
Vol 5 Chapter 385: A new way of handling cases

Long Quanhai, the deputy director of Li Ting, was taken to the interrogation room.

As soon as he looked up, the situation today was a bit different. Not only did the number of interrogators increase to four, but there were also six more computer monitors on the wall, not knowing what they were used for.

One of the criminal investigators in charge of the interrogation is a veteran case handler transferred from Panshi. He glanced at Long Quanhai and said, "Deputy Director Long, before you are convicted, you are still the Deputy Director and a cadre of the country."

"You don't need to remind you about this." Long Quanhai replied with his head held high proudly.

He also has a backstage in the capital. His wife’s power is not small, and he has no sons, so he supports his son-in-law with all his strength. He doesn’t believe that he is in trouble now. Ignore it. For all the accusations, it is just one word and refuses to admit it.

"According to the bank's verification, there are more than 4 million yuan and more than 60,000 US dollars in your account. The source is unknown. Can you explain why?" the case handler asked.

Long Quanhai dug out his ears with his fingers, but did not answer.

His salary and various incomes are only more than two thousand yuan, more than four million yuan in RMB deposits, as well as a lot of US dollars and Hong Kong dollars, etc., it is really impossible to explain the source, and it cannot be said that his wife sold it out. Income?

The investigator looked at Long Quanhai, and then said, "Well, Deputy Director Long is not very cooperative with our work. Well, starting today, our interrogation work began to use new equipment."

New equipment? Long Quanhai frowned, wondering what new equipment would it be? Even if it is an American polygraph device, as long as I don't speak, what can I do? The ancients said that silence is golden, and it really makes sense.

The rooster sings for nothing. That is just one call a day. Frogs are noisy all day long. But I didn't see any special benefits. On the contrary, it has attracted many people who catch frogs and eat land.

But after the monitor screens on the wall light up one by one. Long Quanhai had a problem. On the screens of these displays. A lot of video information appeared. A display is divided into four display areas. In each area, there is a person involved in the case being interrogated.

Long Quanhai took a look. Among these people. Basically they are familiar with themselves. Many people are involved in the Jiangdi case. Also participated in the mastermind and coercion of the fraud project.

There was a sudden thud in his heart. Some vibrations.

During the capture site. In order not to give them opportunities for collusion. All act at the same time. Catch the ground separately. They were not allowed to meet after the arrest. Nor did they inform them of the progress of the case. Therefore, Long Quanhai and others did not know that their comrades were basically arrested.

Suddenly saw this situation at this time. The touch on Longquan Haiti is very big.

Next, the investigator said to him, “You also know our policies. Be lenient in frankness and strict in resistance. This is not a lie. The provincial government has a policy. It is better to explain it later than early and provide clues to the case first. Counted as meritorious performance, now with these twenty-odd people, can you guarantee that they are all tight-lipped?"

Long Quanhai's heart was up and down. Obviously he didn't have much confidence in these people, but he was not willing to act as a breakthrough point. If he admits this, his future will be ruined.

The case-handling personnel are experienced and experienced. When Long Quanhai's expression changes, he knows that his psychological defense has begun to be unstable, so he added a fire and said, "Where to go, you can decide what to do!"

Long Quanhai still had some fluke in his heart, but when he held on for two days, he saw that someone in the monitor started to talk to the investigator and left, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

When he saw that many people were leaving, he finally couldn't sit still. If he resisted, he couldn't grasp the initiative. Especially when he saw that the same deputy director also surrendered, he felt that The general trend is gone.

"I'll explain!" Long Quanhai, who had been suffering for so many days, finally surrendered.

Originally, he didn't want to give up like this, but after so many days, he didn't see the forces on his side contacting him or trying to find people. It can only show that this time the matter has already reached the sky, otherwise it will definitely not be like this. Seeing Someone has given up on their own initiative, and there is no point in sticking to it. After all, this matter involves many people, and it is not something that can be held by sticking to it.

Now only hope that after an earlier confession, some big tigers will be pulled out, so that Fan Heng feels unable to start, can he save his life.

So Long Quanhai talked about what he knew to the investigators all afternoon, and after finally recognizing and signing, he asked, "How many people have accounted for it now?"

"Of the cadres at the deputy department level, you are the first one." The case handler replied without looking up.

