
Vol 5 Chapter 363: Turbulent case

The explosion occurred in the water city on the morning of June 25, and Fan Heng and others arrived at the scene in Dang.

Fan Heng was very annoyed in his heart. It was the party's birthday soon. There was such a serious evil in this juncture. It was really crazy.

Therefore, when Qingshui City Secretary Chen Xueqin and Mayor Zhan Guangyi rushed to greet Fan Heng and his party, they saw the new acting governor Fan Heng with a dark face.

"The second boss is very angry, and the consequences are serious." Zhan Guangyi whispered to Secretary Chen Xueqin beside him.

Chen Xueqin glanced at Fan Heng who was checking the situation at the explosion site, and said to Zhan Guangyi sadly, "No one can be happy after a change! On the first day after taking office, the province had not had time to pick up the wind for him, so he went out here. Kind of thing."

"Youdao are three fires for new officials. Will Qingshui become the first fire for Governor Fan?" Zhan Guangyi, the mayor of Qingshui City, asked with some uncertainty.

"It's hard to say, the situation is not optimistic anyway." Chen Xueqin really has no mood to chat with Zhan Guangyi at this time.

Although Zhan Guangyi should bear the main responsibility for these government affairs, he is the top leader after all. If the matter is too big, in order to calm the situation, I believe Acting Governor Fan will not mind to deal with him at the same time. You have to know him. Not only the governor, but also the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and a member of the Central Committee, they have the power to deal with such matters.

"Secretary Chen, Mayor Zhan, Acting Governor Fan, please come to find out the situation." At this time, Fan Heng's secretary Song Qing walked over and said to the two main leaders of Qingshui City.

Chen Xueqin nodded and took Zhan Guangyi and walked over.

This time things should be said to be relatively accidental. Here in Qingshui City, there are industries with characteristics of Jiangnan Province. Firecracker industry and blasting equipment industry. This part of the total area of ​​Qingshui City's economic proportion has exceeded 70%.

It can be said that the entire Qingshui City is a huge gunpowder depot. Here from large and small enterprises to individual industrial and commercial households. Then to the ordinary family. Basically, they are processing and manufacturing firecracker products. The production area of ​​the small family workshop is low-tech ordinary firecrackers. Large-scale and technologically mature companies process all kinds of equipment for mines and construction blasting.

But because there are often accidents due to poor management of gunpowder. The country is also good. The province is also good. It's better for Shimizu City itself. The management of gunpowder sites has been greatly strengthened. Although there have been some minor accidents in recent years. But a serious safety accident like this one hasn't happened for a long time.

No one thought of it. This is not the peak sales season. It's not New Year's Day. Processing and production are not very urgent. There was such a terrible accident. It is really hard to understand. Some people even thought of it. Is it because the provincial secretary and governor were removed at the same time? And someone deliberately made it unfavorable to the new secretary and governor?

Although this idea is just nesting in the stomach. However, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, people's hearts are at stake. It's hard to guess!

The accident happened at nine o'clock in the morning. Inside a three-story rental building on the street.

There were more than a dozen households in it, and most of them were out at the time of the incident. A huge explosion was heard by most of the people in Qingshui City. Fortunately, it was just a short time after work and school. There are not many pedestrians, and this has not caused more casualties.

Rao is so, seven people have died so far, four of them died on the spot.

In addition, there is another situation that has not been implemented, that is, whether there are any new casualties under the collapsed small building, and everyone is still uncertain.

"Has the landlord found it?" Fan Heng frowned and asked after listening to the report of the two people.

"I have controlled it, but his emotions are a bit out of control." Zhan Guangyi replied.

The neighborhood has been cordoned off by the police. In order to avoid a worse impact, Qingshui City used construction plastic curtains to raise obstacles around the explosion site to prevent nearby onlookers from approaching, but There were still more courageous people who came up and asked the police about the situation.

"I was riding a bicycle on the road, and I heard a loud noise, and then the person and the car were overturned by the explosive air wave. You looked at the place where the gauze was wrapped in your hand, which was rubbing the ground at that time— "Someone said to people nearby.

Someone said, "You are just rubbing a little skin. Lao Zhang was in the yard next to him. After hearing the explosion, the glass on all the windows of his house was shattered. When he ran there When I looked in the yard, I found that there was a human head spinning on the ground in the yard, and then a wild dog on the side of the road rushed in and took the human head away—"

"What you said is true? Why does it sound so scary?!" Someone felt a bit numb on their scalp when they heard it.

