
Vol 5 Chapter 381: Just stomped

In fact, Fan Wubing did not expect that the river embankment would collapse. This is really something.

If he broke the telephone pole in front of the Chinese and foreign media, it was naturally Fan Wubing deliberately. Exposing this quality problem to the media is enough for the undertaker to drink a pot.

Therefore, Fan Wuyi and Princess Norodom Sangria were surrounded by reporters and interviewed. Both of them expressed great indignation at the danger that this kind of falsification might bring to the people of Jiangnan Province. .

In particular, Her Royal Highness also expressed her opinion to everyone in half-baked Chinese, "The quality problem is not. Conspiracy to commit a crime, yes. Decapitate, if in Cambodia."

Fan Wu was sick and explained to everyone, "Her Royal Highness probably means that although Cambodia is a small country and has just gone through wars, there are very few cases of such horrible falsification. If they have this Such things are generally handled strictly and swiftly. Of course, all this should be done under the premise of strictly complying with the legal provisions. What? Are there any laws in Cambodia?! Comrade, it’s easy for you to ask. It affects the harmonious relationship between China and Cambodia! Oh, you are from AFP? When I didn’t say it!"

After his provocation, everyone’s awareness of the harmfulness of this counterfeit and shoddy was raised to several levels. They all realized that this kind of behavior is a great crime against all the people in Jiangnan. Exposure allows everyone to guard against the slightest failure and carry out in-depth anti-work.

When everyone was shooting frantically around the broken concrete electric poles, Fan Wuyin led His Royal Highness to the side to see the Yangtze River. Although it was already winter, the surface of the Yangtze River was still full of waves. The vast expanse of weather, as the saying goes, Shen Shen runs through the north and south, and the vast nine schools flow into China. It really deserves to be the longest river in China. Although it is not the mother river, it is also regarded as the Yiniang River.

"Why are there defects on this road?" The princess was not interested in seeing the Yangtze River, so after looking far away, she turned her attention to the nearest place. At a glance, she saw some cracks on the ground, and she couldn't help but asked curiously.

Fan Wubing pulled the floating soil on the ground with his foot. Sure enough, there were some cracks on the embankment built of cement concrete. It seemed that it should have been a while. The inside was filled with soil, but someone deliberately dug it from nearby to fill it. Yes, it seems that these rifts have long been discovered, and remedial measures have been taken.

But what can be done by filling it with soil? The most is when the leaders inspect the place, don't let them see these traces, right? There is no positive effect on the flood control work at all, or a piping will occur under this fissure.

So Fan Wubing shook his head and said. "It's a cat covering up shit!"

"What is cat shit?" Fan said with emotion when he heard it. The princess felt a little inexplicable. It seems that I have never heard of this term. I also don't understand what it means.

Fan Wubing scratched his head. Explained to her. "The cats in our place have a habit. It is after going out to a convenient place. Always use floating soil to excrete the **** and bury it. Cover it to prevent others from seeing it. This is the source of the cat covering the poop. Of course, people later passed. This word is used to describe a perfunctory and deliberate fooling. It's like a cat covering up shit."

"Chinese cats. It's really amazing," the princess said in amazement after hearing this.

"You will show up after staying for a long time. Chinese natives are more magical than Chinese native cats." Fan Wuyao smiled.

The princess is in a good mood. Although hit a car. But Fan Wubing said so much to her. Therefore, the originally depressed mood suddenly disappeared. Jumping around on the river embankment. Said to Fan Wuyao. "It must feel good to do morning exercises here. The view is very broad. The air is also good. We can't find such a place there."

Fan Wuyi said to the princess, "Don't jump, be careful to step on the river embankment and collapse."

"How is it possible?" The princess said with a smile, "You can run a car on this! I'm not an elephant, how could I collapse?"

Before the voice fell, I felt the ground under my feet tremble, as if it was an earthquake.

Then I saw the cement concrete river embankment slowly sinking.

Fan Wubing was taken aback at once, and pulled out the princess's hand, and then withdrew back.

I saw that the side of the long river embankment near the Yangtze River, with an area of ​​about two hundred bungalows, added a sinking degree. A large swath of smoke and dust was lifted, and it rolled down to the surface of the river. The momentum was really astonishing.

