
Vol 5 Chapter 364: Fan Wubing selected a breakthrough

When Heng and others left the scene of the bombing, Fan Wubing had been flying for an hour, and he also rushed to Changping, the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province. However, after meeting Secretary Lin Hao, he learned that Fan Heng was already in Qingshui at this time. City.

"This time, things are really a bit wicked. My father has encountered so many situations just after he took office. I won't talk about it. How come I am behind when I chase him?" Fan Wuyao touched his forehead and talked to Lin in surprise. Secretary Hao said.

Secretary Lin Hao looked at Fan Wubing's contemplative appearance, but felt that Fan Wubing was more mature at this time. The 19-year-old Fan Wubing experienced far more things than many peers and even many leading cadres. There are many more things to do, and Secretary Lin Hao feels that he can’t be treated as an ordinary young man.

"The problem in Jiangnan Province is very big. Your dad and I have fallen into it. Whether you can get out and sort out an eyebrow, you still have to rely on your great help." Secretary Lin Hao said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing smiled, "Uncle Lin, what you said is a bit too exaggerated. You two cadres at the ministerial level, especially a member of the Central Committee and an alternate member of the Central Committee, can't deal with Jiangnan matters together?"

Secretary Lin Hao replied with a sad face, “Of course it’s easy to deal with government affairs, but Jiangnan Province has a big hole in the accounts now. What if you don’t have money to do things? Even if it’s a temporary dismantling, you have to borrow money. Where is it?"

When Fan Wubing heard this, he turned his face and said nothing.

Secretary Lin Hao was very surprised when he saw this, and he pushed Fan Wuyi and asked, "No disease? President Fan? Why didn't he respond? Isn't it how to help us fill in the holes?"

Fan Wubing replied, holding his face, "I'm thinking, how can I help you fill in the holes without spending money?"

"Did you think about it?" Secretary Lin Hao smiled upon hearing the words.

"Not yet. But sooner or later I should be able to think of it!" Fan Wuyao rubbed the sun. Replied more optimistically.

Although the caves in Jiangnan Province are relatively large. The province is also relatively poor financially. But Fan Wubing felt that Jiangnan Province still had some land resources. Operate through capital. The empty glove white wolf filled in the big hole in the lost ground. It shouldn't be too difficult. The key is just a question of length of time. How to operate this thing. You have to plan carefully.

Moreover. Although the two tens of billions are now gone. But Fan Wubing didn't believe it and couldn't find its ins and outs. As long as it can recover most of the funds. The local crisis in Jiangnan Province can also be lifted.

"I'd better go to Qingshui City to see the situation before making a decision." Fan Wubing thought for a while. Said to Secretary Lin Hao.

"That's fine." Secretary Lin Hao thought that Fan Heng and Fan Wubing and his son must meet first. Then decide where to stop. He nodded and agreed. "I'll arrange dinner for you. I will send you a car to Qingshui City tomorrow."

"Can't wait!" Fan Wubing said, shaking his head. "You pack it for me. You can eat it in the car. I will leave now. I will try to have dinner in Shimizu City at night."

There is not much hindrance from Changping to Qingshui City, that is, it only takes more than two hours to drive. Fan Wuyi saw that it was only 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and he could rush to Qingshui City before 8 o'clock.

Believe that if you can't make it by yourself, Dad Fan Hyung will not be in the mood to eat in the face of a mess?

"Alright, I will send you a driver who is familiar with the road conditions." Secretary Lin Hao nodded and agreed.

The provincial party committee and the provincial government are dedicated drivers. Their skills are nothing to say. They are much better than the skills of a road killer like Fan Wuyi. Although there are mountain roads along the way, he drove very smoothly and speedily. It's also much faster.

Fan Wubing opened the food that Lin Hao asked someone to pack for him in the car, and it was quite plentiful. There was a grilled chicken, a piece of bacon, pastries, drinks, and four kinds of side dishes.

Fan Wubing spread these things out on the seat, eating by himself, and feeding the driver two bites.

"Mr. Fan, this is really unacceptable." The driver who drove was also informed of Fan Wu's basic situation. As soon as he heard that the young man was not only the governor of the governor, but also the big boss of Fan's investment group, the driver would Feeling a little restrained.

At this time, Master Fan actually took the chicken drumsticks to feed him, which made him feel a little flattered.

"What's the big deal, driving such a hard thing, when I'm free, I'll invite you to drink." Fan Wuyao replied with a grimly grin.

The driver ate the chicken legs with some emotion, and said casually, "Mr. Fan, your father and son are both easygoing people!"

