
Vol 5 Chapter 355: High-level intentions

Cai Se 355th Chapter High-level Intentions

You return to work at Rock. How many years has it been? "Boss Zhu asked Fan Hyung

Fan Heng thought for a moment. Since Fan Wuyi came back from the United States. He was ordered to take over the work of Rock. It's been a whole year after all. Usually busy with work. I never noticed this.

"It's been four years since 1991." Fan himself felt a little emotional in retrospect. Back then, Fan Wuyi was involved in smuggling cars with someone. To avoid trouble. Go far to America. By the time of 1991. I feel that the time is almost here. Thinking of catching Deng Gong's ride on the southern tour. Only then did they come back ahead of schedule to deploy in the country. Use the huge amount of money earned in the United States over the past few years to set up domestically.

As for Fan Heng, it is also due to Fan Wu's disease. I spent several years free in Beijing. Wait until Fan returns home without illness. Only then came the reappointment. Pan Shi, a newly upgraded city, became the mayor.

After that, it was supported by Fan Wu. The economic development of Panshi is changing with each passing day. Finally, Fan Heng was promoted to the high position of Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. He was elected as a member of the Central Committee not long ago.

It can be said. Pan is not only Fan Heng's hometown. It was also his second trace. The significance to him is extraordinary.

Boss Zhu nodded and said. "Four years. It will be a small county-level city exhibition to the present scale. The merits of your father and son are really incalculable. This is almost a miracle in the eyes of any one."

Fan Wuyao can't figure out what Boss Zhu said. So he asked. "What's the matter? Mr. Zhu, please be straightforward. Doing so much foreshadowing. I'm all confused."

Boss Zhu smiled and looked at Fan Wuyi. To say that I just chatted a few words casually. Are you so impatient? But mention you. I'll thank you again. "

"Oh? What good did I do again?" Fan Wubing asked with a smile.

Boss Zhu told their sons that he was in the process of destroying the cult some time ago. You have made a great contribution. The senior management unanimously entrusted me to formally thank me. correct. Do you want us to give you a certificate or something to commemorate it? "

Fan Wubing immediately retracted. Repeatedly waved his hands and declined. "I don't want to make everyone know the certificate even if it's a certificate. I have countless troubles."

The senior management still cares about Fan Wu's contribution, especially on March 20 this year. Japan’s Aum Shinrikyo created a sarin gas attack on the iron in Tokyo. Numerous casualties. The shock has greatly aroused the attention of all countries in the world to the issue of cults. Many talents suddenly remembered. Fan Wubing pointed out the existence of this possibility in China.

Shinrikyo is a Japanese religious organization. It was founded by Asahara Shoko in 1985. Asahara has a gloomy mentality. Hate society. Hate human beings. In just a few years after its establishment. He enlisted close followers. More than three branches and dojos were established. And four branches have been exhibited overseas.

Asahara used every opportunity to fabricate lies to declare his natural ability. Put yourself in the image of hitting. Strengthen the worship of believers towards him.

Said that he came to the Buddha in the Himalayas. So not only has the air float. And has the ability of telepathy. He promised that anyone who joined Aum Shinrikyo could learn some abilities from him.

Once when Asahara was visiting the pyramids in Egypt, he told the believers that the pyramid was designed by him a long time ago. He knew that his previous life was the Prime Minister of Egypt by virtue of his supernatural ability to trace the past.

Asahara describes himself as the last savior of the new savior century. All power will be used to free believers from destruction. The key members of the Order have given the believers the prophecy of the Lord. For example, Mount Fuji will explode in a few days, Tokyo will cause an earthquake, the sea of ​​Japan will rise, and the city will be submerged.

If Asahara fails. They emphasized that this is because the magic power of the leader is at work.

The followers of Mu Shinrikyo worship Asahara to an obsessive degree. In Aum Shinrikyo. As long as it is for Asahara Akira. Even killing people will have merit. Because for the people who were killed. It is not to let bad things continue. Aum Shinrikyo requires believers to obey Asahara. The canon is very strict on believers. Once joined Aum Shinrikyo. It's like being trapped in a cage. Some believers who tried to escape and retire. Just be discovered. Will be severely beaten. Later. Was thrown into a small dark and damp room. Water and fast. Until death.

Since April last year. The Japanese police involved more than a dozen assassinations with Aum Shinrikyo. In the residential area of ​​Aum Shinrikyo. The police found some substances that made sarin. also. There have also been many unidentified gas incidents. In the case of certain evidence. The police decided to conduct a raid on Aum Shinrikyo. but. The Aumjin Sect knows all about the police's plans. Decided to create an event that caused the Metropolitan Center to fall into chaos.

