
Vol 5 Chapter 360: Resignation "Ask a monthly pass"

After understanding a little bit of the inside story of Jiangnan Province, Fan Wuyao's heart also

It seems that I haven't made any money in the recent period, but have spent money out of my head. This is not a good thing!

Although the family has a big business, every penny is hard-earned money, isn't it? How to spend is in your own interest. That should be calculated carefully. Spending money out of your head when your head gets hot is not enough. You have to sit and eat in a big family business.

Now that his father Fan Heng is going to work in Jiangnan Province is already a solid matter, it is difficult to change, so I have to cooperate fully, so as not to make any mistakes in his appointment in Jiangnan Province, if it is done well, things are still promising.

Challenges and opportunities are often two sides of the same thing. Although Jiangnan Province is full of fog and responsible for the situation, it can be regarded as a good place to make achievements for leaders who need to make contributions and gather bargaining chips.

Fortunately, Fan Heng, the acting governor, still has the Central Committee member's sword of Fang Fang in his hands, which can be used to bluff people.

After Fan Heng returned to Panshi, he mainly arranged some of the work currently underway, especially the several large-scale construction activities in the city. The follow-up projects need to be arranged, the situation is simply sorted out, and the relationship is Straighten out the context, wait until the new mayor to take over, and make a handover.

Although these things are just a cutscene, generally speaking, before a certain leading cadre leaves his post, he always has to bring the resources he can take to his new place, and does not leave him a debt to the successor. It's hard to be valuable, but Fan Heng can't do this kind of thing. Besides, in Panshi City's own hometown, he doesn't hope that once he leaves, Panshi will return to the previous downturn.

Therefore, during the days when he returned to Panshi, Fan Heng was always arranging work non-stop, and at the same time he had to make arrangements for the cadres who had worked hard under him. This was also the default rule in the officialdom.

In addition to some changes made by the heads of various bureaus, several secretaries who have always worked with Fan Heng, including Han Jin, who has now been promoted to the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, and Song Qing, the deputy director of the municipal government office, all hope to follow Fan. Heng went to work in Jiangnan.

Song Qing is nothing. She has a very shallow foundation on the rocky ground. Family business is not a rocky place. For her. There is not much difference between working in Panshi and working in Jiangnan Province. Just follow Fan Heng's development. Sooner or later, you can get ahead. After all, exercising with the leader for a few more years is also a good experience for one's own life.

Han Jin is also willing to follow Fan Hyung to work in Jiangnan Province. Somewhat surprised Fan Hyung.

Hanjin is less than 30 years old at this time. He has become the deputy secretary-general of the city government. This level is already at the deputy department level. Among the young people of his age. It's hard to be valuable. At this time, if you stay in Panshi, a city with a good momentum of development, continue to develop. In a few years, it is possible to rise to some more important jobs.

But if you follow Fan Heng to Jiangnan Province. It is equivalent to re-familiarity with everything in all places. Personal connections and political resources have to be re-accumulated. As the saying goes, nothing is better than nothing.

Therefore, many people also made suggestions to Han Jin. I think he will benefit more from staying in Rockland.

But Han Jin didn't think so. He has followed Fan Heng for many years. Know Fan Heng's ability. Also know that Fan Heng is behind Fan Heng's energy. Although many people are not optimistic about Fan Hyung going to Jiangnan Province, where the prospects are ambiguous, and the future is bleak to govern. He thought this was a good opportunity. It can not only provide a place for Fan Heng to build up his political achievements. It is also the best choice for further exercise.

As for whether he can continue to be reused by Fan Hyung after arriving in Jiangnan Province, this is not a problem for Han Jin. Fan Hyung is a nostalgic person. As long as Han Jin doesn't have any problems, he has no concerns in this regard. necessary.

Many people were worried about whether Fan Heng's policies in Panshi would be changed after the new mayor arrived, but when the new acting mayor appeared in Panshi, everyone was relieved.

The new acting mayor of Panshi City is accompanied by the main cadres of the province. He also needs to be elected by the National People's Congress before he can become a regular mayor. However, this is also a matter of time. I believe this problem will be resolved soon.

Everyone has also noticed that the new acting mayor only serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, instead of assuming the position of Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee like Fan Heng did at the beginning. This also illustrates a problem. In a special situation, there will probably be no more instances where the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee will serve as the mayor of Panshi.