"Actually, you are worrying too much. Most of the leaders are very easy-going." Fan Wubing said with a smile.

The driver shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily. Most of these are not very easy-going--" Then, as if thinking of something, he shut up.

Fan Wubing raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and wondered in his heart. He wanted to ask him a few words, but he held back. At this time, he talked about some sensitive things.

Some are too early.

Leading drivers are often able to get in touch with more insider information about certain leaders that ordinary cadres or the masses cannot see. Therefore, ordinary leaders like to change drivers frequently, but they are worried that the drivers know too much about themselves. Of course, there are also people who use a driver to the end, but they are often people who they can trust.

After all, there are not many situations where the leaders drive themselves. Although the drivers are humble, but they are the people who have the most contact with the guides and understand the inside information, and it is often the easiest to open the gap from them.

Of course, most leaders always arrange their drivers before leaving, which can be regarded as a hush fee.

But the incident in Jiangnan Province this time was a bit too sudden. The drivers in this team didn't get any benefits at all. The two giants in the province collapsed. It is impossible to say that there is no complaint in their hearts. .

If you find a suitable time and pry open their mouths, it will be extremely helpful to solve the problem in Jiangnan Province.

Thinking of this, Fan Wuyao didn't say much anymore, he just smiled and chatted with the driver to eat, except for not letting him drink, basically all food was given to him.

When he was almost in Qingshui City, Fan Wubing said with satisfaction, "Ha, Cao Fei, your skills are much better than my driver. Are you interested in hopping to our company? The treatment is good."

The driver Cao Fei said with some embarrassment, "Of course I think about the good treatment, but I am also an official cadre of the country. It is a pity to lose it. How can it be regarded as an iron rice bowl?"

"Then you might as well drive my dad? Let me tell him, how about using you as a full-time driver?" Fan Wuyao then offered another flexible suggestion.

Cao Fei thought for a while, but it was a little heart-stirring. He drove specifically for the governor. Naturally, he would serve all the leaders better than staying in the car team in the provincial party committee compound. It's the same. You know that many people want to flatter the leaders and don't get in. It is by contacting these drivers.

In a blink of an eye, the car drove into the municipal government of Qingshui City.

The guard looked at the number of the car, and then at the special pass placed in the front. It was released immediately, and he put up a phone call to the government office, and informed that another provincial leader had arrived. Car number one.

"Car number one? Could it be that Secretary Lin Hao came here in person?" Mayor Zhan Guangyi felt a little skeptical.

This time, when the acting Governor Fan came over, it seemed to be very important. Wouldn't the two giants in the province gather in the small Qingshui City at the same time? But the person who can ride in car No. 1 is a very close person even if it is not Secretary Lin Hao himself.

So Zhan Guangyi greeted him personally, only to see Fan Wubing getting out of the car with the driver Cao Fei.

Although Zhan Guangyi didn't know Fan Wubing, he and Governor Fan were almost carved out of the same model, but they were more delicate, younger and more handsome than Governor Fan. But he still recognizes Cao Fei. Cao Fei was the driver of the former governor Li Xueyi who had just fallen from power. They had never been to Qingshui City before.

"Xiao Cao, who is this?" Zhan Guangyi stepped forward, greeted Cao Fei, and then looked at Fan Wuyao and asked.

Cao Fei introduced to Zhan Guangyi, "This is Mr. Fan Wubing, the boss of Fan Investment Group. Of course, he is also the third son of Acting Governor Fan." Then he introduced Fan Wubing, "This is The parent officer of Qingshui City, Mayor Zhan Guangyi Zhan."

"Oh, happy meeting, happy meeting." The two said politely.

Fan Wuyi asked directly, "Mayor Zhan, is my dad still here?"

Zhan Guangyi was stunned for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then said, "Yes, look at me, patronize to see that you look like Fan Daisheng, and I forgot to greet people. Come on, I'll take you to see you. Acting Governor Fan."

Acting Governor Fan-Fan Wubing felt very ridiculous after hearing this title.

Fan Dai Governor, Fan Dai Fan Dai, wine bag and rice bag! This harm can't be so straightforward!

But finally, under the leadership of Zhan Guangyi, Fan Wubing saw Fan Heng who was listening to the report from the Qingshui City Police System in the small meeting room of the municipal government. The city’s major safety inspections have identified potential safety hazards involving explosives and blasting equipment in various places to rectify them.

"You continue--" Seeing Fan Wuyin standing at the door gesturing to himself, Fan Heng explained to everyone, and then walked towards the door.

"You are here, so borrow some money to use it first, right?" Fan Heng said when he saw Fan Wuyi in the first sentence.

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