March 20th. Rush hour for work in the morning. Aum Shinrikyo’s Success

Sarin gas was cast on several places in Beijing’s iron. Passengers on the Marunouchi Line and Chiyoda Line in Tokyo’s railway system are endangered. These three irons all pass through Kasumi Pass, which is known as the nerve center of Japan. The Supreme Court of the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Metropolitan Police Department, is here. because. The main target of the attack was national civil servants who traveled by rail to work. Especially for the police.

Sarin is called the atom bomb of poor countries. It is a poisonous gas heavier than air. It is more than five hundred times more powerful than chemistry. It can have a permanent effect on what is touched. Long-term harm to the victim’s lungs, eyes and central nervous system. Sarin gas was made by German Nazis during the Second World Congress. But it was never used in war. A German expert pointed out. Sarin is something that a madman would use.

A total of 12 people were killed in the sarin gas attack. More than five thousand people were injured.

This incident also reminded the domestic high-level officials. The cult problem is quite terrible. The harm of cults is also not serious. Therefore, after Fan Wubing assisted the country to clean up all the teachings in one fell swoop. The high-level people still remember this matter.

At this time, I entrusted boss Zhu to express his thanks. It means that we have not forgotten the special contribution made by Wuyi in this incident.

"This matter is beneficial to Guoyu and myself. I don't need to thank me specifically." Fan Wuyi was very humble and said to Boss Zhu.

Boss Zhu said again. "One more thing. I just want to consult Comrade Fan Heng. Are you willing to go to a different post?"

Fan Heng was stunned when he heard this question. Then he reacted. It seems that I have been in Rock for too long. The layer does not want to have too much power in Rock. Otherwise it will have a bad influence on the successor

Fan Wubing naturally understood this truth. The political aspect has a relatively clear regulation on the appointment of officials. Generally speaking, the governor cannot serve two terms in a certain office. On the one hand, it is to prevent them from spreading too far in their power. The formation of small interest groups is detrimental to the overall situation. On the other hand, it is the inherent requirement of anti-corruption. In order to prevent the people from taking photos of the authority of government officials and dare not raise different opinions. Or affect the proper operation of the supervision department.

but. Fan Hengman stayed in Pan for four years. Does it have made the seniors feel restless? Suddenly said something like this. Isn't it a bit unbelievable?

So Fan Wubing said coolly. "Year. I haven't finished it for a long time, right?"

Fan Hyung is also in a good mood. At present, the situation of Panshi is improving in all aspects. Everyone can see a great prospect for the exhibition. At this moment, I suddenly came out to myself with a different topic of appointment. What is the plan?

But I heard his son's questioning so unceremoniously. Fan Heng said something more or less. So Fan Heng scolded Fan Wu. "Speaking of the adults. What do the children interrupt? You can also intervene in government work?"

Fan Wubing naturally heard the smell of fire in his father's words. Hehe loudly. Then bury your head and eat.

Boss Zhu's expression is also embarrassing. After all, this request is a bit sudden. It is also somewhat unreasonable. Therefore, Fan Heng specially invited out for dinner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which means to communicate in private. However, this decision was not made entirely because Fan Hyung's influence in Panshi was too great. Instead, there are indeed competent provincial and ministerial leaders to solve the problem. not to mention. Fan Heng is also wearing a big hat of a central committee member on his head.

So boss Zhu hesitated. Then said to Van Hyung. "This matter is a bit tricky. Otherwise, the top management will not make a plan to adjust your past. But the decision is yours. If you don't want different positions. Then keep the rock. I believe that after the two terms. The exhibition will not be inferior to any provincial capital city or even a municipality directly under the central government. Your future is also quite bright. There will be no waves."

What Boss Zhu said was true. Fan Heng is now fifty-four years old. Has become a member of the Central Committee. Positive leadership. He personally led the construction of Panshi. All the achievements are obvious to all. Is a rising political star. Even if it is qualifications. After the next term expires, he will be sixty years old. Entering the Politburo is not a problem. And they are still young cadres. If the opportunity is right. Or you can enter the Politburo without waiting for sixty. Become one of several national leaders. under these circumstances. Suddenly different appointments. If it is not for special reasons that need to be reused. It is equivalent to self-destructing the future. What choice will Fan Hyung make? Fan Wubing looked at his father. There was also some uncertainty in my heart.

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