
Vol 5 Chapter 347: Correction work

Cai Se 347 Chapter Correction Work

The guy who browses the y website is very alert. One person has him. The switch was made immediately. Then use the keyboard hotkey without revealing a trace to close the window he was browsing.

Fan Wubing shook his head and smiled. Xindao this guy's movements are very fast. Go inside again. I saw a lot of people who searched for information and played games, as well as those who spread home-made viruses on the Internet.

It's really staggering. Fan Wubing was a little surprised after watching it. The domestic issue of the spread of the virus. Not enough attention now. In many publicly available computer books. Some classic virus codes from the past are also provided. Basically, students majoring in computer science or those who have a strong interest in computer science. You can try to compile some small viruses to put on the web page. Hope to see what the effect will be.

Some people even found the website of the Pentagon in the United States. Trying to leave something in it.

"This kind of behavior is really necessary." Fan Wubing thought to himself that now his relationship with the United States has finally improved. The network is also pulled up. If there is a dispute between China and the United States because someone keeps attacking the Pentagon website. It's a little troublesome.

Those Americans. Can jump out at any time to find some unreasonable accusation of Chinese people. Not to mention leaving the handle to his mother? This situation requires attention. This wind cannot be long.

Fan Wubing thought again. The sealing strip of the existing computer case has been opened. So he moved in his heart. Just draw out a fifty-dollar bill. It shook in front of the classmates on that plane. "Next time in advance. Give it to me, right?"

The student froze for a moment. Then nodded. Over banknotes. A little reluctant to give up the seat.

Fan Wuyao immediately checked the configuration in the room after sitting up. There is a problem. The core of the Pentium has been replaced into the k series of amd. obviously. It is not only cpl that has been replaced. Fan Wubing restarted the machine once. Then pay attention to the initialization self-check interface. Only the shell and the display of this machine are all made by s and they have been replaced.

"This kind of thing--" Fan Wubing sighed. It's the computer room administrator who has a problem.

If it's just that the machine was stolen and replaced, it might be a problem for the administrator. But if there is a big difference in quantity. It means that there may be a big management loophole in the school. Where did the rest of the machine go?

The three people walked around the computer room and got out into the car. Director Chen said somewhat displeased. "I dialed a total of one hundred and fifty new machines here. As a result, only fifty machines were seen. Where are the remaining machines? This is a very serious problem. If this situation exists in every school. My stated goal is again. How can it be achieved?"

It's no wonder she will be angry. As the director who directly manages the affairs of colleges and universities. These indicators are all assigned by her. In the end, it made her feel very shameless to manage. Even the number of machines is huge; the distance. What I have seen is only one-third of the total. This is simply too much.

"This situation is a bit unexpected. Let's just look at the other house. If it's still like this--" Fan Wubing thought about it and knew how to continue.

"If this is the case, I will speak directly to their principal." Director Chen is also a very powerful person in the ministry. Otherwise, he couldn't control this place and immediately said ruthlessly after hearing this.

So Fan Wuyi drove to inspect a school again. Basically, everything you see is the same. But finally there was a bit of inside information. It seems that someone has made contact with several universities. A part of the computer was borrowed.

"Who would borrow so many computers?" The three were curious.

But everyone is already lazy to check the third college. Simply went back to the ministry. Director Chen called the school one by one. They came to the ministry for a meeting.

A group of principals came to the ministry with some confusion. I saw Director Chen sitting there with a stern face and not speaking. Everyone is testing. I don't know which one is wrong?

Wait until everyone comes together. The director asked. "The batch of computers donated by s. Did your schools strictly follow the requirements of the contract?"

Everyone heard this and didn't know where to start?

Although s was donating computers. The Ministry of Education has an agreement. All schools also came to teach. But no one thought that Director Chen would invite everyone here specifically for this matter. This is really abnormal.

"It should be. Why is it wrong?" someone asked rhetorically.

