Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,302 I have the opportunity to take you to that world

Ao Yan, a breakthrough!

Not only did she integrate her cultivation into the heaven and earth, but she also broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm in one fell swoop!

Complete understanding of dozens of rules!

Although he is in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, he can easily fight against Daluo Golden Immortal.

Her laws are all passed down through ancient memories. It is easy to understand, but it takes time to deepen them.

And if you want to make breakthroughs again, it will take time to settle.

Not only that, after this breakthrough, the ancient inherited memories about the Dragon Clan have changed again, and the memories have increased!

Ao Yan understood the deeper concept of realm, and also knew that true Taoism requires the application of laws, not just understanding the laws.

No one had ever told her this.

Ao Yan was frightened for a moment.

Xiaobai doesn't know these things. He may have gone too far and got sidetracked!

In a hurry, Ao Yan immediately transformed into a human form and carefully took out a token from her body. When she was about to contact Jiang Xiaobai, a jade hand pressed on her wrist.

It was Gu Ning who was wearing a cool swimsuit. She had an exaggerated sun hat on her head and large sunglasses that covered half of her face.

It looks out of place in this world!

But when Ao Yan saw him dressed like this, he felt familiar!

"Mr. Gu, you..."

"Huh? What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

Gu Ning smiled charmingly and stretched out her hand to gesture at her body that would make people spurt blood.

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

Ao Yan can guarantee that any man will go crazy when he sees this!

But that's not the point. It's what Gu Ning is wearing. There's something familiar about the way she's dressed.

Ao Yan had seen it before, in that nightmare trial!

It was a world she couldn't imagine, a strange world completely different from what she knew.

And that place seemed to be Xiaobai's home.

She saw the bicycle that Xiaobai once made, and those wooden dolls...

"Huh? Have you been to that strange little world too?"

Suddenly Gu Ning reacted and said curiously: "You have really been there!"

Ao Yan nodded subconsciously, then shook his head again.

"No... I've never been there, but I've seen it in my nightmares..."

On the contrary, Gu Ning showed an expression of relief.

"I'm just saying, how could you, a girl, have been there... That place is only accessible from the Earth Immortal Realm. You haven't even been to Jiutian Continent~"

"Let's not talk about this. I have the opportunity to go to the Earth Immortal Realm. I will take you to see that strange little world. That little world is the most special place I have ever seen. There is no one like it. There are so many interesting things. ”

After Gu Ning finished speaking, he took Ao Yan's arm and said, "I know you want to contact Xiaobai and tell him something, but you can't tell him these things, or you can't tell him so early."

"The path he wants to take is different from us and everyone else."

As he spoke, Gu Ning's face showed hope: "That is a road that no one has ever walked before, a road from scratch, a road that belongs to him alone..."

Ao Yan felt dizzy after being told that, but Gu Ning was Xiaobai's master and would never harm him.

"Mr. Gu, I... want to see Xiaobai."

Ao Yan held her hand and spoke softly.

At the same time, everyone who had already integrated their strength into the Heavenly Way of the Nine Heavens Continent also returned from their travels. They were all excited to see Ao Yan wake up and break through.

Ao Cheng was the first to rush forward.

"Sister, how does it feel to break through? Has our dragon bloodline become stronger again?"

Facing Ao Cheng, Ao Yan had a different attitude.

He glanced at it coldly and ignored it at all.

For a moment, Ao Cheng's outstretched hand was suspended in mid-air and turned directly into a stone sculpture.

He slowly squatted down, found a corner and started drawing circles.

Sure enough, his biological brother is not as good as Jiang Xiaobai, an outsider, right?

So love disappears right?

On the other hand, Qiong Yu, Nangong Wuyou and others looked indifferent, and they even wore cool swimsuits. Especially Nangong Wuyou, whose abundant capital can overwhelm all women!

Seeing this, Gu Ning waved her hand and put on the black cloak and robe again.

Smiled lightly.

"Since Yan'er has made a breakthrough, shall we go and play with Xiao Bai?"

"Maybe he still needs our help now,"

When Ao Yan heard the words "help", his heart tightened.

She knew Jiang Xiaobai was in trouble again, so she couldn't help but become more anxious.

"Xiao Bai, wait for me, you must wait for me!"

A full seven days have passed in the frost plains secret realm.

Many big guys were a little confused. Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai had really escaped and they didn't know?


If he goes out, news will definitely come out from the outside world.

Because of what Shengzun Suhai predicted, all the dynasties, even the Transcendental Immortal Sect, are staring at the Suhai Dynasty, and they will know about any trouble.

Especially at such a critical moment as the behemoth Beidou Immortal Palace, they actually turned a blind eye to the Suhai Dynasty!

It also gave them endless opportunities.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is still not found. The only thing is that this guy is still in the secret realm, but they don't know where he is hiding.

At the same time, in the special space, everyone, led by Hong Jingchen, was playing chess, drinking tea, eating meat and drinking wine.

It looks like you are having a picnic outside on vacation.

Really, they have nothing to do!

Being trapped in this special space, unable to get out, and having no other situations to deal with and worry about, except drinking, eating meat, drinking tea and playing chess, there is nothing else to do!

And Jiang Xiaobai belongs to a forgotten person.

He has been practicing with his eyes closed for seven days.

Everyone knows that he is practicing, and they are even prepared to stay in a special space for ten or eight years.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Xiaobai doesn't go out, the sky outside won't fall and things won't be chaotic.

They even felt that outside the special space, many masters in the secret realm were in the same state.

Just block the door and it won't be too late to respond if there is any movement.

In this way, Jiang Xiaobai was left alone, and Bai Liang even joined the chess team. With his thick skin, he successfully became a bad chess player!

In the divine valley environment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes,

In front of him, countless laws are gathered together. Although he cannot do whatever he wants, he still has a certain understanding, but he has just reached the threshold of applying the laws!

Moreover, during these seven days of crazy cultivation, he also discovered a problem that was terrifying to think about.

In essence, the Ten Thousand Dao Destroying Divine Sword is also a kind of application of laws!

This is why with this sword, Jiang Xiaobai can instantly kill the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo!

But after all, you still need to be strong!

Understanding this, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was time for him to come out as a mad dog!

He was confident that he could break through the bald man's legal defense with one strike of his sword!

Even Jiang Xiaobai couldn't wait to go to Bai Liang to practice!

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