
Vol 5 Chapter 374: Some people are happy and some are worried. "Ask for monthly ticket support

The awakened father and son had a way to find a breakthrough in the highway construction in Jiangnan Province. So Fan Heng directly contacted Boss Zhu and asked to send capable and reliable personnel to Jiangnan to secretly assist in the investigation. At the same time, he said that Jiangnan Province The head of the Security Bureau Meng Feng and the former governor Li Shiyi had a close relationship and needed to be avoided.

Boss Zhu strongly supported Fan Heng's work, so Meng Feng was quickly transferred to the Ministry of Security, saying that he was going to set up a new department to monitor the collusion between cult elements and overseas political forces.

This reason can be justified. Although Fan Wuyi assisted Jiang Lue to capture the leaders of the cult in one fell swoop, some key elements escaped the net and fled overseas.

These people are stubborn. Not only do they perform their own methods of rest, but they also have extreme hatred for the domestic government. With the support of some foreign forces, they used various actions to slander and slander the government and become some of the West* * Leading **** of the forces.

In this case, it is also very necessary to set up a monitoring work leadership organization. Therefore, when Meng Feng received the instructions from Minister Jiang Lue of the Ministry of Security, he did not feel anything wrong. He did not know Fan Heng and Jiang. The relationship between the strategies has become very familiar because of the intermediary of Fan Wubing, not to mention that Fan Heng is a cadre that boss Zhu’s key cultivation and appointment, and is also a political star that can be supported by high-level officials in order to effectively use the resources in Fan Wubing’s hands. .

Therefore, after receiving the instructions, Meng Feng handed over the work at hand and went to Beijing with confidence. This position can be regarded as a high promotion. After all, it is very likely that he will impact the deputy ministerial leadership position in the future.

After a period of investigation, problems were discovered. In the construction of several expressways in Jiangnan Province, the overseas companies that participated in the investment all used RMB to invest directly, and they had one thing in common: the actual controller They are all the bosses of a little-known company registered in the British Virgin Islands, named Li Chongyidi Chinese.

When investigating the identity of Li Chongyi again, a problem was discovered. Li Chongyi and Li Shiyi are cousins, and Li Shiyi’s son is currently serving as the president of Li Chongyi’s company and has real power in his hands.

In this way, the whole idea is straightened out.

Li Shiyi first secretly transferred some funds in the province, through some companies set up by his cousin, to invest in large-scale construction projects in China, and exchanged the money for holdings in large-scale facilities such as highways, and also transferred some funds to overseas.

Thus. His son took control of these funds and turned them into equity holdings in the infrastructure of the province. In this way, the large-scale fund transfer is complete. On the other hand, his son represented his family in mastering the stable income of these infrastructures. It can be said that the process of transforming state-owned assets into private property in Jiangnan Province was completed without knowing it.

But there is still a problem. Even if I have figured out the ins and outs of this matter. It is also impossible to recover this asset from a reasonable and legal perspective. After all, the matter involves overseas companies. Although this is only a criminal group engaged in the transfer of state-owned assets under the cloak of an overseas company. But we have to look at it from a legal point of view. It's not easy to clean up.

Especially notable. Dealing with them affects the whole body. Maybe it will make many overseas investment companies feel worried and withdraw their capital. In that way. The trouble is big.

Fan Wubing didn't think of a good way for a while. So he suggested that Fan Hyung turn in the contradiction.

Anyway, the facts of the case have been investigated and the result has been revealed. The task on my own side is even completed successfully. As for how to recover this large sum of money. Then it's not within the scope of one's own ability.

The senior management approved the report provided by Fan Heng. And he fully affirmed his work in Jiangnan Province during this period of time. Especially the debt-to-equity swap of Jiangnan Wool Spinning Mill. It provides a very successful example for the reform of state-owned enterprises in the country that is currently brewing. And he was able to find out where the 20 billion funds went in such a short period of time. It also surprised the senior management.

To describe it in the words Boss Zhu told Fan Wubing in private, it was the burden on Fan Heng's shoulders, and one could be added.

Fan Wuyao replied, "Don't add it any more, so as not to cause any psychological pressure to others. We can't compare to others in politics. Don't make any mess, it would be bad."

Boss Zhu said, “If you can achieve good results during this term of Jiangnan Province, it is okay to join the State Council as Vice Premier or State Councilor. This requires your father and son to work hard.”

