
Vol 5 Chapter 382: The determination of Deputy Governor Van


Chapter 382: The Determination of Acting Governor Fan

Yue's heart was very clear about the tricks on the Yangtze River embankment. I also know how dangerous my situation is.

Admittedly. He himself can't get into such a big project. The embankment was built that year. The contractor is not the head snake. It's just over the river. With his ability. That is just as a participant.

but. Know when the storm comes. There are often two endings. One is the scapegoat. One is to be destroyed. Two are not good games. Qin Yue thought of the powerful force of the other party. And his tragic end. Suddenly felt that the consequences were very disastrous.

Therefore, Qin Yue who woke up immediately decided. Pack up immediately. Hurry up and seek refuge abroad.

But when I first ran to the airport with my passport. It was stopped by two people.

"What are you doing?" Yue asked very vigilantly.

"Your Qin Yue from the Southern Provincial Department of Economic Affairs?" a person frowned.

"No." Qin Yue said. Is coming to him. There will be no good things. Besides, I'm here to avoid the limelight in Jingjingcheng. Ordinary people are not good. How could two people come to block oneself? These two people must be something good to come. So he denied his identity very rationally.

"That's right. Come with us." A person took a photo and compared it with Qin Yue. Then said.

"Who are you?" Qin Yue took a step back.

There is some fear in it.

Too much walking at night. There will always be ghosts. Qin Yue admits that he has few things on his mind. Now the kid is here. Obviously nothing good.

"I'll know when I go." One answer.

Qin Yue looked at the two people. Kong Wu is powerful and has a rigid temperament. Obviously people in the system. Whether it's your own old man behind the scenes or the Ministry of Security. It's not a good thing. He turned his head and looked at the side again. It is the bustling flow of people. After thinking about it, it would be better for Qin Yue to slip away. As long as I stepped out of that door and got on the plane, I had nothing to worry about. I have deposited a lot of money in several secret accounts abroad. It's enough to go out and splurge for a few years. What kind of business to do. Don't worry about the cost of eating and wearing.

So Qin Yue ran away. At the crowd-past.

|The one who blocked Qin Yue sighed. Said to his companion. "Why do some people always force us to use violence?"

"Because you did this in the first place." The companion replied coolly.

He drew a gun. A silencer is installed. Then, at Qin Yue, who had run several tens of meters, he aimed slightly at the gun.

Qin Yue's body stopped for a moment|like being hit by something heavy. |It's falling down. He twitched his legs and stopped moving.

Two people walked over. Touched Qin Yue's artery. Make sure he has hung up. Then he glanced at each other. Nodded, and then walked away. At this time, many pedestrians and passengers gathered around. Pointing at the fallen Qin Yue, pointing.

Fan Hyung on the river embankment is now facing the statements made by more than 30 Chinese and foreign media outlets.

"This is an appalling crime. It is a crime against 60 million elders in Jiangnan Province." Fan Heng's angry expression was definitely not pretending.

Although Fan Wubing sold him a pass and he revealed that there are more serious questions that have not been revealed. Fan Heng had some preparations in his heart, but when he saw the scene before him. Fan Hyung was still angry.

"No matter who it is. What organization. When did you make this **** worker who humiliated and humiliate the entire Jiangnan Province father and elders. I, Fan Heng, must make a solemn promise on behalf of the Jiangnan Provincial Government. We will investigate this matter. Elder Jiangnan. Give a clear explanation to the people of the whole country." Fan Heng faced the constantly flashing camera. Said word by word. Everyone's emotions suddenly boiled. This kind of commitment. It has never appeared in the history of Jiangnan Province. If you encounter this situation in the past. Everyone was very calm and stern. Then go back to the meeting to study or take some other means to deal with it.

right. Not a solution. Just cope. Don't let your home go out. Especially this kind of government project that discredited social construction. It's not even more suitable for publicity. Even the big member of Fang. It must also be considered that there may be various possibilities. And it involves various intricate networks of relationships. Some forces can't afford to provoke them.

A builder who can take on such a large journey. It's definitely not a waiter. And the builders who can cut corners. It is definitely not state-owned. How big is the problem here. it goes without saying.

Changed anyone. Standing on the position of Fan Wuyi. It is impossible to say this kind of clear attitude at the risk of provoking a very powerful opponent.

