered the end of April. But the weather has gradually warmed up. The atmosphere in the campus has been able to reflect the youthfulness. Many girls have been bored with the love of beauty for a winter. Put on a long and short skirt.

Fan Wubing stopped a girl casually. Ask her about the computer.

As a result, I asked several girls in a row. I don't even know this is the case.

Fan Wubing patted his forehead. Suddenly realized.

It's true. Girls are in a congenital condition. I don’t really like moving these machines or electronic things. It really brings girls into the age of learning to use computers. Played the biggest role in promoting. Fan Wubing thought it should be instant messaging software such as QQ.

or. At one time, the chat room also made an indelible contribution.

But when the chat room in the same city emerged. The popularity of computers is not high. Therefore, the role played by the machine is also limited. And QQ from beginning to end. A huge user base has been built from scratch. The role of this girl is very big.

Think about it, too, sir, there is something to say. Who would talk non-stop on QQ? Only girls can use the various functions of QQ to the extreme. For example, what QQ space dress up. All kinds of small games. There are some such things.

In a word. The man understands his mind. Women use it to heaven. A large group of men was caught in the net. Then the man and the other people mess up the Internet to an uncontrollable level. It's that simple.

So Fan Wubing didn't ask some boys who were thinking about passing by, but it was a little strange. Most boys have never heard of this. I also know that the school has received a large number of donated computers from enterprises and it is not clear where a new high-end computer room has been added.

Facing a group of students who asked three questions, Fan Wuyi was also a little depressed. At this time, he probably had a sense of consciousness in his heart. As far as the school is concerned, this matter has not been implemented. In other words, these computers have been misappropriated. This is not what Fan Wubing hopes to see.

His donation of computers is purposeful. The main purpose is to promote the rapid spread of mutual networks and related technologies in the country. If your computer is used for other purposes. Then it will affect your overall strategy.

Fan Wubing thought for a while. Hold a boy who looks more savvy.

"What do you want to do?" The boy looked a little vigilant and looked at Fan Wuyao with a fresh face. Can't help but ask defensively.

"Help me inquire about something. One is for remuneration--prepaid--" Fan Wuyi didn't dare to pay more. He just took out a ten-dollar bill and told him clearly. I'll give you fifty more! "

"What's the matter?" Sure enough, money is the most attractive. The boy was a little moved immediately.

Although sixty yuan is not much, it is not too small for an average student. The computer room opened for students in the school. One hour is just one piece and five pieces, but those pieces are a bit stale. 386 machines are mostly 486 and less than one-third. As for the Pentium series of machines, it is even rarer.

"Find someone to find out that someone donated a large number of state-of-the-art computers to the school some time ago. They were all from the company S. Find out where the computer room is. Even if the task is completed. Then I will give you another fifty yuan. "Fan Bing said to the boy.

"It's easy. I'll come as soon as I go--" The boy took ten dollars and got it. Go to inquire the news immediately.

The boy left for twenty minutes. Just ran back. At this time, Fan Wubing stood here a bit petrified. Because I was worried that the boy could not find himself when he came back to hand in the task. Fan Wubing had to wait here and couldn't run elsewhere to rest. This can only walk back and forth under the big sun.

Just opposite is a female dormitory building. It happens to be a break at this time. There are many girls doing activities in the dormitory. Fan Wubing appeared to be standing downstairs, walking around and looking around. I thought it was some kind of disciple and his like.

Recently. In various universities, migrant workers often turn into female dormitories to harass students. Therefore, the school is very strict on this site. The girls themselves have a strong sense of resistance. Seeing Fan Wubing so sneaky. I couldn't help but classify him into the type of people who need to be guarded.

Fan Wuyi had been questioned by the dormitory administrator several times before the boy ran back.

"Have you inquired about it clearly? Why did it take so long?" Fan Wuyao wiped the cold sweat on his head. Asked quickly.

The boy nodded immediately and replied. "All inquiries are clear. One of my seniors is the manager of the computer room. He said that it was indeed the donated machine from the S company. There are a total of fifty units!"

Only fifty? ! Fan Wubing frowned. It is logically like this college. At least one hundred units must be allocated. Because the teacher has two thousand mobile targets. All stayed in the capital. The total share of the entire capital is three thousand computers. Even an ordinary college. It should be more than one hundred. Not to mention that this university is still a key institution.

"There is a problem in this, Fan Wuyao secretly said in his heart.

anyway. He always asked the location of this room. I gave the boy fifty yuan. Then he went back to talk to his mother and Chen Chang. The three decided to go to the computer room to have a look. To determine the purpose and management of this computer?

The computer center of the school is a three-story building in fact except for this public computer center. Each department also has its own room. It just depends on the major. The dependence on the computer is also different. There are some differences in the grade of the computer room. In some places, you can even find some terminals that use minicomputers. Although the computing power of these minicomputers may have been very backward. But occasionally, students will go up and relive the glory of the year.

The machine room installed is on the third floor. A relatively large room. Two computer rooms are separated by glass in the middle. Looked inside through the outside glass. It was very clean. There are also many students. There is no place anymore.

Three people are going inside. Only an administrator stopped them. "It's full. Wait for the seats later!"

The administrator glanced at them. Now they are not wearing shoe covers. So he said. "You go downstairs to buy shoe covers. It stands to reason that you can't just let people go in and wander around. But this group of people will go to class right away. You can also stay in first. But you have to go here and buy tickets first. It’s eight yuan per sheet. One hour’s worth."

"Why is it so expensive?" Fan Wubing asked in surprise.

"You can use the fiber optic cable to access the Internet. Of course it is expensive. This is still in our school. There is no such cheap price anywhere else." The administrator said to him.

"Oh -" Fan Wubing nodded. Heart is really dark in this school. But I provide it for free. It's better now. Became their tool for collecting money

The price is eight yuan an hour. How much can you afford to learn? Even if you go online occasionally. It's just looking at it. What useful information can I get?

But Fan Wubing didn't say much. Instead, I went to buy shoe covers very well in the basement.

At this time. Shoe covers are very marketable. Because computers are generally more expensive. The hygiene requirements in the computer room are relatively high. So I came up with such a remedy. Using a plastic bag with a rubber band to cover the shoes saves the trouble of changing shoes. Throw it in the trash can after you use it up.

At that time, the use of shoe covers in the computer room was very high. It lasted for many years before it was gradually eliminated.

But shoe covers are not expensive. Five pairs of one dollar can't be used up at one time and then save it next time.

Wait until Fan Wubing bought the shoe covers and came back. After buying three more air tickets~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the three of them entered the computer room together.

As soon as Fan Wubing entered, he saw a very strange but familiar scene. A group of students sitting in front of the computer were lying there frantically tapping on the keyboard with their fingers. Enter the URLs written on the paper one by one into the address bar of that browser. Try to open one window after another.

This scene. It's the same as when Fan Wubing used to go online, the internet was very slow at that time. The Internet fee is high-it takes a long time to open a web page to display images and text. Therefore, the usual approach is to open a bunch of windows first. Download all the content you want to query. Then watch it slowly after disconnecting from the Internet.

Fan Wu's illness didn't even want to relive this scene. It's a bit embarrassing.

Then Fan Wubing found another problem. A guy hiding in the turret. It seems to be browsing y's webpage! This is really a talent!

It is enough to find these networks before you are used to using search engines. But not everyone can think of or do it.

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