People who were watching the telephone poles over there were shocked by the movement here. Some hands quickly took pictures of the sinking of the river embankment. The momentum was quite shocking, as if the ground was cracked.

Wait till Fengping is calm

Everyone unexpectedly discovered that what was sinking was only a piece of the river embankment, and the bottom of the water was filled with soil. There were not even large rocks that should be used as filling materials, let alone steel bars.

"How was this levee built?" Some well-informed people are already shaking their legs. Seeing the scene in front of them, they naturally know how serious this matter is?

The importance of this embankment is self-evident. As the flood of the Yangtze River is almost done once a year, it is very harmful to Jiangnan Province. Built for the safety of the lives of more than 10,000 people, it will also play a role as a barrier to the safety of the 60 million elders in Jiangnan Province.

But now, there isn't even a steel bar in it? ! The place where the big rocks should be filled is all the mud that you get at random? ! Here, what is going on? !

Seeing the cracks that can be seen everywhere on the river embankment, everyone's hearts are shaking. If one or two flood peaks come here, can this embankment be able to stop it?

The answer is certainly not optimistic, but everyone is also very angry. How did this kind of embankment be built? !

In order to build this levee, not only the elders of Jiangnan Province took out money, but the central government also allocated funds to support it. It can be said that the funds are in place. The construction of the levee is definitely based on the standard levee, rather than what you see. This kind of tofu residue works!

Fan Wuyao's heart was also a little twitchy. Although he thought that the embankment might look like this, he also thought about exposing it, but he never thought that it was just the princess who stood here and jumped a few times and stomped his feet. , The entire river embankment collapsed.

Later, Fan Wubing carefully observed the fault zone, and found that it was already an old fissure. The fault was already formed when he wanted to come here. It’s just that it’s close to the water's edge. Generally, passing cars don’t pass through here, so there is no Encountered too much pressure, I have stood firm till now.

Just now, the princess was jumping around, but it was very rhythmic. It should have caused the resonance of the embankment, and finally shook this large piece of the river embankment that was on the edge of collapse.

Having figured this out, Fan Wubing felt quite relieved, but seeing the dirt under the surface of the dark river embankment made countless resentments in his heart.

"Damn! This kind of thing needs to be investigated to the end!" Fan Wubian clenched his fist and shouted angrily in front of many people. Is this this kind of cat shit-covering project?! Don’t let me know who made this ghost, otherwise I will kill the gods when I meet the gods, or I will kill the Buddhas when I meet the Buddha. Can't afford the money?!"

The reporters next to him were immediately dizzy. The shock of Xin Dao Fan’s words was stronger than the break of the levee. He actually threatened the law with such direct violent means. This is him. With this kind of status, even if it is changed to a high-level government, he would not dare to say such things, or change to another business celebrity, and he would not have the courage.

At this moment, everyone can be regarded as a taste of what is called the courage of the international chaebol, that is, when necessary, there is no need to worry about the so-called government power.

, Now it really is an era of money!

But soon, the leaders of Jiangnan Province, such as Fan Heng and Lin Hao, also appeared on the embankment. Everyone looked angrily to see the soil exposed after the epidermis fell off, and saw the emotional and angry crowds onlookers~www. wuxiaspot.com~ I saw people who called and broke the news one after another, as well as photographers who kept taking pictures.

"How did this matter today?" Fan Heng sighed. He couldn't figure out how Fan Wuyi did it. However, judging from the current situation, it is impossible to make things right this time. Let's fake the cement concrete skin. After turning it out, if it is full of mud, the people who undertake the project and accept the project will inevitably have their heads down.

Yes, Fan Wuyao thought so in his heart. If this kind of thing happened during the flood fighting period, or everyone can't take care of it, the flood itself can also provide some defense against the damage of the levee, because under the huge impact, the levee that has not been tested in actual combat has not been tested. There is no foolproof assurance.

But it is different now. Without the impact of floods, the levee was destroyed in this way. What is the concept? !

This is to expose all the black holes in the construction of the embankment to broad daylight without reservation.

This news was immediately reported to Qin Yue, the director of the Water Conservancy Department in the capital. After hearing this, his eyes went dark and he passed out quickly.

The first update is delivered today. I couldn’t make it just now. I’m so anxious.

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