
Vol 5 Chapter 373: Some clue

After returning to Changping without a disease, it was just in time for the celebration of the National Day. What I didn't expect was that the "Same Song" column group actually came to Changping to join in.

Seeing Xia Donghai’s wife Feng Xiaonan leading a large group of Yingying and Yanyan at the provincial government’s guest house for dinner, Fan Wuyi felt a little big head. When these girls saw Fan Wuyi, both eyes were Shiny, making him uncomfortable.

"Mr. Fan, you haven't come to guide our work for a long time." Feng Xiaonan finally caught Fan Wuyi, so he asked him.

"Your exhibition is very good now. There is nothing to talk about." Fan Wubing thought that the issue of piracy is so sensitive now. It's really a bit sad to grab business with those singers or composers, and it's really inappropriate to pretend to be a musical genius. NS.

However, there is still a little guidance for their work, mainly in terms of stage layout, especially the automatic firework release system on their own side, which can be used for reference.

"Why is Acting Governor Fan so stingy that he let you eat in the guest house? At least it should be a five-star hotel, right?" Fan Wuyi ranted casually.

"What are you talking about?! Why is your kid always tearing down Lao Tzu's stage behind?" Fan Heng just walked in, and when he heard Fan Wuyi's words, he immediately grabbed him.

"Isn't it?" Fan Wu Bing Zhenzhen asked resolutely, "People's column team rushed over all the way to give you a strong voice, you just beat them with four dishes and one soup? No sincerity!"

"My money is tight, and you don't know it. You should have covered this matter to the end. You have to make up for the expenses of the guest house!" Fan Heng grabbed Fan Wuyao and said.

The deputy secretary-general of the provincial government Zhang Xueli said with a smile, "Actually, I arranged to stay in the hotel early in the morning, but Mr. Feng said that there is no need to be so extravagant and the impact is not good. In addition, it is closer to the performance venue and convenient, so I’m living in the guest house. I’m to blame for my lack of sincerity, but I can’t blame Governor Fan!"

Feng Xiaonan waved his hand and smiled. "Secretary-General Zhang, don't worry. Governor Fan and President Fan are masters of creating atmosphere. It's just to beat everyone's emotions."

really. The father and son were settled down. Then Fan Hyung raised his wine glass to express his gratitude to the staff who participated in the performance one by one. Fan Wubing also affirmed everyone's performance during the dinner.

Today, "The Same Song" still adopts the celebrity invitation system. It is to first determine the location and time of the performance. Then, as needed, invite some celebrities of your choice. Naturally, the cost of appearance will not be very high. But now "The Same Song" is very popular. So many celebrities will not refuse after receiving an invitation. As long as the schedule is open, it can be adjusted. Most people will happily go to the performance area.

As for this time. The stars participating in the show have basically returned to their respective performing companies. At this time, the people who stayed behind were Feng Xiaonan's staff. But there are also a few small singers who are slightly less famous here. They are not very popular. Mainly according to the arrangement of the respective company. Use this column to get a familiar face.

Therefore, these current fans are not only the boss of Feng Xiaonan. He is also the youngest son of the acting governor of Jiangnan Province. Can't help but move his mind. I think this is an amazing towering tree. A place worthy of your own refuge in the shade.

Therefore, when everyone was having dinner and resting, Fan Wubing was in the temporary rest room in the guest house, and there were constant harassment by young singers who were dressed up. One opened lower than the other, and one would jump out of his chest even if he moved more.

When she was scratching with Fan Wubing, Fan Wubing was very worried that if she spoke a little higher, her chest would lose control, and how to explain it would make him feel very headache.

But speaking of it, Fan Wubing is very sympathetic to these half-red and purple little actors. Their reputation is not strong enough, their popularity is not high enough, and the treatment is naturally much worse. However, everyone embraces the ranks of the first-line actors. There are too many expectations, so living is very tiring.

It’s just like now that I’m trying my best to please myself, even to seduce myself, it’s nothing more than to get strong support to get ahead, Fan Wubing is almost certain that as long as he nods, let alone an actress will immediately have **** with him. Just three or two is also persevering, this is that people can't help themselves in the arena.

In many cases, people are forced out. The performing arts companies where these people belong also strongly support their own artists to climb the dragon and the phoenix. Even if they are unsuccessful, creating some scandals to hype them is also very effective in increasing popularity. of.

