Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,303 This is no longer a person

Of course, there is confidence, but Jiang Xiaobai still doesn't know much about the methods of applying the law.

Many things are just a concept in my mind.

But no one knew that Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have gone astray from the very beginning when he understood the application of the law.

He is approaching in a grand direction, a direction that no one dares to imagine!

That is a world of its own!

Relying on his use of laws, he is equivalent to an invincible existence in a certain area!

This is the ultimate goal, but how far away is it to think of achieving this goal?

First of all, he must understand more laws, and at the same time, the application of the laws must reach an unimaginable level. Jiang Xiaobai does not think that he can reach such a level in a short time. All he needs to do now is to improve his combat effectiveness.

No matter what, you have to be able to fight against the powerful Hunyuan Daluo to save your life!

Thinking in his mind, he had already retreated from the Valley of Gods.

I originally thought that ten days would be enough, but I didn't expect that I was such a genius that I could reach this point in just seven days.

When Jiang Xiaobai exited the Divine Valley environment, he saw a quite harmonious scene in the special space.

Those who eat meat and drink wine, drink tea and play chess, chat and talk nonsense.

But no one is practicing, and no one can even feel nervous at all. The atmosphere in the entire special space is quite peaceful.

Those who don’t know better think this place is a nursing home filled with old people who have nothing to do.


At this time, an old man's laughter came, and in front of the old man was a white monster sitting on a stool like a human, it was Bai Liang.

Bai Liang held his chin with one paw, and scratched his head in disbelief with the other paw.

Why was he general?

"No, no, old man Liu, you are cheating and regretting your moves. I just made the wrong move!"

Opposite Bai Liang, Old Man Liu smiled lightly. He had already seen through Bai Liang's thoughts and really made him regret his move.

Then Bai Liang thought for a long time and took a step forward.

As a result, Old Man Liu suddenly became a general again!

And this time it was a sure kill, a direct checkmate!

Bai Liang was stunned.

No, why was he still general?

"No, no, step, step up..."

A number of old men gathered around the man and the beast, among them Hong Jingchen stood out. When he saw this scene, he not only smiled.

"Bai Liang, you've been cheating on me so many times. Stop playing chess, you bastard!"

"Who said I was a bad chess player? This is called a change of notice. I used a method you couldn't think of to know your plan in advance. Do you understand this?"

Bai Liang yelled, and immediately started to arrange the game again, regardless of whether he wanted to regret it or not!

Old man Liu blew his beard and glared across from him in anger.

No one noticed at all, Jiang Xiaobai was watching from the sidelines, and watched for a long time.

"You're not good, Bai Liang. You've lived for so many years and you can't even play chess!"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but speak.

Bai Liang didn't look back and waved his paw: "You kid, you know a hammer. This is called a strategy. How can I play chess..."

After saying this, Bai Liang was stunned and turned around suddenly, and saw Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face.

He jumped up from the stool: "Hey, why don't you practice anymore?"

Only then did everyone react and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with smiles on their faces.

It's as if he doesn't care about being trapped in a special space.

"You are quite leisurely. Don't you worry about life and death in this situation?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

"What's there to worry about?"

Hong Jingchen chuckled and said: "With Mr. Jiang here, this is not a problem. The person chosen by the Holy Lord will not be bad."

Jiang Xiaobai blushed at these words. You really believe in me.

Immediately, he didn't waste time and patted Bai Liang's shoulder.

"Come on, practice with me."

Bai Liang looked Jiang Xiaobai up and down, and felt it carefully. He didn't find any different aura, so he raised his eyebrows.

"Boy, what do you mean by this? Is it possible that you have now understood how to use the rules?"

"It's only been a few days, seven days. Even if you are a genius, you are not so powerful, right?"

Bai Liang said in disbelief, and the others also looked over in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai's words really had a huge impact.

Understanding the laws is simple for a strong genius. There are always unimaginable existences in this world.

But it is difficult to use the rules to the extent that you can turn your hands into clouds and rain!

If this path were simple, and any Daluo Jinxian who could weave a golden body of laws could do it, the world would be different!

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel anything was wrong, and instead spread his hands.

"Why, no, I'm a genius."

"Hey, when you say that, I really want to give it a try!"

Bai Liang also got excited. Now everyone is trapped in this special space because of Jiang Xiaobai. It's really boring.

If it weren't for this, Bai Liang wouldn't have insisted on playing chess with others despite being a bad chess player.

At that moment, everyone stepped aside to make space for the two of them.

"Come on, come on, I'm standing right here, you can do whatever you want!"

Bai Liang said to Jiang Xiaobai sternly, and a golden light mask appeared in front of him.

It seems very thin and transparent, but in fact it is all composed of the power of law, assembled in a special way.

This is not simply using the power of the law itself, but a law mask that is ultimately formed through the combined use of many laws.

Once Jiang Xiaobai tried his best, not to mention breaking through, he couldn't even open a hole to cause any damage!

But now…

A smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face, and Yuan Hong appeared in his hand, gently waving a sword flower in the air.


"Nonsense, what kind of strength do I have? Why do I have to worry about this and that when I fight against your kid?"

Bai Liang had a look of disgust on his face: "Do it quickly so that you can catch him and practice. Those people outside are waiting for you. When you touch the threshold, you will get out again."

The moment Bai Liang finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai had already rushed forward.

Yuan Hong's body emitted a faint black-red light.

The moment he took action, Bai Liang's expression changed, and he felt the difference.

The next moment, the long sword thrust straight forward, and the tip of the sword touched the light shield. Only a click was heard, and a crack appeared in the law light shield displayed by Bai Liang!

Suddenly, the entire special space was filled with deathly silence!

Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if they had seen a ghost.

What's this?

genius? evildoer?

Come on, who's genius can do this? How long did it take?

Seven days, only seven days!

Is this a personal matter?


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