So I have to ask questions. "Provincial Governor Fan. Judging from the incident this time. This may be the tip of the iceberg of various phenomena in Jiangnan Province for a long time.

|Is there a determination to solve these problems from the root? Are you ready for such possible pressure? "

Fan Heng replied. "I didn't feel any pressure. On the contrary, I will use it as a driving force to spur me to solve practical problems for the elders of Jiangnan Province. I will not have the slightest softness on the provincial government. Grab one and solve one. I will never tolerate it. "

Someone asked again. "Regarding the problems in the river embankment project. Does the provincial government have a timetable for solving the problems?"

Fan Heng replied after thinking for a while. "There are two things that need to be done about this. One is to ask experts to immediately conduct a comprehensive investigation of the quality degradation problem and make remedial measures. The second is to immediately open a case for investigation. Excavate these worms hiding under the river embankment. . Bring them to justice. As for the time. One month. If the problem cannot be solved within one month. The culprit cannot be caught. I have no face for this governor."

Everyone listened to Fan Hyung's guarantee. They all applauded immediately to express their welcome. Provincial and ministerial-level senior officials who dare to use their official position to make promises. Newly promoted central member. Fan Hyung was still the first. Why not let everyone feel emotional?

Even many people have arrived. Engrave and print the supplement after returning. Today's events can be widely reported. If you continue to follow up the report. There are topics in this month. When the truth comes to light. Will also cite countless comments. The press has no worries about nothing to do.

"What's the opinion of the acting chief of the provincial party committee?" You remembered the courage to ask Secretary Lin Hao.

"On the issue of punishing corruption. The views of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government are the same." Secretary Lin Hao replied.

Stand on his stand. Speak more carefully. Soon experts rushed to the river embankment. See the exposed problems. Several pale old experts stomped and cursed very angrily on their chests. They have condemned the abominable behavior of the people's life and property safety.

After preliminary evaluation,. The entire river embankment is about one kilometer away and needs to be rebuilt. This is a very large project. Not to mention the cost. Just the consumption of time and manpower makes people feel very headache.

Judging from the current financial resources of Jiangnan Province. It is almost impossible to complete this work in a short period of time.

There is so much momentum here. The incident on the river embankment has reached the capital.

Seeing Fan Heng in Jiangnan TV Station facing dozens of media on the river embankment with his fist clenched. The big guys in the capital couldn't sit still. I said this Fan Hyung. Is it a bit too impulsive to speak?

However, some people expressed support. Boss Zhu is one of them. He expressed his opinion very clearly. "In the past, the Kuomintang was before the Battle of Crossing the River. In order to rectify the economy, Chiang Shih sent his son Jiang Jingguo to Shanghai to fight tigers. Jiang Jingguo fought and beat his relatives, the Confucian family. At the time. Chiang Kai-shek said. Oppose. The party will be destroyed. No opposition. The country will be destroyed. Even Jiang Shi can explain things clearly. Don’t we dare to face it? Is it our big party of tens of millions? How many molecules?."

This is very encouraging. But after hearing these words, Fan Wuyi knew it. Even in Jiangnan Province. What they have to face is not just a few elements. They are crowded and powerful.

But there is one point. It is available to the people.

Since Fan Heng made that outrageous remark on the river embankment. The support rate of the people in Jiangnan Province for Governor Fan has been unprecedentedly high.

With the support of Fan Wubing. Fan Heng announced more than 20 hotlines to receive calls about reducing corruption incidents ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and also announced a dedicated e-mail box for reporting on the newly established Jiangnan Provincial Government website. This initiative is also the first in China. It caused great shock in the media.

about this point. There are many different opinions. Especially with regard to the decision to establish a dedicated e-mail box for reporting. Someone compared this move with Wu Zetian's establishment of Tong| to encourage rumors and sayings. Think it is inappropriate.

The media has also published a lot of supporting and opposing articles on this. After noticing this. Fan Wubing also hired people to conduct matchmaking. Anyway, many of the opponents are also vests and hired gunmen. I am rich and powerful. Don't fight against them either.

All of a sudden. The whole country is discussing matters in Jiangnan Province. Fan Heng's popularity and favorability jumped upward.

To know. Everyone is still more supportive of officials who can do practical things for the people. Fan Heng has publicly released his words not to interfere with the governor. What could express his determination to solve Jiangnan Province

Such a cadre. It is necessary to support it.

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