
Vol 5 Chapter 359: Appointment order


Chapter 359 Appointment and Removal Order

|The exemption order is made separately. An order was to remove Fan Hengwang from the post of Mayor of Shishi City, deputy of the provincial party committee. Another order was to appoint Fan Heng as deputy secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee. At the same time, Fan Heng was nominated as the deputy governor of Jiangnan Province. It is proposed to manage the position of governor.

"Why is it still so troublesome? Isn't it enough to appoint directly. Why bother to pay an extra formality?" Fan Wubing heard the news. Some puzzled asked.

"You don't understand the rules here. The governor and the secretary of the provincial party committee belong to different types of appointment and removal procedures. The governor is an administrative post. It is elected by the people's congress. The secretary is a leading position within the party. It is elected by the party congress. There are laws and regulations in the first place. Later regulations are stipulated by the party constitution." Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao.

original. The secretary of the provincial party committee is also good. The deputy secretary is also good. They are all internal party posts. Appointment by the central government is fine, but the post of governor is elected by the National People's Congress. Therefore, when the governor of a province is vacant. The central government can only nominate one deputy governor. The people's congress committee of the province held a meeting to approve the recommendations of the central government. The deputy governor was appointed acting governor. The election of the Provincial People's Congress will be held again. If elected. Inaugurated governor. If not elected. Only the contemporary governor can continue. Or appoint other comrades as acting governors at the people's assembly. The next people's assembly will vote to elect the official governor. This is the power of NPC deputies.

Of course. No matter which process is taken, it is necessary to pass the middle-one pass.

In fact. Fan Wubing felt that this was purely a secret. Can the party nominated by the central government fail to pass? He is very skeptical that this possibility exists.

really. The Standing Committee of the Jiangnan People's Congress immediately called an emergency meeting. | Order Fan Heng as Acting Governor of Jiangnan Province.

"What did the previous governor do?" Wushu kept gossiping.

Fan Heng replied. "Something went wrong. Now I have been transferred back to the capital. Probably it will be a detailed investigation." Then Fan Hyung added. "The relationship between him and Chen is very close and systematic."

"Oh -" Fan Wubing nodded. I thought that the old man was on the wrong team.

Except for this. Isn’t Jiang province any problems at all? Fan Wubing didn't believe this, otherwise the central government wouldn't be able to let Fan Heng go to Jiangnan Province to govern.

"In addition. The secretary of the provincial party committee also knows it. It is the secretary of Wangtian," Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao.

"Oh -" Fan Wuyao nodded again. I thought it would be okay. It's undesirable that someone is holding back.

After all, Secretary Lin is also a good friend of the Fan family. Early on, he had a close relationship with Wang and the father of the three brothers. Later, he had a good personal relationship with Fan Wubing. And Fan Heng also had contact with each other at work and had never cooperated. This time the central government chose him to serve as secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee. Obviously used some brains.

Replace the two giants in the province. Obviously it cannot be because the exhibition in Jiangnan Province is very satisfactory. Although he is in office, Lingzhong will not mention these inside information. But Fan Wubing believes that not long after. The above will definitely give Fan Hyung a special explanation on the inside story of this matter. "I take the time to return to Rock. You can decide on your own. It seems that the final exam for the junior year is coming soon, right? You have to deal with it. You can go for a hundred miles and a half and ninety. Don't go wrong now. . The next semester is about to graduate internship." Fan Heng told Fan Wuyin.

Fan Wubing shook his head. "What's my burden

of? But once you leave Panshi, you don’t know where your successor is -|-I have too much foundation in Panshi. It's inevitable. "

"As long as you operate in compliance with the law. What questions can you ask?" Fan Heng replied disapprovingly. Fan Wubing shook his head. I thought that there was no problem in operating in compliance with the law. However, I also hid some invisible things in Panshi, such as Zhang Maolu’s fraud work and Kevin’s hacker work. These are all things that cannot be exposed. It seems that some arrangements need to be made again.

However, there is still some inside information from Fan Heng. Director Zhang went to Fan Wuyi.

After a few talks with Fan Wubing. Director Zhang said to Fan Wuyao. "The real reason for your dad to go to Jiangnan. Have you said that?"

