Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,308 The Breath of Destruction

At the same time, in the secret realm of Frost Plain, Jiang Xiaobai's whole body exuded a monstrous black energy!

That aura is like a power that destroys everything, wanting to crush the entire world, collapse it, and completely crush it into dust!

What happened suddenly shocked everyone!

Just feeling the black energy made them feel as if they were standing in front of an ancient beast!

Bai Liang's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he hurriedly scolded Jiang Xiaobai.

"Boy, what the hell did you do? Are you crazy?"

Bai Liang is well-informed, he knows what kind of power this is!

This is the trouble of heaven, the power of prism space!

But how could such a situation happen to a monk? This shouldn't happen!

Subconsciously, Bai Liang wanted to rush forward and wake Jiang Xiaobai up.

But as soon as he got close, he was enveloped in endless black energy, which contained irresistible absorption power. In just that moment, all the law barriers on Bai Liang's body almost collapsed!

Is this absorbing the power of law from him? !

Bai Liang fought hard to break free from the black mist. He was completely shocked and his whole body was trembling.

At the same time, everyone also felt that the laws of heaven and earth around Jiang Xiaobai began to collapse and break!

A special hole appeared around him!

All the power of the law was crushed and absorbed!

Crazy, crazy!

What is Jiang Xiaobai trying to do? Is he trying to absorb and devour the entire world?

The devouring power is unheard of, and not even the power of heaven in the entire Jiutian Continent can stop it. The world's heaven is shaking, and the world is shaking!

Even the powerful ones can feel the wails coming from the Jiutian Continent!

Everyone was confused and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in mid-air in disbelief.

Jiang Xiaobai, after laughing wildly just now, fell into silence.

He lowered his head, surrounded by black mist!

The black mist is still expanding. Wherever it passes, the power of heaven is completely unable to compete. Not only that, the black mist begins to turn into a crystal structure!

Like... something familiar...

Prismatic space!

All the big guys here have seen the prism space and even entered it.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai gave him and the others the feeling that a prism space was forming!

What the hell…

Bai Liang was completely confused.

Damn it, what happened?

It was fine a second ago, why is it like this now?

What on earth did that kid do!

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly raised his head.

Everyone could only see his eyes, which were as dark as ink, and black threads appeared around his cheeks!

He seemed to be one with the black mist!

Not only that, but an unknown thing gradually emerged behind him.

In just two breaths, that thing completely appeared in everyone's sight!

It is an extremely dark heavenly millstone, with scarlet and ferocious iron chains circling and shaking around the millstone.

Seeing such a scene, the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo was all shaken!

Even as the invisible devouring power increases, they feel that their own law power is being devoured.

If they are all swallowed up, they will be completely useless!

"Run! Run!"

At this moment, someone suddenly started shouting in panic. Who cares about the secrets of Jiang Xiaobai, the benefits of seizing the other party and asking him to help, etc...

Compared to today's situation, nothing matters!

Everyone evacuated quickly, not even daring to stay in the secret realm anymore, and tried their best to escape from this place through the door of the secret realm!

In an instant, only Bai Liang, a monster beast, was left shivering at the side.

To be honest, feeling the situation on Jiang Xiaobai, he also wanted to escape.

But if he leaves, I don't dare to think about what will happen next.

The devouring power is already so powerful that it knows no bounds!

If this continues, the Frost Plains Secret Realm will collapse because of this!

At that time, the entire Jiutian Continent will be affected!

"So, why does Master keep me here?"

"Let me face such a situation, you might as well kill me!"

Bai Liang tried his best to find a way to deal with this situation. Although there was a way, it was too dangerous!

The power Jiang Xiaobai is showing now is simply beyond what others can imagine!

If you really want to do it, you have to do it to your death!

But now, he seemed to be in a state of confusion. An accidental mistake led to Jiang Xiaobai's counterattack, and Bai Liang would definitely die!

Just being enveloped in the black mist for a moment, Bai Liang felt the shocking devouring power!

Not only that, the situation is also similar to prism space. To put it bluntly, there are two situations.

Either use special means to purify Jiang Xiaobai, or use crushing power to destroy Jiang Xiaobai!

No matter which choice he makes, Jiang Xiaobai's final solution is death!

In Bai Liang's hesitation, a black-purple void door suddenly appeared, and then figures emerged from it.

Bai Liang's eyes almost popped out when he saw the leading woman in black robe!

"Dark...Dark Night Emperor?"

"You, you, you... aren't you dead?"

"Have you been dead for who knows how many years?"

Bai Liang exclaimed.

Gu Ning, who rushed out of the Void Gate, ignored Bai Liang at all and stared at Jiang Xiaobai's situation with her beautiful eyes.

Behind her, Ao Yan and others also looked pale. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's current appearance, Ao Yan's eyes were red.

Is this Jiang Xiaobai?

How did he become like this!

Ao Yan was thinking about rushing to Jiang Xiaobai's side.

"Don't go, if you go there now, you will die!"

Gu Ning grabbed Ao Yan, held him in his arms and comforted him: "It will be okay. I'm here. It's all a small matter."

As he said this, Ao Yan could feel the shock in Gu Ning's tone, and his voice was even trembling!

In fact, Gu Ning did not expect such a situation to occur.

The aura around Jiang Xiaobai that was like a prism space was hard to understand!

You must know that this will only happen when there is trouble in the way of heaven, and when the way of heaven itself is incomplete.

But that is just the projection of Heavenly Dao in the world. How could it appear in a living monk?

"Bai Liang?"

At this time, another Void Gate appeared, and Bai He and the Emperor appeared in front of everyone in a state of embarrassment. Not only that, there seemed to be some terrifying ferocious beast roaring inside the Void Gate they passed through.

Bai He rushed over and said to Bai Liang: "Did your kid do something he shouldn't have done? How did he become like this!"

"How do I know!"

Bai Liang shouted subconsciously, and immediately looked at the three big guys in front of him in a daze.

"No, you three...shouldn't you all be...dead?"

"Can someone explain to me what is going on!"

"A little waste has become like this, and three dead old people still show up?"

Bai Liang only felt that his brain was not enough.

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