
Vol 5 Chapter 354: Boss Zhu's potluck


Chapter 354 Boss Zhu's Potluck

Let's talk about it. Acts like international money laundering. It's impossible to board | hall

Although governments of all countries are engaged in this kind of business inside. Through some channels, some invisible funds were laundered and transferred to normal financial channels. But no one can stand up and tell everyone. I used to launder money. That's what a fool did.

Actually during World War II. Taxi is the biggest money laundering winner. It takes advantage of its own position of permanent neutrality. Through various financial exchanges between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. Laundered a lot of money for the Allies and the Nazis. It has become one of the most advanced districts in the global financial industry. The Swiss bank has also become the bank of choice for many investors or politicians who need to keep their funds secret.

Basically it can be said. A large part of Swiss bank deposits are dead accounts. Many of the original Jewish bankers did not leave the Nazi concentration camps. Only this one. It made the Swiss bank an unpredictable wealth. Not to mention that it was the largest financial channel for the Nazis to purchase military supplies. Above those dollars, pounds, and francs that flow in the sky. Stained with the blood of the innocents killed by the Nazis.

But even after World War II,. The United States is a Western country and has not filed a lawsuit against Switzerland. This is not because they did not know what the Swiss Bank did during the war. It's because they also need an ambiguous channel for the flow of funds. To achieve certain goals that you don’t want to be known. For example, selling arms when calling for peace.

The Americans originally relied on the sale of arms to get rich. They would not abandon this old profession anyway. Naturally, it is necessary to preserve the convenient capital flow channels of Swiss Bank. There are real restrictions on the money laundering industry of banks. Still after the Americans suffered the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Bush Jr. became annoyed and began to look for bin Laden's economic lifeline through capital flow channels. In order to achieve the goal of eradicating the roots. Unfortunately. This pond is too deep. Even if the President of the United States went violently, it was of no avail. The next world’s actions follow its own set of rules, which is an area where the government cannot intervene.

Fan Wubing was in this business before. Naturally, he knew very well how some things should be solved. And from the attitude of Director Zhang. He is also optimistic. After all, how to withdraw funds quickly and safely is what he is most concerned about now. As for how this process is achieved. That's not what he wanted.

What the leaders have to do is to coordinate the overall situation and achieve an overall goal. Specific affairs. It is done by these people under their hands. Unless the person under his hand cannot achieve his set goals. Otherwise, the leaders will never stand up and dictate. That would invisibly lower the level of leaders. Ordinary people are mixed together. This is not the case.

Fan Wu considered Director Zhang's plan. There was a whole set of solutions immediately. So he then got in touch with Zhang Maolu and asked him to follow the other party's love. Immediately set out to produce|treasure-class cultural relics that meet their requirements.

After hearing this request. Donkey Zhang was a little excited. After all, it hasn't opened for a long time. This time it is big business as soon as it opens. It is hard to estimate how much benefit the national treasure-class cultural relics can bring. But one thing is certain. It is once Fan Wuying takes action. It is definitely not a small business.

I thought of the artifacts of the Three National Treasures series that fooled Little Japan that Fan Wuyao made last time. Zhang Maojue's hands are itchy. I thought that although the gains this time may not have such high expectations. But based on the principle of not opening for three years and eating for three years, it should be possible to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in income?

|Not to mention that Fan Wubing is engaged in these crooked businesses. Boss Zhu expressed his satisfaction after listening to Fan Heng's work report. Especially for Shi's recent anti-corruption violence. As a senior leader who advocates integrity. Boss Zhu believes that building a clean and honest government should not advocate empty talk. Really do something for Lao Bai. Resolve some cadres who can no longer represent the interests of the people. Guide the social atmosphere to the right channels. This is the main task for a period of time nowadays.

"The national economy must be developed. The issue of clean government must also be developed." Boss Zhu said to Fan Heng. "Our main purpose of developing the economy. Isn't it for the people to live a good life? Your anti-corruption action in Shishi is in agreement with both hands. In the future, you should also regard this work as an important task. Yes. Prevent those headaches caused by some big cities in the process of economic development"

Fan Heng nodded and replied. "On this issue. We are on top of each other. There is a set of effective management methods. Mass supervision is an important principle. It is the so-called innocence. Hearing enough warning."