"Isn't it? I obviously saw Xue Pengju and Chen Rong confess it?!"

Asked with confidence.

The investigator raised his head, closed the file, and replied blankly, "I have to go to the bathroom halfway through, and it is normal to leave. As for the back shots, we cut off. Also, the front shots are all. It’s looped, don’t you see anything wrong after watching it for so many days?"

"Ah?!" Long Quanhai felt a little vomiting blood after listening.

After thinking about it, it seemed that this was really the case. No wonder I felt that several shots seemed familiar. I thought it was these veterans who were serious and unmoved, but I didn't expect it to be a recorded show!

"You are an inducing confession! It doesn't count!" Long Quanhai yelled in despair.

According to the normal case-handling procedures, the confession obtained by the inducement cannot be used as evidence for the conclusion of the case. Therefore, Long Quanhai thought of this problem and wanted to overturn all his confessions.

The investigator smiled and said, "Deputy Director Long, don't get excited. While you are confessing, we broadcast your voice to all involved in the case simultaneously, so everyone now knows what you said. Moreover, We also want to tell you a happy thing. Under your leadership, there are now nine people involved in the case6 who have continued to recruit confessions. We are sorting out the specific content and verifying each other. So, you want It is also possible to retract the confession, but you need to bear all the consequences after the confession is retracted."

After hearing these words, Long Quanhai was immediately dumbfounded. He never expected such a thing to happen.

If the person handling the case is right, he is going to retreat now.

Fan Heng was very excited after receiving the progress reported by the investigators. In just ten days, he cleared the situation of the Jiangdi case in Jiangnan Province, and captured most of the people involved. The detailed and powerful testimony was simply unimaginable in the past.

There were as many as six director-department-level cadres involved in this case, more than 20 department-level cadres, and the deputy ministerial-level cadres who operated behind the scenes. They were not arrested. These two deputy ministerial-level cadres were not arrested. Naturally, he went up from Jiangnan Province. This time he was implicated in the Jiangdi case, and it was already inevitable.

Fan Wuyao saw the smile on his father Fan Heng's face and said, "How about it? Have you tasted the benefits of high technology?"

"It's really good, how did you come up with this set of methods, why don't others not?" Fan Heng was a little surprised at these endless methods of his son.

Whether in the market or in the officialdom, Fan Wuyi's cunning schemes are endless, simple and effective, which makes Fan Heng feel that his son is an omnipotent mythical figure.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Actually, I just have a little knowledge of human nature."

Human nature is selfish and self-interested, especially for corrupt officials, so you don't need to worry that they will be loyal to your brothers, and you will not let go. In fact, whether in the face of interests or in front of case handlers, betraying others to protect themselves is always their first choice.

Fan Heng instructed the case-handling personnel to organize the report of the case, then collect all kinds of evidence and exhibits, and at the same time report the progress of the organized case to the higher level.

What is gratifying is that through this trial of the Jiangdi case, a gap was finally opened in the ironclad Jiangnan Province officialdom. The fact about the 20 billion funding gap has also been partially corroborated. Under the two corresponding charges, it is sufficient to prove the predecessor. Fan Heng's original intention of coming to Jiangnan Province was finally realized smoothly for the corrupt behavior of the officials during the construction of the river embankment and the construction of high roads.

Under this situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the senior management finally called, first to congratulate the Jiangnan Provincial Government, under the leadership of Fan Heng, for sorting out these two shocking cases in a short period of time, and to praise all the case-handling personnel. The second is to ask the Jiangnan Provincial Government what specific arrangements will be made for the next trial of the case?

After thinking about it for a while, Fan Heng replied in 16 words, "Media supervision, public trial, punishment, and thorough investigation."

When he made such a statement, the senior management suddenly became aphasia again.

Driven by Fan Wubing, the media in Jiangnan Province, and various influential media at home and abroad, are enthusiastically discussing one thing, whether this time the Jiangnan Province nest case really happened. The possibility of a public hearing?

Will the high-level officials allow these high-level cadres to be pushed to the public for public hearings? That's a self-defeating act!

At this moment, all the important figures related to Van Hengfan’s disease-free call in one after another to remind the father and son whether they have done a little too far? This kind of thing is equivalent to hitting some people in the face!

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