"Your government's situation. How can I be a student know?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

Director Zhang said. "The problem in Jiangnan Province is more serious. The central authorities did not anticipate it before. This time it was purely implicated in the case of Wang Chen. To find out how close the liaison between the officials of Jiangnan Province and Wang Chen are. The secret investigation by the central government The team went to Changping, the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province. As a result, some other problems unexpectedly appeared. This led to the central government's painful assassin. The provincial party secretary and the governor of Jiangnan Province were replaced together." So that's it. Fan Wubing scratched his head. Ask for advice humbly. "You always have some inside information, right? Now my father is confused. I don't know what the situation is. I, a son, should always plan ahead. Help him straighten out Jiangnan Province.

It's also good to help him. "

some things. The upper management may give an explanation before Fan Hyung takes office. But some issues cannot be put on the table. So Fan Wubing thought. Instead of passively going to Jiangnan Province, the problem emerged. It is better to find out the details of Jiangnan now. Fortunately, there is a pertinence to carry out the work. This is better than going around like a fly without a head.

Director Zhang has lived in the capital for a long time. It is also responsible for military equipment and affairs across the country. The understanding of all aspects is obviously much better than Fan. The message channels are also different. His opinions and information are still very helpful. Say it again. Director Zhang is not an outsider either. It's not a big deal to ask about the situation.

Changed the words of others. But it's hard to speak.

Director Zhang said to Fan Wubing. "You didn't ask me to tell you. After all, it's a bit easy to see your dad now. It's okay to tell you a little bit."

Fan Wuyi clicked a little to show his understanding. Since ancient times. There is a taboo of sending officials to associate with the capital officials. It's the same now. Therefore, Director Zhang is unwilling to run to Fan Heng at this juncture. Add countless suspicions. It's not as convenient as to come to see my quasi-nephew. The effect is the same anyway. or. After Fan Wuyi's treatment. The effect may be better.

"On the face of Jiangnan Province. There is a deficit of 20 billion yuan." Director Zhang said to Fan Wuyao.

"Damn it?" Fan Wubing was shocked after hearing this. The central government, who is not so strange, wants to send his father Fan Heng to work in Jiangnan Province. It turned out that I wanted him to fill in the holes in the past.

No wonder the central government urged this urgency. And there are also questions about it carefully with my dad. Maybe I was worried that Fan Hyung would retreat after hearing the news? After all, a province has suffered a loss of more than 20 billion yuan in guilt. This is a big problem. Any leader with normal thinking. Don't give up the position of Panshi with good prospects. I chose such a hot mountain to take over.

"Not kind--not kind--" Fan Wubing said to Director Zhang angrily. "Boss Zhu still keeps saying that it won't make me suffer. Is this the arrangement? It's really chilling."

"You can't say that. If things are handled well this time, it will be very good for your dad's promotion. It is not an extravagant hope to directly enter the Politburo." Director Zhang immediately said the main point.

Fan Wubing scratched. "It's just. The price of this Politburo member. It's a bit too big. If I'm willing to fill this hole. If they and my father enter the Politburo, they can be considered."

More than two hundred million. Fan Wubing thought to himself. How did they get away this large sum of money? Unless it is Jiangnan Province's wealth, no one will supervise it. if not. How could such a large sum of money be taken away unknowingly? Guicai believes that no one will know about this.

According to the current situation. The problems in Jiangnan Province are far more serious than those that have surfaced.

"Such a big hole. How did it make it?" Fan Wubing asked suspiciously.

Able to take away so much money. Such a character can be regarded as against the sky. Fan Wubing's first thought. It should take a good look at the other party's operation techniques. Take a look to see if there are any things you can learn from-some things in the officialdom shopping malls are analogous. It's good to listen to and take a look.

Fan Wubing is not too narrow to work behind closed doors ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ thinks that only his own law is the most brilliant in the world. Because there are written records since the history shows. The kind of people who boast about their cleverness everywhere tend to be clever.

Director Zhang said to Fan Wuwei. "Jiangnan Province is regarded as an old revolutionary base. Although the economy is not enough. But the government has invested a lot. It stands to reason. The money should be used for infrastructure construction and improvement of people's livelihood. In addition, the development of minerals in the province also requires a lot of money. . From what we understand now. The money is obviously useless."

"This is really a big trouble." Fan Wuyao rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly. "I don't know if it's time to refuse now?" Director Zhang immediately opened his eyes and said. "For the sake of playing? How can the central government's appointment and dismissal orders be bargained? Since your dad agreed to this matter at the beginning, it is impossible to go back."

"Damn it. This is forcing Liangshan." Wuyi said very uncomfortably.

nature. Whoever encounters this kind of thing suddenly. It won't be very good in my heart. A hole here is waiting for me to fill it in. I don't know that after Fan Hyung knows the news. Will you pull the appointment and dismissal order in a fit of anger?

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