
Vol 5 Chapter 348: Home appliance chain supermarket

There are a lot of plots under Wuyicheng, and there are also large plots on the capital side.

After realizing the purpose of the donated computers, Fan Wuyao took someone to see the two plots of land in the capital.

It should be said that the investment of these cultists in the capital is still relatively large. Although the locations of the two plots are different, they are both in densely populated places, with convenient transportation and good business. It is estimated that the price of the land was originally obtained. It's not low, this time it's a waste of money.

Although it is now free for three years, and then according to the situation to decide whether to continue to open, but now after Fan Wuyi passed, he made up his mind that the land must be taken down, even if the price is a little higher. It doesn't matter. After all, the area of ​​these two pieces of land together can be about 8,000 square meters. There is a wall in the middle. Once it is opened and reopened, why can't it make money?

"This place is good, it's just a little bit worse." Fan Wubing said casually in front of the government officials who accompanied him to visit the place.

Several local officials were a little uncomfortable. They said that if this kind of place is not occupied by cultists and is a little sensitive now, where can it be your turn to take it? It's really typical to sell well if you get cheap!

Fan Wubing could see the calculations in their hearts at a glance, so he said, "You don't have to believe it. If this place is really a treasure of geomantic omen, you will not kill your master. The problem of geomantic omen, most people simply don't realize it. arrive."

It was hard for everyone to quarrel with Fan Wubing over this issue, so they hummed and dealt with it.

"President Fan, what do you plan to use this piece of land for?" someone asked.

Fan Wubing looked at the place, and then scratched his head, "Let's take a look, anyway, you can't just idle for nothing, first clean up this place carefully, and then decide what purpose it will be used for."

He already has a basic view of this land, which is to build it into a large home appliance market.

Fan Wuyao had thoughts about this before. After seeing this piece of land, he made up his mind completely and determined to bring in the large-scale home appliance chain market and bring a brand new experience to the people in Beijing.

Nowadays, Fan Wuyi has the most advanced logistics team in China, the most advanced business management team, the most advanced software management system, and the world’s unique global satellite communication system and resource satellite. It is entirely possible to establish a company. Chain enterprises covering the whole country and even out of the domestic category.

Now Fan Wubing has not paid much attention to the development of new resources. He pays more attention to fully mobilizing various existing resources and playing their role to maximize profits for the company and increase the added value of profits.

The reason why Fan Wubing thought of building a home appliance market was inspired by Suning Appliance's exhibition model. He believed that now that the home appliance industry has reached a period of rapid development, he should enter the market decisively to get a share of the pie.

If you want to enter the home appliance retail industry, you have to mention Suning Appliance.

This Suning Appliance Group, which was established in 1990, was nothing more than a small shop on the street.

Zhang Jindong, the owner of Suning Appliance, had the same life trajectory as most people in that era. Once he graduated from university, he was assigned to work in a district-owned enterprise in Gulou District, Nanjing. Although his monthly salary was only more than 50 yuan, he finally had an iron job. . However, he obviously couldn't be satisfied with such a messy life. He began to undertake some air-conditioning installation projects outside of work, and saved 100,000 yuan in capital within a few years.

In 1990, he resigned to the sea in the eyes of everyone's astonishment. At that time, he rented a two-story two-story building with an area of ​​200 square meters in the downtown area of ​​Nanjing and established a small company specializing in air-conditioning, Suning Jiao Home Appliances. Su is Jiangsu and Ning is short for Nanjing.

At that time, air conditioners that were considered luxury goods were extremely profitable. Zhang Jindong seized this opportunity and made 60 million yuan in sales in his first year in the sea. He was 28 years old that year. However, this young guy who entered the air-conditioning industry halfway through became an alternative in the eyes of several state-owned shopping malls in Nanjing at that time.

In 1993, the eight major shopping malls in Nanjing had a problem with Suning. If an air-conditioning factory supplied Suning, it would have to completely block the brand. However, Suning Appliance was not overthrown, not only was it not overthrown, the sales of air conditioners that year also reached 300 million yuan. In 1994, sales reached 560 million yuan. Since then, Zhang Jindong has led Suning to become the largest air-conditioning distributor in China by virtue of its parity advantage. Did not let it out.