Director Chen took a deep breath. Then he said word by word. "Then. I ask you to verify it now. Are all of these computers used for learning?

In the computer room? Is it connected to the fiber optic network? And no one replaces the parts with other brands to recharge? "

Director Chen asked such a series of questions. It makes everyone feel that something is wrong. If Director Chen is not aimless. There are at least two meanings in her words. One is the wrong number of computers in use. The second is that some computers have been replaced by others.

Everyone felt a little nervous in their hearts. So they called back to school to ask about this. Especially these two points pointed out by Director Chen. It is even more important for the person in charge of the computer room to give a clear answer.

really. The person who finished the call. His face is a bit ugly.

Director Chen saw this. Sighed. "Forget it. I won't say anything. This project is closely watched by the top. A batch of 20,000 computers. They are also independently donated by the s club. A private company can do this. In fact. No. As educational administrators, we can't make people's enthusiasm fall into the ditch, right?"

After hearing this, everyone was a little bit embarrassed. But I also know that they are right. After all, everyone was rushing to share the quota when they donated. Once you get it. Just started messing around. Finally got the above and started to pay attention to this matter. It seems that there are still big loopholes in management. Go back this time. It's easy to clean up a group of people. Otherwise, poke some baskets from other aspects. It's not so good.

After waiting for everyone. The people who had been sent out to inquire about the disease also came back. It is said that a company in the capital is engaged in Internet cafe services in the optical cable network of the Tofan Investment Group. Because the other company has a relationship with the Ministry of Education. So I contacted the computer management center of each school privately. Most of the computers were loaned away in private.

"What company has such a big face?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

Fan Wuyi asked himself. If it is an industry insider. It is impossible to say that so many schools have agreed to his request. The person who started the company must have a close relationship with the Ministry of Education. In other words, they are people who have positions here.

"The company is not big. But the relationship is very strong. According to the company, the old man is always the minister's nephew." The informant replied.

Uh. That's it—Fan Wu knew it after hearing it. This matter can only be told to the minister himself. It was inconvenient to change Director Chen. After all, I met my boss. I can't say this.

So Fan Bing found the Minister the next day. This happened very directly.

The minister was furious after hearing this. Some curse that iron can't become steel. "A little rabbit. One day I will be blinded outside by my righteousness. Isn't it annoying now?"

Fan persuaded him without illness. "It's really nothing. It's early. It didn't cause much harm. At most, let him send someone to send everything back. If he wants to open an Internet cafe in the capital. Just tell me. These machines are good for me. Give him a 20% discount to take care of the business, right?"

The minister waved his hand angrily. "It's not such a thing. This guy is a troublemaker. What he does is not marginal. He should really be sent abroad to exercise for a few years. The province is in the capital. It's corrupting our family's reputation. This matter. If you don’t meet Mr. Fan, tell me. How dare others sue me? Small mistakes will be broken. Sooner or later, disasters will accumulate."

This is also sad for being a superior. It's easy to be borrowed to do something illegal or dishonorable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I don't know it when I am fooled. If it's not a coincidence. How can I imagine causing damage to my reputation? Actually just some relatives?

Fan Wubing shook his head and said. "Forget it. It's just a small matter. It's not worth annoying for him."

The minister sighed for a while. Then said. "I greet them from each school. I promise that there won't be such a thing again."

Fan Wubing smiled. "You don't have to be so difficult. I have a very convincing vision. Starting an Internet cafe is indeed very insightful. Most people can't see the profit in it. Tell him about it. If you are interested, come and look for it. I can do it. I can customize a batch of more suitable computers for him. The price is very favorable."

"Really?" the minister asked a little emotionally.

Be a man. Always worry about the younger generations. Who is no exception. The minister was a little depressed. Suddenly it became a little clearer. He wanted to be able to let Fan Wubing give some guidance to his son. It is also a result of misfortune. He is accustomed to it.

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