"Broken hands and broken feet are

I didn't see the human head—" someone corroborated it.

A nearby policeman walked over and prepared to disperse the nearby crowd of onlookers, "It's all scattered, scattered! Don't wander here if there is nothing to do, do whatever you should do, and the leader comes over to inspect the situation. Don't talk nonsense. There is no harm in keeping the door behind!"

However, Fan Heng had heard these words a long time ago. He did not expect the situation to be so serious. It seems that the situation reported by the Qingshui City Government may not be complete.

After a while, the police brought the landlord over. He was a middle-aged man in his forties. He seemed to be honest, but his wife looked very sturdy, a bit like "Kung Fu". The chartered wife inside.

"Peng Xiangdong, please report the rental situation to Acting Governor Fan carefully, and be careful." Mayor Zhan Guangyi said sharply to the landlord host.

Peng Xiangdong was frightened by Zhan Guangyi, and tremblingly introduced the renting situation in his own small building to everyone.

The reason for the explosion was finally figured out. There are a total of six houses on the first floor, all of which were rented by a young couple who came from Changping. Because the two are always busy, the landlord is not only collecting rent. Seldom see them at the time.

"But these two guys are very talkative, and they never default on rent, because they are too troublesome, so they can be paid for half a year." Peng Xiangdong introduced to Fan Heng and others.

"Do you know what they do?" Fan Hyung asked.

"I don't know, it should be in business--" Peng Xiangdong has never spoken to a high-level leader of the governor in person. Fan Heng asked him questions directly, which made him feel a little at a loss. If it weren't for this kind of thing, I believe it should be something to be proud of, but now, I don't know how I will be dealt with in the end.

Thinking of this matter, Peng Xiangdong's heart was in a mess, and he couldn't figure out a clue.

A police officer next to him who was in charge of inspecting the scene reported in a low voice, "We have found fragments of the detonator on the scene, as well as some traces of blasting equipment. It is certain that these two people should be operating blasting equipment."

"Why does it manage the blasting equipment? Isn't it the one who processes and produces the blasting equipment?" Mayor Zhan Guangyi asked.

The reason why he asks this question is because the handling of blasting equipment is different from the processing and production of blasting equipment. If the explosion is caused by private processing and production of blasting equipment, then the victim is dead, and the government does not need to pursue too many aspects. , Just need to appease the family members who died, and conduct a more sincere review of the superiors, the problem will not be big.

But if the two are dealing in blasting equipment, it will be more troublesome for a long time. At least you need to figure out what brand of blasting equipment they are operating. Was the explosion caused by man-made or quality reasons?

If false is caused by man-made reasons, it is necessary to determine the person responsible. If it is a quality reason, then the manufacturer must be further investigated for direct responsibility. To produce such substandard blasting equipment and sell them irresponsibly to individuals who do not have the ability to sell blasting equipment. This responsibility is also very serious!

The police officer who was in charge of inspecting the scene replied, "The manufacturer's nameplate has been found, and comparison and screening are in progress, and the results will come out soon."

After hearing the report from the police officer, Fan Heng nodded and said, "We must find out the cause of the accident, and then I will listen to the detailed report."

After speaking, Fan Heng, accompanied by Chen Xueqin and Zhan Guangyi, went to the hospital to visit the innocents injured in the explosion.

"This time, the city has been a big catwalk." The police officer who was in charge of inspecting the scene whispered after watching the leaders leave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

If it was placed at another time, it might be better, but this kind of thing happened on the first day when the acting governor took office, and it was only less than a week away from July 1st. How bad the impact is!

It's no wonder that Governor Fan was so angry that he did not go violently on the spot, and took the mayor and the secretary directly down, which was already very restrained.

"Governor Fan's appearance is very extravagant!" Several police officers said behind him.

"Nonsense, or someone else can be the governor of the province! Okay, you guys should hurry up and get to work. If you behave well, then you will report to your work. I will take you together to show your face--" The police officer patted the little policemen on the shoulder and told them to hurry up and clean up the scene.

"Speaking must count!" The little policemen emphasized one after another.

"Don't worry, when did my Jin Daokuan say nothing?" The police officer nodded and agreed.

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