Fan Wubing admired Suning’s model very much, but he must also see that Suning’s model should have been created by special historical reasons. At that time, the domestic electrical appliance market was still dominated by state-owned large shopping malls, but as we all know, the burden of state-owned enterprises It was very heavy. Although the home appliance retail industry was a huge profit at the time, the burden borne by state-owned enterprises was enough to dilute such huge profits, whether it was retired workers or retired workers.

Foreign expenditures are inescapable of getting rid of.

As a private company, Suning does not have these problems. His exhibition has been younger from the beginning. The boss is young, the employees are equally young, and the company is younger. It is very easy for a company that has no burden to concentrate on doing business.

Therefore, in China back then, many companies were started by young people. In just a few years, they got a great exhibition and made a group of successful people. But we must also see the survival of these companies. There are big differences in the period, some persisted, some gradually drowned in the dust of history, no longer heard.

It’s easy to start and grow a company, but how to continue it and become a century-old shop that will last forever is very difficult. It’s like Quanjude’s roast duck can be passed on from generation to generation. Obviously there are some of them. For special reasons.

And Suning's slogan is, our only product when serving.

It is very commendable to be able to position oneself accurately and to achieve it to the extreme. Fan Wubing also hopes that his enterprise can do this, at least to make the home appliance chain market that will be launched nationwide. Enterprise, it is very gratifying.

Suning's management philosophy is that system is more important than power, and colleagues are more important than relatives and friends.

Orders do not work, orders do not stop, and the lack of execution of employees is the biggest headache for many business owners and senior managers. The thought of official status in China for thousands of years is more powerful than the cultural inertia of the law, and it can be described as ubiquitous.

The makers of the system blatantly despise the authority of the system, but no one dares to advocate what price the offender should pay. With an unreasonable system, employees can only dare not speak up, and the rationality of the system has become the fatal weakness of the system. Employees who are subject to the system, based on an unbalanced mentality, have a rebellious mentality towards the system, and the fluke mentality of trying to evade punishment at the expense of violating the system, are the biggest problems in the construction of the internal system of an enterprise.

Although the system is more important than power in the eyes of most people, it is nothing more than a slogan.

However, in the practice of Suning Appliance’s corporate culture, it is not what people take for granted.

The introduction of any company's internal system by Suning Appliance requires more than three bottom-up proposals and repeated demonstrations before finally forming the system text. Unlike most companies’ internal system implementation cycles and system changes, which are only patched by individuals in terms of text, Suning Appliance’s internal management system has been promulgated and stipulated that the system itself has the ability to change with the development of the market and the company. The necessity. Under such circumstances, the importance of system over power will no longer be a slogan.

The same idea of ​​full-staff management has also been fully practiced in Suning Appliance. For example, a cleaning aunt in the building of Suning Appliance can stop a senior leader of Suning Appliance from spilling rice on the ground, and that high-level person must apologize again and again. This fully reflects that the system is more important than power in Suning Appliance. Practice.

Another feature is that in Suning Appliance, you can’t hear the titles of brother, master, apprentice, eldest brother and eldest sister. On the contrary, the phenomenon of calling names and positions is the most common. But it is precisely in the company where brothers and elder brothers are flying all over the sky, but they see all kinds of nepotism and different groups of different groups fighting each other. In Suning Appliance, communication with name or position as the beginning has fully promoted the spirit of cooperation that everyone is equal and respectful. It is completely different from the psychological feelings brought by too much thinking behind the sweet title. I have seen a system of equal, cooperative, and respectful colleague relations where the system is more important than power and the team is supreme.

Fan Wubing has always attached great importance to corporate culture. com also attaches importance to the centripetal force of the enterprise. The relationship between equal and efficient employees of the enterprise should be a driving force for the rapid development of the enterprise. Therefore, he attaches great importance to learning from some successful enterprises to avoid going astray. Affect the company's exhibition.

The biggest problem for the entire Fan Investment Group nowadays is not elsewhere, but it is in Fan Wuyi himself. His omniscience and omnipotence advantage is actually detrimental to the overall development of the company. A frustrated company can hardly grow into a company with cultural heritage and tenacity.

However, while Fan Wubing intends to let people learn from Suning Appliance, he also feels that there is one thing to be happy about. At this time, the domestic comprehensive home appliance chain market has not yet taken shape, and most of them are retail home appliances of a single variety. enterprise.

Even Suning Appliance will only have a chain market appear next year. This is a great opportunity for itself.

After all, there is a saying that the first entry is the king, and the preconceived influence occupies a very important position in Chinese thinking.

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