
Vol 5 Chapter 384: Garbage can also tell you a lot of things

After seeing a bunch of garbled code, Wuyi was a little unhappy. When he was about to delete it, an SS employee who helped the provincial government manage the website stopped him.

"President Fan, wait a moment--" He stopped when he saw that Fan Wubing was about to delete the email.

"Oh?" Fan Wubing paused when he heard the words, and turned to look at the employee.

The employee pointed anxiously at a bunch of garbled characters on the screen and said, "I found that these garbled codes seem to be regular. Why don't you stay here and try to recover, and see if you can show your true colors?"

After his reminder, Fan Wubing felt a little bit sentimental. Looking at the garbled characters for two minutes, there are some rules, so he nodded and agreed, "It's worth a try."

There are some computer software and hardware experts in s, so they brought this thing to the ss headquarters in Beijing, and asked them to immediately analyze it to see if there is a rule to follow.

As a result, in less than ten minutes, the Beijing side returned the restored email content. It was not a harassment email, and it provided a lot of valuable information in this garbled email.

In the beginning part, the person said in a nonchalant tone that he did not believe that the other party who received the e-mail could see the name inside, so he told so much information, just want to give it a try How does the provincial government feel when facing Baoshan empty-handed?

"How did this thing come out?" Fan Wubing asked his company's experts after he recovered and printed out dozens of pages of email content.

The experts answered very clearly, "In fact, there is nothing. He just splits the content of the letter into five-stroke roots, and then translates them into codes, and disrupts them in a certain order. As long as they can think of this operation technique Just set up an automatic program for recovery, nothing complicated."

Fan Wubing nodded. The key point is. After many people saw a bunch of garbled characters. The first thing that comes to mind is that the other party is teasing himself. In anger, it is often deleted. But many people did not expect it. In fact, sometimes garbled codes are also regular. There may also be a lot of important information hidden in it.

Of course. Think of the problem and start to solve it. And finally the problem was solved to the local people. It's even more of a minority. If Fan Wubing was not reminded by the staff. Or I would never have thought that there is still such important information hidden in it.

Fan Heng borrowed from Panshi and the veteran case handlers immediately checked and compared the information obtained. By confirming with some parties. Assuming that most of the conditions inside are true. Although the authenticity cannot be determined on some digital items. But the context of the matter is relatively clear. At least now there is a breakthrough direction.

The investigators reported this situation to Fan Hyung. Fan Heng immediately instructed the bank to conduct an inventory of these personal assets. Sure enough, there are a lot of points. The degree of the property of the people can not explain its source at all. So Fan Heng gave an order. More than 30 people involved in the case were all arrested awaiting trial.

All of a sudden. The officialdom of Jiangnan Province is just like a frying pan. Suddenly it boiled.

Although the river embankment incident has already been heated up at this time. Many people are not at ease in their hearts. But no one expected Fan Hyung to move so fast and so accurately. It didn't take long to come to Jiangnan Province. How dare to attack so many people at the same time?

It should be said that it is not only the officialdom of Jiangnan Province that is concerned about this matter. After all, in the past two years, there have been many cadres from Jiangnan Province to other provinces and cities. I still feel a little uneasy. I can think of many advanced workers who are not lagging behind when making money. The Jiangnan incident in Jiangnan Province is a nest case, and the number of people involved cannot be too small.

However, in this way, the Water Conservancy Department of Jiangnan Province is basically a collective failure.

So much so that the Ministry of Water Resources also felt a serious credibility crisis. If the water conservancy officials of a province in Jiangnan were all down, wouldn't it mean that the Ministry of Water Resources did not know people? As a result, the people in the ministry were a bit unable to sit still, and coupled with some ulterior motives, a huge pressure on Jiangnan Province was formed for a while.

Within a day, Jiangnan Province received hundreds of calls, at least dozens of which were notices of inspections or inspections or inspections of Jiangnan Province by various authorities.

Fan Heng was very angry and said to Fan Wuyao with a lot of notices, "Look at it, I'm all anxious to jump out now! How serious is the problem in Jiangnan Province, can't it reflect?"

Fan Wubing picked up those notices and looked at it, then laughed out loud, "This is a good thing!"

"How could it be a good thing?" Fan Heng shook his head. "So much inspections and inspections will waste us much.

