
Vol 5 Chapter 365: Overthrow the determination to start over

Cai Se Chapter 364: The Determination to Overthrow and Come Back

You-except for this sentence. Can you say something else? "The first thing I heard from the old one was borrowing money. No disease is really a little bit awkward.

Ever since his father Fan Heng became a guide. It seems that my money bag is going to die.

Although Fan Wuyi's degree of making money on his own is far greater than the degree of spending money. I am also willing to support my father to a higher position. But so bluntly, so directly, so bluntly, asking myself for money in public. Isn't it a bit too that?

Fan Heng asked Fan Wuyi for money. Naturally, it was not because of the explosion in Shimizu City. Although this time the casualties were heavy. But although Qingshui City is named Qing. It's not Shimizu Yamen. There is still a lot of oil and water in the city's finances. Deal with this time. Naturally, there is nothing else.

Fan Heng's main concern. There are still more than two hundred huge funding holes left in it.

Although something big happened here in Shimizu City. Fan Budi didn't rush over to deal with the case and organize the aftermath. But his mind is still stuck on those things in the provincial capital.

Compared with the Qingshi side. The severe economic situation in the province made Fan Heng feel a little helpless.

Currently, there are three pillar industries in Jiangnan Province. It is the gold industry, textile industry and machinery industry. All showed a lack of vitality. State-owned enterprises lack vitality. This directly led to the lag in economic development. Although there are also some private enterprises rising in the province. But after all, operating enterprises are not enough to hold up half the sky in Jiangnan Province. And the exhibition of the tertiary industry has not yet reached the stage of competing with the other two major industries.

But the cadres in Jiangnan Province are not the same, and they have not done any work. At least they have done a lot of work in terms of technological transformation. It is planned to introduce a batch of relatively advanced machinery and equipment from outside. The outdated and backward weaving industry should be transformed first. To support this pillar industry in Jiangnan Province back then. Let it be brilliant again.

If you do so. Therefore, a large amount of start-up capital is required not only to have the funds to purchase the equipment. At the same time, there must be start-up funds to purchase raw materials for production. The initial estimate is over six billion yuan.

After listening to Fan Heng's words, Fan Wuyi felt hesitated.

The domestic textile industry. Fan Wuyao's heart is clear. But the reason for this is very strange. Because he also knew some inside information about this. One of my classmates entered a state-owned textile factory after graduation. After three years, the textile factory was unable to sustainably stop production due to poor management and lack of funds.

Of attention. It is that the production technology of the factory is internationally leading and the factory manager is also capable. It also built its own branch factory in Mauritius. The result is a year later. The director of the factory never returned to China. The business of the factory in Mauritius is quite explosive. After many setbacks, it became his own private industry. Lived a happy life ever since.

The transfer of state-owned assets. It is probably the biggest crisis facing many state-owned enterprises in the province. The directors and managers of many companies. It's not that they are incapable of leading the company out of the crisis. But because I have to wait for the factory to go bankrupt. Then low acquisition came back and made it its own private enterprise. This is more in line with self-interest.

As for the employees of the company, they are willing to stay obedient. Unwilling to be obedient to leave. At that time, it will be the relationship between capital and labor. How to toss is not the boss's final decision?

I want to come to Jiangnan Province. The biggest danger is here.

This problem must be solved fundamentally. It is nothing more than two points. Another aspect of clarifying the relationship of equity responsibility is to abolish the current wage system. Introduce professional management system. I got a salary according to the job industry.

certainly. No matter what. It is inseparable from a premise. That is, a lot of funds are needed to support it.

Fan Wubing thought for a while. Said to Fan Hyung. "Of course money can be borrowed. Even I can invest part of it. But there is one thing I can remind you. China should support and guide state-owned enterprises in policy. It should not directly invest money in it. Unpaid investment is not acceptable. Yes. It will only throw new investment into the bottomless quagmire. It will never be recovered."

"Business affairs. I know too. In fact, I also hope that investors. Use the market to solve the problem. But you also know the business affairs. Want to change the current situation. Break the iron rice bowl. The resistance will be very high. Big one." Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wuyao said. "Anyway, you came to Jiangnan Province. You are here to be a wicked person. Since you are a wicked person, it is better to do it thoroughly. Smash all the pots and pots to smash them. Just overthrow and start over. You only need to show the performance at that time. Let's talk. A feat that can't be denied."

"It's easy to say. It's extremely difficult to do it--" Fan Hyung suddenly. Still can't make up his mind.