After Fan Wubing heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable. In other words, he still has to do actual work. It seems that his father, Fan Heng, can't get out of the scope of doing things. He wants him to do purely political work. If it can't be done, it is estimated that the senior management has also seen this.

But Fan Wubing thinks this is good, save

It would be a little scary to forget the ability to do things, but to get a lot of tricks.

On November 4th, an event that shocked the world occurred. Israeli Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated and killed.

In 1992, the 70-year-old Rabin became prime minister again. He soon launched a peaceful offensive against Arab countries, expressing his acceptance of the principle of land for peace proposed by the Palestinians.

On November 13 of the following year, Israel and Palestine signed the first peace agreement at the White House of the United States. Rabin and Palestinian leader Arafat were finally able to shake hands. In October 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty, ending the 46-year state of war between the two countries.

In September this year, Israel and Palestine jointly signed the Taba Agreement on expanding the scope of Palestinian autonomy. According to the agreement, the scope of the Palestinian National Authority will be expanded to 27% of the West Bank, resulting in the signing of a Palestine-Israel, Palestine, Israel, and Jordan peace treaty, bringing the dawn of peace to the Middle East. As a result, praised by the international community, Rabin won the Nobel Peace Prize together with Arafat.

However, the extreme right of Israel opposed peace with Palestine and called Rabin a traitor and traitor. Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist at a peaceful rally of 100,000 people held in Kings Square in Tel Aviv on November 4.

At that time, Rabin and his party walked across the square surrounded by people, preparing to leave by car. Rabin shook hands with the enthusiastic crowd as he walked, and said to Perez, you told me that someone was going to assassinate at this conference. I wonder who among the crowd would shoot?

When Rabin walked to his bulletproof car and was waiting for the bodyguard to open the car door, a man lying beside the car door raised a 9mm Beretta pistol and shot Rabin in the abdomen. When Rabin covered his abdomen and bent down, the murderer pulled the trigger a second time. At this moment, the murderer was only more than one meter away from Rabin.

One bullet hit the spleen and the other went straight into the spine. What made the doctors unbelievable was that one of the bullets was actually a dum bullet that was banned internationally, which is commonly known as a bomb. The Dum bomb has exploded in Rabin's body. A large number of blood vessels have been destroyed.

Later Rabin’s senior aides announced that the prime minister had been assassinated. This day is the Sabbath of Judaism.

At the funeral, US President Clinton recalled the formal signing of the Palestine-Israel peace agreement with Rabin, Arafat and others at the White House not long ago.

He quoted a story in the "Bible" saying that God wanted to test Abraham (~ the ancestor of the Jews) for his loyalty to God and ordered Abraham to kill his beloved son. When Abraham, who believed in God wholeheartedly, was really ready to do so, God sent people to stop him. God let Rabin go. He is testing us in a harsher way.

Although Fan Wubing was also full of regrets at the passing of such an outstanding politician rather than a politician, his focus at this time is no longer in Changping. At this time, he is in Hong Kong, auctioning the donkey through an international auction house. Several pieces of "Treasures of Town and Country" produced by Arab countries.

It is ridiculous. Although peace is in sight, some people do not want it to happen.

The result of Rabin’s assassination directly led to the intensification of the antagonism between Palestine and Israel. The situation between Arab countries and Israel once again became uncertain. Faced with the seriousness that Israel might tear up the peace agreement and invade Palestine. According to the situation, the Arab countries began to prepare for war, and even Saddam, who lost in the first Gulf War, publicly stated that if Israel dared to attack Palestine, even though he is living a little poorer now, he has to sell iron. Supporting the just cause of Palestine.

The situation in the Middle East has once again become ambiguous ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the domestic arms business has once again become hotter.

Just like a sentence someone said, the happiness of some people is based on the suffering of some people. The current situation has given Fan Wubing a deeper understanding of this.

Just after the auction house in Hong Kong posted the auction information of several national treasures of cultural relics, agents from several Arab countries appeared in Hong Kong, preparing to pay a large price to photograph these precious cultural relics.

Fan Wubing carefully read the other party's auction information, and he was a little bit stunned. He didn't think that Director Zhang's arms business was really good. These countries are all fat and oily. No wonder he would agree to this. This is a way to pay related expenses.

After all, to participate in the auction, it costs a lot of money just for the handling fee, but they don't care.

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