Of course, this also has a prerequisite, that is, the big trees with larger backgrounds do not account for these scandals, otherwise, give them ten courage and dare not speak nonsense. Is it fun to mess with the son of the Central Committee member?

However, in the middle of the time, Fan Hyung’s secretary

Ran over.

"Why did you come here?" Fan Wubing knocked away a little singer who was reluctant to leave, and asked Song Qing curiously.

Song Qing looked at the little singer who had just left, and she covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Her clothes are really good enough! All her underwear is exposed!"

Fan Wubing said with a little embarrassment, "What are you talking about? That's art!"

"Art is not the same as pornography, which means that the law is different. I don't believe that you are living alone here to discuss art." Song Qing pouted.

"Sitting on the road, what else can you believe or not? Your thoughts are too complicated." Fan Wubing shook his head, and then asked, "What's the matter with you coming here?"

"Governor Fan asked you to come over. Some things need to be discussed." Song Qing said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wuyi didn't know what his father asked him to say again. After he passed, he found that Fan Heng was lying on the top of Changsha and was rubbing the sun. He seemed to be a little upset.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Fan Wuyao asked.

Fan Heng looked at his son, and then said, "Cao Fei told me something. I think it might have something to do with the direction of the 20 billion fund."

It turned out that the driver Cao Fei had been following the former governor Li Shiyidi, but Li Shiyi was transferred too quickly, so that he did not have time to make arrangements for things here, and Cao Fei and others became Idle staff without supervision.

After Fan Wubing’s suggestion and Fan Heng’s concern for a while, Cao Fei felt that he would be more promising with Fan Heng, so he vaguely said something in front of Fan Heng, and pointed the finger at his whereabouts. Unidentified 20 billion funds.

Regarding the issue of the two hundred million yuan of funds, it was a bit secretive. It is certain that the governor Li Shiyi at the time was the one who took the lead, otherwise the money would not disappear without a trace, and the security bureau did not detect the relevant. This is extremely abnormal.

"According to Cao Fei, Li Shiyi and Meng Feng, the director of the Provincial Security Bureau, seem to have little contact, but the two have a very good personal relationship, but few people know that as for the customs director Hu Bin and the communications department director Wang Dapeng, They are also Li Shiyi's people. These people have a close relationship with Li Shiyi. Cao Fei speculated that a large part of the money should have flowed overseas." Fan Heng said to his son Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing also hesitated after hearing what his father Fan Heng said. If he wants to get such a large sum of money, what is the easiest way? It is definitely unrealistic to go through the bank directly. If you do it yourself, it is obviously easier to go through customs, but 20 billion is not a small amount. It is too difficult to find such an expensive equivalent to be shipped out of the country. Some.

"I think that it is impossible to flow out so much funds from the customs alone. We should look for the reasons for the changes in the commercial circle of Jiangnan Province in the past five years. There is only such a large amount of funds. It can be absorbed from the business community.” Fan Wubing put forward his own views, “Of course, since Hu Bin from the Customs and Meng Feng from the Security Bureau are suspicious, they should strengthen their control. These people generally have a lot of trouble. The most powerful counter-reconnaissance tactics cannot be subdued by ordinary people. You have to ask Boss Zhu to send a capable man to come over."

Fan Heng nodded. He didn't tell anyone about this kind of thing, and he could only talk about it with his son, a family he could trust.

"By the way, you can also check to see if there have been any large-scale overseas investments built in the form of renminbi in the past few years. This is also a direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Wuyao thought of another one. The problem, if the capital is not easy to flow out, it will only be consumed in the province, but of course this consumption cannot be unreturned, so it is only necessary to check what large-scale construction projects in Jiangnan Province are invested overseas. If you settle in RMB, you can focus on it.

After Fan Heng heard what Fan Wubing said, his mind immediately turned around, and then a problem appeared, and he said to Fan Wubing, "High highways! The construction of high highways in such a poor place in Jiangnan Province is very exciting. be surprised!"

"It's worth investigating, but don't make it too obvious. Let's check the details of the other party first." Fan Wuyao suggested to his father Fan Heng.

To build two high roads in Panshi, one would have to invest tens of billions of renminbi. What's more, Jiangnan Province had a plan for five high roads within three years. At this time, there are two still under construction, so much money. Although it is said that there are overseas companies that have taken the lead, the fact that such mountainous provinces without much resources can attract so much money to build roads is inherently problematic.

There must be something weird in this, Fan Wuyi's instinct told himself that this is a breakthrough in the flow of 20 billion funds.

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