Is there still time to spend on the case? "

Fan Heng's worry is that these people from all walks of life are coming to disrupt the situation. At that time, did he deal with them or let him go? Obviously both are very unfavorable. If you have to deal with them, you don't have this time. If you let it go, you are worried that they will find faults. It is really hard to choose.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "It's very simple. Since they are going to check something, they should be warmly welcomed. You can write back to them directly, and say that when you first arrive in Jiangnan Province, you are deeply impressed by the political situation in Jiangnan Province. Very serious problems. The conflicts between various departments are deep. There are many problems that need to be resolved, and there are many cases to be handled. Now the higher-level leadership departments are willing to support our work vigorously. We support our work with both hands and feet. But then again. Since they are going to come over, they check the departments under their respective jurisdictions, and then draw a qualitative conclusion. Are there any problems, what are the problems, and how serious are the problems? This must be clearly written out, otherwise they will not come here as soon as possible. Harassing our normal work."

Fan Heng heard his son's words and said in his heart that this is going to offend everyone! However, since they were willing to come over and harass with a faceless face, then don't want to stay out of the matter. Fan Wuyi's countermeasure was reasonable.

"Okay!" Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao after thinking about it for a while, "I'm going to give it up too. At best, I won't do this governor. It's not a rare thing. I can't stay in China anymore. I'll go with you. Where!"

Fan Wubing smiled and shook his head. "It's not that dark, it's just a group of clowns. Although the senior management has not made a clear statement, it may not be regarded as a test for you. As long as you stick to this level, the future will be the future. It's still very bright."

Fan Wubing saw clearly that the high-level officials are now very entangled in the issue of punishment. They both want to eliminate the problem, but also worry that the hard-won economic construction results will be destroyed. It is the time when the rats were thrown out. If things happened in Jiangnan Province If it can be handled properly, it can serve as a model for the whole country, and it can also strengthen the high-level determination to punish problems vigorously.

Therefore, although the high-level group was silent, the old elder expressed his personal support through himself. This is not without reason, but an encouragement to Fan Heng, which is a way of advancing, retreating and defensive.

Fan Heng also gave up. Anyway, he was not supported by any local power or the capitalist faction, and he did not owe any favors, nor did he embezzle any public funds, nor did he have any handles to hold in the hands of others. I am not afraid of shadows, I do whatever I want. I drafted a reply letter according to the plan provided by Fan Wubing, and then asked the secretaries to change the title at the beginning, and dozens of reply letters were so upright. out.

When Secretary Lin Hao learned about this, he squeezed a cold sweat for Fan Heng. He has never seen a person like him as an official. He dares to challenge the unspoken rules of the officialdom by one person. It is really indescribable. .

However, the reactions from all quarters were unexpected. After receiving the reply from the Jiangnan Provincial Government, they suddenly became speechless.

While waiting patiently for their reply, Fan Heng continued to direct the team to verify the evidence they had, striving to conduct a thorough investigation of the Jiangdi case within a short period of time and clarify all the problems of the people involved in the case.

Among them, what attracted the attention of the Jiangnan Provincial Government and the media was the sudden killing of the former Director of the Water Resources Department Qin Yue, which made the case even more confusing.

According to common sense, if Qin Yue is exterminated, it means that there are higher-level officials above him involved in the case~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This makes everyone more concerned about where the Jiangdi case in Jiangnan Province will go. A curiosity.

However, the progress of the case was not very smooth. Dozens of people involved in the case were very uncooperative during the trial. They made various sophistry and refused to plead guilty, which blocked the case handlers and had nothing to do. After all, abuse of lynching in such a big case is not acceptable. The lowest is also a county-level cadre, and the torture set is no longer available.

After Fan Wubing learned about this situation, he thought about it and proposed a solution.

After listening to his son's suggestion, Fan Hyung felt a little uncertain, so he asked with some doubts, "Can this work?"

Fan Wubing replied with certainty, "Nothing, this is the application of modern technology. If you want to convince these people to be soft, you have to seize their human weakness. Basically, everyone is selfish and in the face of interest. It’s already the law to do your mercy, just wait for a good show."

After considering it for a while, Fan Heng finally decided to adopt his son's suggestion to adopt a brand new interrogation method in the Jiangdi case in Jiangnan Province.

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