Boss Zhu nodded in agreement

|Supervision is important. I hope that Rock can always come up with a good method. Other parties in the country to push"

Fan Heng shook his head and said. "My family is not sick, I said. The problem in China. The difficulty lies in one promotion. Or there is one thing that is good in a certain way. It is beneficial. But if it is promoted, it will often become a bad game."

Boss Zhu finished Fan Hyung's words in a bit of amazement. After thinking for a long time, he nodded. "This is also very reasonable. Your family is sick. It's a pity that he didn't go to politics anymore."

Fan Heng smiled. "His temperament is not suitable for politics. He can have the current achievements. I am very satisfied with him."

At night. Meet the old Fan Heng and Zhu boss when he is not ill. Come to the potluck that boss Zhu promised.

"My standard is four dishes and one soup!" Boss Zhu, who had changed a little bit, wore sunglasses. Passed the menu that he had taken from the waiter to Fan Wubingdao.

"Four dishes and one soup--" Wuxing glanced at the menu. He clicked quickly. Then ordered the waiter. Whatever you remember must be served on a large plate. The amount is going to be sufficient. Money won't be less for you. The waiter agreed and was ready. Boss Zhu pointed at Fan Wuyao and smiled. "You fellow. Do some expensive dishes! My monthly salary is not enough to treat you to a meal! "

"It doesn't matter. Aa is ready. Who won't take advantage." Fan Wuyi filled the tea cups in front of the three with tea. Then answer.

"Oh. In that case. It takes a little bit to get the money back for this meal." Boss Zhu said very funny.

"That's okay. Not only can you be full. If you can't eat, you can also walk around" Fan Wubing smiled.

Generally, a formal request like theirs. The meal is always just a cutscene. Most people after attending the official banquet. Additional meals at home. Although the dishes on the state banquet are very rich. The master is also very attentive. But most people are embarrassed to feast on it. Most people are hungry.

But private banquets are different. Especially Boss Zhu emphasized that it was a casual meal. The meaning is not to be restrained. Let's talk while eating. Just take it out to relax.

The food will be served soon. Three people: the square is a corner of the hall. The surrounding tables are relatively far away. And there are screen partitions in between. So the privacy is very strong. Although the quality of the hotel is only moderate in the capital, the environment is still good. At least when people are eating|talking about something, they won’t feel the environment is too messy.

"What are you doing recently?" Boss Zhu ate while eating. One side asked Fan Wubing.

"Money laundering." Fan Wuyi answered very simply.

Boss Zhu suddenly became speechless. | Glancing at Van Hyung. Fan Wubing asked backwards. "Is what you said is true or false? Don't you know that I am also in charge of the bank now? Money laundering or something. It seems very reasonable and confident?"

"I help people launder money--" Fan Wubing replied with a grin. Instead, he invited Boss Zhu to have a drink. Then he added a drink to Fan Heng, the boss of Zhu's father. Then he continued. "Recently, some people sell arms and it is difficult to get the money back. Let me help solve the problem."

Boss Zhu understood it as soon as he heard it. He understands the headaches of Director Zhang. Therefore, when Fan Wubing said half-jokingly. He knew it. So he said. "What sells arms?! It's so ugly! That is to help people solve their own safety problems! That is not money laundering~www.wuxiaspot.com~Should it be said that it is collection of goods?"

Fan Wubing heard what Zhu said was interesting. Also laughed back. "Yes. That's the thing. I can't speak. It's Boss Zhu who speaks clearly."

"Ahem -" Fan Heng said. I accidentally choked on the drink. She covered her mouth with a napkin and coughed several times. The two people, the old and the young, can talk about everything. If you let the media know the inside story. I'm afraid it will be discussed in the headlines for several months.

"Actually. I still have something to say to Comrade Fan Heng. It's just that I don't know where to start. So I will find such a private occasion to communicate. See what you mean—"Boss Zhu Suddenly said to Van Hyung

Fan Heng was taken aback for a moment. Is there anything wrong again? Is there anything that is not suitable for talking in the office? It's a very strange thing. "What's the leader's instructions. Just the famous words. My Fan Heng is the kind of person who likes to negotiate conditions with the organization?" Van Heng thought about it. Boss Zhu expressed his attitude.

Since it is to be handed in privately. That's not embarrassing or embarrassing.

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