Although Fan Heng is also very clear that the current situation in Jiangnan Province is that the accumulated abuses are hard to eliminate. want

There is only one way to solve the problem. But there will be resistance. It was far more resistant than the resistance encountered in Panshi at that time. Although the stone also has resistance. But the power is much smaller. The influence is also much smaller. But Jiangnan Province is different. This is the old district. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was based on the old foundation. There are dozens of founding generals here. Not to mention a large group of historical celebrities.

These veterans and celebrities. And their descendants. A very powerful group of forces has been formed throughout Jiangnan Province. Although it may not be evil. However, the influence on the internal affairs of the province cannot be ignored. No matter who is in power in Jiangnan Province, it is impossible to ignore their strong influence on the political situation of Jiangnan Province as a whole.

The two talked for a while. Only half an hour passed. The people inside also finished the meeting. The mayor, Guangyi and secretary Chen Xueqin came to invite Governor Fan and his son to have a working meal together.

"Then just eat something. People are iron rice steel. I don't panic when I'm hungry. I cook. I need to eat rice." Fan Heng nodded.

Fan Wubing returned to the driver who was avoiding him to fly. Introduced to his father Fan Heng. "Right. Dad. This is the driver who brought me here. Cao Fei. The technique is quite good. I am about to recommend you to be a full-time driver."

Fan Heng glanced at Cao Fei. Feeling strange in my heart. When did Fan Wu care about his own affairs so much, generally speaking. He avoids these things very much. How can I change my old habits tonight. Intervene in your own business?

When Fan Heng looked at Fan Wuyi. Seeing that the child was winking at him. I knew in my heart that he must have ulterior motives. So I looked at Cao Fei. He's long and very pompous. Will not affect their image. So he smiled. "Haha. Thank you very much. How about it. Are you interested in coming to the provincial government to help me drive? Maybe it's just a little harder."

"But Secretary Lin Hao's side--" Cao Fei also hoped to follow Fan Hengzhan. After listening to it, I was a little moved. But he was worried that Secretary Lin Hao would not let anyone go. At that time, I was a little embarrassed.

"Secretary Lin Hao has a very good relationship with me. I just want someone from him." Fan Heng is still very decisive in such matters. Said to Cao Fei immediately.

"That's good. I'm afraid that the job will be good. It will cause trouble to the leader." Cao Fei agreed with a smile.

Fan Heng did not delay either. Directly dialed Secretary Lin Hao on the phone of Qingshui City Government. It shows that he hopes Cao Fei will be transferred to be his full-time driver. Secretary Lin Hao naturally agreed.

"Okay. I will go back tomorrow. I will ask the secretary to handle the transfer procedures for you." Fan Heng said to Cao Fei after putting on the phone.

"So fast—" Cao still felt a little dizzy at this time. I thought that Acting Governor Fan was really agile in doing things. Just a few words to get things done. Presumably following such a leader will not be too leisurely. But it must be proud.

The one who followed Fan Heng. Eat in the cadre restaurant of Shimizu City Hall. The preparations here are also very adequate. There is no food that is too outrageous. It's just ordinary four dishes and one soup. But the ingredients are sufficient. Superb craftsmanship. Although Fan Hyung's heart was full of things. However, we cannot fail to say that the working meals for cadres in Shimizu City are indeed good.

"Usually food can have half of this quality. This restaurant is losing money." Fan Wuyi whispered to Cao Fei.

Cao Fei smiled deeply and thought

He used to be the driver of the former governor. It is naturally well-informed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have not seen what a restaurant usually looks like. The governor came to inspect the work. The quality of this meal can't be equal to that of ordinary cadres, right?

Even if Fan Heng has an explanation, he cannot be extravagant and wasteful. But the minds of the cadres in Shimizu are always essential. As for ordinary domestic mushrooms, they have been replaced with high-end wild mountain mushrooms. Ordinary condiments were replaced with a set of special items for high-end hotels. That is not surprising. There is always a workaround for everything, isn't it?

It's one thing for leaders to eat more and less. But when I raised my chopsticks, the food on the table was hard to swallow. That is the sin of the people underneath. God knows if he can do this. Come for an autumn when it's convenient. How about afterwards?

People in high positions. Who would try the law at the risk of affecting his official career? That is not a safe way.

In short, this meal and dinner is still very enjoyable. Fan Heng is so delicious. Most of it was because Fan Wuyi came over. I am also willing to help myself solve problems. As long as the funds are guaranteed. Other problems are not a problem.

Seeing that Governor Fan’s appetite was not watered, the leaders of the city also felt a little relieved.

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