However, in terms of administrative jurisdiction, the province's jurisdiction over Panshi is very weak, and most of the authority is directly intervened by the central government. It can be said that Panshi is a bit like a municipality, but it has not yet shaken off the prospects. The jurisdiction of the province of heaven.

Fan Hyung's work handover with the new acting mayor is also

, Gave him an explanation of the various compiled materials, and then briefly discussed the economic situation and financial situation of Panshi City, even if the work was officially handed over.

The new acting mayor was shocked by Fan Heng’s generous way of keeping all the funds in his account. At this time, the financial balance of the Panshi City Government has exceeded RMB 4 billion, which is a large amount of income. If the current undertakings continue to develop in a healthy way, the fiscal balance will exceed this figure by next year.

But the acting mayor also saw the huge investment in public utilities and basic undertakings that the Panshi City government has made in recent years. These figures are also amazing. Despite this, the Panshi City has maintained such a high level of investment under the premise of rapid development and high investment. With a high fiscal balance, it can only be said that Fan Heng and others are really making money.

During the investigation at the grassroots level, the acting mayor also noticed that the quality of Panshi’s urban residents and the quality of Panshi’s civil servants far exceed the comprehensive quality of employees in similar industries in similar big cities. If you must look for Panshi The gap between the city and other big cities is that Panshi currently does not have an official university.

Fan Heng also talked to him about this issue. He believes that if Panshi wants to continue to develop, it must move Wangtian Normal University as soon as possible, because there has been an intention to cooperate before and the specific operation is under way, and now it has begun to partially build. And the migration worked too.

"Panshi's major task now is to develop education and improve the overall quality of the city." Fan Heng said to the acting mayor.

"Thank you very much for Secretary Fan's advice. I must keep this in mind and carry on the career that Secretary Fan left behind." The acting mayor assured Fan Heng admiringly.

As the successor of Fan Hyung, who was directly assigned to Panshi by the central government, the acting mayor knows the tremendous energy contained in Fan Hyung. He can get this fatness, except that the forces behind him are working hard, and he usually works steadily. The style of work is also valued by the high-levels. What they hope is that they can follow the rules and maintain the continued prosperity of Rock.

It’s just that I heard that most of Panshi’s industries are owned by Fan’s investment group controlled by Fan Heng’s youngest son, Fan Wuyao, but I don’t know if Fan Heng leaves the development plans of these companies. And change? This is what the Acting Mayor is most concerned about.

Fan Heng was also aware of the acting mayor’s concerns, so he said, “If you have problems with local companies in Panshi, you can directly contact Fan Investment Group and ask them to support you in public. Then foreign companies will not have any problems. Change, although the current work of introducing foreign capital is very important, you should also pay attention to that, that is, state-owned assets and resources cannot be lost, otherwise it will be very detrimental to your future. In this regard, Panshi has some successful experiences that can be used for reference. If you have time, you can refer to it."

"Thank you." The acting mayor nodded and agreed, thinking that Fan Heng deserves to be the brightest political star in the country. Everything is on the table, saving a lot of my own thoughts. Some of the original worries seem to be right now. It's too much worry.

Finally, Fan Heng sighed and looked at the tall buildings that were already standing outside the window. He said with some emotion, "I have been here for almost 30 years, and I still feel a little bit reluctant to leave suddenly."

Fan Heng has been in Panshi since the establishment of the Pingyuan factory. Except for the few years when he left the factory to work in the capital, he has always stayed in Panshi. Although the position has been changing and the environment has been changing, but the surroundings Most of his personnel are familiar to him, and the hard work he put in is also huge. At this moment, when he leaves, there is really some special feeling of parting.

"Secretary Fan, we should go to the airport." Song Qing reminded Fan Heng by the side.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Heng turned his head and said to the acting mayor, "Then let's leave it alone. Airplanes don't wait for people. "

When Fan Heng and his party walked out of the city government building, they found a problem. On both sides of the road leading to the outside street from the city government, crowds were crowded. Although the weather today is a bit bad, even a little gloomy and want to rain. The appearance of the people, but the people of Rock who have heard the news, I am afraid that there are no less than 10,000 people.

As soon as Fan Heng and others walked out, the convoy was blocked, driving very slowly, and Fan Heng had to get out of the car several times to say goodbye to everyone.

The acting mayor followed, with some emotion in his heart. Now that he is an official, there will be no regrets if he wants to come. I am lucky enough to come to Panshi to take up the post. Half of the scene was treated without regrets.

In a gloomy rain cloud, Fan Heng took a Fan Airlines passenger plane and left Panshi.

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